Review: Learn How Is A Con Job Trying To Swindle You (2024)

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  • Review: Learn How Is A Con Job Trying To Swindle You

Jan, 29 - 202038 commentsReviews,Scams

Website Details:

Review: Learn How Is A Con Job Trying To Swindle You (1)


  • Feed: The feed section of the website shows you a variety of different dating profiles that you can message.
  • Messages: The messages section of the website lists all the different messages that you’ve received.
  • Profile: In the profile section you can adjust your dating profile including uploading photographs of yourself .
  • Notifications: The notifications area explains which women have visited your profile.
  • TOP-Users: The top user section shows you who is the most popular users on the site.
  • Settings: The settings area lets you stop receiving email notifications. You can also blacklist people in the section. And you are able to change your password, as well as delete your profile here.


This review / investigation is looking closely at a website called From a quick glimpse at the website we have to tell you that this dating site does not look legitimate. You can read the full investigative report below which explains piece-by-piece exactly why we don’t think this is a real place to interact with legitimate women looking for casual hookups.

Connections To Many Other Bogus Hookup Sites

Right off the bat we can tell you that this website is associated to a bunch of different fake casual dating sites that we’ve already reviewed and written extensive reports on. A list of the websites connected to this one includes,,,, and

All of these websites have the same general layout, they have the same exact functions, and they operate in the same manner. They’re all connected (most likely owned by the same people) who hide behind different shell corporations. The corporate address for Jucy Date is located in a country called Cyprus located near Greece. FYI Cyprus is a haven for many scam internet companies.

100% Proveable Fact Is That JucyDate Uses Fake Profiles

It is a 100% verifiable fact that does create and utilize fictitious dating profiles. We had our suspicions and we have confirmed our suspicions. This website is involved point-blank with using fake profiles. Almost every single dating site that we’ve ever reviewed and exposed for being a scam was involved in creating fake profiles. This is always the first method that they use to trick you. By creating unlimited amounts of phony profiles they can make it appear like the website is a hotbed of horny women looking for casual hookups.

By using images of hot looking women and then building fake profile pages they easily can lure thousands of men to join their fake dating site on a daily basis.

What they do is they steal photographs of women from social media sites and adult image sites. Then they create fake profile pages, and on the dating profiles they use a fake age, fictitious location etc. They fill out all the personal information to make it look as if it’s a real girl who join the website and is seeking casual encounters. But none of it’s true, all of its a lie used in a dirty agenda to get you to join the fake hook-up site.

The reason we found out that the website is creating fake profiles is because they admit it directly in their terms and conditions page in section 7 F3. This is where they admit that they use AI profiles which is an abbreviation for “artificial intelligent profiles” signifying that they’re using fictitious profiles. When a dating profile is using artificial intelligence it means that it’s not real.

Bogus Dating Profiles Using Stolen Photos

Since the website admitted to creating fake artificial intelligent profiles we were on a quest to find out where they were taking these photographs from. The dating profiles that they create are fake but the photos is in these concocted profiles are real women. It’s just that the females do not realize that their photographs are being used on a scam dating site. What we’ve done is we’ve scoured the internet using a software program called TinEye to perform reverse image searches. With Tin Eye we were able to find out where all the pictures for these fake profiles were being stolen from. We’ve listed the links to where you can find the original pictures on the original websites.

Review: Learn How Is A Con Job Trying To Swindle You (2)

This is a photograph of a YouTuber and internet celebrity called Rae Kanoa. You may have heard of her, maybe you haven’t but the chances of her creating a dating profile on this website are less than 1%. The people who own have stolen her photograph and then built a fake profile without her permission.

Below we’ve included the links where we found this exact picture on the original websites.


Review: Learn How Is A Con Job Trying To Swindle You (3)

(Screenshot of a fake profile using stolen photograph found on six different websites.)


Review: Learn How Is A Con Job Trying To Swindle You (4)

(Screenshot of a fake dating profile stolen from other websites)


We Received 14 Bogus Messages

Below we’ve taken a screenshot showing you that we received 14 different messages. And just like the fake dating profiles that the site is responsible for creating they’re also involved in sending people fake computer-generated messages. They send us bogus messages in the hopes that we would reply back to the messages. But you cannot reply to any messages on the website until you purchase an upgraded membership. These fake messages are sent to anyone who joins Jucy Date. You can do an experiment yourself by joining the site and see if you receive messages like we did. We can promise you that you will see the same exact same results as us.

