Earth Heart - PDFCOFFEE.COM (2024)


Daniel Winter

Edited by

Vincent bridges

with illustrations by



Introduction Section One

The Wisdom of Tehuti Goes to the Heart of the Matter


One Crystal’s Dance


One Crystal’s Dance; The “Matter” Of Vision

Section Two Section Three

The ABC’s of Everything: A Child’s Guide to the Unified Field


The Physics of Phi and The Alphabet of Symmetry


The Physics of Phi; Sacred Waveform Alphabets: Coherence, Consciousness and the Kabbalah; Hologram to Whole-O-Gram: Consumed Perspectives and Sacred Language; All the Colors of language: A Pure Geometric Origin of Color; A Sound (as Shape) Logic to the Origins of the Hebrew Alphabet

Section Four

The Physics of Consciousness


Focused Attention; Flammable Synapse: Spin-Distributed Awareness; Couldn’t Get A Better Squeeze; Algae Memories; Resonance Geometry: A Unifying Language of Rigor; An Exploration of the Shape Significance of Genetic Material as a Wave Path for Frequency Signature; Can Intent Steer Waves?; Consumed Perspective: The Faces (Phases) of Oneness; Ecstasy, Identity and Immunity; “En-joy”: The Psycho-dynamics of Ecstasy

Section Five

The Fractal Heart


Radiant Heart: The Source of Immune Idenity; Heart Sonics: The language of the Heart’s Beat; Heart Intelligence and DNA Programming; ECG Spectra: The Measurement of Coherent and Incoherent Frequencies and Their Relationship to Mental and Emotional States.

Section Six

The Emerald Modem


Light Cones from the Heart: The Geometry of the Emerald Modem; Landscaping Your Magnetic Front Yard; Love’s Electricity: Sacred Geometry, Coherent Emotion & Planet Taming; Green Magick; How Stone Circles and Dance Circles Keep Our Planet Alive; Symmetry Field Cascade: The Key To Zero Point Energy; Recursion in






the Earth’s Magnetic Gris; The Onset of Planetary Self-Awareness; Fractal Recursion: The Wave Mechanics of Gravity and Consciousness; Stable Techtonics: The Human Factor; The Paradigm-Quaking Measurements of Professor Callahan; The Deep Psyche of the Middel East: Acupuncture/Moxibustion of Earth’s Eros?; Desertification: Patriarchy and “Hard-Making Power”; Magdala’s Green Stone: Part 1 - The Planetary Perspective; Feeling the Faces of Earth: An Imaginative Journey — Touching Perspectives; A Service for Dying Trees; To Friends and Visionaries Dear to Earth Mother

Section Seven

The Galactic Context


The Magnetic Genepool; Magdala’s Green Stone: Part 2 - The Galactic Connection; When Lightning Strikes a Hummingbird; The Seed & The Egg: A Galactic Perspective; Through the Gates: Kundalini, Initiation and Coherence; Kundalini: A Web Conversation; Angelic Feelings; The Implosion Phenomenon; The Geometry of Eternality: How Consciousness Survives Death; Gilgamesh, Gold, Merkabbahs & the Incunabula; Sustainable Star Birth in the Heart of Orion: Who’s in Charge of the Bardo Bridge Out Of Here?

Section Eight

Twinkling Eyes Lifestyle


Braiding DNA:Is Emotion The Weaver?; Nourished By Spin; Sweet Ecstasy; Twinkling Eyes Lifestyle: Glowing Health Heals the Earth & Touches Heaven; The Healing Potential of the Harmonic Module: Emotion-informed Healing; Floforms of Living Water; In An Atmosphere of Feeling: Back in the Ozone Again; Simple Exercises for a Shareable Psyche; How to Touch with the Pressure Wave of Love

Section Nine

Transformational Politics and Proposals


Heart Beat Earth: A Heartfelt Entrance to the New Millennium; Understanding the Projection of Faces of the Stars on Faces of Earth: A Theme Park Proposal; Project Treelight; Planet Heartworks Political Platform





A) An Open Letter to Friends of Sacred Geometry B) A Procedural Explanation Of The Geometric “Flame Letter” Alphabet Graphics C) Speculations on the Structure of Magick

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“What could a scientist and a sage, a Longchenpa and an Einstein in one, have to tell us about the nature of reality?” SOGYAL RINPOCHE, Tibetan Book of Living and Dying


his is a truly unusual book. It attempts to answer the Rinpoche’s question: just what could a mystic with a scientific background tell us about reality? For most of this century, science has struggled with the issue of “spirit,” quantifying and objectifying in search of a reality where the inexplicable is merely coincidence or faulty data. But “spirit” has refused to be so enclosed. The burning question in physics at the end of the twentieth century, the problem of “quantum strangeness” as exemplified by Bell’s Theorem, is similar to the end of the nineteenth century’s problem with radiation, which led to both Einstein’s theory of relativity and quantum mechanics. Resolving this “quantum strangeness” will lead to just as radical a transformation in understanding, and, inevitably, to another intractable problem. The Holy Grail for physicists is that one theory which will explain everything. Steven Hawking has said that it should be simple enough to explain to a bright child. To date, even the most spectacular Grand Unified Theories have fallen short of that universality. However, the problem isn’t just the arcane mathematics or baroque imagery, but the physicists’ insistence on ignoring such spiritual components as “meaning.” Does life have a meaning? Is there value to the Universe beyond its mere existence? These are spiritual questions that physics dismisses out of hand. Yet these are the essence, the glue if you will, that must hold any truly unified theory together. To reject them is to embrace a curious kind of blindness, a narrowing of vision that foredooms any attempt at comprehension to failure. Science has forgotten that it is the orphan child of religion, a sub-set in fact of the spiritual science our modern mind denigrates as magick. Like any orphan, science both fantasies about, and resents the disappearance of, its parent. It feels unloved by spirit, and so attacks as superstition just






those things it would most like to prove. However, science alone did not kill God; Christianity as whole participated in that subtle deicide. Even as science has struggled to avoid and sidestep religious questions, its ever restless prodding and poking at reality has produced evidence of greater and larger levels of meaning. Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Theory insists on an observer-determined reality while Bell’s Theorem demands that we pay attention to some One Thing that underlies space/time itself. These concepts push us toward the spiritual values of mind and God while leaving unanswered that nagging question of meaning. Because meaning only arises from experience, and even the experience of creating particles in the accelerator remains an external and emotionally distancing event. How different is the experience of the mystic who creates new particles of being inside the accelerator of his consciousness. A rainbow glow in the sky might be the only external event, but internally the experience is far richer. Meaning, internally, comes from the content of the experience balanced by the “gnosis” of its context. A flash of intuition that a loved one is in danger has a different meaning than an intuition that the world is in danger, loved one along with it. If we comprehend the meaning of our life, then we assume the momentum of its entire temporal bandwidth, or depth of experience through time. We become then a coherent being, awake and effective. If we apprehend the value of the Universe, then we gain the momentum of all that is, the longest temporal bandwidth of all, and so become unstoppable: immortal. The mystical scientist could tell us many things about the nature of reality. Just read the chapter headings in the contents for a sample. From planet taming to conscious dying, from braiding genes with love to the feelings of angels, this is a truly unusual book. Daniel Winter might best be described as a Gnostic philosopher. I can see him holding his own with Dee and Agrippa, Valentinius and Apollonius. It is Dan’s experience of gnosis that informs his understanding. and this makes him somewhat unique among scientists. Dan stands squarely in the tradition of the medieval alchemists who refused to separate out mind from matter, meaning from experience. The alchemists preserved portions of an ancient wisdom, a form of gnosis that was old when the pyramids were built. The ancient Egyptians personified this wisdom as the Neter, or force, known as Tehuti, or Thoth to the Greeks. The best statement of general alchemical principles is attributed to Hermes Trismegistos, or Hermes the Thrice Great; possibly a real person, perhaps even the great Imhotep, but just as likely a description of INTRODUCTION





the essential secret wisdom of Tehuti. If we remember the tale of Khufu and the Djedi, this secret wisdom of Tehuti lay hidden within the Great Pyramid. Whatever the possible antiquity of the information, the earliest text dates from the eighth century AD. Jabbir ibn Hayyan, the “Gerber” of the medieval Scholastics, produced an Arabic version from an unknown Greek original; probably from the 2nd century Hermetic renaissance, and contemporaneous with the “Kore Kosmica” and “The Divine Pymander.” The following version is my own, using several different Latin texts and with reference to Jabbir for clarification of certain obscurities. I have not adhered to a strict literality, but tried to make the information speak for itself. 1) Truth: (certain and truly without doubt) That which is Below is like that which is Above, and what is Above is like what is Below, in order that there might be the miracle of Unity. 2) Just as all things proceed from Unity by the mediation of Unity, so also is the Universe created from unity by adaptation and combination. 3) Its father is the sun and its mother the moon. The wind has borne it in its body. Its nurse is the Earth. 4) It is the father of every miraculous work in creation. 5) Its power is perfect if it is converted into earth. 6) Separate the earth from the fire, the subtle from the gross, softly and with great care. 7) It rises from the earth to the heavens, and comes down again from heaven to earth, and thus acquires the power of the realities above and the realities below. In this way you will acquire the glory of the whole world, and all darkness will leave you. 8) This is the force of all forces; it conquers everything subtle and penetrates every thing solid. 9) Thus is the microcosmos created according to the prototype of the macrocosmos. 10) From this, and in this way, marvelous applications are made. 11) For this reason I am called Hermes Trismegistos, for I possess the three parts of wisdom of the whole world. 12) Perfect is what I have said of the work of the (golden) sun. Interpretations of these twelve simple verses have occupied thinkers from Albertus Magnus to Issac Newton. Here, we have only space enough to note the holographic and fractal nature of the concepts. This ancient wisdom fragment holds many keys to a unified field of knowledge. As such, it was accepted as the corner stone of alchemy, the original attempt to unify matter and spirit, science and mysticism.






But what if our modern understanding of physics allowed us to redo Hermes’ Tablet? What if we could describe, in a few simple statements, the essence of the unified field of matter/spirit/mind? In one of Dan Winter’s lectures, at the “Love’s Light is Awakening” conference in Geneseo, NY, August, 1987, he presented a series of ten statements that can be taken as a new form of Hermes’ Emerald Tablet. 1. The universe is made of one substance. The compressibility of this universal medium stores form and memory in wave shape. Einstein’s famous equation E=MC2 shows that energy and mass are the same thing, in different forms. 2. The universe has one wave shape, the sine wave. This principle of frequency signatures called “Fourier” means that even the most complex shape is a simple sum of sine waves of different lengths. 3. The universe can be described as a geometry of pressure. Geometry produces symmetry, which allows waves proceeding from opposite directions to meet each other and stand (to phase and phaselock.) Standing waves give the illusion of stability, segregation of momentum, and make possible the birth of matter. Pressure occurs where waves meet. Ratio is sacred; scale is profane. If the geometry of replication is embraced in a seed of any scale, it is ratio that has the power. Size is unimportant where information is concerned, since information can travel to any scale via the wave guide, and be manifested. The universe is a hologram; even the tiniest part contains information about the whole. 4. Focus is the only medium that creates, in a universe made of waves. Focus creates a pathway, or gravity, for waves to meet. According to the “Attractor” theory in mathematics, focus converges the harmonics (waves which fit into each other) into nests which stand, called matter. 5. Shape is the only thing the universe has to conserve. Naming, and memory, ring out only from differences in shape, not substance. 6. The only way to conserve shape along a path is to maintain the ratio of length, area and volume (a nest of ratios.) 7. The best pathway to maintain a nest of ratios is the golden mean (Phi). Phi squared and Phi cubed are represented by the ratcheted dodecahedron. This pathway enables information (shape) to be moved INTRODUCTION





without loss of momentum (mind). The closer a material comes to forming this shape and path, the greater its conductivity. Think of superconductivity that is super-coherence of resonance or wave shape. 8. Coherence at any level is coherence at every level. An orderly relation between wave lengths establishes a connection between frequencies and fields, which cannot persist unless it resonates to ALL frequencies and fields. This harmonic cascade (Jacob’s Ladder) establishes the connectedness called holography, and also ecstasy. 9. DNA is a four-dimensional dodecahedron, in the sense that adding one spin to three dimensions adds a harmonic and a nest for memory. (The pressure envelopes of the little bubbles of light which make up the matter of the gene are enfolded or enveloped with another harmonic, with each successive axis of spin, or symmetry.) The DNA dou ble-helix keeps a set of wavelengths evenly spaced on a path through time and space, thus conserving the wave shape. 10. Light, when folded back on itself, comes to know itself. The spiral-within-a-spiral-within-a-spiral creates genetic material at all levels. Light causes an extra axis of spin, which superimposes a harmonic of frequencies upon a nest of frequencies in an envelope of pressure we call light as matter. This creates extra mind, because the universal mind meets itself at every wave intersection. So the denser the intersections, or nodes, the greater the self-knowingness, or sense of identity.(See Arthur Young’s book, Reflexive Universe.) Thus identity in the cell (immunity) and coherence are the same thing, metabolically and emotionally. This new Emerald Tablet contains the keys to a vast new synthesis of science and spirituality. It also contains the keys to understanding the book you are about to read. This book has been collected from over ten years worth of Dan’s articles, letters and reports. Most of it has appeared through the years in Dan’s periodical publications starting with “One Crystal’s Dance,” and on through the Planet HeArtWorks papers and multiple editions of Alphabet of the Heart. My goal in editing this book has been to present Dan’s ideas in a clear and understandable way. Think of it as a hologram enfolded and flattened down into a literary structure. Each section stands alone, is self-contained, and is also referenced to the whole concept. Each part contains the whole image. Start anywhere you like. Read forward, backward, or just look at the pictures for a while. Then read it all the way through, in one flow, and let your mind resonate to this truly heroic quest: in search of the role of mind in a universe of waves. INTRODUCTION








his section presents some of Dan Winter’s earliest self-published work. The small booklet, One Crystal’s Dance, was put together in 1986 from Dan’s earlier musing on the significance of the platonic solids and the Golden Mean ratio, two ideas that would attain an archetypal importance later in Dan’s work. Like most of Dan’s early writings, these selections from One Crystal’s Dance are poetic explorations of ideas and thought structures. From this we can glimpse the almost mystical fervor of Dan’s thinking. Our selection here synchronistically demonstrates this deep sense of spiritual resonance. As an experiment, try reading this chapter along with a good translation of the short version of the Sepher Yetsirah, the oldest written Kabbalistic text. Compare each paragraph or section, indicated by a space break, with the description of the intelligence of each of the paths, which are the ten Sephirot of the Tree of Life and the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet. You will find that each statement supports and explains the other. This is, of course, coincidental. Dan Winter did not plan to elucidate the Sepher Yetsirah, yet the resonance of concepts leads to a synchronistic commentary like a call and response song from living source to human voice, without regard for distance in Time. Read this section carefully, and enjoy the wordplay along the way. Ideas are introduced here that will be elaborated and evolved upon throughout the book.













(taking comfort in the role of mind among waves…) To say that a substance is Compressible Means, among other things, That it can store m o m e n t u m . Storing momentum may at first seem trivial, But all of nature –– Stars and beautiful babies –– Exists because of this talent. Our world is conceived As being one of w a v e s . We are given A glimpse of the atomic world As packets and bundles of waves, locked In the musical geometry Of coherent wave’s prolonged embrace.






Wave nature requires compressibility.

Compressibility requires momentum storage. Momentum storage allows order to be stored and retrieved. A multi-connected wave surface allows for multi-connected information storage. The torus (donut) is the primal multi-connected wave surface. The atomic table is a polygonal grouping of toroidal vortices, and is archetypically multi-connected. universe is uninterrupted as wave surface, is multi-connected, and is holographic. The






The universal compressible media is a unified field. The key question Arising out of our Understanding of The universe As wave-like in nature, Is: the role of mind –– or C o n s c i o u s n e s s — among waves? We have grasped that the differences Between fundamental forces Are not differences of “substance” But of scale. (Ratio as the sacred, Scale as the profane.) The principles of wave I n t e r f e r e n c e Are the same for waves Between nerve cells at Their synapse as they are for Waves between electron shells at Their quantum levels. They carry the same forces of Compressibility and information storage

— through the same media— they simply act on different scales.






At first we don’t see That information Dancing At the level of the electron shell, Shares the music of the dance Between synapses in the nervous system. Their “scales” are vastly out of Range of each other. Here is where our challenge To see mind among the waves Becomes more interesting. I n f o rmation/momentum/mind Embeds between frequencies When it lives In geometry’s comforting womb ( m o t h e r- m a t t e r- m a t e r ) .






If you pull a coil spring on its ends, It shrinks only slightly on its sides. Thus a small movement can be energetically linked To a great one . The piezo-electricity of quartz Is created by its ability to carry energy Between frequencies down its spiral (an asymmetric coil spring Of electronic life). DNA is coil-sprung likewise In its role connecting the Cell to the choreographic (and bell-like) ring of its etheric body. The brain also sits Resonating Atop a serpentine coil of Glandular “chakras.” It is acoustically phase Locked to the heart During ecstasy. The piezo-electric coupling Of the brain to the Dance of the glands Triggers the secretion of the psycho-active Hormones, the liquid dopant To the body’s crystalline song







The sound to the electric dance of connectedness thus begins as a place to touch between frequencies. In the body this pattern of Reaching to touch between scales, Is designed to go far beyond just sound touching light. This is the axis of Eros Across which the finger of god touches the matrix of matter Through the spark-gap that is man… The bridge between worlds. When seeds of order are planted in nourishing media, they can grow beyond the bounds of their womb. Momentum’s rush to grow Round the vortex seed With center of gravity (good heart), Knows no bounds. The That is Is thus Around the

implosion ecstasy generated seed thought, Which Is At Once

A Feeling, Of Connectedness… Love… Every bond: a phase lock of unconditional sharing. ONE CRYSTAL’S DANCE





We now can see how attention, Focus, Or mindfulness, Can be the medium of creation In a media of wave: Only the wave which can stand as a wave, Can store its information/momentum. In order to stand, The wave must unconditionally share Its momentum in a Geometry/matrix/womb. It requires the mirror of itself Returning Back on itself To create the wave node Which has the illusion of Stability. Momentum in symmetrically opposing directions creates Stability/matter/Maya.






In order to enter The rotational-feminine-matter, Linear-masculine-energy Must be initiated in the spiral dance path Of momentum. The path of conservation of momentum Between frequencies on the (t)light-rope Between energy and matter, Line and circle, Is the golden mean spiral. Focus and attention is the power to hold a wave node (seed) fixed In the flux, like choosing the note(node) by putting a finger on The fret of the guitar string — the shape of the wave which is Given the chance to stand, is chosen by the places of stillness. ONE CRYSTAL’S DANCE





Wordstar Pulse, shiver… self… no other… A compressible media, differentiation from hom*ogeny.

When i am everywhere, i am no(w)here. I am the shape of focus, I can hold an i/eye When i turn about a center of focus, Feeling a center of gravity. Eddy to vortex... A path with a heart; Attending intending to turn the turn (cross the t and dot the eye) Catching my self bobbing Back from the center of the turn, from Vertex vortex to torus torah (called a figure 8) Segregation of momentum in focus i call: i)(not i eye)(not eye mem)(brain Iterate wave form-making A threshold for the quantum to leap–– The waves barrier is the illusion of separateness — Longing is born from this, the only kind of length. Vortex center to as far as eye can touch,

i call universe; From center to limit is one: The boundary holds me so that the Shape of the boun(d)ce shapes me. The size of my center to the Size and speed of my bound –– A constant of fine structure. ONE CRYSTAL’S DANCE







THE “MATTER” OF VISION ENtience, SENsitive, SENsory, SCIENtific — in some way feeling, knowing, and being have their roots in sensing or seeing. Evolution can be described as the evolving of seeing. People are related to words. Both get a sense of meaning from their family trees. A sense of meaning is a vision of relationship — to a universe or a universe of discourse. Division means to divide visions, while UNIverse means to unite in song. Etymology gives us cosmology, and cosmology gives us etymology: “The Dialectics of Enlightenment”: “Life that Brings Them Love, and Love that Brings Them Life.” In a word they are brought together.


In the beginning was the word. And the word was with God. And the word was God. Another name for the cosmos is “everything that can be named”. So we name some thing. We embrace the relationships which its being embraces. How much of that being is wrapped up and resonant in our chosen name? How deeply can we feel when poured into names like SELF, WORLD, and GOD? What is it to say that some words have more “feeling” than others? What is it to say that some words and languages are more “sacred” than others? To womb do we ask these questions. ONE CRYSTAL’S DANCE





Mother, what’s its name? What’s in a name, Mother? What name did you know before you knew your name? Mother. From whence comes the naming of names? Mother. What matters? This Mother: Mater. What’s our name for the womb that bears us, in whose matrix our being and seeing is aborning? Matter. Mother. Suppose the waves of nothingness and chaos are inspired to cross and wed. There is a “Sufi” saying about such a marriage: ”Time Vibrates From Man, Space Emanates Through Woman.” We say not wo-man, but rather womb-man. The waves would not die as they cross one another, instead they give each other, in holy MATRImony, the gift of order in space. They create being from nothingness. The matter they hold together, becomes the rhythm of vision. They find new life, in a life in common. The “laws” of order in space, of close packing, of geometry, are not sterile edict. They are a loving gift from Mother Nature, from the nature of Mother. What IS born when you cross time and space? What is born when you cross a man and a wombman? A Mother is born: a matrix: on the cross of time and space.






Time and space have rhythms of their own, but they have no matrix until they cross. Man and woman may have life and rhythm alone. But when they are inspired to cross and wed, their web of energies embrace: then there is Mother. Wherever two or more are gathered in her name, she is there in the midst of them. The vision of beauty that is Mother: “consecrates marriage and gives it a deeper meaning, a higher beauty”. To be crucified on a cross of time and space holds no deeper meaning or higher beauty than to learn and embrace the gentle secrets in Mater’s sacred womb: The “mmmm” sound: to mmmmake together as in commmmunion, mmmmix, mmmmatch, mmmmend, mmmmate: when your lips mmmmeet. The “aaaah” sound: the first sound, the first letter, the primal harmonic, the fundamental resonance from the root of the tongue: the alpha of the alphabet, absolute, all, Allah. The “Ter” sound: to cross as in to turn, to tear. There’s a cross in the sound, just like the cross in the T we write, and the cross at the TOP of the TONGUE when we TALK. So in MATER is met and made together the first vibration in the sign of the cross. And what God has joined together, let no man put asunder. Motherhood is sacred, as her name is sacred. The folds of her loving embrace are the womb of our being. In the loving folds of sacred language, in like manner, the womb of being is embraced. Across the threshold of symbol, in the roots of language, pulses the umbilical cord of consciousness. The distance from object to symbol, to you from me, as two from one flesh of Mater, is a distance the symbol gives, only in order that the separateness may be made one again. Through the bridges of symbol we learn to yearn to be one. When there is one, there is no distance, but when there is distance there is length. Of length is longing born. When the symbol participates in the reality to which it points, the reality becomes one with the symbol. Thus is language “at first, in principle” both holy map and holy city: the realm of the sacred. There’s an identity, a oneness between the sound and the shape of our mouth when we say the word olive. In the “aaaah” the cup of the tongue shapes the orb of the fruit. The “L” separates the flesh from the stem, like the resonance L we make with the end of the tongue. The “-ive” in “Olive” shapes the Length of the stem through which life is drawn. The sound pressure wave creates and couples matter’s shape as wave. So ALLAH is the sound of the first and the last and the first again. Such are the limits of possible harmonics of tongue shape upon vocal vibrancy. ALLAH is the wave shape which embraces the beginning and ONE CRYSTAL’S DANCE





the end and the beginning again. What is there when the serpent eats its tail? The donut feeds itself because it learned the first turn: inside out. The zygote follows suit. The symbol is the mirror of the shape to which it vibrates. The sound embraces the shape in resonance: a ratio of harmonics, a relationship among vibration, quantum mechanically repeating the process by which matter is structured. Such is the relationship of the cosmos and the name, the naming of God, and the WORD… of God. “Speak but the word, and we shall be healed.” “He has written our name in the stars, alongside his own.” The distance from the One to the Other, from subject to object, is as from God to man. It is only so close, that the bridge of symbol gives Mater to Mother to Matter, bringing a higher order and a deeper meaning. God in man is a holy WORD in the heart of consciousness. The dawning of symbol and of consciousness separates self from other. Longing from length: the illusion of separateness. Does it build a wall to give a name to a brother? Are we something that can love a wall? A living cell grows a wall in the ocean (primal soup). It’s substance is still ocean, but its “cell” wall makes it a cell. And the cells soon make a man. And salt water runs in his veins. With the building of walls a man is born of ocean, as the waters of the womb spill out. Ma-ter/Wa-ter. Earth man will learn that he must love his oceans like his Mother, or she will no longer nourish him. The “selectively” permeable cell “wall” was an “illusion” of separateness between the ocean and the man. Separateness is passing fancy until men, the tears of ocean, and oceans, the tears of men, do see that the wall between them was but a gift they wove as a bond for each other, to learn to love one another. So the name shape of God man and his brother, is a gift they give to each other… From the ocean of Mother, and the roots of oneness, men become the conscious fruits of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Adam means Adamic race. Ieve means symbol. Tempted by the serpent of Eros and the beauty of Ieve, the Adamic race chooses the nourishment of fruit from the tree of knowledge. Man is forever condemned to know the difference between good and evil. We “fall” from the tree of innocence, to see one AND many. Ieve is the feminine receptive form called symbol which builds a wall around the state of innocence. But the wall of symbol is the necessary length (the power of abstraction), which allows us to see and to choose. To see IS to choose. At the very last, to choose to see through the embracing ONE CRYSTAL’S DANCE





power and wall of symbol into the meaning of oneness that is Mater –– is to come home trailing clouds of glory. So this is the way we build a wall so early in the morning, of creation. Our senses evolve from the bottom up: touch, taste, smell, hearing, and seeing. Nourishment from higher frequency, finer vibration, comes “through the wall” at each step. As the range of vision increases, the wall becomes more transparent. The bounds of responsiveness and selectivity widen. As astronomers choose the eyes of X-rays their universe grows larger because they can see further. Such finer waves maintain their coherence, (co-here-at-once) — their information density in wave relationship — over longer distances, through denser obstacles. Our perception as a culture moves with them up this ladder of sense-say-tion. There are many ways we astronomers get to see with more penetrating resolution: telescope, microscope; interplanetary satellite, biofeedback; looking without, looking within. Re-creation for the children of Mater is playing with light. Using higher frequency “words” to nourish awareness, our world grows larger. The bonds between cell walls weave stronger, from tissue, to organ, to body, to collective mind. The horizon of mind is a spectral window on the universe. Sense-usual, sensual, evolution is not the limitation of manhood, it is an open invitation to Godhood. It would be ignorance to think we were perfect and had stopped evolving. We would never see beyond the walls we’ve built. The reason for building the wall is to learn to take it down. Part of the ever more penetrating coherence of the pre-sence of mind is finer awareness inside our body itself. Listening among quieted waves coheres the gross, and tunes the subtle. Emotions are standing piezoelectric resonance in nervous/muscular liquid crystal. Crystal is where one spectrum and dimension of wave field can couple and touch many others. Spiritual being uses this inner coherence (all-here-at-onemoment) for weaving collective mind among vast interplanetary bodies.