Review: Learn How Is A Con Job Trying To Swindle You (5)

(Screen shot of the 14 bogus messages we got.)

Who Would Contact A Person With No Photos On His Profile?

This is even more proof that this website’s not real. What type of female would contact a guy who doesn’t have any pictures on profile page? We are all visual creatures, both male and female. So when we noticed that we had 14 messages that were sent to us we knew something was not right. It’s all a scam. There are no real women sending us messages, it’s all a trick to get us to use this site more. It is not logical that 14 different email women would email a person who doesn’t have any photos on his profile page. If you look at the screenshot we provided you can see that there’s no profile photograph on our dating profile.

Like we’ve already stated the website is using computer-generated messages to send us emails. That’s why it looks like 14 different women have emailed us but in reality none actually have. It’s all an illusion, a trick to get us to buy a membership on this fake dating service.

Review: Learn How Is A Con Job Trying To Swindle You (6)

The Terms Page Talks About Fake Profiles

Below we’ve included the most important part all the terms and conditions page. In section 7 F3 they openly admit that they create fake dating profiles. They call these bogus profiles AI profiles, which is an abbreviation for artificially intelligent profiles. They tell us that the reason they use these AI profiles is so you’ll have someone to chat with when there are not enough real people using the website. You can read the most important parts of the terms and conditions below or click on this link and be taken directly to terms and conditions page.

  • For the purposes of provision of our Websites to you via the Website during the hours of low attendance, we may register ai profiles as Users so that you may continue using Website and chatting with other Users uninterruptedly when the number of active Users is decreasingAll ai profiles are marked by UP icon on profile picture or next to profile name.Types of icons:UP – unreal personality

Hosting Server Info:

Contact Information:

  • Phone:
  • Addresses: Digital International Inc, 1st floor Hadjikyriakeion Bld 1 1 Podromou Avenue Strovol Nicosia 2064 Cyprus
  • Email: [emailprotected]
  • Web Page:

Final Decision:

This isn’t the first dating site that we’ve exposed for deceptive business tactics and it won’t be the last. We’ve done over 600 dating reviews and Jucy Date is one in a long line of hundreds of fake hookup sites that we’ve personally joined and investigated over the past five years. Keep your guard up and always use common sense.

Remember if a dating profile looks too good to be true it probably is. Remember that they use images of adult stars and women in bikinis to trick you into believing that these girls are actually contacting you for casual encounters. Don’t fall for it!

File A Report

Where To Find Real Women?

if you are interested in searching for real local women on legitimate dating service you can click on the link.

Comments38 comments

  • Our Shocking Review Proves That Is A Full Fledged Fraud | says:

    January 29, 2020 at 9:15 pm

    […] that we’ve already exposed for being fake. These sites include,,,,,, and, all of which are owned and oeprated by […]


    • Review: Learn How Is A Con Job Trying To Swindle You (7)TR Michels says:

      April 28, 2021 at 10:53 pm

      As a writer .I’ve. Spent hundreds of hours texting many of the best looking girls. Invariably they will lead you to live sex for, for each girl, every visit. This probably how the site and the girls make money. Therefore, the site could be called legitimate. Many of the girls say they are looking for “long term relationship” which undoubtedly keeps the john’s in the hook.
      The girls are basically ” sex site protistutes” being used by the john’,to fulfill their sexual fantasies.
      What is not being looked at is how this affects the morals and psyche of girls age 18 to 25 years. I have seen sever cases of split personalities, and many cases of guilt. These girls are being destroyed emotionally in order to make living for themselves and their fatherless children. And how does this affect the children?
      This no different than street prostitution.or the stripping industry.

      It goes much deeper than the author of the article suggests.


    • Review: Learn How Is A Con Job Trying To Swindle You (8)Paul Heath says:

      May 25, 2021 at 8:24 pm

      I think the site’s are awesome


    • Review: Learn How Is A Con Job Trying To Swindle You (9)Justin says:

      July 2, 2023 at 4:35 pm

      I’ve messages over 200 women on jucydate and each and everyone has proven to bee a fake bot site ran profile and I’m willing to give you complete access to my profile on it to prove everything I’ve said


      • Review: Learn How Is A Con Job Trying To Swindle You (10)Tom says:

        July 8, 2023 at 4:34 am

        How can they be fake ? I’ve messaged with some profiles for long periods of time they seem real to me ?


  • says:

    January 29, 2020 at 9:16 pm

    […] we go again investigating another dating site associated with,,, and All these sites look exactly the same. The only thing that changes is the name of […]


  • says:

    […] cookie cutter websites and that’s the domain name. Babes2Date looks exactly like, and as well as and All 5 of these sites look the same. The […]


  • Review: Learn How Is A Con Job Trying To Swindle You (11)Huber Roman says:

    February 2, 2020 at 4:59 am

    I just humor these loser scammers… make believe I’m into the convo just to see it’s all computer animation…


    • Review: Learn How Is A Con Job Trying To Swindle You (12)Admin says:

      February 2, 2020 at 3:13 pm

      all the messages are computer generated yes.


  • Review: Learn How Is A Con Job Trying To Swindle You (13)Garold McLaws says:

    February 19, 2020 at 3:06 am

    some of the guest will ask you to go to hangouts where they will ask you for a stream or amazon card


    • Review: Learn How Is A Con Job Trying To Swindle You (14)Admin says:

      February 19, 2020 at 6:35 pm

      Yeah all a scam.


  • Review: Learn How Is A Con Job Trying To Swindle You (15)Garold McLaws says:

    February 19, 2020 at 4:28 am

    Jucydate Refund Policy
    In accordance with our Terms of Use, fees paid, Premium Features purchased are generally not refundable.
    However, we may make refunds at our sole discretion. If you would like a refund, please write us at
    The principles guiding our discretion are as follows:
    Premium Features Refund
    We may refund money spent for Premium Features if:
    Scam: you have been scammed by a Member or by a third person on our Service. Please see the Note on Scam below.
    Other: we have not provided to you the services that you paid for, in violation of our Terms of Use and the promises to you on the Website.
    Note on Scam: While we are taking steps to reduce the possibility of scam on our Service, meeting new people on the Internet always carries the possibility of scam. Please take a moment to review our Safety Tips. If you have been scammed, we may decide to refund Premium Features spent by you while communicating with a Member involved in the scam. However, this would be your sole remedy against us.
    Money Refund
    If your account is permanently closed, you will be refunded the value of any unused Premium Features for which you have previously paid, in accordance with the Terms of Use.
    Refund Procedure
    If you believe that you are entitled to a refund, please click here or contact us at Please accompany your request with the relevant information and any supporting evidence.
    In case of conflict between this Refund Policy and our Terms of Use, Terms of Use will prevail.

    what a joke


    • Review: Learn How Is A Con Job Trying To Swindle You (16)Admin says:

      February 19, 2020 at 6:35 pm is all a scam, not real at all.


      • Review: Learn How Is A Con Job Trying To Swindle You (17)BOM says:

        October 16, 2022 at 12:21 am



    • Review: Learn How Is A Con Job Trying To Swindle You (18)Robert says:

      March 26, 2020 at 11:56 pm

      Nothing but crooks.


    • Review: Learn How Is A Con Job Trying To Swindle You (19)George Brumbly says:

      June 11, 2020 at 6:18 pm

      Thank you for the information on these websites. For the past two months I have definitely been third-party scammed with my heart stolen more than twice. Signed up with the sites that I couldn’t get my money back for. But this time I would like to get it back and I appreciate the offer that you made to possibly do that for me.
      This is the email I just sent a minute ago. I sent it to [emailprotected]
      It is CEO instead of COM he protects him from something that has to do with overseas.

      I am messaging all the websites that I was signed up to unwittingly. All of them under which [emailprotected] is part of. I am directing you to permanently cancel and delete my account on any of the websites that you signed me up for a directed me too. Such as juicy, hook up and f*, come with, come with, up to, meet, tender, dinner meats, local temptation that COM, and any other websites that your company directs me to with pop ups. My account to be deleted today ASAP permanently closed and canceled. You’ll be hearing from me shortly concerning the refund that you refuse to give me.