Thus emotion tastes and touches of wave field finer even than Xrays… by coupling one orderly crystalline harmonic to many above. These higher more ethereal planes of standing wave stand woven around Mater. They’re in the same continuous spectrum, and it is Mother’s nature to put them to work in us to unify her field. So a friend, a plant, or a planet, does share its feeling directly with us. The physical media is emotion. We have our bodies “word” for it. We are choosing new and old names for our new and old life: psychokinesis, aura, orgone energy, chakra, chi, shakti… Naming finer presence (present-sense) is an important link to selfconsciousness. The name is the symbol, building bridges for our conscious to focus on this subtler inner life. Only with such bridges can our awareness bring us into harmony with our new being bodies. Just like a name for a new friend helps us to know and to love him. “Tuning” your etheric body in order to establish coherence and consciousness in wave forms of higher frequency are less elegant words which say: MAKE PEACE AND HARMONY IN THIS WORLD, AND YOU WILL SEE ANOTHER. Whatever spiritual heritage we embrace for SYMBOLic food, the meaning is the same. We become truly conscious of emotional energy, seeing and choosing to use it coherently and lovingly. In so doing we are giving a new and healing order to a body of resonance around us. It is called the Kesjahn body, personal magnetism, aura, healing presence. Many names forge one link to the “presence of mind” which we have around our being with increased awareness. It is a wave form expanding out into a world of finer vibration and wider vision.






Increasingly our experience tells us that these “bodies” of resonance can live on without this “Mat(t)er” body. What would be the sense if a child of Mother could never leave the womb. We are told that when the Mater body IS left behind, a “Silver Cord” at first connects the material body to the higher one. This umbilical cord of death/birth, is the T of the cross through Tomb to womb. Man’s emotions are a life of music, an Aeolian harp of Mater blowing in the wind of spirit. When the tension and the wind find a harmonious resonance, the music blows gently out beyond the valley and the harp. We find soul food in the WORD rhythms of scripture, art, music and dance; they upbraid the vertigo of separateness with the harmony of vision and oneness. Those rhythms of vision daily recreate a tapestry of peace and mindfulness. United by a willed attention to every generous thought and pure emotion, they weave silver threads of enlightened being around the loving matrix of Mater. Pray in the name of Mother, to learn the secrets of Mater from the illuminated folds of her form. For the children of light are the matter of vision. And the beloved WORD of this Mother, the gift of vision to her children which folds them gently home to her, The Mater of Vision…









teven Hawking once said that a true unified field theory must be simple enough to explain to a bright twelve year old. In this section, Dan Winter attempts just that, an explanation of an unified field of knowledge for bright children. Originally written as a letter to a friend’s bright twelve yearold son on his coming of age, this new version is directed toward the kid in all of us, with our geewhiz sense of wonder at the power and orderliness of a universe with so much seeming chaos in it. Much of this section lays the ground work for later more complex idea patterns. Try reading it with an open mind, as if this was the first thing of its kind you had ever read. It’s worth the effort.











A Child’s Guide to the unified field his story is about the original sacred alphabet, the tilted shadows of ONE donut! This basic pattern for nesting donuts may be THE perfect pattern to help us remember EVERYTHING! Let me explain why. When you are young you see that there is so much to learn (or remember) about how the world is glued together. You might well begin to ask yourself: “how am I going to re-member everything about this complicated world in order to be powerful (and useful), here?” Someone tells you that there is something called “physics” and “chemistry.” These are big books full of rules about how you glue this stuff called “matter” together in order to make stuff like “people” and “toys” and other important things. Now these supposedly wiser older people are getting ready to tell you that you must learn (re-member) all this stuff about matter that’s contained in these very thick books. Instead of trying to remember everything in the thick books called “physics” and “chemistry” you may wish to try a more direct way to understand stuff. What you and I should probably ask is: “isn’t there some IDEA or PRINCIPLE which is a rule or pattern which we can apply to make every thing in all the thick books?” A principle is a basic rule or pattern or idea which you apply to ALL other puzzles or problems.


Five interpenetrating tori




Well good, since we have got that figured out, now what we need is to find that FIRST principle from which ALL other principles or ideas or rules are made. Where do you suppose would be the best place to look for the first rule or pattern? Well where is the most important idea in the most important book around? Probably you guessed that the most important book is the Torah or Bible, and if you did, you’re right! Now, if you wanted to put a most important thing in a book, where would YOU put it? Probably you guessed: “in the beginning of the book.” And if you did you’re right again! So good, that part was easy. We just take the first part of the most important book and there will be our basic pattern for EVERY-thing. We learn that pattern and everything else we need to know can be built from that first little principle. 32




HYDROGEN, as the building block of all the atoms is really a wave shaped into a donut, or torus.

H1 first excited state

H2, Second excited state

This first verse of Genesis in Hebrew read from left to right.

Energy topography of the torus




Next… Un-wrapping the magic pattern. Well you and I have probably read that first all-important part of the Bible. What are the words which begin the Bible? Do you remember? If you said “In the Beginning...” you may or may not be exactly right. It is true that “In the Beginning...” is usually the way we read the first Hebrew words in the bible. But a friend of ours named Fabre D’Olivet thought that we should really be careful about how we read Hebrew letters. So he looked at the way each Hebrew letter was shaped, and the words each letter was nested inside of (in the Bible), and he came up with a super careful way of reading Hebrew. The book he wrote (in France around 1815) is fascinating, it is called: “The Hebraic Tongue Restored.” Anyway, by looking at just the SHAPES of the letters themselves he proposed wonderful words to read the Bible into English. The shape of the letters of Hebrew were enough to extract all meaning from them. His important translation for this most important beginning part of the most important book was: “AT FIRST IN PRINCIPLE!” Later we’ll see that if the universe is made of just ONE kind of stuff, then shape has to be enough for EVERYTHING to get meaning. So I guess we have a clue that indeed our first principle idea may indeed be put just where we figured: in the FIRST part of the Bible. Now Hebrew scholars have been saying for years that you could figure everything out from the first word in the bible. And that if you didn’t get it from the first word, then certainly you would get the pattern from the first verse. And that if you didn’t get it from the first verse, you would get it from the first book… and so on. So, there must be a pattern in those first letters of Hebrew. And it must be the pattern for ALL other patterns. That means that before this pattern, there is NO other pattern or picture or shape OF ANY KIND. Does this seem impossible? How could you have a whole universe of stuff, and not have ANY shape before this shape? Well, it turns out that this question has been asked before. Some folks who study something fun called HYDRO-DYNAMICS have been asked it for years. Hydro- means stuff made out of liquid or flowing. And Dynamic means the shapes and laws of how it flows. Anyway these experts on how things flow together may have an answer for us. It does seem that flowing together is the heart of this problem about where did the universe come from. So it probably would be good for us to ask these folks who study the flow of things. We need to know what FIRST pattern occurs when you have only movement or flow, but NO pattern or order. Well, when we ask these 33




Three ways to symmetrically slice a donut in half. Top view, cut lengthwise (like a bagel)

Vertical Symmetry 8-shaped (Octave)

Horizontal Symmetry Infinity-shaped


Energy flow within the torus

Three vortexes emanating from central point




experts on how things flow, what you can make if you have ONLY ONE kind of flowing material flowing around with only itself to play with, what do you think they answer? I’ll give you a hint. When someone is blowing smoke out of their mouth, so that you can see the SHAPE of their breath, what is the only shape they can make which will stand still (remember itself) in the air, even though it is still flowing inside itself? Of course you’re right, it’s simple: A SMOKE RING! A DONUT. This shape is also called a TORUS. This SLIP KNOT shape is the ONLY way to get LIGHT to appear to stand still! Next, try to think of all the different ways you could make circles on the surface of a donut? What are the 3 different ways to cut through a donut? Each way of holding your cutting knife is at a right angle to the others. If you cut your donuts in these 3 different ways properly, you will get a figure 8 up and down, and one sideways. Thirdly, the cut through the whole flat center of the donut will leave you with a little circle inside of the big outside circle of the donut. These are the three ways you could be making circles or spinning on the surface of the donut. This is kind of like having 3 spinning tops or “gyroscopes” all spinning at once inside ONE toy donut! A spinning top can move from side to side, but it can’t fall over. If you could make three tops spin inside ONE toy, then it wouldn’t fall sideways, or up and down, or back and forth! Scientists tell us these three spins inside the donut, are the reason why it is the best shape for remembering where we put light. You focus, then “poof,” it stays put. Neat trick, especially since these same scientists tell us that this remembering where light is circling, is our only way of making matter (or “mass”). Their special word for what your spinning top remembers is “inertia;” it is the ONLY ingredient for measuring “mass” or matter. Probably we should be very careful what donuts we create by focusing light, because it seems we haven’t got anything else to work with. Don’t spend too much time focusing your mind on things like mad or sad, because guess what happens when you let those feelings face outside? Yep, they freeze that way. So here are the pictures of Mother Nature nesting the vortex, tornado, donut… (this is her form of remembering.)





Vortex pair

Interpenetrating vortex pair




On top see the water vortex, suggesting how donuts flow into themselves every which way. On the top right see how a donut is in a way a pair of vortex. Notice that the top and bottom half of a donut is the same “vortex” shape you see when you pull the plug in your bath tub. Everything that flows seems to remember how to make this shape. Notice how the picture (above right) of a pair of these vortexes looks like a pair of little tornadoes. A tornado is a natural (but powerful) flow in air and water mist, of a bigger form of this same important shape. It seems that every time Mother Nature wants to store a flowing form in some shape or “thing” that won’t immediately disappear, she uses the shape of the vortex or donut. It is interesting to think about how all religions say that the universe is ONE substance. And Albert Einstein said the same thing, he called it “The Unified Field.” What does this suggest about how the universe remembers in-form-ation? You’re right, if you said that since the universe can’t sort things out by what they’re made of (since everything is made of the same everything-jelly), THEN the only thing the universe has to remember is SHAPE. Can you imagine that things like apples and tinkertoys and babies are ALL made out of the same light stuff, and only the SHAPE of the light re-membering how to flow through them keeps them who they are? Do you think this was God’s idea? Or was it yours? And if it is true that in only ONE substance flowing, this donut shape is the shape from which you must build ALL other shapes (according to “HYDRO-DYNAMICS”) — THEN — this donut thing must be a kind of alpha-bet for building EVERYTHING else. But how do we get an alphabet from a donut? Yes, it does seem magical to say that all you need to create matter out of ONE soup, is a cookbook on how to arrange donuts. If indeed the universe is ONE stuff, then there is no other way. After all, UNIVerse means: “One-Song.” That means that the key pattern in our Torah or Bible, must be this cookbook. Torus and Torah are very close words to each other. And “Torus” is the scientists name for this important DONUT shape. In fact the word torus comes from “tourbillion” which MEANS: “scrollwork made of light”! Kind of sounds like an alphabet doesn’t it — a scrollwork in light. So in order to record the pattern which builds all other patterns, all we need to do is write down how to nest these donuts. Scientists also call the donut shape a “domain”. And they say everything is made 35




Cross section of donut

The Sine/Sign Wave

Wave Envelopes




of these domains. This includes electrons, and something called a “field” (which is really just a donut shaped picture of waves standing in one place). Scientists also tell us that everything is made of waves. And they say that all wave shapes are really just various arrangements of ONE wave shape. They call this ONE important wave shape: “The Sine Wave.” Kind of sounds like “sign wave” doesn’t it. Anyway notice how this sine wave shape on a flat piece of paper, is really just the shadow of our DONUT! (The outer circle is just the next bigger sine wave, nested donut in donut in donut in donut.) In another very old and important book this picture is called “The Tao”. So this donut shape is just the tilting around of our scientists’ favorite shape anyway, the “Sine” wave. In fact, the same simple sine wave in air can make all the complicated wave shapes we hear. Even your Mother making sounds with her mouth like “clean up your room,” is really just fancy nests of many different lengths of this simple wave faced off together. The law in physics which says that ALL shapes are just this same simple sine wave added up in different ways, is called the “Fourier” principle. You say it like: “for yeah!” because it means we are all one. The next section asks the question: how do donuts, like birds, remember to build nests? The usual answer to this question is the word “instinct”. But I always felt that “instinct” was just another word meaning “We don’t really know.” In my mind, when this “don’t know” problem happens, I usually start drawing pictures. This helps. So, using pictures for help, next we must ask ourselves, how can this donut thing get nested to make everything. even all funny shapes, like all the different things scientists call “atoms.” (They say our world is made up entirely of these “atoms,” whose shapes are arranged in something they call “the atomic table.”) Well, the table of all the “atoms” that make matter, is really just a table of the shapes donuts make. There are only certain ways donuts or anything can spin around, and still fit all pretty together. Those scientists folks call this “symmetry.” You don’t need to remember that word however, just remember that donuts only nest up into shapes that “spin pretty.” Now spinning pretty into a shape, means that all the faces of that shape have to fit together. The shapes which these vortex pairs make when they do this nesting are: 36




SPACE-FILLING HIERARCHY OF PLATONIC SOLIDS Four spheres in tetrahedronal configuration are the greatest number that can be in simultaneous contact.

The icosahedron, with its edges outlined, is formed by 12 spheres in close configuration each touching five others.

Outlining the second set of spheres produces a cube, the dual of the octahedron. A second set of spheres shows that the tetrahedron is its own dual.

The icosahedron, edges outlined, with a sphere on each face has 32 spheres in all.

The next most economical grouping of spheres is an octahedral configuration: each sphere touches four others.

The closest packing of equal spheres around a nucleus of equal size creates a cubeoctahedron.

The closest packing of equal spheres without a nucleus closes the triangulation into an icosahedronal grouping.

The octahedron outlined by edges with eight additional spheres.





The regular dodecahedron, formed by adding 20 spheres one to each face of the icosahedron showing its dual relationship with the icosahedron.




1 donut pair… picture of donut with one vortex each, top and bottom. 3 donut pair… (a cube) 5 donut pair… (a dodeca-hedron): 7 donut pair… (an icosa-hedron):

Three conical vortex pairs (donuts) describe the cube's energy matrix.

The dodecahedron’s vortex pairing

These are the POLY-HEDRA (Poly means many, hedra means face), the regular SOLID shapes. See if you can still imagine how these faces fit together, even with your eyes closed! Does this feel anything like how the faces of your friends and their “points of view” also fit together? Seeing all points of view at once in your head is called “consumed perspective”. It’s something like holding inside you all at once, the memory of what one whole group of your friends must be seeing and feeling. Later in the big book called “chemistry” you will learn that all atoms (which is EVERY-THING) fits into this ONE simple set of wave patterns called the “Atomic Table.” What holds it all together is these nifty do-hickeys called ELECT-TRONS which are really packets (or nests) of WAVES! They manage to hang together in layers of waves called “SHELLS.” The neat thing is that each layer of shells holds 2, 6,10, and then 14 ELECT-TRONS. (Scientists call these the s, p, d, & f subshells). Guess how many vortices we created above by nesting 1, 3, 5 and 7 donuts into the regular or “platonic” solids? Right you are, there are 2 vortex tornadoes on every donut. I think you kind of get the idea now, that all the shapes of the “regular solids”, and of the table of the atoms, are made of tilting these donuts in order to nest them. In a way this has been kind of fun, but what does this have to do with finding the perfect pattern to make everything from the alphabet at the beginning of the Torah? Now if we are to follow our first rule which was that we could not make any shape except the FIRST shape, then the drawings on flat paper, or shadows, of our alphabet for cooking up matter would look like this. Clearly, these shadows of how to t i l t donuts, do not look anything like the first pattern in the beginning of the Bible. It would be too confusing anyhow to remember how to nest these donuts by just looking at their whole shadow. There would be lots of shadows of donuts where you couldn’t tell whether they were tilted up or down, by just looking at the shadow on paper. So even though we found something to make all of matter out of,








and quite a good pattern, it still doesn’t look like we’ve found the key in the beginning of the letters of our wholey book.

"Surface is composed of triangles." PLATO

Now if we really think about what is our problem in getting the key pattern from off the surface of these donuts onto our flat paper…The problem IS getting the unwrapping MAPPED onto “flatland” paper from off our nice thick donut. Every time we draw the whole donut onto our pieces of flat paper, we do not get a good enough “shadow” to remember how it was tilted. So obviously we must record some little piece of the donut onto flat paper, INSTEAD. But we said before that we are going to start with only the absolute NATURAL thing (the donut). What is a “natural” way to divide up or slice our donut. Any slice we might take out of the donut to “separate” the thing, might not be nature’s way of doing it. Fortunately, nature does have ONE natural way of making a map of the surface of a donut. It comes from a very old problem of making maps, where you want to have as many countries all touching each other on the map as possible. So the problem is to get as much touching happening as possible, on our surface map. If we draw triangles, we can get 3 friendly countries all touching on our map. Of course, if we draw our triangles along a spiral, then the pattern of touching can just keep on going… 3 countries touching along a spiral path. 4 countries touching along the same spiral “Spiraling Triangles” “Spiraling Squares”

Spiraling triangles and squares




This exact spiral is so special it has its’ own name. It is called the “GOLDEN MEAN” spiral. The name is very nice because it does have a golden meaning. Dorothy for example used this same golden spiral to get to the Emerald City. She called it a “yellow brick road.” In fact, the GOLDEN MEAN would probably be the only other thing besides the donut, which would occur naturally in a world made ONLY of waves. To understand this, remember that the GOLDEN MEAN is a significant number described by something called a RATIO; it is always only a RELATIONSHIP between others, nothing by itself. This GOLDEN MEAN is also called PHI (pronounced FIE). It occurs naturally because waves nest or INTERFERE with each other in a predictable way. Every time you get two different waves to focus at a point they interfere or beat there together. They send out waves which are the product of their beat or interference. Scientists call 39





Phi Spiral within a Golden Rectangle.

Two spiral hearts nest to create a shape similar to the vescia piscis.

Five Phi Spirals moving in a counterclockwise direction.

The Golden Spiral Path.

A nesting of four phi spiral hearts (or eight phi spirals).

Five Phi Spirals moving clockwise.

A vortex is created by two phi spirals which move in the same direction and meet at the center.

The phi spiral vescia piscis compared with an actual vescia piscis.

A heart shape is created by two phi spirals which move in opposite directions and meet at the center.




A recursive fractal flower is created when five Phi Spirals moving in a counter-clockwise direction and five phi spirals moving in a clockwise direction meet at the center.







√/5 2



a c

C = √/5 + 1 = ø 2 2 The Golden Section represents the most reduced relationship through which unity may be expressed in proportional form.

The relationship between 10 nested phi spirals and the pentagon.

Thedodecahedron dodecahedronhas hastwelve twelve The pentagonal faces.




these children of waves: HETERODYNES (this word means the other of two). The length of the waves which come out when two parent waves beat are the ADDITION and the MULTIPLICATION of the parent waves. Guess which pattern is the ONLY pattern in the universe which both includes ADDING and MULTIPLYING? Right you are, the GOLDEN MEAN. . . . .618... 1.000... 1.618... 2.618... . . . This series of numbers goes on forever, bigger and littler. Take any number in the series times 1.618... and you get the next number. Multiplying works! Take any number in the series ADDED to the next number, and you get the following number. Adding works! It is the BEST PATTERN for waves to nest in, so that they don’t interfere with each other and cancel out their memories. When we draw this pattern or ratio as a spiral it does the best job of connecting, in a friendly way, just about anything. It nests triangles, squares, pentagrams. When we connect the pentagrams (5 sided things), we make a solid figure which is the dodeca-hedron we saw above. This is the perfect home for golden mean spirals. AND the dodecahedron is the geometric matrix of DNA, the grid around Earth, and with its 12 faces. the zodiac itself! In a famous book on “sacred” geometry by John Michell, it is the shape of the City of Revelation. But let’s not get ahead of our story. We found that the GOLDEN MEAN happens naturally when waves try to nest at their best, with nothing else but themselves to play with! Then the GOLDEN MEAN uses the 7 donut icosahedron and the 5 donut dodecahedron to make the only other naturally occurring numbers: PI and e. (GOLDEN MEAN or PHI=7/5 PI / e.) These 3 numbers pop out of the universe all by themselves! PHI (The Golden Mean 1.618033989…) PI (The Ratio of A Circle to its Diameter 3.1415927…) e (The base of “The Natural Log” which is kind of the natural path for growth! 2.71828182846…)






Fractal flower created by 10 phi spirals

Twenty Phi Spirals nesting with fractal phi heart.

Fractal flower and pentagon.

Wave fronts within fractal heart

Fractal flower within dodecahedron (top view)

Fractal Flower within dodecahedron (side view)





A very wonderful group of scientists called “The Fundamental Physicists” say that all of the scientific constant numbers can be built starting from just these NATURALLY occurring numbers. Now we see that even these numbers are built on each other. Let’s try to draw a picture of this idea, using the GOLDEN MEAN SPIRAL… On the top see the top down view of 10 of these GOLDEN MEAN spirals. We have drawn the spirals down a light cone in such a way (a 36 degree, one tenth of a circle, phase lock) that they nest Dodecahedron inside each other. We have a Cosmic Fractal Biocrystal kit which builds this forever continuing nest. Later, in the Bible, this is called a “Merkabbah” vehicle. The important thing is that a particular shape of light cone, based on the Golden Mean, permits regular shapes to NEST at their BEST. This is the way light holds matter in IT’S nest! Four of these golden mean spirals, create a picture that looks a little bit like an eye, called a “vesica pisces.”