      George Brumbly

      I could sleep easier if we give these guys some trouble. I can’t go around playing with peoples money or their heart.
      Especially during a lonely time during the COVID-19 pandemic. Please let me know what you think and if you could help me at all. Thank you

      George Brumbly


    • Review: Learn How Is A Con Job Trying To Swindle You (20)George Brumbly says:

      June 11, 2020 at 6:20 pm

      Thank you for the information on these websites. For the past two months I have definitely been third-party scammed with my heart stolen more than twice. Signed up with the sites that I couldn’t get my money back for. But this time I would like to get it back and I appreciate the offer that you made to possibly do that for me.
      This is the email I just sent a minute ago. I sent it to [emailprotected]

      I am messaging all the websites that I was signed up to unwittingly. All of them under which [emailprotected] is part of. I am directing you to permanently cancel and delete my account on any of the websites that you signed me up for a directed me too. Such as juicy, hook up and f*, come with, come with, up to, meet, tender, dinner meats, local temptation that COM, and any other websites that your company directs me to with pop ups. My account to be deleted today ASAP permanently closed and canceled. You’ll be hearing from me shortly concerning the refund that you refuse to give me.

      I could sleep easier if we give these guys some trouble. I can’t go around playing with peoples money or their heart.
      Especially during a lonely time during the COVID-19 pandemic. Please let me know what you think and if you could help me at all. Thank you

      George Brumbly


      • Review: Learn How Is A Con Job Trying To Swindle You (21)Blue says:

        April 3, 2021 at 7:58 am

        I know it’s a bots of texting me but I’m lonely as hell and have nobody to talk to


    • Review: Learn How Is A Con Job Trying To Swindle You (22)George Brumbly says:

      June 11, 2020 at 6:22 pm

      Thank you for the information on these websites. For the past two months I have definitely been third-party scammed with my heart stolen more than twice. Signed up with the sites that I couldn’t get my money back for. But this time I would like to get it back and I appreciate the offer that you made to possibly do that for me.

      I could sleep easier if we give these guys some trouble. I can’t go around playing with peoples money or their heart.
      Especially during a lonely time during the COVID-19 pandemic. Please let me know what you think and if you could help me at all. Thank you

      George Brumbly


    • Review: Learn How Is A Con Job Trying To Swindle You (23)George Brumbly says:

      June 11, 2020 at 6:23 pm

      Thank you for the information on these websites. For the past two months I have definitely been third-party scammed with my heart stolen more than twice. Signed up with the sites that I couldn’t get my money back for. But this time I would like to get it back and I appreciate the offer that you made to possibly do that for me.

      I could sleep easier if we give these guys some trouble. I can’t go around playing with peoples money or their heart.
      Especially during a lonely time during the COVID-19 pandemic. Please let me know what you think and if you could help me at all. Thank you

      George Brumbly


    • Review: Learn How Is A Con Job Trying To Swindle You (24)George Brumbly says:

      June 11, 2020 at 6:25 pm

      Thank you for the information on these websites. For the past two months I have definitely been third-party scammed with my heart stolen more than twice. Signed up with the sites that I couldn’t get my money back for. But this time I would like to get it back and I appreciate the offer that you made to possibly do that for me.

      I could sleep easier if we give these guys some trouble. I can’t go around playing with peoples money or their heart.
      Especially during a lonely time during the COVID-19 pandemic. Please let me know what you think and if you could help me at all. Thank you

      George Brumbly


  • Review: Learn How Is A Con Job Trying To Swindle You (25)James Aaron wiles says:

    March 9, 2020 at 6:54 am

    Hi my name James Aaron wiles , can anyone help me with jucydate.Com get back me join in Jucydate .Com please


  • Review: Learn How Is A Con Job Trying To Swindle You (26)Daryl says:

    March 16, 2020 at 11:24 pm

    I don’t have a problem with site and meet real women.


  • Review: Learn How Is A Con Job Trying To Swindle You (27)Kingston says:

    March 24, 2020 at 4:29 pm

    Like that


  • Review: Learn How Is A Con Job Trying To Swindle You (28)William Heidelberg says:

    March 25, 2020 at 3:21 pm

    I have a problem with texting. Texts I’m sending a are not what being recieved. Don’t know what is being recieved. This is the only site I’m having a problem with.