Which is just a different way of drawing our “Spiraling Squares” picture: In a symmetrical figure, the center of symmetry constitutes another element which becomes the seed for the next order of symmetry:

Center of Symmetry

This genetic light ratchet is the shape that holds the memory for living things like pressure bubbles in the quantum foam, separating out coherent spin from background radiation. By shaping the turn angle of the self/not self stairway, this braided form is the master switcher in getting the keys and locks to into the right places on this lovers’ pony tail called “The Gene.” Later you may learn that by putting your feelings “in order,” you actually choose how to braid your DNA! When you hug your mother, you do it just right to send wave ratios right down into her DNA. This is called “programming” the cells in your body to make shapes according to your feelings. The spiral braid of love lines programs or organizes the instructions for how to cook up the things that make a cell in your body. The shape of the long wave of your emotion, or feeling, spirals along by braid into the short wave of your cell’s metabolic geometry. Scientists call this pathway for long waves to nest among short waves a “cascade.” The important thing to realize is that every time you feel love or anger waving through your body, you are choosing how to program (or weave) the braid of life inside your cells! For now, just remember that how you hold your feelings together is VERY important, for your gentle feelings are the GLUE (or Yoga), which keeps light and everything from falling apart. Dreaming and “feeling” are a Never Ending Story. Woven all together, they nest our memories safely away from crumbling into “the nothing.”


Center of Symmetry


Center of Symmetry


4 2 1 3



7 The rainbow connection: seven regions mapped on a torus.




The next pattern we need to continue our map edge touching problem is the FIVE pattern: The five sided figures called “pentagrams,” (“pent” means five.) allow five friendly countries to touch.

But let’s not forget the problem we were working on. We got the map shape right to touch 5 countries using the GOLDEN MEAN. Drawing a shape that touches 6 is next. We want our countries on our map to be even friendlier, the “HEXagram” touches 6: The six sided figure in the middle is a hexagram. (You guessed it already, that “hex” means six.) But how are we going to get SEVEN friendly countries to touch each other on our map?! And how are we going to connect these six and seven regions or countries with our favorite golden mean spiral?





Well fortunately our trusty donut can solve BOTH of these problems for us. First notice that if we could wrap our map back around itself we could get more countries to touch on the map… Can 7 countries or regions all touch each other? Notice that the folding around the back, is beginning to feel like what a donut does. The strips around the sides in this picture suggest connections between countries on the map made by folding the strip back around itself. In this way we got 7 countries touching. If these were 7 colors on a prettier donut, we could call it a RAINBOW connection! It might be easier to picture in your mind this way:

Spiral spinning clockwise and counterclockwisewithin globe

The letters stand for the colors of the rainbow, with black and white at the corners. See how right left and up down folding seem to be like what you would need to do if you could make a donut out of a piece of paper. Now look again at how this spiral gets the best map off the donut. Notice how views of this sample spiral off the donut, seem like pieces of the alphabet!? Now, having laid this spiral on the donut, we seem to have a good handle on how this donut tilts! Notice how this donut is like “Adam’s” apple. Now, another way to lay this 7 color or country, map from the donut, onto a flat piece of paper is this: This flat record of the 7 strip off the donut is called the “Labyrinth.” It was danced upon by ancient peoples called Minoans and Cretans. By re-membering in a dance the 7 turns necessary to slip-knot light donuts into matter, we learn the path of focus into and out of matter. This body learning permits you to remember how to turn inside out, the sequence which connects you to the pure principle of braiding matter out of light. Think of it as the way through the gates between light as “node” (or bubble or donut or circle or “matter,”) and light as wave or line or “energy.”

There are seven turns in a nine-stone labyrinth.




Since light makes these folds called matter donuts when it crosses itself, this dance on the labyrinth is a way to get up off your cross and follow sum ONE. So we lay out the first verse of Genesis on 7 turns around the donut/labyrinth, to get our pattern. The letters themselves are different viewpoints of ONE form, according to where on the donut you are observing the spiral strip. Here we have the 7 layer strip that folds back around itself. The first letters of the Torah form their natural symmetry (mirror like images of each other) groups when laid out in order around the 7 44




The Economic Unfolding of the Dimensions of Space

A moving point becomes a line which becomes a 2-D plane, which becomes a 3-D solid. The tetrahedron is the most simple primary solid. It's every corner is the same distance from every other corner. The tetrahedron commonly occurs in organic and inorganic chemistry and is the bais of the amino acids, the building blocks of life.

1 2 Tetrahedron as shown in perspective

Viewed edge-on in a 2-fold symmetry 3





3 Viewed face-on in a 3-fold symmetry

Viewed in an alternate 3-fold symmetry

The tetrahedron is described as having 2, 3, 3-fold symmetry

layer strip map of the Donut! (Discovered by Stan Tenen in 1968.) Actually the amount of tilt around the donut to make each letter in sequence to say the first verse of Genesis “turns out” to be the sequence of views which would allow you to turn yourself inside out — slip knot — without losing focus on center. You might say, well how do we know just how much to tilt that little strip to get to each letter of our alphabet of symmetry? The clue is just how much to tilt the TETRA-hedron to nest all the other regular solids. Using the “tetra-hedra” (4 faced) figure to keep track of the spinning donut strip making Hebrew, allows all the rows of letters lined up with the center to be mirror images of one another. Now, this seems like a square way to view a very round donut. Of course squares in flat “land” are cubes in REAL life. And cubes are made of two four pointed forms called tetrahedra. Well, this four pointed tetrahedron can be nested around to make every other regular solid shape, even the icosahedron and dodecahedron shapes we saw made out of vortex donuts above. Here the cubes made of tetrahedra, nest around a common make a DODECA-hedron. (remember 2+10=12, do=2, dec=10, dodeca=12 faces..) And now for the most magical Two tetrahedra fit inside one cube. For part: clarity's sake, only one tetrahedron is Since the tetrahedron builds shown above. just about everything, it seems like a good shape to use to remember how donuts nest. In fact the tetrahedron has the most mirror faces (symmetry) of any shape we know. (7 different ways to spin on a center pivot). So we take the shape in the universe that knows best how to turn into itself: the tetrahedron. It becomes like a “tent” in which to meet. The spiral strip we peeled off our donut becomes the “flame”. Putting the “flame” in the meeting “tent,” we can keep track of its spinning. We can call it a “flame” letter because it is the el-ement of light or flame which permits light to bubble, or stand in a nest. “El” means phase (face) shift — or tilt alignment. Knowing where we are when we spin donuts seems to be the key to nesting light bubbles into matter. In fact, keeping track of the tilting donut this way works so well that we call the shadows of the strip (seen from the tetrahedron’s faces) a Sacred Alphabet.

Two tetrahedra will fit inside a cube.









Edges: 30 Faces: 20 Vertices: 12 Length: ø Top view

Side view #1

Side view #2

Tilted view


Start with a hexagon inside a circle.

Draw another circle extending to where the arc intersects the horizontal line.




Connect opposite hexagonal apexes.

Mark the six points where the circle intesects with the hexagon.


From the mid-point left, divide the horizontal line in half and draw a line to the top of the circle.

To reveal the icosahedron, simply connect the points.

With the midpoint as center and radius, draw arc to intersect with horizontal line.

Through Phi (ø), the icosahedron takes form. The dotted lines denote that part of the icosahedron which would not be directly visible to the eye. The shaded area indicates one of the 20 triangular faces of the icosahedron.




THE DODECaHEDRON & PHI (ø) Edges: 30 Faces: 12 Vertices: 20 Length: 1/ø Top view

Side view #1

Side view #2

Tilted view


Remember the icosahedron.

Start with drawing the 12 points of the icosahedron.

Connect the 12 vertices, omitting the diameter lines .

The dodecahedron is suspended within the larger icosahedron.

What a powerful way to keep our focus centered as we spin. Now, you may ask why was it so important for us to remember how to move our attention around the surface of a donut? Why did our traditions preserve this information so carefully? Why was our whole human family formed around this precious idea of language? Of course most of the answers to these questions will be fun to find out for yourself. However, I would like to leave you with another clue. We have seen that flowing around a vortex donut is the only way the universe has to remember — anything. And the center of the donut is what keeps it spinning and nesting and remembering. The Universe is composed, at its most basic level, of a squishy jello kind of quantum foam that remembers everything by the shape of waves touching. This means you remember how it feels to be hugged by your mother, when you keep that wave flowing through your center, your heart. Your membrane (your skin) has only waves of shape to record who you are, as a memory of being touched.













11 12 1 2 10 3 9 4 8 7 6 5 A tetrahedron inside a tetrahedron






An octahedron inside a cube





1915 THEORY OF GENERAL RELATIVITY A cube inside an octahedron

An icosahedron inside a dodecahedron

In a universe made of squishy stuff, only FOCUS keeps the waves going around a center that holds them. Creating in this kind of universe becomes the simple matter of keeping these donuts nested. Focus is the only power needed to create in our universe made of wave. Your attention is that wonderful power. Keep your attention together on the faces of ONE donut, and you will re-member ALL of them in that ONE. Assembling many views, many faces into ONE, is called “consumed perspective.” This is what our country’s founders meant by “E Pluribus Unum” — “From many, ONE.” Remember what you now have assembled in your mind. By blinking in time like lightning lighting up a hummingbird’s wing, language’s different faces suddenly became the faces of just ONE spinning form.

A dodecahedron inside an icosahedron










THE PHYSICS OF PHI & THE ALPHABET OF SYMMETRY n this section, we examine the geometric origin of alphabetic symbolism. The first chapter looks at the “Physics of Phi” and argues for a recursive alphabet of symmetry based on Golden mean ratios. Chapter two, written by Vincent Bridges, suggests that all sacred alphabets have some sort of geometric symbolism which underlies their sound/ shape/symbol coherence. The work of Stan Tenen is examined within its historical context, which points to the medieval kabbalists of southern France as the initiators of a one source geometrical letter shape tradition. Using this tradition as a base line, the chapter goes on to look at Egyptian hieroglyphs and Dr. Dee’s Ophanic, or Enochian, script. Chapter three develops the idea of an alphabet of symmetry as a way to create resonant coherence across dimensions or realities. This phase angle alphabet, mapped off a Phi-ratio shaped torus by a Phi-based spiral, suggest the letter shapes of our sacred alphabets. Chapter four looks at this phase angle alphabet as the tilt of a photon perceived as color. The wave length of visible light is one octave, 1:2 or half again as high as it is wide. Dan speculates that the tilt of this in-cube-ated donut produces the perception of color in the cones of the eye. Chapter five is an examination of the work of Fabre D’Olivet and Fred Allan Wolf’s work on the ideas of Carlos Suares demonstrating the sound shape similarities of Hebrew letters. This section lays the foundation for further research. Unfortunately, as this volume goes to press, the dispute between Stan Tenen and Dan Winter is still unresolved. The effect of this dispute has been to discourage the publication of any work on the subject. (For more information on this dispute, see Appendix A, “Open Letter to Friends...” of this book. For more information on creating your own Golden Mean spiral alphabet generator using any 3D computer program, see Appendix B, “Procedural Notes...” If you are intrigued by the magickal implications of these ideas, see Appendix C, “The Geometry of Magick,” for more details).












1 1/2

√/5 2

Golden Section 1/2 3/4 2/3

fundamental tone


3 1


The Golden Section and the harmonic overtones of vibrating string.

A demonstration of the adding and multiplying of waves and wave fronts.





t is the nature of waves when they meet in the universal compressible substrate to beat and interfere. The key to compression/ implosion is how these waves can interfere infinitely with never any destructive loss of inertia, spin, and pattern. Otherwise spin and pressure density is not self-organizing or sustainable. To understand waves optimizing spin density, we need only to ask the simplest question of waves beating: What is the geometry of all wave interference? All wave interference producing repeating additive heterodynes or beat nodes. As the heterodynes or beats of the wave interference repeats, the product of wave interference is therefore literally the addition and the multiplication of the parent waves. There is only one singular geometry which permits wavelengths to add and multiply, and still yet all fit one nest: Each adjacent wave node allows approaching wave fronts to interfere only in the ratio .618033989..., thus producing heterodyne interference which continues to fit the nest infinitely inward and outward. As each sine wave comes to a meeting point, the resultant pressure nodes radiate in nests which are both the arithmetic and geometric multiples of the source. The mathematics for this touch permissive geometry for waves is the infinite Golden Mean progression: .618033989... 1.000 1.618033989... 2.618033989... in which each number added to the next equals the following, and each number multiplied by 1.618033989... equals the following. The issue for a wave really was how could the wave’s own inertia re-enter itself without destroying or canceling out itself. This could be called the angular relation necessary for self-reentry, or self-reference, or self-awareness. The angle of reentry which allowed this approach back into itself, is Phi. Literally this is the geometry of permission to be self-aware for a wave. Mathematically, we might ask ourselves: what is the form of an equation which can re-enter itself infinitely, recursively? We need to apply this mathematical ratio as the form of perfect self-reference, to the wave mechanics which allow self-reference to become self-embeddedness, optimized spin density, perfect compression, and ultimately the wave form of perfect self awareness. Wave mechanics essentially means that to understand waves is to understand mass. Mass is the inertia we measure when waves cross and store spin like a gyroscope. The difficulty in understanding the field among waves, as a unified field, becomes a problem in how to 50




Golden Mean Waves (as seen from side)

Converging vortex cones.




visualize and model implosion as the link between gravity and magnetism. The key to understanding implosion is to see that the geometry of implosion is everywhere the same. (It was failure to see the geometry of infinite implosion which caused Einstein heartache in understanding Black Holes and their relationship to time distortion.) The inertia which waves store by virtue of their development of pattern out of the laws of symmetry is what we variously label as mass and as information and as we shall suggest, when the pattern is recursive, as self awareness. Therefore any principle which enables waves to optimize spin density is the key to mass density, information density, and awareness density. This is a geometry which permits waves to bounce down into a spiral vortex, infinitely maintaining the ratio between the legs of each bounce and the angle theta of each reflection off the curve. Think of light reflecting infinitely into the curve of a nautilus shell, never once finding itself bouncing back on itself in any way but with constructive interference. Thinking in a kind of waves among jello way, compression enables destructive interference to be minimized, which helps us to see that this geometry is idealized translation of vorticity. Translation of vorticity, inertia in circular motion, finds the path into a line, from motion in a circle. Remember, the inertia stored by waves moving in a circle is our only physical definition and way of measuring mass. Therefore, what we are describing here is literally the only permissive path to move from matter to energy and back. We will see why this is then the only path from electro -magnetism to gravity, because the wind we feel in the vortex of permission to implode is gravity. We will see this proven when we create a scalar wave, in the geometry of PHI, the Golden Mean, which creates the most perfect magnetic monopole, Einstein’s key to gravity. The Golden Mean Ratio establishes the path mathematically, among wave forms called Perfect Damping. This means that the ratio by which you would self-cancel wave inertia into literally a still point is established by Phi, the Golden Mean. Now let us consider what damping into a still point actually is. Visually, and as a wave function, it is literally a spin path to the zero point. The reason zero point energy is thought to be infinite is because spin density is potentially infinite as zero frequency is approached. Spin density equals information density. That is why fractal data is infinitely compressible. Because the spin and information density is infinitely compressed at the zero point, the energy required to move the inertia of that spin wave pattern and information, also approaches zero! This means that infinite information becomes shareable with zero work or energy investment. This is why data compression (implosion) is the key to every computer information revolution. And later why this Phi recur51




The Pentagram is the perfect fractal The geometric property of the pentagram is to endlessly replicate smaller and larger versions of itself. Five-fold symmetry is also nature's preferred structure.

The pentagram self-replicates at a phi ratio.


1 1


The pentad exhibits five-fold symmetry.


ø2 1




1 ø3

ø ø2

The phi (ø) ratio permeates the pentagram. Each part relates to all others and to the whole in a visual expression of the golden mean.




The relationship between 10 nested phi spirals and the pentagon.


The dodecahedron has twelve pentagonal faces.




sion fractality in the EKG harmonics at the moment of compassion, proves that love is the ultimate solution to the data compression issue.

Twenty Phi Spirals nesting with fractal phi heart.

The fractal flower and the pentagram share the properties of phi.




The reason the Golden Mean geometry must be the origin of symbol and alphabet is linked closely to the significance of fractal recursion among wave forms in general. Our very term for self-awareness as consciousness, directs our attention to the role of recursion in creating consciousness. Visualize donut fields nested one inside the other with concentric vortex throats. The scale of these wave forms can become by (Golden Mean) wave length ratio, recursive. This makes them into a fractal attractor for surrounding wave forms. This is what we have labeled conscious focus. In this way symbols get leverage to throw their weight around. Visualize matter as a rather dense hologram of spin inertia fed wave forms. Visualize the optical cortex of the upper brain as a much less dense and rarefied potential hologram created by sparks dancing at the synapse. When the phenomenon of coherence occurs in the EEG, that hologram (a thought) has the potential to gain leverage on the dense hologram of which the brain and whatever the thought represents, is itself made. Only then can the symbol (& the mind it inhabits) participate in the world to which it points. The crucial issue then is whether the SYMBOLIC hologram image is a true re-creation of the folded surface shape in matter it is intended to represent. Remember that in a unified field, matter is only the memory of folds on a surface. The potential to become matter for a wave occurs when spin becomes coherent enough to store the inertia which we then measure and define as matter. Fractal symmetry is the enabler for this process of creation. In order for symbols to work they need to aid in the process of creating the inner hologram in the brain as recursive of the SHAPE those symbols represent outside the membrane of the senses. Remember that in a unified field, matter is ONLY differentiated by SHAPE and not substance. Since the size of the brain limits the scale of what wave forms can form in the hologram there, only fractality or self-similar embeddedness of the “little inside the big,” solves the problem of scale which symbols must bridge. So to create the necessarily fractal self-similar language of shape, symbolic alphabet itself must be the best creator of self-similar (fractal) embeddedness possible. When symbols permit the brain to create a fractal and self-similar representation of the wave shape of the object to which they point, then a potential phase lock is possible between the symbol and its object. This is the true physics of psychokinesis. This is why the shaman uses some object whose shape is reminiscent (recursive/fractal) of the person or object which the mind must attach. Nature intended our thoughts to create wave shapes embedding us in our world. We evidence this with our measurements of 53






The earliest Chinese characters, were simple, pictorial forms.

compassion in EKG coherence, phase-locking fractally the ELF magnetism around a tree. As is demonstrated in the way recursive squares create the Golden Mean array, the Golden Mean spiral is nature’s geometry of perfected embeddedness. As the outline of spiraling squares, spiraling triangles, or nested pentagrams, the Golden Mean spiral is the best fractal maker. That is how it inherently creates recursion and embeddedness. That is why our symbols are the nest of it’s shape laid around the donut of which every field effect is made. A final note here is that gravity is created only to the extent the outer wave form of an atom or a planet, is recursive or fractal to the same geometry in it’s inside (as nuclear is to electron geometry for example, both are platonic). We label the wave implosion that fractality creates as gravity. Symbols when fractal, or recursive, do take on weight.

The Chinese character, yung, meaning “eternity,” contains the basic strokes of all Chinese calligraphy.










SACRED WAVEFORM ALPHABETS: coherence, consciousness and the kabbalah by Vincent M. Bridges One of the greatest scientific achievements imaginable would be the discovery of an explicit relationship between the waveform alphabets of quantum theory and certain human states of con sciousness.” Nick Herbert, Quantum Reality


A portion of the Sinai incription, considered to be the oldest of the proto-alphabets.




he work of such modern day Kabbalists as Stan Tenen and J.J. Hurtak suggests that we have indeed found the pivotal point where consciousness, quantum mechanics and the Kabbalah intersect. The question then becomes: Is that point the origin of the alphabet? Although humanity has spawned thousands of languages, fewer than a dozen instances of the invention of writing are recorded in human history. Most of these occurred in or around the ancient Near East. Cuneiform script in Sumer, Proto-Elamite in Caanan, and hieroglyphs in Egypt appeared roughly at the same time, around 3000 BC. Cretan pictoglyphs and the Indus Valley scripts are dated to around 2000 BC. Hittite hieroglyphs and Chinese pictograms developed between 1700 and 1500 BC, as did the Semitic alphabet which would eventually become, with the Chinese alphabet, the form by which all living languages are written. The Semitic alphabet developed, according to the best archeological evidence, in the turquoise and gold mines of Sinai just after 1700 BC. Hieratic or cursive Egyptian phonetic letters were applied to a protoSemitic language. We can easily read the Semitic word “b’lat,” the goddess, in hieratic characters on the quarry walls at Serabit El-Khadem in the Sinai. Similar developments occurred over the next two hundred years throughout ancient Caanan. By 1400 BC, roughly the time of the Exodus of Moses, these trends had merged into a form that scholars call the Caananite Linear alphabet. From this developed all other alphabetic scripts, from Latin Gothic to Old Hebrew and Imperial Aramaic, from Cyrillic to Kufic to Sanskrit and Amharic. Logically, if any ancient alphabet could be called sacred, it must surely be that original alphabetic source.





Tradition would also suggest that the origin of this sacred alphabet, the moment when the “flame letters” were revealed, involved the conjunction of Egyptian and Semitic sources in the Sinai. Working the mines where proto-sinatic inscriptions appear were the Midianites of the Bible, the people with whom Moses lived while in exile from Egypt. They were a Bedouin sort of people, pre-Yahweh Hebrews who worshipped a nameless God on a mountain top. It was while tending his flocks on the sacred mountain that Moses, the Egyptian prince, encountered the Burning Bush. Moses, of course, eventually returned to the Midianites’ sacred mountain with a vast horde of wandering Semitic refugees to receive God’s commandments; carved, we are told, by the divine appendage on slabs of stone. This experience, this direct, face-to-face encounter with divinity, was the culmination of the Exodus. If any moment could be said to have been infused with divine meaning, in an alphabetic sense, surely this was the SCHEMATIC CHART SHOWING BASIC LINES OF ALPHABETIC DEVELOPMENT moment. Tradition also Cuneiform Proto-Sinaitic Byblos-Psuedo-Hieroglyphics Egyptian Hieroglyphics holds that Moses 3500BC 1700-1500 BC 1800-1500 BC 3500-1st Century AD was the author of Elamite Sumer-Akkadian Hieratic that first sentence Ugart 1400 BC Canaanite Linear Alphabet Demotic — 5th C. BC in Genesis, which 1400-1100 BC Stan Tenen, in Persian Phoenician 1100-1000 BC 1968, deciphered as 5th C. BC South Arabic Scripts 1300BC a geometric description of a universal Archaic Greek Colonial Ethiopic Phoenician dissipative strucThamudic ture, the torus. Punic Lihyanic Since the developOld Hebrew Greek Aramaic Safaitic etc. ment of our original 1000BC - 6th Century AD 9th Century BC 1100-1000BC source alphabet, Samaritan Amharic Caananite Linear, is Etruscan Imperial Aramaic contemporary with Late 6th Century - 332 BC the Exodus from Latin Syraic Nabataean Jewish Palmyrene Indian Scripts Egypt, we might 4th Cen. BC 4th Cen. BC 50 BC-272 AD 7th Century BC postulate a connecGothic Cyrillic Runic Modern Hebrew Armenian & tion. From this, we Modern Estranghelo Georgian might also postulate European 5th Century AD Arabic Kufic that the alphabet’s Persian Modern Arabic success derives in Turkish part from its divine Modern Persian origin. If the Kabbalists and Stan With acknowledgements to Johanna Drucker, “The Alphabetic Labyrinth,” 1995. Tenen are correct, ALPHABET







When arranged vertically, the Hebrew characters Yod- Heh- Vau Heh, (the unpronouncable name of God) create the image of a man.

then it should be possible to imbue and encode an ordinary word, such as “mustard seed,” with a host of spiritual, and perhaps even scientific meanings. This ability would surely help the spread and acceptance of such an alphabet. Something of the sort seems in fact to have happened. Languages and scripts as far apart as Ethioptic, Tibetan and Arabic all have a “kabbalistic” tradition because of the sound/shape/symbol quality of the alphabet itself. Since all of these sacred alphabets were originally derived from a Caananite Linear source, we can speculate that the source of the concept is also the source of the alphabet. Stan Tenen’s great idea suggests that this is the case. However, his examination of alphabet forms has a large flaw. He starts with an Aramaic Hebrew script from about 300 BC. This is a thousand years, or so, after the divine infusion on Sinai, and far down the language tree from Caananite Linear. Old Hebrew, the script of the Old Testament period, roughly 1000 BC through the sixth century BC, is much closer to the original source alphabet than Hebrew Aramaic, which derived from Phoenician and Imperial Aramaic, or Persian, sources. But Tenen’s research suggests that other alphabets, such as Greek, which are not related to the Aramaic branch, are also created by his spiral strip. If this is true, we must look even earlier. Caananite Linear, origin of Old Hebrew, Greek and Aramaic, is the only possible source. However, Mr. Tenen has never, to my knowledge, examined this alphabet. If a single divinely inspired source, using a spiral strip off of a torus defined by tetrahedral symmetry, generated the “sacred” alphabet shapes, then the obvious place, according to archeology, linguistics and tradition, to look for verification would be the original alphabetic source. This lack, in my opinion, weakens Tenen’s premise, and, until such work is done, the theory must remain in the realm of speculation. As for the “waveform alphabets of quantum theory,” Tenen has had remarkably little to say. By his own admission, his original models were too imprecise to achieve any kind of mathematical rigor. While the Kabbalists have always attributed certain states of consciousness to certain letters, Tenen’s work does little toward relating these letter shape states-of-consciousness with any portion of quantum theory. He does suggest that there are connections, spinors as symmetry sets are mentioned at one point, but nothing is developed beyond that level. And yet, the mystery remains. Like some fascinatingly unfinished jig-saw puzzle, Tenen’s work suggests more than it reveals. But he does give us an important clue. In the tenth and eleventh century AD, the city of Troyes in southern France was home to a group of Jewish mystics. As Babylon








declined as the center of the Diaspora, Islamic Spain became the focus of Judaism. This effervescence spilled over into southern France where the authority of the Church of Rome and its dislike for the Jews held little sway. In the latter half of the eleventh century, this community of scholars and mystics introduced a new elegant form of the Hebrew alphabet known as the Nachmanides-Rashi letters. In his pamphlet “The Meru Project,” Stan Tenen notes that the Hebrew alphabet that most closely resembles his geometrically derived models is this Sephardic script. The true significance of Mr. Tenen’s research may be his discovery that these specific letterforms of Hebrew are based on precise geometrical models. The unification of quantum mechanics and consciousness may not point so much to the origin of the alphabet as to the origin of the Kabbalah. The core text of the Kabbalah, the Sepher Yetsirah, achieved its final form in the late eleventh century in southern France. Long thought to be the work of the school of Isaac the Blind, modern scholars have found traces of third century Gnostic thought as well as evidence of a ninth century reworking. The mystical scholars who assembled this traditional wisdom into its written form also adopted the use of the Nachmanides-Rashi letterforms. These Kabbalists were mathematicians as well. It is not beyond possibility that they had decoded the torus shape inherent in the arrangement of letters in the first verse of Genesis, and the outline of its tagin delineated spiral. From this realization might have come the “shadows on the meeting tent” idea expressed in the Sepher Yetsirah, and later elaborated by Abraham Abulafia. From this perspective, the letterforms could easily have been generated by the rabbis of Troyes from the same sort of mechanical model Stan Tenen developed eight centuries later. All this becomes even more interesting when we remember another famous citizen of Troyes in the late twelfth century. The medieval poet who introduced the Grail Myth, Chretien de Troyes, wrote just a century after the earliest manuscripts of the Sepher Yetsirah. The Grail Myth, as begun by Chretien, is an elaborate blend of Celtic myth, Christian chivalry and Gnostic experience. Women serve the sacrament from a “graal” that provides for all needs, except that of healing the wounded king and the wasted land. For that, a question, “Whom does the Graal Serve?” must be asked. Both Chretien and later Wolfram von Eschenbach, whose Parzival claims to be the real story that Chretien only partly understood, reported that the tale originally came from one Guyot, or Kyot, of Provence. Wolfram also claims that Kyot heard it from Flegantis, a Jewish astrologer from Spain. Wolfram’s grail, unlike Chretien’s large shallow bowl, is a stone fallen from heaven. It spells out the names of those called to its serALPHABET







vice and otherwise communicates through miraculous means. Perhaps what we have at the core of the Grail Myth is a glimpse of the language generating “stone” or tetrahedron of the mystics of Troyes. The possibility is a fascinating one that invites further research. If the geometrical models that Mr. Tenen rediscovered were first invented in the eleventh century, where does that leave us? We have answered only part of the puzzle. The medieval Kabbalists may have invented the letterforms from a geometric model, but that model came from the text of Genesis, dating roughly to the sixth century BC. While the mystery remains, we have gained valuable knowledge about the nature of a “sacred alphabet.”

The Tibetan Kalachakra “Power of Ten” emblem

Perspective diagram created in 1592 by Moses Cordovero where the ten sephira are embodied in the initial letters of the names of the Sephira.




So then, how can we define this concept of “sacred alphabet?” First, it must do more than just spell words. The shape/sound/symbol coherence of the alphabets descended from the Caananite Linear allows languages as dis-similar as Hebrew and Tibetan to develop “kabbalist” symbologies. This can be seen at a glance by comparing a medieval Kabbalistic talisman, embedding the entire Tree of Life into one symbol using the first letter of each Sephiroth, with the Tibetan Kalachakra “Power of Ten” emblem. Next, this symbological ability must reflect mathematical and geometric processes in the greater universe. In other words, a sacred alphabet also describes a cosmology. The alphabetic symbolism of the Sepher Yetsirah implies a sort of cookbook of creation. The Kalachakra system embraces all fields of knowledge, allowing ontology to recapitulate cosmogony. A truly sacred alphabet may just be the quantum states which forms the shells/shapes of the atoms expressed in a sound/shape form that resonates with the atomic structure. These “letters” are then primal wave guides for space/time coherence. Their expression collapses probability’s infinite wavefront into one hologramic reality. The building blocks of God, indeed. To understand this, we must look at two vastly different sacred alphabets, Egyptian hieroglyphics and Dr. Dee’s Ophanic script. Hieroglyphs developed suddenly in Egypt just after 3100 BC. They appeared almost of a piece, with little or no developmental states. Old Kingdom Egyptian, as a language, is full of sophisticated ideas and strange, ritualistic concepts, things that would suggest a long period of evolution. But the alphabet in which these ideas are written appeared and reached its ultimate perfection in the course of a few hundred years. It would remain in use, though it would evolve into other forms, for the next two thousand years. An Old Kingdom Pharaoh, visiting a Ptolemaic temple, could have read his descendant’s name from his cartouche, though he may not have been able to pronounce it. 59




THE GREAT EGYPTIAN NETER PTAH, Self-Created One, Mighty in Wisdom, personifies the Relationship of PHI to the square root of five and the nesting of Pentagonal forms.

√5 /2


√5 + 2 = 2


Golden Proportion generated by the √5 diagonal of 1:2 rectangle.




Pentagon arising from union of √5 and ø




Hieroglyphs spelling Ptah's name.

Fractal nest of pentagonal figures generated by the name Ptah in super-imposition.




This continuity suggests that hieroglyphs served the sacred function of embedding symbologies extremely well. By this measure, they might be the most successful sacred alphabet in human history. Perhaps the best way to see this is by examining the spelling of the name of the Neter, or god, Ptah. As the creator god of Memphis, Ptah symbolized the cosmic process brought down to human scale. Atum-Ra, the Sun God of Heliopolis, represented the creative force of the universe and Tehuti, or Thoth of Hermopolis, represented the actualizing of that creative force into the patterns of nature, into space/time itself. Ptah then shows how these forces shape the nature and being of man. We can think of Ptah as the architect of humanity, the DNA doctor braiding intelligence into simple Handy Monkey genes. Esoteric Egyptology has long equated Ptah with the ratio known as Phi. This relationship can be shown simply by superimposing the glyphs that spell P - T - H. The glyph for P is a square; T is a semi-circle. Overlay these and you have the basis for the geometric derivation of the Phi proportions. Add the H, a cotton twist resembling a braid, and space appears for the development of the pentagram/pentagon from the Phi rectangle. This recursive nest of Phi ratios has often been thought of as relating directly to the human condition as a glyph symbolic of self-reflexive intelligence. Add the determinative that indicates the divine condition and you have spelled a description of the force that embues life with consciousness. Egyptian hieroglyphs seem designed to convey a direct experience of the essence of the word. Reading the name Ptah in elegant old Kingdom glyphs imparts a wealth of understanding at a level far deeper than just the intellectual. In a very real sense, you could never know who “Ptah” was, until you could read his Name. This ability to impart a direct experience of sacred realities makes the Egyptian hieroglyphic alphabet almost unique among human alphabets. Learning ancient Egyptian was perhaps as mind expanding as learning Martian was in Stranger in a Strange Land. The spiritual core of Egyptian religion was the power of “words” to shape the texture of reality. Pharaohs, such as the Sixth Dynasty’s Unas, went to great lengths to inscribe whole texts on the inside of their tombs. The royal Ka could then read these words of power and re-shape death into immortality among the stars. By the Middle Kingdom, commoners were using some of these same texts in their coffins and tombs. Hieroglyphs remained the royal and preferred alphabet, but a more fluid form emerged. This hieratic script was an attempt to reduce the hieroglyphic symbols to a form that could be swiftly rendered by a brush-like pen. Its more fluid motion of stroke abstracted the concrete images of Old Kingdom 60




On March 26, 1582, Dee and Kelley were instructed to draw the characters they saw in an eight by eight square held up by the angle Ave. A faint yellow outline of an alphabetic charcter appeared on the page in front of Dee which he then filled in with ink. The characters were somewhat similar to several magical scripts (including those described by Pantheus in his Voarchadumia, only more refined. They are also reminiscent of Ethiopian characters.




hieroglyphs into form-suggestive curves. Eventually, hieratic developed into Demotic and then the Greek influenced Coptic. The last hieroglyphic writing dates from the early fifth century AD. By the seventh century, when the Arabs swept in from the desert with the hot breath of Allah behind them, knowledge of hieroglyphics had gone underground. And so we, humanity, lost touch with our most successful sacred alphabet. The Semitic alphabet forms, such as Greek and Arabic, allowed for a kind of symbol/shape/sound embeddedness, as described in the Sepher Yetsirah. But even this lacks the depth and immediacy of the hieroglyphs. Something important had been lost. That “something” can best be seen by noting an attempt to fill the vacuum of its absence. Eleven hundred years after the last hieroglyphic inscription, Dr. John Dee, Queen Elizabeth I’s court astrologer and the foremost scientist of his age, received a new language from the angels. This language, so powerful that it was dictated backward to prevent setting off unforeseen consequences, was to be written in a new script, which was also miraculously delivered. Dee records that a faint yellow outline appeared on his page which he then filled in with black to produce his letters. These letters are unusual on several counts. First, they are not exactly unique. They resemble several other magical scripts, such as the “theban” alphabet, in use for hundreds of years by occultists and alchemists. However, there are a few differences, such as the name or label of each letter. These were not given as phonetic renderings, but as collections of other letters conveying a larger symbolic meaning. But the truly unusual thing about these letters are that they exhibit a wave guide function. Dowsers have found that each letter displays a particular vibrational pattern. This suggests that, like the hieroglyphs, there is a direct energy exchange of some sort happening when words are written in this alphabet. Dee and Kelley received these letter/names in an eight by eight grid pattern, which can be overlaid with the hexagrams of the I Ching, the center of the Mayan Tzolkin and the codons of human DNA. The pattern this produces causes us to look for deeper implications. This much coherence across scales can hardly be un-intelligent. The Ophanic alphabet and language received by Dee and Kelley represents an attempt by something, be it the collective unconscious or the 61




angelic logoi, to re-invest human language with this direct experience of symbolic coherence. That it failed in the sixteenth century is not surprising; that we should still reject the concept is unfortunate. As superficial information, both internal and external, explodes in volume, some way must be found to sort for meaning and value. A sacred alphabet of quantum consciousness could give us that all-important center point of understanding necessary to braid order out of chaos. To close the loop, let me just note that Dee’s Ophanic language not only exhibits advanced geometry, some of it not discovered until the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, but it also contains echoes of ancient Egyptian. The name for a ruler of the element of fire on the Seal of Truth, a key component in the Ophanic system, is spelled out in letter number combinations as Oheoo-ah-atan. This just happens to be a reasonably good phonetic rendering of a New Kingdom Egyptian phrase: “strong, wounding (is) the heat of the sun.” Not only is this appropriate to a being of fire, but the phrase would later be used in Akhnaton’s hymns in praise of the Aton. Ophanic, like Egyptian, shows us that a sacred alphabet is defined by its symbolic density. The ultimate sacred alphabet would be infinitely dense and interrelated. One glyph, like a Phi spiral in 3D, unfolds the logos of creation, read instantaneously by the Mind of all. We smaller fragments of Mind see only elements and galaxies, like scattered letters and snatches of phrases, and stumble over our ABC’s like the kindergartners we are. I’m ready to read the text of the universe’s one song.












he importance of focusing our attention may be illustrated by a story from holographic process. We take a “real” mirror and a magnifying glass, and use them as objects from which to make a hologram. (Record their splash from coherent light onto film, just as if you were making a hologram of a statue.) Then setting aside the “real” objects, coherent light is used to recreate the mirror and magnifying glass objects as an optical hologram. Then looking into the optical hologram, we notice some peculiar things about how the mirror and magnifying glass operate within the hologram. Sure enough, the mirror in the hologram works as a mirror, reflecting only other objects inside the hologram. Similarly, the magnifying glass in the hologram will magnify other objects in the hologram. But looking through the same functional magnifying glass inside the hologram, at an object outside the hologram, we see nothing. We should not however conclude that we have discovered the reality limitation of the liquid crystal hologram of the optical cortex –– until we investigate an important exception to our discovery. If we illuminate objects outside our original hologram, with systematic phase coherent light, exactly locked to the phase of the light we used to make the hologram in the first place, then suddenly, voilà, the mirror and the magnifying glass inside the hologram now function as tools to process images from outside the hologram. Now we may think at first that our language symbol systems do not have the phase discipline to link our collective holograms. But we should look closely at a pure geometric origin for our most sacred languages. The Fourier transform principle of math and physics demonstrates that all shapes are assembled of ONE shape, the sine wave (in 2D). Revolving the sine wave into 3D we get a form of the torus donut. Since the symmetry rules of group theory tell us that we cannot be using different sine waves (there appears to be only one) tilting those donuts into the atomic table clearly resolves to an issue of PHASE angle. Recording the tilt of the donut into a language symbol set powerful enough to make the symbols an operational amplifier, requires a way of recording the tilt of the donut from 3D onto 2D; something we might call a map between dimensions. Tilting whole donuts in 3D leaves shadows or reflections onto 2D which are ambiguous about which tilt or phase produced which shadow. ALPHABET







Interestingly a 1/10 circle golden mean spiral strip sampled off the donut surface produces a strip which presents a unique view from any perspective. While the sample is complete enough to recreate the form of the whole donut (by revolution), it represents or samples or symbolizes tilt angle with total uniqueness (asymmetry). Now tilting this “flame letter” strip sampled off the archetypal donut to the archetypal phase angles of the face angles of the platonic solids, we get a complete useful map of the phase angles or series of turns, the labyrinth, necessary to slip-knot matter into light. Conveniently, those shadows also turn out to be the Hebrew alphabet. When Fabre D’Olivet retranslated Genesis by studying the shapes of the letter forms themselves (Hebraic Tongue Restored, 1815), he transliterated “Eve” to be “Ieve”: word or symbol. He translated Adam (as in Adamic race: the red race) to mean red-making or “hard-making” power. (Moving to the “dense” end of the spectrum). Remythologizing the story of Adam and Eve then, we have the symbol or word (curved and shapely) tempting man (the line or rod) to consume the apple; to learn hard-making power: the making of matter. Learning the hard way is not always bad, nor is its illusion of separateness (momentum segregated by symmetry). It is in this way, by providing the necessary rigor for order to be pressured (interference-formed) from disorder, that evil serves despite itself. The Fourier transform tells us all shapes are woven of sine waves. Hydrodynamics says if you have only one substance, the primal stable shape is a torus/donut (smoke ring) flowform. (a sine wave spun into 3D). Quantum mechanics and vortex theories agree that cooking up matter is a question of the symmetries or phase angles of primal toroid domain “bubbles.” Thus finding a way to alphabetize the tilt or phase of these donuts is essential to “string-up” the weave of matter out of light. Food for thought. Existing literature (by Stan Tenen and the Meru Foundation) had tentatively derived the Hebrew alphabet from shadows of one log spiral strip sample off the donut. In my work with the powerful phi-cycle significance of the Golden Mean (.618.., 1.0.., 1.618.., 2.618..) I decided to render the spiral sample using a torus of 1.618 height vs diameter, producing a nice apple. And I decided to use the particular log spiral which approximates the Golden Mean, allows spiraling squares, and shapes the empty sarcophagus in the Great Pyramid. Further, I chose to use the spacing of 36 degrees between two of these spirals to map this “flame letter,” because this generates the nested pentagrams in 2D, and nested dodecahedron in 3D. This shape has been extensively mapped onto DNA, the Planet Grid, the 12 faced zodiac, and New Jerusalem/City Of Revelation. Ten spirals of the Golden Mean thus create the top view of a dodecaheALPHABET







dron and DNA, and the shape table of phase angles, the origin of alphabet. Since the “flame letter” strip traced off the donut by this spiral apparently has no symmetry, its shadow is an accurate record of it’s angle or phase or tilt. Since the shadows literally make the alphabet, peeling the apple turns out to be a way to consume the perspectives of ONENESS. The implications are wonderful for education, computer language –– and peace? Imagine Hebrew and Arab children seeing their language letters all from the slowly spinning form of one Flame Letter strip, animated on an Apple. (Both the fruity and computer sense of the term Apple applies here.) Having outlined a pure geometric derivation for the origin of the alphabet, and of genetic material, we should sketch an approach to interpreting these insights. Since the implications are so vast, it is necessary to include physical, spiritual, and psychological metaphors, tightly woven. Let us review the components which produced this synthesis: We took: + the golden mean spiral, + the shape of the primal torus donut + the symmetry angles of the platonic solids and produced the origin of our sacred alphabet. The same spun tetrahedron and cube which spun to trace out the letter forms, also traces out (by spinning to the same 72 degree-1/5 circle phase angles) the dodecahedron. The top view of this ratcheting form turns out to be DNA. The 2D and 3D nature of this nested pentagonal form (as pent nests, as spiral nests, as dodeca nests) are all infinitely recursive and fractal, or self-embedded. Now we must ask, what have we learned: + about the instruction set of the text of Genesis? + about the flowering wave guide nature of DNA? + about the nature of recursion or self-embeddedness in consciousness itself? Self-embeddedness seems to be the only way that waves can build matter. Looking inside the nature of self-organizing flow forms, only this principle (called symmetry in some context) of flowing back inside oneself to know oneself, is self generating enough to call form up by it own bootstraps. Thus, the essence of recursion itself is most richly deserving of the retranslation of Sepher Beresh*th (Genesis) as “at first, IN PRINCIPLE”.








Chartres cathedral labyrinth




Both Louis Kaufmann, (a mathematician at the University of Chicago) in his work on recursion and knots, and Fred Allen Wolf in Star Wave conclude that the Golden Mean ratio represents the ideal or optimization of recursion/embeddedness itself. And thus it is the ratio in principle of consciousness itself, in that the maximum ratio of what is new which can be added unto pattern, without destroying the reference pattern, is the golden mean. Consciousness becomes a name for that principle (of focus or flame) which by ordering preserves pattern. In a universe of flow, only a certain series of turns, or phase shifts, produces a flow which will SLIP (k)not. This geometry of knot or flame shadows turn out to be the alphabet of allowable symmetries which nests electron shells, and trace the Hebrew letterforms. Thus an appropriate reinterpretation of the first verses of Genesis, which contain the symmetry groups which are key to the entire language, would be as a cookbook for weaving up fractal recursion of light flow into matter. This text would, by virtue of being a self-organizing symmetry set, be a readable instruction set for how to tie useful knots, helpful equally at intergalactic or subatomic scales. The pattern of turns which creates standing waves, is thus literally the memory of the way into and out of matter. For example, walking the sequence of phase angles or turns called the Chartres cathedral labyrinth, trains consciousness in the turns of mind necessary to enter and leave matter. The dense center of the slip knot of flow, called matter, holds our attention only until we learn the pattern which put us and our attention there. In the same way that the labyrinth or homeopathic remedies contain the shape or pattern necessary to enter and leave certain slip knots, so too does the sequence of instructed turns which are the Hebrew alphabet. It is a profound coincidence that the seven-color map of the donut, the maximum number of colors which can all touch EACH other, is the map of the donut’s tilt traced by the golden spiral on the donut. The same donut tilt then derives the perception of color, the electrical rotor energizing the heartbeat, and the phase nest of our absolute alphabet. Creating flow-form wave guide for consciousness (our name for living recursion) is no more or less esoteric than building a good microwave amplifier. (A lesson nature learned well in the construction of insect antennae, and practiced by the druids in the construction of paramagnetic dolmen.) To be fractal or self-embedded, is to be self-reflexive: long a primal signature of consciousness. Because the nature of this flow which “knows itself” is written in scripture, we do well to appreciate the shadows on the wall of this cave as a map and template into the nature of self-organizing consciousness itself –– strung up out of chaos.







ALL THE COLORS OF LANGUAGE: A PURE GEOMETRIC ORIGIN OF COLOR With Thanks to Ron Oldchurch earning the alphabet should teach the principle of self-generating coherence, phase/lock, consume/perspective identity. Language can be taught using exactly the same symmetry rules which causes nature to choose regular polygons to make electron shells: only the donut (domain) tilt angle allows symmetry which permits momentum to enter rotation. This is what translates energy to matter. First the child learns by trial and error, graphically, which angles permits donuts (vortex pairs) to nest in symmetry. This creates the regular platonic solids. Eventually, the child discovers which spiral optimizes the translation from line to circle: the golden mean. Taught by experimenting which curves best fits nests of triangles, squares, and pentagons, the student unlocks the key to the golden mean. Then applying that learned spiral to the donut, a strip or piece of the donut begins to represent the whole. The resultant strip when tilted creates for the child, systematically, the alphabet; created by tilting the donut strip to the platonic angles being learned first. The result is a process, which not only makes the language symbol learning process totally self-organizing (negentropic), but directly sets the stage for the learning of later chemistry, physics and math. The atomic table is a direct self-organizing result of learning this same donut domain nest. Which brings us to the rainbow itself and a pure geometric origin of color. The systematization of the learning of color, also arises directly from tracking donut spin. The photon light donut has only ONE shape. The rainbow of a prism is the creation of the harmonics of phase tilt, by the focus of self-canceling non-symmetric phase interference. Focus, attention, causes dis-order to be self-destructive. The three possible primary colors of light, green, blue and red, can be described by the 3 axes of graduated tilt of one photon donut. These three perpendicular spins are related in all possibilities by the tilting of one donut domain. Now, visualize the three ways you could slice a donut, creating the x, y, and z axis. You would catch it spinning on three axes at once, and would graphically have a concentric circle and two figure eights.




650 "red" 600

550 "green" 500

450 "blue" 400

COLOR WAVELENGTH, nm RED pigment corresponds to light at longest wavelength and is most sensitive at 600 nm GREEN pigment is most sensitive at 520 nm BLUE pigment is most sensitive at 430 nm.








The spin described by these three perpendicular pairs of circles can be thought of as the primary colors. Green, the vertical, concentric circle, slice of the donut, is defined by the intersection of left-tilt blue and the right-tilt red, the figure eights. The relative tilt then becomes the relative mix of light necessary to create the rainbow. The eye’s catcher for color is a cone, what wave mechanics uses to measure phase angle/tilt. Visible light is ONE octave, 440 to 880 angstroms, because the side view of each slice of the donut domain of the photon is half as wide as the front view. This 1:2 ratio creates the structural symmetry of resonant harmonics required for color’s nesting. Red, the right-tilt of the donut domain, is the packing, or Yang, hard-making, side of the vortex photon’s approach. Blue is the unpacking, Yin or wet-making side of the vortex’s approach. Green, balanced between packing and unpacking, acts as a still point of harmonic recursion. We must then consider GREEN, as in Photosynthesis, Green Tara, The Green Heart fractal, and the “Emerald Modem” of our green planet, as the necessary tilt or phase of light’s donut domain required to navigate between worlds.

THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN COLOR AND SOUND Color Wavelength in Ångström units 405 438 473 527 580 597 700










396 440 495 528 594 660 704 792 880 Sound Vibrations per second












Diagramatic illustration of a string vibrating in sections and as a whole. The longest vibration determines the pitch. The small vibrations produce harmonics.

e are ready now to look in another rather narrow little band of frequencies: that of speech. It is true that the high voice and the deep voice may send their message in very different octaves. However, as we shall see, the true information we call speech rides pretty much in 5 narrow octaves, regardless of the scale where the octaves are carried. This has to do with, we might imagine, the number of wave lengths of the vocal chords carried along the length of the tongue where its’ envelope is massaged, before rolling off the tip of the tongue. The simple number of coherent possible RATIOS which nest within this bandwidth, become the vowel tones. If you had a tongue to put an envelope (lining up the tips of the little waves into a bigger wave, a nest), on a carrier, what ratios could you produce? (Between carrier wave length and envelope wave length). It does resolve to the length of the tongue massager whose shape introduces envelope onto the singing vocal chords. Say “A,E,I,O,U”, is there any other fundamental shape left unsaid in your mouth? Since the articulation of matter out of light resolves to this same work of getting the (phase) ratios right among the donuts, it seems correct to SAY that proper articulation of the harmonics of speech, may do every process necessary to create. If we get the ratio nest set right in sound, then we shall have the skill to do it with light a few dozen octaves further up the scale. Sound is a padded cell for us, in which to practice creation. Getting closer to a 3D visual of the shape of the coherent pressure wave which leaves our mouths, may be very empowering to our creative process. It may serve us well to imagine this nest of artfully woven pressure bubbles wafting from the lips, dancing about our spaces, weaving our dreams into shape. And so the sonic pictures –– the frequency signatures –– the Fourier transforms –– the spectrograms (amazing how many names we can have for SHAPE). We have seen that the shape of alphabet (particularly Hebrew, but by ancestry most other western alphabets), may be derived from the tilt of the donut. This donut, as a 3D spun sine wave, brews up matter by nesting symmetrically.








15 x 10 16


66 x 10 13


37 x 10 12

Heat Gap of 25 Octaves






4096 kilo-cycles

2048 kilo-cycles

256 kilo-cycles

32 kilo-cycles

8 kilo-cycl.





62.50 31.25 0

Sound Waves




Since the absolute blindingly brilliant logic of the letterforms strikes us in their written form, it is sensible that we might look for reason, in their spoken form. By using a phase or tilt angle template 3D holograms are “cooked up” from a film-2D flatland. This is our symmetry space compared to those El phase turned in the next “dimension”. This dimension-leaping symmetry filming amounts to a literal description of what is written sacred alphabet. Our technology commonly uses coherent sonic holograms to switch (or modulate) optical ones. (Examples include sonic holography in non-destructive materials testing, and phonon/sonic zone refinement in monolithic crystal semiconductor architecture). This coupling between sonic coherence and optical coherence suggests a pure physical creative potential in clear speech. Did you know that insects are often attracted to you in the forest because the sonic pressure wave order in your breath can cause the water vapor in the air to laze and maze? Small creature antennae architecture is a-maze with microwave intelligence. (Phillip Calahan: Tuning in to Nature) (A maser is a microwave-coherent laser). Bloodstream for mindfulness in shorter creatures is shorter waves. Coherence remains the glue. The coherent shape of the pressure wave-woven bubble that leaves the mouth in articulate speech, can be a template for the tilting of light donuts into matter. This is particularly true if we understand the sound wave harmonic pieces of each letter as starting a frequency cascade braid which reaches up the ladder of frequency, to light. Both spectra are pressure waves not differentiated by substance, just wavelength and “phase” order. Remember, there never has been any data which indicated the existence of more than one substance in the universe. Shape, and pattern/wave and length are our only imaginators for separateness. Name is how we hold on, or “touch.” Below we shall see the recognition identity of the vowel tones contained in the whole number ratios of the harmonic pieces. I like to call them “harmonic tensors” because each wave length inside a sound envelope amounts to a different length tinker toy ”tensor,” that we hand to Bucky Fuller to make a tensegrity geodesic. You can’t get your geodesic “membranes” right unless the wavelength of your tinkertoys is right to connect them all. Since whole number octave, and Golden Mean, frequency ratios make the braided donuts we call sound letters, it makes sense to understand those same ratios as a wave guide between sound and light. It’s like pouring water into those caduceu- shaped flow forms they use to empower water in “Living Water.” This technique is being 70




Phonological diagrams by Andrew Comstock, A Treatise on Phoonology (Philadelphia, 1846)




used for commercial sewage treatment in Maine. Water so treated nourishes seed germination and floats logs measureably better. (Living Water: Victor Schauberger). We make pieces of the serpent that winds between frequencies, between worlds, between octaves, between dimensions, when we speak clearly the old words. There are two primary references to be invoked as we proceed into sacred alphabet roots. The first is The Hebraic Tongue Restored by Fabre D’Olivet (Samuel Weiser, Inc., NY.) This book started my quest into the shape origin of things, years ago. References to this work we shall label just “D’Olivet.” The second key reference we shall use to compare our shape derivations here is: The Spectrograms of the Hebrew Alphabet by Carlo Suares author of “Cipher of Genesis” et al. It was first published in French in 1973 (Editions du Mont-Blanc, Geneva — also available at University of Toronto). This study on the physical origins of Hebrew was reworked into English with commentary 11/13/74 by Fred Wolf, physicist and author of Taking the Quantum Leap, Star Wave, Body Quantum, etc. This is the edition I am using courtesy of Human Dimensions Institute. References to this second work we shall label “Suares/Wolf.” Confirming our suspicions that alphabet is real, shapely, and literally meaningful consider D’Olivet: “...the first inventors of the literal alphabet, unique source of all the literal alphabets in actual use upon the Earth, drew from NATURE ITSELF the FORM of these characters, relative to the meaning which they wished to attach to them.” In his work D’Olivet goes on to do a complete radical retranslation of Genesis, completely rooted in the study of the meaning of these SHAPES themselves. He translated the first words: “At-first-in principle… the premium mobile, an acting principle”. It is clear in Fred Wolf’s look with Suares at Hebrew, that the sense of bootstrapping, nestedness, embeddedness fascinated him. He repeatedly refers to the tabulated gematric array for Hebrew Kabbalah as akin to the periodic table. You can get one sense of this from noting the way each letter in Hebrew is spelled out itself. So that Aleph is spelled Aleph-Lammed-Phay, which I translate to mean Aleph-the continuous octave harmonic series, turning the L phase shift corner into Phay-Phi-Golden Mean-PhiCycle-Physical. Quoting Suares and Wolf: “the anatomic chart of Aleph shows that it confers life to the undifferentiated Phay and thus initiates the process Eloh, mystically and traditionally ‘God.’” Similarly, it is said that by spelling out the spelling out of each word of each sentence of Hebrew, it is (homeopathically?) unpacked into seven distinct “self-embedded” (bootstrapped?) levels of meaning. 71




Lastly, as you look at the spectral pictures of the letters, try to get a sense of a sequence of cookie cutter like phonemes waxing from the mouth. Note that every time the “aaah” sound passes somewhere in a phoneme letter, that part of the letter picture is filled the same way. So that in the end you will be able to paint sound pictures with your speech. It is as if someone first looked at the Hebrew letterforms, defined by donut creation mechanics, and said we can make a pressure impression by the shape of which frequency layers of sound are excited in sequence by speech. It is helpful to understand that the energy envelope quality of a speech bubble, sends a momentum vector between frequencies according to the ratio only of the harmonics contained in the sound. Can you imagine a being whose senses include a visual kind of impression of the harmonics of speech? Kind of like perfect pitch, synesthesia –– seeing the aura of sound. Compare your impression of shape with the letterform, and it’s meaning: Aleph: The continuous octave (power 2) harmonic series of the “aah” tone, turns around an L phase transition, to feed the Phi cycle ratio spiral which translates vorticity from line to circle, energy to matter. The concluding Ph suggests not the landing in either rotation called matter, or linear flow called energy, but rather the “Always Left” translation between them which connection enervates li(ph) …life.

“Ah- el-ef” -Aleph

D’Olivet: “Aleph: Man himself as collective Unity… sign of power and stability... expresses unity and the principle by which it is determined.” Suares/Wolf: “Aleph: ..supreme energy, subtle, alive, is relative... can be seen to move at infinite speed and thus evade time…” (as a Fourier series based on Phi could or must). Bayt: The sense of container making envelope, as Bayt is a container, suggests the metaphor of the creation of membrane as origin of immune self/not self identity. D’Olivet: “The mouth of man as organ of speech; his interior; his habitation, every central object… Virile and Paternal sign: image of active and interior action.” Suares/Wolf: “is any container, any physical container, any gestalt. It is the first or primary divisor or separator to contain or hold is to separate that which is held from that which is not. It is the primary act of consciousness recognizing itself. If Aleph is spiritual, Bayt is material.”

“Bay-th” -Bet or Beth ALPHABET










o far, we have seen how the geometric qualities of all sacred alphabets can be used to derive a symmetry and phase angle language that unites the frequencies of sound and light. Now, Dan Winter shows us that this self-similar or recursive geometry forms the basis of consciousness itself. The implications are vast indeed. If our sacred languages and our purest thoughts and emotions have a geometric resonance with the structure of the universe itself, then consciousness, focused awareness, becomes the mediational point where reality selection occurs. Mind is not separate Matter, both are shaped by fractally attractive attention. Dan explores this, with a little autobiographical glimpse thrown in, in the first chapter of this section. “Focused Attention” defines what is attention and outlines its practical applications in a universe of one substance. “Flammable Synapse,” chapter two, looks more closely at how attention is generated in the brain. Kundalini is examined as coherence implosions that result in neural supeconductivity. This fire in the mind is seen as welding what is shareable, down to the molecular level, and annihilating the rest. Chapter three takes the idea of a unified field of simple pressure in a new direction. Just as fractally recursive thought processes can produce neural superconductivity, emotional recursiveness in the heart’s rhythm produces a resonant coherence that is capable of being transmitted all the way down to the cellular level. “Algae Memories,” chapter four, looks at this cellular memory and the origins and uses of the mem(ory)brane. It answers the question: what is shareable? “Resonance Geometry,” chapter five, relates the physics of Phi to the architecture of consciousness. Chapter six directly connects this structure to the Phi ratio geometries of DNA itself and suggest that this is the basis of immune identity in the cell. “Can Intent Steer Waves?” chapter seven, demonstrates that com-









passion’s embedding geometry, a nest of Phi ratios, is biology’s only natural superluminal doorway out of our local time bubble formed by the speed of light. This Only Love is Faster than Light approach also has galactic implications, as the chapter reveals. “Consumed Perspectives: The Faces of Oneness,” chapter eight, brings us back to the problems of biology, on a planetary level. Recursive biology leads to a recursive, or self-aware planet. Biology modulates the carrier wave of consciousness. Chapters nine and ten explore the physics of the ecstasy, the process by which our planet gains its communal consciousness. Chapter ten is a transcription of Dan’s lecture, in August of 1993, at the “Reviving Ancient Wisdom” conference in Danbury, North Carolina. This lecture sums up all the concepts presented in this section, while sharing Dan’s personal experiences and his unique teaching style.










FOCUSED ATTENTION Is it attention’s focus itself that nests waves to spin, inventing dimension—the embedding of spin upon spin? Reflecting upon the matter, Alice, it was all done with mirrors.… ETURNING from the Gurdjieff mystery school, I was asked to speak in a beautiful church by a lake. Being a bit naive, I reconstituted the instructions I had been taught for experiencing the discipline of attention. The practice in the “school for gurus” is to move your attention into your little finger until you can feel “feeling” there. Feeling means a tingling sensation or what I call onset coherence. Suddenly I was dealing with one excited woman. She claimed that a big lump which had been on the back of her hand under the skin for years had just disappeared. A room full of people place their attention on their left hand and then this woman has a lump under her skin in that hand “melts away.” She was worried because something unseemly might happen now that part of her had melted away inside her body. Her concern was that it might crystallize somewhere else not under her control. Perhaps it was because I was young and expected the world to be understandable, but I required a reasonable explanation. I didn’t have an answer back then. But I sure planned to find one, but not an answer in spiritual multivalent abstractions. What I required was an explanation in terms that a klutzy kid known for fixing motors in an electric shop would understand — something that would make sense to any plumber. We need an explanation of what is human attention or conscious focus in plumber’s terms. The unified field (that is, all of every stuff) is compressible fluid. Well, that’s plumbing. So how did that woman’s attention on her finger cause disorder to melt, like a knot in the plumbing of the light bubbles we call biology? If we figure out what attention is, then we might figure out what it’s good for. We have our human body of biological molecular mazes. The quality we call attention or consciousness wanders around inside it, inside us. Yet however elusive this “attention” is, you move it somewhere and poof! the field changes. A warm glowing feeling begins to grow around wherever we place this attention. If you can’t change the temperature and move the blood in your little finger by just moving your mind









there, then either you aren’t trying with “good” intention, or you haven’t practiced. So what is attention? The wave nature of everything is like the waves looking for a node or still spot on a guitar string. You focus the finger of your attention in one place and you get music. A node makes a note. Stillness creates. Choosing the place that doesn’t move in a flow, where everything is moving, establishes the pattern. Pattern in wave is another name for matter, so choosing stillness in the flow creates matter. Have you ever noticed that if you get an itch, but don’t scratch, your mind focuses there until the itch burns? Keeping a certain pattern of pressure flowing is an excellent plumber’s description of a flame, of burning. The focus of mind lights a fire by creating pattern in the flow of pressure. In the hydrodynamic (flow) universe of pressure, all that fundamental physics describes are variations in the pressure of one unified field. The only way the universe has of storing in-form-ation is by keeping the pressure dancing in a flow around a focal point. You remember what gets burned in. We are saying that something physically happens in the plumbing of all things when we simply place our attention into any “thing.” But why is this? Remember, seeing anything is to establish relationship with it. If everything is relative then when I see a blue book, what I make by my looking there is relationship. Establishing relationship makes ratio. If you get into physics, you learn that in an absolute sense, we don’t have scale, only ratio. We could be moving away from each other right now at the speed of light, because only our relative position is ever perceived. Let’s look at consciousness as an attractor. An attractor is something that draws things into its pattern. The job light waves have in making matter/fire/memory is to remember how to be drawn into pattern. But what draws light into a pattern? We know that pattern is ratio and that matter is a wave nest for light, but what put the pattern there? Light in straight lines does not make pattern (memory), because it never comes back around to re-member. So in order to store the inertia in light, you need to bend it into a circle. Only circular or gyroscopic motion will produce inertia. Mass is measured in physics only by inertia. So persuading light to go from a line into a circle creates mass. Mass is like little gyroscopes remembering to be still because they are spinning around a center of gravity which they created. Now we just said that choosing the place which is still creates matter and we implied that attention creates matter. Now we are saying PHYSICS







that creating spin around a still center creates matter. What matters? Stillness or spin? Spin creates stillness in the flow, which is the illusion of nodes and matter, while stillness in the flow creates spin. How weird to think there are two kinds of matter: matter and doesn’t matter. Was there ever any data suggesting there was more than one substance in the universe? The one flow bubbles up in different shapes. The “fundamental” forces are no more separate than the light and sound in a sonic-optic hologram. Nor are they more different in substance than the electromagnetism from the gravity in a magnetic monopole which “creates” gravity. Gravity is the symmetry possibility of flow between frequencies. It is a heterodyne interference beat among cascading waves. This fractal fit of the big wave into the little one is why the symmetry of the electron shell is a fractal of the symmetry of the nucleus. This makes gravity in the cascade. Gravity is the vortex made possible by spin symmetry. The language of physics is just a bit impoverished when describing the scalar relationship of fields moving coherently between frequencies, worlds, dimensions, or axes of spin. So physics has left us without a center of gravity when it comes to understanding the vortex attractor –– gravity. To grok the relationship of attention to the fractal wave vortex, you must understand at a gut level the relationship of emotion to gravity. The long wave coherent ratios (emotion) create the cascade braid between worlds (gravity). Thus we call them “heavy” feelings or “light” heartedness. Getting a feeling for a universe made of one substance is the easy part. The tricky part is this: What does conscious attention do to this universal squishy stuff, the unified field? We were getting close to an answer when we explored what permits light to go in circles. Now we need to introduce a key term: symmetry. This is the stuff of which worlds are made. Give me symmetry or give me death. Symmetry is the only track for light to go in circles. A piece of the donut’s symmetry is a byte off Adam’s apple — it’s a torus either way. Light travels only in the form of torus donuts. To get the circular motion going, which remembers and stores inertia (makes mass), requires symmetry. As the light waves go round in circles, if the high and low bumps (nodes and anti-nodes) don’t fit into each other, then the light waves cancel each other out. If you’re a quantum mechanic, electron shell theory is like square-dancing. Thank God for the pattern. So when we create symmetry, light finds it comfortable to make circles instead of lines. But what does human attention have to do with making symmetry? There you are, after meditating for 300 lifetimes, when finally PHYSICS







Coherent waves

Incoherent waves




there’s a decent gadget to monitor brainwaves. So what do they find in your EEG brainstorms? In a word: coherence (co-here-’an-see .) It’s attention that puts the co here in among the see waves. Focus holds the light together. Light moving in circles requires nodes or bubbles of pressure to come back into where it remembers being before — it’s another name for getting a dance going round. Focus on the pattern. Simulate symmetry. Establishing the idealized pattern of relations (ratio) is attention/perception. Drafted in ratio, light nests. The idealized ratio par excellence is the golden mean. It forms the heart of all infinite wave ratio cascades and underlies the design principle of nearly everything in Nature. Since the ratio of the means to the extremes (0 .618, 1.0, 1.618, 2.618...) cascades infinitely in perfect relation, it is the heart of the matter and very fractal. The fractal nature of a conscious drawstring attractor is what creates a vortex center, a gyre that will hold. When the vortex zips faster to center then more memory flows in. Order replicates around that focus, while disorder self-destructs. Simple enough if you put your mind to it. Let’s review some basic wave-cooking mechanics. In physics, we understand that all matter is a summation of sine waves of different lengths. Sine waves make everything in two dimensions, like an extension of the symbol for the TAO. In three dimensions, this creates figure eights which are donut-shaped. This torus donut (think of a smoke ring) is the self-organizing shape of all fields. Storing the tilt and nest of donuts makes an alphabet — a cookbook for creation. The alphabet was created when we located the spin symmetry of the golden mean spiral around the Adam’s apple field (donut). Teaching focus, as consciousness, to re-member how to “stand and wave” makes things like the atomic table and babies and planets. Symmetry permits donut fields to remember which way they are spinning on their way around. The word Eve (according to Fabre D’ Olivet in Hebraic Tongue Restored) means “word-making” or “touchmaking” power. Symmetry creates the only permission to touch that there is in the field of donuts. I call this “wet-making” or “blue-making” power, as opposed to Adam, which D’Olivet says means “red-making” or “hard-making” power. Eve, the principle of symmetry or word making, tempted Adam, the principle of hard-making, to know or embrace the separateness among the universal oneness: segregating momentum, a-part from the whole, by byte-ing a strip from the torus apple, covering their membranes with a fig leaf. This was the genesis of the debate on the part-I-call versus the wave nature of light. So only the self-organizing stands up to be named — or matters. Since waves add and multiply when they cascade together, they quickly 78




find the best way to do both at once through the principle of the golden mean. This golden mean spiral becomes the optimum path for light around the primal donut. The alphabet of symmetry is the remembrance of spin. The top down view of DNA, the “network for light,” is ten golden mean spirals wrapped around the primal donut. Let’s focus on one spiral strip, using the part to re-member the whole. It traces the path of the fractal dodecahedron, which describes DNA, the Earth energy grid, and the 12-faced zodiac. The fractal vortex nest of spirals makes 12 light cones as a harmonic path. Since this is the long wave of the golden mean, or phi, spiral, we call this way of relating lo-phi or lo-ve. We have measured this frequency ratio signature in the long wave sonics of the heartbeat at the moment of love. Then we use this tilting golden path around the torus to remember how to tilt or spin in a way that produces the phase nest we call words or for that matter— matter itself. Remember, all shells or membranes are made of waves. The only way your skin remembers touch is if the phase angle or fold fits the nest. The folds on a membrane are the symmetry library of all the ways they have stored the touch of feeling. The human brain is an example of maximized foldedness on a surface. Massaging touch to be recorded on the surface of memory-brain, is like rolling your touch onto the surface of a soap bubble without breaking it. Optimizing the fold, remembering touch, is a Grail Quest for nesting symmetry. The result is literally the alphabet of symmetry. Try turning this apple around in your mind, before you decide just where to byte. In a nut-shell, the alphabet was cooked up to re-member or draw attention to the symmetry which tempts line into circle: the making of matter. This font of letters is created by turning to different 3D symmetry views, where we see the self-organizing Golden Mean spiral wrapped around the self-organizing torus donut. These icons are food for thought: consumed perspective, the ABC’s of creation. Let’s consume another perspective by asking, Why did the Magi place fires in the pattern of the zodiac on the folded hills around Bethlehem? They created a fractal cascade from the body of pattern that is attention/mind to the face of the pattern that is the stars upon the land. Now what better way to create a fractal landing zone for attention to incarnate on the surface of memory brain, the landscape? The Christ principle (how to cryst-all-eyes) waves intergalactically PHYSICS







toward Bethlehem to be born. Getting focus on the node from the wave, from energy to matter, is the fractal initiation called incarnation. Attending to the folds appearing as faces on the surface of membrane Earth is ancient geomancy. The stones in a circle are plying symmetry in the folds of light called matter. On the long wave, new and shapely faces upon the landscape make new kneaded connections for the increasing conscious surface of Gaia. For a tree, phylotaxis means maximum unfoldment in the light and minimum superposition. Don’t hide your light. The tree of life folds light in the pattern called phylotaxis. You wouldn’t object if you felt your lover’s attention in a finger of touch. Feel the attention of one great lover touching Earth, as we nest into the new folds storing touch into biology, the skin of Gaia.










FLAMMABLE SYNAPSE: Spin-distributed awareness

The nerve cell, or neuron, is the basic communication unit of the human brain. One neuron sends an electrical signal down its axon to a dendrite of a second neuron. The signal is received at the synapse, a tiny spark-gap between the membrane of two nerve cells.

park gaps are used to feed things like Tesla Coils because the wave shape of charge passage, being very abrupt, makes approximately a square wave. The harmonic content of a square wave is an infinite Fourier series, or an infinite number of wave lengths assembled in a braid, including VERY high frequencies. Tesla Coils eat nicely from this diet because they can pick which frequencies are “tasty” enough to add spin. The discontinuity of the charge passage through the synapse in the brain is very much like the square wave of the spark gap. If an infinite frequency series of harmonic ripples is traveling off in all directions each time a nerve “fires,” then it must take a great deal of context order (or coherence) to prevent the bleeding off of all that charge, as the immense number of ripples in the electrical ocean are created by all those sparks. Fireflys dancing to a good choreographer is the metaphor behind why vision in the cortex is really a synapse hologram. Make sparks in time, and you get 3D pictures with good enough resolution to bend light. (A hologram of a magnifying glass MAGNIFIES!.) Subject separated from object gets blurry about here. In fact we ourselves, the painter, seemingly enter our own painting. So why have humans so long imagined thought and awareness to be made of different stuff than matter and energy? Perhaps because it was so childishly convenient not to consider our mind and our emotions to be made of the same material as the messy world around us. This kind of physics, with consciousness separate from matter, caused a serious schizophrenia in our awareness. It meant we could consider our body’s wave form as something to fight and battle with, like a foreign matter irritant causing pearls in oysters. A far more mature description of mindfulness might be seen as a fractal attractor which keeps the cosmic jello going in the “loop-deloops” of recursion (donut field effects). When the flux lines are drawn to center in a way which makes their path back to that center implode, we call this gravity. Yet, the essence of self-awareness –– the “I am that I am” –– is a simple description of the nature of moldable pressures which, by nesting in elegant foldedness, store pattern as the pressure holds memory. In spiritual literature this creates a language to describe the inner imagery landscape: a perception of nested pressures holding pretty




Flow or energy/amperage versus time in wave spark gap synapse. Neuron A

Cell Body

Action Potential

Axon Synapse



Neuron B







B = 1/ø

1/ø 2


C = ø (1.618) A Phi Wave is created when the amplitude (wave crest) and the wave frequency relate in a phi ratio.