  • Review: Learn How Is A Con Job Trying To Swindle You (29)Samuel says:

    March 28, 2020 at 10:39 pm

    I want the damn pics/communications stopped. I am not interested anymore. It’s annoying as f*ck. They flood my cell all day, everyday.


  • Review: Learn How Is A Con Job Trying To Swindle You (30)Somenath Dasgupta says:

    April 13, 2020 at 2:48 pm

    Thank you for report.All investigations are absolutely correct about Here I do not want to submit more data which is also proves that this is a scam site.But I want to tell one thing they are not scamming directly from this site.When you go for the chating after some time you will get msg find me here or click here which will redirect you other site .These site will ask your bank card no and details.From where these site is arranging all scamming procedure.I will request all of you not to connect with this site you can be scammed any time.I am continuing my investigation still now and will get back with more result soon.


    • Review: Learn How Is A Con Job Trying To Swindle You (31)Greg says:

      June 9, 2022 at 7:24 pm

      I was on jucydate a few times for chat. It became obvious that almost all the responses were from bots, though I did find some seemingly real conversation. All the avatars are fake. Oddly, I never used a credit card, but got notifications in email that someone was interested in me. As said before, I had no photo on file, but got hundreds of notifications. The most curious thing I found was when (several times) in the middle of a “conversation” a line appeared in the text line of Russian or some sort of Cyrillic language, and the person I was chatting with disappeared. Really strange. Never sent any money to them


  • Review: Learn How Is A Con Job Trying To Swindle You (32)Alexis says:

    April 17, 2020 at 8:17 am

    Can I get viruses on my computer if I download the age-restricted photos that have been sent to me?


  • Review: Learn How Is A Con Job Trying To Swindle You (33)janny says:

    May 13, 2020 at 8:07 am

    I can’t create a Jucydate account, but if there is an account, then the message is not sent.


  • Review: Learn How Is A Con Job Trying To Swindle You (34)Scott Erickson says:

    June 14, 2020 at 11:58 am

    I was on the site and things were seemingly going well until they started harassing me for no having a profile pic. One of the girls admitted to me that she created a profile to set in my likes where she monitored what I was doing. One of the girls got horrible rude so I closed my profile and opened one on wethunt. We or so she found me there and started harassing me saying she knew what I was doing and how they had been watching me. They were upset they I would never go to the pay sites. Have not talked with anyone in person or met anyone. They all use the same generic lines also. When I asked this individual to leave me alone she removed all of our conversations from the account.


  • Review: Learn How Is A Con Job Trying To Swindle You (35)Robert says:

    October 6, 2021 at 7:07 am

    I met someone from and married her


  • Review: Learn How Is A Con Job Trying To Swindle You (36)Farhan says:

    January 31, 2022 at 6:23 pm



  • Review: Learn How Is A Con Job Trying To Swindle You (37)Austin says:

    February 20, 2022 at 7:42 pm

    I love it


  • Review: Learn How Is A Con Job Trying To Swindle You (38)Bryan says:

    March 12, 2022 at 12:54 pm

    I want to get hooked back up with juicy


    • Review: Learn How Is A Con Job Trying To Swindle You (39)Bryan says:

      March 12, 2022 at 1:25 pm

      I want to get hooked up with


  • Review: Learn How Is A Con Job Trying To Swindle You (40)Tim Price says:

    March 19, 2022 at 4:00 am

    Vary impressive expoditi

    Great investigative journalism, thank you.


  • Review: Learn How Is A Con Job Trying To Swindle You (41)Roger Holmes says:

    April 17, 2022 at 2:06 pm

    It’s not based in Cyprus, as the people talk Russian. Yes alot of fake pictures. Half the time you can’t understand what they are replying to. Any Muppet, should have worked that out. I spoke to someone that was a bloke pretending to be a women, then a 13 year old girl, pretending to be a women. You can download the nakid pictures, without signing up to the site. The sad thing is these people do not realise. It’s illegal to use someone elses picture on the net. Can be prosecuted for it.


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