A Phi Caduceus

Our brains transmit the signals that process information and regulate emotions through chemical messengers known as “neurotransmitters.” The neurotransmitter molecule locks on to a specially shaped receptor on the postsynaptic cell.




holograms nested one inside the other. What holds these concentric holograms together in the nervous system’s “fire” is coherence in the charge envelope. This means that huge nests of ultraviolet to ELF sonic waves form around well integrated nervous plexi, creates a perception of an inner imploding vortex. These kundalini, tantric, or ecstatic phenomenon are great coherence implosions. Ecstatic meant a way for the waves of “Eck” to enter “stasis”/stillness. For giant nests of pressure waves to converge at one point for common leverage, they need a continuous “spin path” to this “zero” or still point. Here the frequency continuum cascades. Heterodynes braid a nonlinear caduceus to infinite frequency and velocity modes at one end, and to zero hertz and velocity at the other. This is exactly the cascade in the frequency signature of the heart as compassion sweeps. The tree is electrically entrained measurably at just this moment of “spin path to zero point.” Here infinite frequency and zero frequency have the same description, they are everywhere at once, appear totally still, and are infinitely shareable. Perfect symmetry is perfectly distributable. The wave distribution geometry from this still point, can only remain in the state of shared spin, when the symmetry is perfect. And it “turns out” that this perfect symmetry is perfect embeddedness, which is none other than the perfect recursive more than 2D fractal. The pattern by which the waves propagate by geometry from the fractal attractor still point is exactly the same as the distribution of awareness. Where an infinite series of harmonic nodes can radiate from a magnetic “center of gravity (recursion)” inside biology, there awareness rushes in. In a practical sense this means we can conceive of the flowered rushing tingle of awareness from inside a magnetic sacred space (cathedral/stone circle/old oaks in a druid ring), as a kind of 3D Chaladni plate, macrodynamic flowform ring around where the pressures nest. My conversation with Karl Pribram (author of The Holographic Brain ), centered on whether or not there was anything flammable in the synapse. He was arguing that the waves which converged capacitively at the nervous synapse, perform a kind a Fast Fourier Transform frequency power spectral averaging. The waves converge, and the ones which electrically fit a larger pattern, can survive past the spark gap. I certainly agree with Dr. Pribram that this becomes a specific kind of holographic cohereing intelligence. Where we disagreed was whether or not to call this “electrical pressure capacitive” at the synapse in fact a flame or fire. Fire is oxidation (oh-x then y you gene, cross then branch your flux lines of pressure to braid). Flame is nothing more than a name for 82




the geometry of electrical pressures stabilized by crossing and branching. Since flame is a standing wave of pressures, and the stability of a standing wave of pressures creates distributed awareness, this has been called most appropriately in spiritual literature “the fire in the mind.” This is hot. Flame welds what is shareable, on a molecular level, and annihilates the rest. Pressure purifies by testing for what is shareable or distributable as nested spin. When nested spin as pressure is infinitely recursive or fractal, it is infinitely compressible and infinitely shareable (ask a computer programmer about fractal data compression). This is the geometry of what some schools have called accelerated thought; it is in fact compressed spin.

Flat representation of element 79, Gold.

Karl Pribram was saying in effect, that nothing at the synapse burns. I suggest humbly that it is clear that there is something which is consumed in the fire at the synapse. All electrical wave forms which cannot propagate in gentle even-handed symmetry among the radiating nodes in the optical hologram are self-canceled by the simple physics of wave interference. For this same reason only gold survives the fire of alchemy. It’s symmetry is noble enough to be a container for maximum pressure/heat. From a molecular point of view, gold is the perfect fractal. (Electron geometry to nuclear). This accounts for its weight. Fractality makes gravity. So, the test for inner fire is the ability of our thoughts to hold electrical pressure. Only thoughts, or inner optical emotive holograms, which are shareable by the laws of recursive symmetry, can survive. In spiritual terms, this is the test for pure intention, which determines if our wishes become horses. Only fractality/recursion/embeddedness can bend light, therefore only compassion as love creates matter. Only this attraction causes waves to leave their line and enter the circle where spin is stored. Hence we each, along with the galactic core, exist in pursuit of a “heart of gold”. The Golden Spiral pair which traces the perfect valentine heart shape, is also the perfect geometry for the radiation of pressure or spin from the center of a perfect fractal. This is how compassion gains leverage on ecosystems. Perfectly embedded in the awareness of spin, is the attractor glue to hold waveforms like atoms or families or galaxies together. Imagine you were in a line of friends yanking in pulses on a string going into a blind hole. There might be friends feeling those pulses on the other side of the blind hole, but you cannot see them. As a result the only way you have of getting information into and out of the blind








hole, is the pulses of pulling pressure you send and receive. Now it might well be that a row of little ants is also pulling and putting pressures on the same rope. They, however are doing so in wavelengths so much shorter than the ones you pull and heave that you are not even aware that a family of ants is also swapping information with another family of ants, on the other side of the blind hole — alll through the same string. Now if the ant family does its pulling on the string in phase or dance time, to your longer waves of pulling motions, then there is no interference between the two signals. Eventually all the families, little to big, that wanted to share the same umbilical cord phone line to connectedness, learn that they need to arrange their pulses on the phone wire so that they all perfectly nest, embed or braid inside one another. This way an infinite number of families can share one phone line very economically. This describes the wave sharing that gets set up going into and out of every synapse in the brain. Phase disciplined, context or laminar coherent fractality=compressibility=shareability. If the pressures radiating symmetrically in all directions remain nested, so that a responsive pulse returns for every one going out, then the flame (or charge envelope or spin) doesn’t die. Only recursion or self-similarity accomplishes this. Recursion as self-awareness is the logical limit of super string theory. Now let’s apply this to magnetism on the land or magnetism beneath the skin. Electro-magnetic is the wind on which love and recursion travel. A few-well placed paramagnetic stones, and long waves implode on the land making a flower of order in the landscape. Tears well up, rain falls, flowers flower. A few well-placed touches in network chiropractic or acupuncture or moxibustion or geomancy –and soon the spin finds itself. Arthur and the land are the one whom this grail serves.










COULDN’T GET A BETTER SQUEEZE rinted on the side of the box containing a well designed, crankoperated Tomato Juicer, is the motto of today’s inspiration: “You Couldn’t Get a Better Squeeze.” The news for preservers of sweet memories is juicy; pressure, properly applied, sorts waves into preserve-able order. The key operating component of the Tomato Juicer is a human-operated rotating spiral helix engraved on a cone-like vortex. What emerges from the apex of the cone in the shape of living blood is a harvest of sweetness. A physicist once asked me incredulously, did I mean practically that the unified field was all made up of simple pressures, just as you would squeeze someone’s hand to say “I Love You?” Most of us recognize that sound is a geometry of pressure. However, we should also remember that piezoelectricity, those sparks of light that crystals emit when you knock them together in a dark room, works by leveraging mechanical pressure into electrical pressure in the presence of helical geometry. The slinky gets a little skinnier when you pull on its ends. What better way to connect a long wave of pressure to a short, than in a braid. Tesla’s word for voltage was tension, amperage is the flow rate, voltage is the pressure. Pressure times flow equals work done or watts. And of course gravity feels like pressure going in not out. Einstein said if electrical pressures went one way instead of both, the monopole, that would be exactly gravity. Today we call that a scalar wave, which resembles the ancient Greek caduceus. It’s a unified field of pressure. Gravity talks to magnetism in a particular symmetry of pressures, which interestingly enough looks like the Serpentine Caduceus symbol of the medical professions.


A sine-wave caduceus

The other “fun”-damental forces, which physics schizophrenically imagines to be separate, are the nuclear. Yet we now know that the collapse of the wave function into center that glues the electrons to the neutrons is the fractality or recursion of the platonic nuclear symmetries to the electron shells. Fractal pressures weave the nucleus into gravity and persuade the feminine electrons to nest. In other words for atoms to hang together, and make their bit of inward collapse called gravity, only “As Above, So Below” is possible. PHYSICS







Waves are not so dumb as to fall into a center that is not in their own image and likeness. It would mean death to their spin. Give them fractal symmetry or give them death. Fractals hold infinite spin, information and awareness density in their heart. A perfect Valentine zooms in forever.

Drawing five lines on a pentagram makes Betsy Ross's star. When each line is one edge of a cube, the five cubes make the the figure below:

The hex face of a cube as seen in phi-nested dodecahedra.




So it seems that the Unified Field is knowing how pressures get together without fighting. In physics they do all this with mirrors and call it symmetry for waves. Regular people call this experimenting with sharing. Sometimes pressure forces us to share. The glandular skill to bend pressures into braids that put energy in motion across scales, is called E-motion. In the Sentics literature, the musical shape of simple pressure as touch, creates a complete language of emotion. If the finger’s pressure on the violin string, or the lover, creates a wave whose pressure grows and falls in the ratio of Phi (the Golden Mean), then that touch feels like love. El (turn) into the O (circle) of Phi (Recursion), Lo phi — Love. We’re beginning to get a “feeling” for squeezing as bio’s logical language. Our very word for life, is an El (turn) into the Eye (focus) of Phi (Recursion). El-Eye-Phi, Life. Look at the wave’s nest. If the harmonics are embedded or fractal or recursive, then it is alive/self-aware. This is why life’s best proteins, DNA, are in a PHI five nest. Only in this way are the little pressure vortex wormhole song lines able to live one inside another infinitely. This makes the glue that holds together things like atoms and people and continents. This makes magnetism in the land inhabitable. The fundamental principle is that squeezing encourages pressures to nest in the only way that their spin can survive. If all the spin paths proceed to center along the Golden Mean Spiral, the Yellow Brick Road to Oz, then vorticity translation is optimized. In other words the ideal equiangular spiral path allows all angles, all ratios, to be saved –– while moving between scales. So no patterns or memories are forgotten. This ideal recursive self embedded wave fractal in two dimensions looks like Betsy Ross’ pentagram stars within stars, created by 10 Golden Mean spirals in a pent-nest circle that resembles the top down view of DNA. Waves in this geometry can add and multiply forever and never fight. In three dimensions, this looks like a dodecahedron inside an icosa inside a dodeca, and so on. Each time you extend each edge of the dodeca straight out, by Golden Mean stellation, you make Icosahedron. Doing this again makes another dodeca — infinitely. This is the universe’s only perfect three dimensional wave fractal. This is the shape of DNA, the ratcheting dodeca, the Earth Grid, and the Zodiac. This shape is variously called Merkabbah, Ezekial’s Wheels, City of Revelation, etc. Obeying this rubric made “As Above, So Below.” And created image and likeness. 86




Measuring the Onset & Duration of the Pressure of Emotion JOY 1/6


HATE 1/3

LOVE .618 = Phi Waveforms are adapted from Manfred Klyne's "Sentics." 0

.5 .618


Pressure vs Time Documenting the Moment of Average Touch




The Earth grid’s dodeca/icosa shape permits planetary magnetism to embed the Zodiacal. Thus from the point of view of the Angles, or angels, we couldn’t get a better squeeze. Just like the tomato juicer’s rotating spiral helix, the heart creates a vortex in the blood. The heart’s muscle is arranged in seven spiral layers in exactly the tilt of the seven symmetry arrows through a tetrahedron. This is the universe’s maximum symmetry spin shape. According to the ratcheting tilt of the voltage donut converging at the heart, the muscles squeeze the blood in different tilt angles. The result is that the heart does not pump the blood, but rather squeezes out messages to the body in nests of vortices. The eddies carry sonic impressions to the thymus, which, when ecstatic or coherent, creates the magnetic resonance envelope that we call an immune system. This is the Alphabet of the Heart. At the moment of compassion or love, the wave lengths in the EKG become coherent and recursive or fractal. The heart learns the best permission to touch for pressure waves, and envelopes all spin into one cardioid pattern. This is a learned and teachable skill. This is why love is the baud-rate, or hand shaking algorithm, to God’s Modem. When data is fractal, (or very compressible, that is survives squeezing well) it is infinitely spin dense and infinitely shareable. The test which maximum squeezing creates at center, propagates only those thoughts or spins which are shareable. One of the things which squeezing cancels out is secrets. When the Phi or Golden Mean Spiral is laid on the donut, the shape of all pressures that survive, it makes a 7 color map Moebius Strip. The shadows of that 3D spiral as it tilts to the angles that would allow the donut to nest, are the ABC’s. These elements of symmetry are the only language light pressures ever had. Tilt to fit spin, and the permission to touch among waves was called word. Proper ABC’s make symbols in the brain psycho-kinetic, like a sound hologram learning to share spin with an optical hologram. Each letter of the alphabet is a different tilt on the same Golden Spiral in to the center of the infinite fractal. This means that the spin/information/pattern heart of any unfolding rose, can always be quickly located by knowing the ABC’s spin path to the zero point. No donut field can catch you off center when you know where to grab it by the throat, and consume its perspective, to eat its spin. Spirit talks in Fractals; the alphabet is the way in and out. In this way, every pressure that is served to you, serves you. As the Unified Field’s fractal love nest “Christ-All-Eye’s,” You Couldn’t Get a Better Squeeze.





SPINNING DODECAHEDRON dodecahedron spinning in space five A Adodecahedron spins in space at fiveatdegree intervals. sequence three degree This intervals. This reveals sequence reveals symmetry views. three symmetry views. Symmetry View

Symmetry View

Symmetry View










ALGAE MEMORIES he Laws of Form by G. Spencer Brown, is a book which radically re-rooted Catastrophe Theory and Structural Stability and Morphogenetic Biology. It did so by simply using the parenthetic bracket –– ( ) –– in groups, meaning “inside” or “outside”. We could say also “self” vs. “not-self.” By grouping or nesting these parentheses, the origin of set theory, group theory, and ultimately the entire calculus was described. Essentially, it illustrated that no other language or symbol set was needed to self-bootstrap all of mathematics, and form in general, other than just the idea of nesting something either inside of, or outside of something else. It shouldn’t come as a surprise when we discover that our sacred alphabets are literally shadows of (k)nots. Symbol sets are made of turns either inside of, or outside of… In an important way, this becomes more evidence for the notion of a unified field. Given a universal continuum of pressure, stored as symmetry among pressure bubbles, the laws of form become the nesting of membrane inside or outside. The universe, as ONE uninterrupted wave surface, remembers by storing a calculus of forms onto folded, nested, “cell” membranes — “tiny bubbles, in the wine.” Bruce Lipton, a Stanford biologist, writes in “Membrane Mediated Biology,” that membrane surface is the “buck stops here,” or CPU of cellular information processing. This is because folded into (wave) surface stands the only way the universe has to remember: a pressure wave phase locked by symmetry to stand creates surface/membrane /memory/self/not-self. The virus tests the lock of cell membrane by matching the frequency “key” signature of gene-nome, against the frequency signature of cell membrane. Cell morphology is a “written history” in resonant memory of the shape of the ways it has been touched, woven to stand as wave-shape. Lynn Margolis defends an information origin of the Gaia hypothesis based on millions of years of algae eating each other. Algae performed the longest series of tests optimizing survival on Earth, by literally consuming each others genetic memories, enveloping each other’s membranes. First #1 eats #2, which ate #3, which had consumed #4 which ate #1’s progeny which already contained #3 which ate #2… which had enveloped…









You get the flavor. Try representing the genetic information contained in millions of years of nested, recursive embeddedness using parentheses. It becomes a biological world of braided membranes, a labyrinth of memory. Because the Algae did not put a separate membrane around their nuclear genetic material, when they consumed each other, their genepool survival memory library was immediately shared with the “consumer”. They contained no secrets. This membrane-less nucleus may be described in another way. It is as if biology conducts an experiment for a few billion years. First all genetic memories pour into connective cells, no separateness. Then for a much shorter time, biology tests the second level of abstract symbolic separateness, another membrane forms: the nucleus. Now self is more separate from not-self. We might call this the Adamic race period, translated as hard-making or more precisely separate-making power. Our human experiment tests this extreme of imagined separateness. Human’s live in “apart-ment”s. A similar case may be made for the significance of the myelinization of the nerve sheath. Result: higher voltage/pressure/separateness could be carried in the symbolic nerve world hologram. Result: capacity to “sail into abstraction”/separate: Eye/I-magine. If computers couldn’t be leveraged with anything but literal machine code, we couldn’t program them. We make “value” judgments: good vs evil, self vs not-self, separate-making vs one-making power. The hardness serves, even as cancer serves. They are useful for testing: which memories CAN be shared? When the time comes, when we have tested all the separateness we have a taste for, we can then give up the imagination that our thoughts are secret. This would be a kind of Hopi meeting tent or “scenes from a marriage,” when the waves of our memories are freed/relaxed to interfere constructively or destructively as they might, until they co-here. During this time of “a mother and child reunion is only a motion away,” it is useful to eat the blue-green algae. Merging our memories back into the genepool of life, we permit the test for what is worth harvesting of our imagined “self.” By doing the tingling re-mingling with the genepool, gently, the rapture comes as a delicious fire of energy gradually washing through our memories, filtering what stands as wave to share as symmetry, from what washes away, as disorder (evil) does wherever there is light focus. For those who resist the time of re-emerge-ance, the rapture will be somewhat hotter in apparent presence. Pain is a name for the focusing of the ordering principle, when its presence is not invited. PHYSICS







When it’s information en-riching, flow is welcomed, it is called joy, rapture, inspiration, the rush of knowing. Superconductivity keeps the nervous crystal cool, relaxed, while at the sweet heart of in-formation. Eating the re-vitalizing blue-green algae food, unpacks shared memories in unfolded electron spaces like the alkaline lake where it grows. We consume the perspective folded into the (membrane) shape of all of biology. When the rules of what sine waves will hang together to make one bubble-surface-membrane are considered, the origin of the immune system in phase-coherence emerges. This is to say that the simple octave of possible ratios which make emotions coherent, weaves the membrane by nesting. Nesting is only possible when phase-coherence, simple orderliness of ratio carried between frequency, occurs.










RESONANCE GEOMETRY: A UNIFYING MODERN LANGUAGE OF RIGOR hen two waves beat into each other from a place of focus, our language of physics and electronics allows us to describe and perhaps feel the results. They are said to “interfere” and resonate or ring, producing sum and multiple waves called heterodynes. Thus from only a marriage of two, universal principle weaves an infinite nest: an harmonic progression & a projective geometry. However in the “monolithic architecture” which is integrated circuit design, the crystal chip cutter practically gives up when you ask for 3D, that is a predictable “ring” from the three waves, three axis — called volume or space. (Theory & Design of Quartz Crystal Oscillators, by Virgil Bottom.) From a purely mathematical perspective the quartz heartbeat of your watch and computer is made predictable by cutting a 2D, two wave, wafer plane resonating molecular sandwich, where the third volumetric dimension is cut very long to be “out of it… spurious.” This is said to be because an infinite Fourier — that is sine wave harmonic summation — series, cannot be solved between three dimensions of oscillation. It’s too complex. The problem is reminiscent of the still unsolved three body gravity problem. Our physics has a “feeling” for the gravity between two bodies, but not three. It is symbolic that our 2D, two wave harmonic analysis of oscillation has not penetrated from area to volume. It is as if we have not collectively leapt from a FLATLAND image resolution to a true 3D image. A ritual of “rhythmic traverse” (A Sufi dance) is all that is required of the hologram reference beam to sample or ratchet the inFORMation out of a 3D cube ratcheting through FLATLAND. The information nesting permitted in the hologram’s reference beam, is precisely due to its discipline of harmonic order: COHERENCE. Poetically, coherence is the name for the shared hanging of hats between scales. Louis Acker calls the grid of coherence, “interdimensional common nodal points.” Thus a coherent harmonic progression is, informationally, the path between dimensions. (Since it is the only information conserving path between harmonics.) Now you might say, tell me again in simple terms what COHERENCE is? Remember when the grandfather clocks in a room after resonating together for a time all began swinging their pendulum exactly together. Well coherence is the moment when not only were they at


Waves in phi ratio frequency with same amplitude.






Different states of consciousness produce different types of brain waves

Alertness produces fast, low amplitude "beta" waves

Relaxation corresponds to slower and larger "alpha" waves


During light sleep, there are bursts of waves called "sleep spindles"

Deep sleep is characterized by slow, large waves.

The waves are markedly slow and irregular during coma.

The brain waves during epilepsy have a telltale "spike and dome" pattern.




the same speed, but were all going right and left together IN PHASE, like dancers. The marriage of moment in phase, being the essence of laser, hologram And… In our study at Millard Fillmore Hospital on the harmonics of the immune system (Dan Winter, 1988), when our meditator relaxed, focusing on love, the heart harmonics became phase coherent. Our spectrum analysis of the EKG showed coherent harmonic progression at peak emotional moments. Further the frequency spacing of those heart harmonics matched the square root of the Golden Mean. Mathematically, the heart tells the tale of the only solution to the unresolvable complexity of the three resonators nesting problem. If you produce a harmonic series based on PHI, the Golden mean, then the interference of the beat notes or “heterodynes” are always coherent or constructive. This is because the Golden proportion is the universe’s only series which both adds and multiplies. This unique nest which is both arithmetic and geometric, is a wave’s best way of enfolding/bonding… LOVING. The Golden Mean is the only solution to the problem of recursiveness, as feedback, from chaos to fractal. It is the ideal percentage of new information which can feed back as an interference beam without destructively interfering with the reference beam. (Ann Tyng: “Geometric Extensions of Consciousness,” Fred Wolf in Star-Wave gives an equation of “consciousness”-self/reference-re/normalization was x = 1/(x+1) = .618… = 1/PHI.) Remembering that the inspiration of “feeling” is the agreed test of success in the architecture of space, we need a syntax of feeling. Fortunately, the literature called Sentics and Music, Mind & Brain, both by Manfred Clynes, stand ready to answer. Emotions, as a geometry of touch or pressure, have been identified and typified cross-culturally as a simple set of wave forms or frequency signatures. Each feeling being universally characterized by the way it massages the wave envelope in touch or pressure. The universality of ratio in the shape of touch is carried up the same spectrum of the geometry of pressure, to music. The identity of the ratio of pressure (frequency) produces a dramatic random recognition of musical ratio and their respective emotions, using the same laws of proportion. Emotions’ syntax is the same law of geometry of wavelengths, found in music and The Power of Limits, or the Canon, that shapes sacred space. The mechanics and significance of the onset of coherence to conductivity space are documented in the superconductivity literature on “phonon” (sonic) coherence, in the TM literature on brain wave coherence, in Bentov: Stalking the Wild Pendulum heart to brain entrainment/coherence, and in the “Awakened Brain” material on the MindMirror EEG spectra device. 93




Planet structures too are known seismically by their frequency signatures. Volumetric analysis is a projective geometry from the nest of nodes of the waves of the universe which are only ONE in substance. For REM a NON-destructive test we use a LEVEL sonic hologram to drive a light hologram. A nesting of pressures hangs hats across frequencies. Megalithic HOURS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ratios are the keys to their wave guide function: square root of two The brain's activity changes during a night's sleep. Sessions of deep sleep alternate with periods of REM (Rapid Eye Movement) when dreams are — in/cube/ate; square root of five thought to occur. produces PHI-based penta-star gate. The spectrum analysis of the Hebrew alphabet produces pictures of their letter forms, as shown in Fred Allan Wolf’s unpublished MS: Spectrograms of The Hebrew Alphabet. Resonance signature is a universal calculus of language/syntax, and “Laws of (wave)Form” which links the energy structures of planets, temples, emotions, and words across scales. In summary, it is suggested that for a rigorous Feng Shui or geomancy of a place, we take the sonic and magnetic resonance signature of the space. These are established by the (wave) lengths of the structural or topological components of the shape or body whose feeling is being tested. This is very much like an organ master testing the resonance of the church, preparing to shape the frequency response of a cathedral organ to its designed space. The magnetic ELF envelope, the volumetric ratio and angular progression, and the tectonic gravity grid map as a face upon faces. A specific emotional intention can be identified by the harmonic character of a space. The architecture of an electron city in a monolithic crystal requires zone refinement on a membrane of conductivity. This is the columnar choreographic function of whale songs, cathedral bells, and hopscotch childlike joy, to the meme-brain-ous biomass gate/grids of protoplasmic Gaia. A language of rigor awaits us to parse and syntax the nesting of all these SUMbodies. (Gramatical Man: Information, Entropy, Language & Life, by Jeremy Campbell). The language of the soliton wave braids context unto gene from emotion & gland. The dance of monoliths and planets geometrize gravity’s blood into a CELLestial bubble: the GENEISIS Grail. Saang-Royal, Holy Blood, Holy Grail. DREAMS











OF THE SHAPE SIGNIFICANCE OF GENETIC MATERIAL AS A WAVE PATH FOR FREQUENCY SIGNATURE In the beginning, (at the first principle) the uni-verse took shape by singing the same song; the “word” has it that it consisted ofyever thing that could be named. here is a great need to open thought provoking avenues of comparison between the often intuitively recognized emotional substrate of disease, and the more eloquently described resonance mechanics of gene and cell life. In order to understand these ideas, keep in mind that: 1) The unified field identity of nature, embraced by all wisdom traditions and the ultimate hypothesis of physics, means that our habit of naming things never could describe substance; only shape… resounds. 2) The light womb woven waves of atoms/cells/words are enveloped, seeded and pregnant with resonance/presence of mind/intention.


This exploration developed because of the need to gain perspective into the more specific mechanics of the relationship between emotional patterns and disease. As we approach this problem, we are at once faced with a vast chasm –– the difference in scale between cellular and genetic and the relative enormity of the macro-glandular, chakra and immune, systems of the whole organism. Cells and genes are tiny and seemingly untouched by the storms of human emotion. With this dilemma of scale in mind, we want a ladder, an image, a ratcheting “more-than-symbolic” stairway –– a yellow brick road –– to connect the active bio-energetics of cell with whole-body harmonics. Fortunately we have a metaphor from the physical (phi-cycle) disciplines; in quartz crystal, and muscle tissue acts like liquid crystal, electrical and sound pressure waves touch each other across great distances of scale. This piezoelectricity is accomplished by the wave guide nature of a helical stairway of nodes. The node is a region of compression. Wave velocity varies directly with the density (compression) of its medium. The travel of a wave is blocked or limited (enveloped) from certain directions of propagation by each node. Wave energy in a helix follows the lines of least resistance by turning around a right angle, flowing along the compressed conduit of symmetry at an accelerated velocity. Energy increases by the square of velocity. Wave length is a function of velocity. Because the wavelengths that carry the –– (light/gravity/powder/sound) –– change at the nodes, PHYSICS







THE DODECAHEDRON & DNA The DNA Helix is a ratcheted Dodecahedron.

ø2 3 ø Radius of turn

Horizontal increment of turn

Golden mean = Vertical Increment of turn

Relationship of dodecahedron to DNA.

Sideview of ten interpenetrating dodecahedra

DNA: sine waves moving away from a dodecahedronal center in a phi ratio.

Sideview of above.

the –– (light/gravity/powder/sound) –– settles there. The wave momentum flows from the area of the quadrants into the lines of the nodes. The helix is a natural selection among waves to build a stairway between frequencies, whether piezoelectric/crystal, as in genetic material, or bioelectric/glandular, as in the chakra system. Next, we come to the fascinating insight that nature seems to have limited herself to a very particular helical form to accomplish this connectedness between gene world, cell world, gland world and planetary








world. Clearly there is something energetically functional and necessary to this form. DNA seen from above is a simple ten-sided decagon. Three dimensionally this means that there are ten rungs to its ladder, per helical rotation. The decagram of DNA is formed by the simple superposition of two pentagrams. This is exactly the perfect child’s way of deriving the golden mean ratio of edge lengths. (Simply draw one pentagram touching the edge centers of another & you have it.) DNA can be visually described by extending a pentagonal dodecahedron helically. Note how it weaves around all three perfect progressions f, f2, f3, (golden mean, squared, & cubed) length, area, and volume. Then, take a look at the spiral extension of the helix. Note the conservancy of ratio in the progression of length, area, and volumeembraced spirals of the golden mean. Ten of these spirals of the golden mean, perfectly spaced at the 36 degree rotation of the DNA ladder rungs, makes in 2D the nested pentagrams, and in 3D, the ratcheted dodecahedra called DNA. Clearly there is some elegant function accomplished by the weaving of all this essence of geometry into gene stuff. Why this ratio? Consider the golden mean for a moment as a child learning to add columns of numbers. Let’s see… it is an infinite series… .618033989 + 1.000 =1.618033989, 1.0000 + 1.618033989 = 2.618033989, 1.618033989 + 2.618033989 = 4.2360678… The series works when you add each adjacent pair to make the following, this is called an arithmetic progression. The series also works when you multiply any number in the series by 1.618033989 to get the next one. This is called a geometric progression. This golden progression series is the geometric universe’s only home for this kind of elegance. Remember, anytime two waves meet at a node (focus of compression) they generate children or heterodynes. These are simply wave sets whose wave lengths are the addition of, and multiplication of, the wave lengths of their parents. Thus it would appear that, as a wave mechanical device for getting waves of different lengths to fit together without fighting, the golden mean is the perfect gateway between length or scale. This brings us to our first clue about healing. We see that the necessary process which brings order to the nest is focus. The mechanism which produces the phase coupling alignment, the natural selection of constructive interference from destructive interference, is focus. The node is the focal point. Pressure there turns the light into the envelope of shape called bio-logos. From focus, as in prism to rainbow, order PHYSICS







replicates and lives; disorder is self destructive Keep this idea in mind because we will need it to understand the role of focus: it is the only process which allows immunological identity to radiate with coherent order from DNA to gland. As we looked at harmonic ratios in genetic material, we learned that by conserving length, area, and volume along a wave pathway, nature has conserved in-form-ation. We found that form, shape, is the only mechanism for storing and conveying information/mind in a universe of one substance. Next, we need to use this foundation of understanding to gain insight into the timing and structuring mechanisms of cell metabolism. From this we can briefly outline a resonance theory of cancer, as a bridge to our resonance model of emotion, and finally to attempt a bio-energetic approach to the AIDS epidemic. A significant conceptual tool we will need to build our model is the physical principle called Fourier transform. This is simply another word for frequency signature, or spectrum analysis. This principle states that every shape in the universe is comprised of adding together simple sine waves. So that in addition to our tenet that the universe has only one substance, we are now adding that the universe has only one wave shape. It is comforting when we think of holography and its “everywhere at once” phenomenon that complex shapes (like light wave envelopes) contain an infinite nest of simple sine waves. It’s a good way for things to stay connected.

Knots which simply pass through one another and remain unchanged.




The next idea to understand is that identity arises when a wave stores enough order to retain (that is remember) its shape. It literally signs (sines) its name. Hence our concept frequency signature. Two examples: Three ropes, one of wool, one of nylon, one of cotton are fused together end to end. A slip knot is passed along from one to the next. A: what is the slip knot? (not wool or nylon or cotton is it?) B: what does it remember? C: does it have a name? The relationship of the slip knot to the rope ( a wave guide, a frequency signature, an envelope, a shape, a morphic resonance ) is the same as the relationship of biology to light. Lots of re-mem-bering to do. A singer intones a vowel sound several octaves apart. You recognize instantly which vowel she is singing, despite the great difference in frequency. Why? How? A frequency signature, an envelope, a shape, a morphic resonance –– these are the very substance of identity. Vowel tones are recognized regardless of the frequency at which 98




they are intoned because the ratio of the length of their envelope to their carrier wave (the length of the oral cavity envelope as a ratio to the carrier from the vocal chords), is fixed, archetypal, golden. Notice how you could draw the cavity of your mouth as a perfect envelope shape, shaping the tips of the shorter carrier waves from the vocal chords, into longer envelopes. Say “aaah,” say “oooooh,” what changed, cavity or vocal chords, envelope or carrier? So the language of recognition means frequency pictures transcend scales (in music quite literally, in emotion too) by using the geometry that is ratio. An image might change the universe, as a seed cuts from subatomics to intergalactics. Scale is profane, ratio is sacred. The architecture of what is etched in crystal at first seems powerful when you carve cities from stones. But the same architecture etched in crystal is even more powerful when carved in the computer chip. Let us then decide gently on the question of which empowers whom, the long waves of emotion or the short waves of the gene. Two more principles in order to continue: 1) All bonding in the universe is the phase locking (that is, complete and unconditional giving) of waves (or the children of waves) moving in opposing directions. 2) In-form-ation content, or density, and therefore the potential to envelope order/mind, increases with frequency, speed, and rotation. Rotation among waves is what produces an envelope, thus another axis of spin is always another level of harmonic superposition; figuratively the finger of the divine reaching into gene. With this in mind, let’s turn to a brief development of our resonance and frequency signature model as applied to cell metabolism, in order to illustrate that a bridge exists between cancer and emotion. In the life of the cell, just like a computer, or a lover, timing is everything. Did you ever pause to wonder how thousands of sub- cellular organelles (like mitochondria, micro tubules etc.) are able to know just when and where to start the dance leading to DNA precursors and mitosis/meiosis (cellular division)? It’s the question of how the bird knows to fly in a vee without constantly looking over its shoulder. Well, we might begin to answer this question by asking: what do each of the organelles have in common that could link them with their fellows? How about the shape of their chemistry? A wave geometry of field effects would be quite adequate to resonate with a key trigger time, one that would choreograph the dance of cell division. Further, we could think of the passage of energetic currency through the cell as a child tinkling the piano. Each element of food is “symbolized,” enveloped, by the bond length (or wave length) which characterizes its PHYSICS







chemistry. The passage of momentum (ATP/ADP, etc.) through the hallways of orderly charge distribution in the cell is coded and identified by wave length (frequency signature). You could describe each of the major storehouses for energy within the cell chemistry as a kind of energy pool identified by its note. It sings joyful or painful music while massaging the envelopes of light toward the finer frequencies of the genetic pathway. The cell’s decision where to focus the momentum of its light/life is its name/identity and service. Genetic material contains and emits some of the highest frequencies in the cell, and it is the part of the cell most susceptible to electromagnetic resonance. Think of it as the ectoplasmic Eros of the cell. Metabolism as a whole is geared to weaving and massaging order from low frequencies to high, food to gene. Low frequencies feed the flames of love/reproduction which is the emanation of high frequency. During division, the emission of high frequency ultraviolet light and ultrasonics is characteristic of the field geometer choreographing the dance. This model suggests looking at these spectral emissions for signature, ratio, and identification of health/disease. Later, a model can be developed for selectively feeding the cell at this level. (cf. The work of Wilhelm Reich on the orgone, and the work of Raymond Royal Rife, the Rife microscope, to selectively destroy viral involvement by critical frequency RF scanning). In the cancer cell, the natural progression of the erotic high frequency products of metabolism toward other cells and social activity is blocked. In one sense the tendency toward cancer in cells is measured by contact inhibition. Thus limited to only internal creative outlets, the cell (or the child) becomes promiscuous. The only way out is sex. (We can also apply this socially to the epidemic of teenage pregnancies. Exposed only to self-referencing, closed-loop culture, the young person turns to sex as a form of self-expression. For some it is the only creative avenue available; just as rampant reproduction in cancer cells is its only “creative” way to interact with other cells). In the healthy cell, the appropriate outpouring of the best nectars of the cell’s magnetic circulatory system pour into the trans-generational chasm that is genetic replication only in concord with the social needs of its neighbors. Obviously, to discover the choreography of the cell’s choice when to pour its love into more genes, we need to look at what links cells to larger systems in general. Larger systems like tissues and glands mean longer wave lengths: a currency, or common viewpoint, is needed for organizing metabolism across vastly different scales. (Suzanne Langer in A Philosophy in a New Key explores this concept in depth.) We are now approaching the crux of our exploration. Where in the body does the passage occur from emotion to the cell? Itzak Bentov in PHYSICS







Stalking the Wild Pendulum measured the significant acoustic (long wave) coupling which occurred between the glandular cavities of the body during relaxation. He found that the glandular resonance cavities in the body began to function like a very organized cascade column of staged, tuned, resonators. The ventricle cavity of the brain, for example, not only rang acoustically exactly like a shaking “can of peaches,” it was also explicitly phase-entrained with the lower frequencies of the heart. The heart itself had found a resonance of relaxation efficient to its tension geometry. Strung up, as it were, artery to vein. We have further learned that this phenomenon of low frequency coherence in the body is enticingly tied to many things: 1. Phase entrainment in the brain, alpha, theta, cross hemispheric EEG coherence correlated explicitly with the yoga siddhis (MIU research), correlated with psi phenomenon and much more. 2. Phase entrainment to the Schuman low frequency resonance of the planet creates an umbilical cord to planetary mind/rapture. 3. The production of nets of neuronal synchrony, a progression of crystallizing macro-cellular geometry in the brain, yielding: a. Acoustic massage, ”softening” the concentric glands within their cavity, piezoelectrically triggering psychoactive hormone secretion. (The electronics of ecstasy is the onset of superconductivity; in both cases the barrier is resistance.) b. Acoustic (sonic) choreography, known to account for super-conductivity in metallic crystals, precisely describes the brain as it moves in joy across that delicate threshold from liquid to crystal. Crystals can shiver with a conductive frequency water cannot. (Billiard balls conduct momentum best when they are locked together.) c. The brain’s macro-cellular progression through large scale crystallizing nets of geometry, allows it to assume a microwave and higher frequency, becoming a sort of wave guide antennae, function similarly to that described by Philip Callahan (in Tuning in to Nature) for insect antennae shapes.

Ancient Egyptian ABRAXAS gem with ouroborotic serpent.




The low frequency long waves ringing in the body, are the arranger of many wonderful things. Some of these evolutionarily useful products of ELF (extra-lo-frequency) field coherence in the body actually produce coupling with very high frequency fields, all the way up to the divine. This brings us to our next important principle: In the Ouroborotic “serpent eating its tail,” the continuum of frequencies from infinitely low to infinitely high, the wave which is perfectly described as everywhere at once, and perfectly motionless, is exactly the same wave at the low end of stillness, as at the high end of infinite motion. That is where the serpent eats its tail, and how our universe feeds itself end to end through the spark gap called biology. 101




Perhaps this all seems like a torturous and serpentine route to understanding emotion, but we are finally on the threshold of real understanding. The response time of the GSR (galvanic skin resistance) to changes in idea/emotion gives us some idea of the responsitivity of the body as a conductivity net to the focus of mind. In fact having measured the conductivity pathways electrically described by tradition as acupuncture meridians, it becomes apparent that the body is actually an electrical pressure nest for mind. The shapes of the conductivity paths in the body are constantly responding, instantly, to the shapes of our “feelings”. This is nice way to say that emotions have electrical power, but we need a clue to interpreting the shapes of their language as feeling, in order to use them consciously. For that we need to examine Sentics… but, a few sentences back, we almost tripped over another useful fundamental principle of the universe: Every system which stands as wave, or lives in the universe (all of the fundamental forces) and including but not especially biology, can be entirely described/visualized/understood as a geometry of pressure. This is a dynamic, hydrodynamic, language of common denominator which will allow us to understand vastly disparate phenomenon within one context of mechanism and flow. We are now ready to look at the evolved language called human emotion, psycho physically, in relation to cellular wellness. We have seen that emotions have dramatic electrical power, but what is their language, and how does their power get into the cell? Manfred Clynes, a brilliant musician, has measured in his magnificent book Sentics, the Touch of the Emotions the frequency signatures of human emotion. He has accomplished this, replicably, and dramatically, with computer averaging, and cross-cultural differentiation. What he measured was the spectral complexion, the shape, of a finger’s muscle pressure on a simple transducer in response to explicit emotional imagery. We learn from this work that emotions do have signatures just like genes and words, and their language is as identifiable as a whale song. These emotional shapes are replicable. They are subject to frequency analysis, and the key lies in ratio and envelope. Imagine the difference in feeling between the orchestral conductor’s arm motion as harbinger of feeling, to the arm motion of love or anger. We feel what is enveloped or woven in the caress of our lover. The ringing muscles are carriers of feeling by shape. Tai Chi, or the sacred dance, moves this blood of feeling consciously; exactly like the cell moves its magnetic blood by dancing in synchrony. The initiate moves his field of feeling PHYSICS







beyond the body by coherence of focus; order can live wherever focus is strong. This is the difference between salvation and damnation. Now at last we can know how the bloodstream of the field effect that is emotion can penetrate the cell wall. The same ratio (signature) that allows a wave nest to stand alone in its walk between frequencies allows it to be a key in a lock when it reaches a destination of morphic resonance. The cell wall is its envelope. Cellular boundaries are explicitly modeled as wave nests in Structural Stability and Morphogenesis by Rene Thom. See also On Growth and Form : D’arcy Thompson, and of course Laws of Form : G. Spencer Brown. Another important source is The Mind Of The Cells , Or The Willed Mutation Of Our Species by Satprem, Institute For Evolutionary Research, Ny. Penetrating the envelope means that the necessary key of ratio of carrier wave to envelope has been turned. In the cell this translates to a particular ratio between the genetic material of the invader to the field that is the long wave of the cell wall. Every barrier/limit generates identity. This is the mind of the cell. The virus is the poser of the question to the cell: do you know your name? (your shape, your name is one and the same, it is the remembrance of the path of your service.) Memory ringing in the universe, or the cell, is the key to resonance alignment (named identity) massaging/messaging up the path of frequency. The cell has no immunological defense against namelessness/formlessness/decay/death, unless it has been informed by its body who it is. And from whence in the body does the radiation of “I am” identity arise, so that the cells can hear the call? The immunological mechanism is but a cloak, a vehicle, a carrier for the mindful focus, the heartfelt center of gravity which launched the sparks from the central flame (pressure) in the first place. It is absolutely significant that the immunological nexus is the thymus, which is like a shield to the heart. So what are the psychological and emotional correlates to AIDS? Fear is resistance to flow/heat/destructive interference/death. Joy is superconductivity/ecstasy/constructive interference, uplift, life. On this spectrum of emotion, where does AIDS lie? At every level, every disease produces symptoms which are pressure keyed to and indicative of their emotional roots. AIDS cells are punctured rafts, “helpless” victims with the wind (of bio-light) blown out of their sails. The cells privilege to select which light upon which it will feed is raped. Let us look at the psyche of the AIDS “victim.” The feeling of victimization and helplessness in front of the onslaught of the dramatic world, is found to precede the onset of the disease. Fear is the mind killer. PHYSICS







In order for I AMness (immune identity) to radiate from the core of the body, the center of gravity, the heart/thymus, consciousness must know of and accept the shape and power of its service. This, concretely, is the amazing-grace gift of the experience of empowerment. This is a gift sparked between people when the reality of love embraces the fullness of its vital fluids (high frequency/potency erotic stuff.) When love is empty, and the precious fluids are poured out in waste and abandon, then there is not enough nectar of coherence/ accumulated vital essences/ aggregates of the best of cell metabolism to remember why this not-so-whole spark separated from the flame in the first place. Immunologically this means that the cells are told by the core glands that there is not enough high frequency/coherence to message/massage the envelopes of the cells into the locked crystalline safety net of their resonant core of identity. Their barrier/envelope, hungering for high frequency light/food, begins to accept low grade viral imitations. When emotions are not well organized, keys aren’t passed effectively to the cell, so the cell must broaden its accepted spectral bandwidth of admitted signatures until eventually the self doesn’t identify the not-self. So yes, what about AIDS? what do we have here about predictions, and therapy for cure: Prediction: since our body is the habit of our thoughts and feelings which we wear, any therapy for AIDS (and cancer) which does not address the emotional /feeling habit underpinnings of the disease, will not be effective or lasting. Prediction: AIDS and the thymus immune-complex will be identified in their connection by frequency signature, at the level of RF (radio-frequency) and ultrasonic for the gene and gene/gland connection. Further the cell membrane memory and decision-making process (self/not self) will be identified by frequency coherence at the higher end of its spectral window. Therapy for AIDS: The AIDS “victim” should be first asked to deeply meditate on the reason/purpose/service for continued life. It’s name and shape must be gradually but clearly articulated. This may take place ultimately only in the empowering presence of unconditional love (human or otherwise.) Alternately the decision to die could be made and respected from equal depth. Meditations on the core identity of one’s being can evolve toward coherence best in the presence of the classic spiritual proclivities: Excellence of nutrition, excellence of habitat-natural fiber-natural building-natural ecology, (cf. geomancy, feng shui.) PHYSICS







To arrive at the conclusion to be implemented by one’s glands, that life should be continued, requires an intimate encounter with Beingness worthy of being served. The same cascade harmonics which link cell genetics to emotion’s harmonics are those which weave on up through the genetic grail to our collective mind itself. This is the umbilical cord to nectar/nourish higher forms of cell life. What does all this say about the connection of the human emotional field to the planet grid/mind? The life threatening AIDS epidemic is richly appropriate and symbolic. It leads us to learn exactly the mechanism (or foldedness/embeddedness of context) by which the identity of collective mind is woven among us. Coherence is the loving order by which identity is assembled. Connecting identity learning from AIDS to Gaia, mother planet, birth as self/knowing, teaches us our next important principle: Coherence at any level is coherence at every level. That is to say that an envelope of coherence, or internal (loving) cohesiveness, is immediately and necessarily propagated from its birth domain to every domain. Not only is a coherence envelope, by its internal order, able to move between frequencies without memory loss; it must. An example of this transference of momentum between scales is the way the coherent brain couples with the coherence of the planet. In an experimental study at Millard Fillmore Hospital’s Sleep Research Center, Buffalo, NY, it was shown that this significant coherence within the body can be taught using harmonic biofeedback, including both EKG (heart) and EEG (brain). Since the ELF (extra-lo-frequency) literature shows that the planet’s magnetic resonance dramatically affects mood and learning, we are further hypothesizing that phase coupling with these well described (Schuman) ELF fields of the planet will enhance the beneficial effects taught. Adding the necessary feedback then to teach coherence to the planet’s “heartbeat,” is the beginning of our learning that collective mind needs the critical path of geometric coherence into the biofields of the body, and the planet. Macro-cellular geometric arrays crystallizing in the brain during EEG coherence, are exactly those being woven currently by the undulations of the planet’s tectonic grids. Our planetary grid harmonics and ley lines are dancing toward their alignment for planetary synchrony. The specifics of the change in relative axis between rotational and magnetic poles are profoundly indicative of the unfolding new ratchet angle, “the Christ angle,” of planetary birth. The discovery of significant living body shapes (such as the Glastonbury Zodiac and the ideas of Joyce and Norman O. Brown) on the land, and their unfoldment, holds deep clues to what is “stalking toward Bethlehem to be born” in our planet. Learning emotional coherPHYSICS OF CONSCIOUSNESS





ence is our intentional way of embracing this mind-rich planetary metabolism. The biofeedback hardware for spectral synchrony learning, is not required for you to try this charge-building technique: Choose your best day, after your best sleep, after your best meal, and your best love, and your best shower, in your best resting place, at the best time, with the most quiet, and your best place of power well in mind, and you do this… Lie face up, with your neck not crunched up, and your arms and hands not touching your sides, with your head in the best direction for your place (north or east), and you breathe your best breaths, and you do your best relaxation technique… And your breath begins to settle toward perfect damped sine wave stillness… And you feel your body begin to charge… And it tingles and itches… And you do not move… And the charge builds and builds. The cells need regenerative capacitive charging from center out… Breath the gentle rhythm to the inner words: I am… And listen for instructions from deep inside…










CAN INTENT STEER WAVES? Is compassion’s embedding-geometry biology’s only natural superluminal doorway out of the time bubble - Bardo - lucid dream? ONE - ONLY LOVE IS FASTER THAN LIGHT he wave interference in DNA, perfected by the braid angles which coherent phi ratio emotion (love) program, creates recursion or implosion that launches photons faster than light. This superluminal thrust appears to be the direct projection of human yearning or pining. Biology’s genetic doorway through the speed of light is linked to the leverage of intent penetrating time in general. Intention becomes the physics to thrust magnetism into the future using emotion as the amperage or flow, and visualization as the cookie-cutter.


PHI, The Golden Mean Ratio, the principle structural ratio of DNA, permits waves to add and multiply implosively: – wave .618…– –– wave 1.000…–– ––– wave 1.618…––– –––– wave 2.618…–––– Note that each number in this series adds to the next to produce the following number, and each number in this infinite series can be multiplied by 1.618… to produce the following. This is the only series of numbers and wavelengths that can add and multiply. This arithmetic and geometric golden-ness is what permits waves to implode and penetrate time — via the doorway implosion effect that provides for velocity modes that can penetrate the speed of light. The Deca PHI ratio of one full turn of the DNA double helix becomes the same pattern braided between thousands of turns of DNA. When this braid on the braid, envelope on envelope, is induced into DNA by emotion’s ordering long waves, the angles among meeting wave fronts, phonon to UV and above, becomes recursive, self-embedded or Golden Mean based, and superluminal implosion occurs. PHYSICS







DNA is made from two helical strands that are joined at their bases to form a double helix.

Waves spiralling towards a point.

Sine waves moving away from a dodecahedronal center in a phi ratio.




One cycle of the DNA double helix, shows its golden mean proportion, measuring 34 angstroms by 21 angstroms. (1 angstrom is one 10-billionth of a meter.) The ratio 34:21 is approximately the golden mean proportion. The Heart Math Institute has shown that the heart, by feeling love and compassion, braids the geometry of DNA into this approximation of the golden mean ratio. As this happens, the wave fronts are able to add and multiply in infinite compression/implosion. This braided perfection of DNA not only locks the wave lengths in an infinite series, but also adds and multiplies the wave velocities. This becomes the only biological door through the speed of light barrier. This dimpling, toroid field effect of recursion/implosion, creates the connective wormhole songline through time itself. (Time is merely a measure of relative spin. Skipping between the orbits of spin, which is what time measures, is a question of velocity. Thus penetrating the light speed barrier, penetrates time.) This ability to connect wavelengths at a great distance, woven by getting their wormholes more fractally concentric, appears to be what the Aboriginal people of Australia describe as Song Lines. This gives new meaning to wormhole tunneling from physics: inhabiting magnetism made recursive or embedding by collective focused emotion. This becomes the glue to hold continents together. This appears to be the topology of what is called, spiritually, having a soul: spin density ordering that can penetrate time. The existential aiming function of human yearning or pining, which, through focus, can penetrate further and further into the horizon of the time domain, is called intent. Pineal magnetics are created by pure intent. If you view the Golden Mean vortex pine cone/pineal gland shape of the perfect spin vortex to the zero point vertically, you literally enter INto the TENT of the H’Iburu myth of the Flame in Meeting Tent, the origin of our ancient sacred alphabets.) The physics of wave interference, projected into DNA and braided by glandular emotion, can penetrate the time barrier, and thus create intent –– shaping the future as a simple phenomenon caused by the leverage to bend waves moving faster than light and therefore time. The adding and multiplying of waves creates a velocity well, in which the wave length fronts create the constructive implosion that can penetrate the light speed barrier. The velocity modes or pulse components interfere constructively to multiply velocities as well as wave lengths. When the recursion geometry of the braid is made perfect by coherent emotion, this launches photons through time itself right inside of DNA, like a non-linear accelerator. The musical wave geometry of emotion points to a geometric kind of cookie cutter of ratios achieved by learning to emote coherently. 108




The bending of electric and magnetic fields by human glands is literally a rather universal language. It permits human electricity to create, braid, and fabricate ecosystems. TWO - GALACTIC INTENT TIME dilation is a way to leverage the future. The magnetism of human emotion sees and travels through a fractal DNA tunnel on its way into the future, through the recursive braid geometry of genes making a soul. The Andromedans, and other spiritual advisors of Earth humans, have repeatedly suggested we would do well to understand the role that intent plays in creation. Various individuals who claim to be in contact with extraterrestrial civilizations have suggested that our genepool, and its potential high emotional leverage, has a certain usefulness to the galaxy. They are suggesting –– very consistent with our work on the geometry of coherent emotion –– that indeed, the choice we make in how to emote, magnetically, gives us a stellar role to play in creation mechanics. At first this seems merely romantic, until we consider the role human choice plays in deciding how human glands bend magnetism or, if you prefer, bend the flux lines of spirit. Essentially, we are suggesting that you consider the power and leverage a human nervous system has to shape the magnetic form of galaxies. To understand the role of humans in the galactic scheme, we ultimately come to the question of how to create magnetic shape using emotion as a cookie cutter. We have noted that emotion’s ability to fabricate ecosystems lies in glandular effects that are like lenses making pictures out of magnetism. Now we must ask: What is it that the principle of emotional Intent does to direct and steer this glandular ecosystem-bending wave guide mechanic. You waltz into a life changing situation and you realize that an intent you stated to your inner self years ago has ultimately steered the evolution of the situation’s braid into the now. So indeed and of course, what really started the crystallization of this now, was the shape of intent many years ago. Think of this as a kind of scenario for the constellation of intent and the steerage for waves that created the present situation out of a myriad of possibilities. Somehow, and quite physically, intent steered those waves that made the present possible, just as dialing an aperture of direction into a submarine, steered the rudder of that ship. The waves of light which descended more than helter-skelter into this present, did in fact quite apparently consult with the “Lords of Intent,” before choosing their steerage direction into the now. Our horizon of intention is how great a distance, in space/time, through which we could conceive light having come. The most distance from which we PHYSICS







could conceive of light of having come, suddenly gives us a language to understand how intent steers that wave into the fractal compression of the present. THREE - CAN INTENT STEER WAVES?

Top View of nesting phi spirals

Tilted 32 degrees

Side view

Fractal dodecahedra connected by golden spirals. sidebar1.eps




IN A WAY, and most literally, if we seriously regard the idea that fractal recursion of waves creates the gravity of attraction we call physical, or phi-cycle mass, then indeed, we must ask: How could intent steer waves already most bound and determined to sail for the center of the nearest and best fractal? There you were launching the ship, and someone said: Have you set by intent the direction of your sail? What is it specifically, in the quality of intent itself, which gives direction? What is it about intent that gives it the most long range quality for determining direction? We considered the way in which recursion provided the only and necessary launch to photon harmonics giving them the heterodyne add and multiply, (Phi-bonnacci) which provided the aperture through the speed of light barrier. When a black hole absorbs all light in its vicinity, it does so by providing the most fractal-implosive attractor to the photon’s spin. In a sense, all perspective is consumed by the region’s most fractal attractor. The case for intent as the director of these approaching threads of spin, becomes the Gordian knot we need to unravel. To understand intent’s ability to shape the waves converging to make the future, remember how to access the door through the time barrier. Keep in mind that time is a measure of relative spin both in the sense of duration and velocity. Once we have conceived of the spin of, say, our planet being the choreography of wave fronts who by their agreement on velocity, remain converged to make the present. When the wave fronts can also propagate in an orderly way, through the barrier limit of the speed of light, then they are free to dance into the harmonic convergence of, say, orbits of the Earth’s spin in its future revolution. The key: time itself is shepherded into discipline by the very barrier that the speed of light provides. Harmonics above the speed of light, become literally harmonic wave fronts through time. Elsewhere, we have suggested that the pentagonal symmetry upon which all life is based permits recursion based on Phi. In this dodeca geometry, the interference of the light wave fronts adds and multiplies so well, that entirely constructive implosion of pressures becomes possible. Einstein’s problem in understanding the time distortion at a black hole, lay in the puzzle of modeling infinite compression. The Phi (golden mean) interference heterodyne of wave fronts solves this problem. We call this recursion or self re-entry, the onset of self-awareness in wave systems. 110




FOUR - THE CONSCIOUSNESS OF INTENT WE are now close to looking at the relationship of intent to the onset of recursion/self-awareness, and thus to being able to steer light into the future. When someone is so self-aware, so implosively recursive in the density of the magnetism exuded from their glands, it is as if they are empowered to weave the delicate threads of light moving through the light speed and time barrier. Only in the condition of near perfect embeddedness or recursion, do these velocity modes of light become accessible. Think of a seamstress being suddenly gifted with fine enough fingers to touch the very gossamer threads of the weft and woof of creation. When intent becomes coherently self-aware or self-embedded, the magnetic implosion in the glands, perceived as the psycho-kinetic rush at the moment of revelation, grips the density and velocity of the threads pushing through the light and time barrier, bending and shaping their trajectories. Essentially, all of the light-bending, from the line of energy to the circles we call matter, comes under the control of those whose inner magnetism or spirit has become the most attractive or fractal. Intent has become our name for the shaping that becomes possible when this inner rush of spin allows us to lean into the flow of time itself. Pure intent then becomes a name for the most distributable of wave patterns, made possible by the implosion of recursion/self-awareness. This gives us leverage on time itself because the very self-similarity or fractality that implodes to make waves self-aware, is the implosive connector to light wave fronts moving through the non-linear accelerator tornadoes that result when waves are invited to that much centering. We can see that this looks like the very geometric seed of compassion. Look at where magnetism goes when it learns to turn inside out: it looks like a heart –– two Golden Spirals. Fancy that. Mind inhabits flame, where there is flame, waves have agreed. Intent reaches our wishes magnetically into the threads of the future, by inviting the present pressures to thrust themselves with perfectly shareable, or self re-entrant, symmetry through the wave convergence of multiplied velocities we call the event horizon. To change the future or past sustainably, requires feeling for its most shareable or distributable destinies. Time measures relative spin; when the time spiral is recursive, it makes time a continuum for the recursive shaping of spin, and therefore potentially self-aware. “The Spiral Calendar” by Carolan demonstrates that the ratio of recursion in time is square root of PHI, the same as for EKG harmonics at the heart-felt moment of compassion. PHYSICS







This means that entering the time continuum requires honoring that it too has will. To magically persuade the “Time Lords” or “angelic logoi” to do your will, like persuading the elementals, requires that your love, or feeling for their feeling, be as great as their own. Then they give over to you the threads of their spin centers for steerage. The door out of our time bottle, requires love. The activity of choosing love (lo-phi), is a conscious choice to embed the fields of feeling of others recursively from other into self. Tracking time properly requires understanding the velocity bandwidths that the “Time Lords” (angelic logoi) regulate. Time’s spin domains become self-aware and viral similar to spatial spin domains, when they are recursive. The papal western calendar we currently use is an example of non-recursive tracking of time that prevents the selfempowering birth of awareness, by preventing proper magnetic embeddedness in galactic spin. The Mayan Calendar, based on the DNA codon symmetries embedded in the Solar periodicity, is an example of a more embedded and spiral spin-tracking of time that helps launch awareness to escape velocity. The Ophanic angelic logoi and the Michaelic schools through the Templar/grail agenda work to maintain the recursive coherence and heal the time rifts. They do this, among other reasons, so that the morphic magnetic spirit input of the angelic bird tribe domains can continue to massage the wave envelope of our genepool. We point to the dove anthropomorphic shape of the pent-based gothic cathedral layout on the European continent as a whole. The pointer to Orion, through a pent-matrix of cathedrals, creates recursion into a black hole. This achieves magnetic escape velocity for souls through a star gate. The Ophanic Enochian Keys, dictated to Dr. John Dee in the 1580’s, appear to be the symmetry operations to operate these star gates. To inherit the Aku angelic logoi destiny of our genepool to operate star body creations, we must use the magnetism of our glands, which are fractal to the scale of galaxies, the symmetry of time domains.










CONSUMED PERSPECTIVES: THE FACES (PHASES) OF ONENESS et’s think about the brain, for a moment, from the perspective of Stanford biologist Bruce Lipton. He suggests that information in biology is processed by the memory stored in the shape of the folds on the surface of membrane. Thus the membrane is the CPU, central processing unit, of the cell’s computer. Thus he suggests that the brain is an example of what a cell does when it wants to expand on the available folded surface on which to store and process information. Thus the folds of the brain’s maximally convoluted surface are really ONE cell at work storing more shape of touch. This is consistent with what we know of Structural Stability and Morphogenesis (Rene Thom) in biophysics, where biological shapes like cells are modeled as the surfaces of mathematically coherent standing waves.


Cell Membrane shape is a Folded Library Storing Every Touch, as Wave on Envelope. The Phase angle of the touch to the soap-bubble determines whether it adds spin and is remembered, or bursts the bubble. The alphabet of symmetry is the only permission to touch among membranes (waves re/membering). Simply put, a fold or ply in a surface, can stay there as wave, only if the touch or “geometry/symmetry of pressure” that put it there harmonically fits the nest. All membrane’s have a weave pattern of waves, both long and short. Only those waves which are “harmonically coherent”, or can “phase lock,”or can remain standing in a nest of weft and woof, to create membrane. The sacred alphabet of phase symmetry thus literally articulates the only possible ways in which the coherent fire of identity or membrane can be nourished. The flame knows its own. Membrane in this sense creates the only inside/outside, or self/notself, possible. The coherent sonics of emotion create, by the weave of shape as touch, the long wave of cellular membrane immune identity. Similarly, “Bioacoustic Habitat Theory” (Whole Earth Review, winter ‘87), illustrates that a blanket of sound coherence, filling in every sonic spectral niche, is actively maintained by a forest. In this way biology’s thin film “zone refined” biomass, creates the membrane and grid of Earth, by her long waves: identity for Gaia in the songs of birds and whales. By refolding membrane, a cell (or planet body) can switch, like a moiré grid, creating the light pulse pattern or “meme” called virus, at PHYSICS







will, by conscious choice. Emotion’s touch massages the envelope of life. The planet’s thin film “monolithic architecture” semiconductor, called biomass, performs an exactly analogous function. The gravitational (orgone & etheric) slip knot called Gaia, is created by biology’s coherent waves, such as the whale song weaving grid/membrane/mind in the piezoelectric ocean. The galactic/solar gravity bloodstream is switched consciously into an intelligently identified intentional body, Gaia, when Earth is allowed to resonate, or sing her song. The usefulness, to Gaia, of the AIDS virus lies in its ability, as the silver bullet/viral information bubble/meme massages our life envelope, to force coherence in the aura, not just the skin. This could be a useful step on the way to metabolizing starlight directly. Earth responds to trauma to her skin, by creating a virus/ information wave packet, which produces the necessary pressure/touch on us, her symbiotic children, to identify (phase/face lock) with a larger folded context: our aura/her body. Riding the long wave of biology, embeds us in her. The survival test: the coherent emotion of love, lo-phi, feeds our cellular membrane AND hers. Being embedded fractally in a longer wave, or larger spin, turns us around to the question of worlds within worlds. We often think what a mystery it is to enter “another dimension”. It is easier to imagine than most of us believe. Think of a cube. Tilt it up 32 degrees. Now spin it around the vertical axis. You end up with 12 faces each with Betsy Ross’s pentagonal star on them. And you have perfectly outlined a dodecahedron. Now if your origin cube was a nest of vortex-pair donuts, then your resultant dodecahedron is a flow form made of the same stuff, except with another wave length harmonic, added at the beat node points. Another wave length, another harmonic, another axis of symmetry, another spin, another harmonic tensor in the spectrum analysis, another dimension, another context –– all these phrases mean essentially the same thing. When one system or mind enters the symmetry rules of a larger system (or context or mind), then the potential to super-impose information on the bubbles of light literally enters –– becomes ONE with –– another dimension. With new computer graphics, it is possible to animated the pure geometric origin of sacred alphabet, as a set of the symmetry or phases (faces) of the slip knot of a spiral strip off ONE donut. The donut or torus is hydrodynamics’ only self-organizing field, and shapes EVERY domain. The nesting of these torus donuts creates the atomic table (Leadbeater, Besant, Tannebaum, Moon, Phillips, et. al.) as a kind of “tilt the donut cookbook,” from light. Hebrew turns out to be an instruction set for the weaving of matter out of light, by the tilt angle PHYSICS







of donuts to make the Platonic solid symmetries (called nucleus and electron shell). Further, the animation shows that the tilt of this single 3 spin donut is all the cone of the eye needs to pick up the percentage of the 3 primary colors. So, the photon’s donut slip knot needs only to be phase or tilt angle measured by the cone of the eye to know color. (The computer animation documents the pure geometric origins of color paper by Ronald Oldchurch, appended to “Planet Heartworks” text.) Additionally, the 7 color donut electrifies the heart (When Time Breaks Down, Electrodynamics of Cardiac Arhythmias by Winfree). Thus the shape of the source of the heart sounds which choreograph all the human condition’s super conductive ecstasy, is an alphabet of samples phase locked off the same donut. Emotion, by choosing the harmonic phase angle, sets up a long wave harmonic cascade which rings down to cell and up to planet. All this, is in the same alphabet of phases off the same primal nested donut. Only harmonic symmetry persists or stands as wave on any membrane “identified” surface. Emotion’s power is measured by coherence. Simple whole number ratios, are the alphabet of this and every syntax. Thus, if we imagine the onset of planetary consciousness, where the Earth and its biomass are comprised of ONE body, we may soon discover (or consume) the faces/phases of our collective symmetry. Only the pattern, weft and woof, of symmetry allows information/specialization/individuation to be revealed as a modulation on a carrier wave. Over modulate the carrier, and the signal dies with it. Fred Wolf in Star Wave documented that the golden mean is also the optimized ratio of new information, which can be superposed on existing pattern –– the golden ideal of recursion/consciousness. We discover that Earth grid is a golden mean, dodecahedral gravity nest. Her faces are Dolphin –– Australia, Eagle –– Pennsylvania (US), Bear –– Russia and all around. Richard Leviton (writer East West Journal), has explored the many star systems which are systematically and fractally imprinted on the topology of Earth. By consuming these perspectives, face/phase locking, we discover and identify our collective body. Gaia’s folded surface is waking up to reveal the symmetry of ONENESS. Blink in time to see her there.










ECSTASY, IDENTITY AND IMMUNITY review of religious history quickly reveals that rituals designed to achieve ecstasy were the glue holding every spiritual tradition together. This ecstatic technology has stood the acid test of time. From the ancient dances of India to the rite of “Baphomet” of the Templars, from the Dervish turn to the quaking of the Quakers, the theme of coherence, or “memory of the pattern,” that is embeddedness in the tapestry of context, endures. The ability of a culture to offer a path to ecstasy can be clearly seen as it’s ability to deliver the context of identity to its individuals and their immune system. In terms of the poetry of indigenous peoples, this is perhaps best explained by photos showing tears of joy in the eyes of the dancers. For those who would like a bit of humble physics to explain ecstatic process, we offer these words. The most dramatic breakthrough in the description of the physiology of emotion is Manfred Clynes’ work, Sentics (also Music, Mind, and Brain ). The shape of pressure as touch (the wave) used to express emotion is shown to clearly identify which emotion is evoked, as well as describing the archetype for emotional expression in cultures around the world. All this in terms of a simple wave shape which is known by ratio. (How did YOUR mother know YOUR hug without seeing YOU?). Of course, if we are to believe that fundamental physics’ most fundamental unit of scale –– 1.61*10-33cm –– IS ratio, then we are using ratio to identify everything. Ratio is a mathematical term for what an information theorist would call “context dependency.” This may explain why Jeremy Campbell’s book Grammatical Man: Information, Entropy, Language and Life, concludes that the high signal-to-noise information carrying capacity IS context dependent, or “self-correcting”. Here is ratio identifying emotion: The principle is similar to a cowboy learning to crack a whip. If he (or she if you read Tom Robbins) is to make the whip crack into the short wave, the shape you massage onto the rope in the long wave end, must shape between scales elegantly in “order” to make the whip crack. The lo-phi long wave golden mean ratio identified with love idealizes this add and multiply wave beat cascade pattern. The high quality coherent light which engineers cell metabolism is a braid. The programming of this shape designer for cells begins in the long wave sonic “piezo-electrics” of the glands. (In liquid crystal muscle & nerve, chang-









The cell membrane is a gate massaged by the touch of integrated emotions.


Spectral Fingerprint of the CELL MEMBRANE: (A folded Bubble of Sine Waves)

THE CELL'S LOCK Energy Content vs


A Virus tests the Gates. Identity is the test whether the key fits the lock...


Spectrum Analysis of VIRUS (mostly genetic material, the most resonance susceptible material in the cell)

THE VIRUS' KEY Energy Content vs Frequency Spectra




ing sound pressure to electrical pressure is called “piezo-electric” meaning electric fire.) Feeling identity reaches cells through hand holds between the long and the short wave, because at first our attention focuses only broadly on the long wave. Suppose you needed access with your vision to a dance the size of cell division, but couldn’t get your focus resolved that small. You would instead use a kind of lens between worlds of scale. The ratio of the germ was retained in your vision, even when it passed across scale in the microscope. The body’s microscope to get feelings into cell walls is a wave cascade, which also retains ratio while changing scale. We can touch bodies, but not cells with the focus of our attention. So to reach cells with the shape of our attention, nature has provided the wave geometry cascade we call E-motion. This motion across worlds is our conscious tool to access/impact atoms or galaxies from our own living room. So this is why only coherent emotion, which is ecstasy, reaches into cells. Joy, awe, and love electrically braid the orderly weft and woof of membrane we call the cells’ immune/identity. Immune disease, like all sources of pain, is a simple feedback from biology to suggest a change, toward order, in the ways we choose to think, feel, and eat. Pain is a useful invitation to give attention –– only focus creates order –– enacting the law which makes disorder/destructive interference become SELF-canceling. Where there is dull pain, your attention can make it sharp and burn, and then tingling healing takes place. Pain killers diffuse attention creating only death. Anything which prevents waves from focusing, like a flame is the focus of heat, prevents the creation of order/healing/memory/life. Pain killers are immune suppressant; they prevent us from knowing who we are because they prevent feeling. To braid a coherent membrane for a cell to have self/not-self, it takes order in the high frequency braid which made that membrane. Immune function is a measure of the cell wall’s ability to know what is part of itself, and what is part of it’s not-self. This occurs when the spectral frequency signature, or energy content, of a cell wall becomes a library in foldedness for all the ways it has stored the shape of touch. If the complete spectral gamut of emotion is present folded into the membrane (as standing waves which by their coherent phase/emotion, know how to share), then when the disease virus knocks at the door, at any frequency, there will always be a harmonic tensor (ringing chime of the right length) there to answer. Viruses are information memes (as genetic material is electrically a stable wave resonance bubble) which can only replicate where the field is permissive. Coherence creates it’s own field. Prepare it, and wholeness will come.





Ecstasy is to the cell as lightening was to DNA in the primal soup. Both add spin. Spin is the way we add dimension. Adding high frequency spin adds more symmetry, more shareability, to a wave nest. It is what “puts twinkle in the eye” by adding coherence. The sharpness control on your TV adds hi frequency. A cell membrane with ecstatic joy folded onto it’s surface is like a tapestry made of fine silk, compared to one made of coarse burlap. Which one has bigger holes? When a soap bubble loses spin it pops. To add spin to a soap bubble, you must touch it at the right phase angle. The great drive to achieve some kind of peak experience in music and movement, among the young at heart, can now be admired from a new biological perspective. As the chemistry of ecstasy can be understood as more of a symphony among glandular conductors, we gain a better understanding of the role of music in waveguiding emotional states. Biological terms for music rolling deliciously between the glands at an ecstatic moment, may sound something like phonon waves phase locking between glandular foci among liquid crystal piezoelectric muscle/nerve and bone plexi. We can understand what it is that we seek as a kind of “cellular” phone call home for ET, at the moment of ecstasy –– that entrained, rapturous, sometimes even tearful and tasting something sweet dripping like nectar squeezed from the upper brain onto the back of the tongue. Ecstasy is a well described phenomenon in the spiritual literature. It is usually accompanied by some sort of ritual that guides attention into greater presence, something which we now would describe as the ability of the spine to phase lock and entrain coherent field effects nested concentrically into greater and greater size/wave length/context. The entrance into the geometry of symmetry which we have called ritual dance, corresponds nicely to the phase geometry which phase entrains the body. Symmetry among wave forms attracts the inertia we call attention, and the corresponding expanded presence of mind. What we have been labeling as presence in the mindful sense, is specifically the ability of the field-effect nested body to entrain/extract information context from waves which nest/cascade at ecstasy all the way to planetary size. Which is just to say, riding the long wave for the emotion seeker is to get the necessary context or “where does the small fit into the large” kind of information from our electrical noosphere. The mechanics which enables electrical and sonic fields to reach between scales is the classic problem which musical wave geometry solves as beauty in ratio. When we look at our models for the shape of what precipitates electrically around the heart we get the geometric keys to emotion, which are musical ratios. Looking at a spectrum analysis of the heart’s EKG during peak emotion shows us the harmonics in the conPHYSICS







tents of the heart’s phase lock into musical whole number ratio, thus creating a wave length matrix for the embedding of field effects. The shape of these field effects, nested by the heart and it’s electrical entrainment of the whole body, are established by the musical chord like geometry of the wave-length tinker toys which the heart braids at peak emotion. To put it simply, permission to touch among field effects, between bodies the size of people, and whole groups of people dancing together, and ultimately whole bio-regions, occurs when sacred ratio becomes phase coherent in a fractal symmetry of self-embedded space as well as time. When we combine this understanding of the inherently musical geometry of ecstatic process in the body, to what we now know of the archetype of wave shapes which produce emotion, (from the Sentics literature) we find that just the whole number ratios which nest geometry among waves, are produced as a wave cracking down a whip, by the wave shape you create in music or art or touch to send emotion! Then if we grok what it means now that we have measured the effect of the heart/body going into electrical coherence, onto the field effect of a tree 200 feet away, we see that, indeed, linking our motion and our music from heartbeat to breath to wave lengths of a planetary nature, can actually informationally entrain us to sentient bodies the size of Earth. We utilize the tendency to naturally phase entrain known coherent heart sonics when nested in music. We carefully arrange the words of the song so that the breath timing is a whole number envelope around the heart rhythm. Finally we entrain in the audio, actually sonics of the electrical heartbeat of earth. This last concept requires a bit of explanation. For a long time we have known the varying charge between plates of sensitively tuned capacitors will vary over time, in a way which is dramatically linked to astronomical alignments. The Earth’s gravity bloodstream is at one level specifically a capacitive bell. Bill Ramsey has been making dramatically emotional audio recordings of these fields induced by the Earth herself, at key astrological moments for the Earth. The presence of sounds just like the whales in these recordings is too distinct to ignore. In summary, the concept of a harmonic module induced by coherent audio feedback cues among groups can now be brought to a new level. The music of the EKG of the heart becomes a sonic laser at love’s moment. The wave ratio musical language of emotion is known in Sentics. The breath, and Earth’s magnetic heartbeat can be entrained in music to a complete chord, cascading our awareness into the pressure nest of Mother Earth’s own feeling body.










“ENJOY”: THE PSYCHO-DYNAMICS OF ECSTASY A transcription of Dan Winter’s Presentation at “Reviving Ancient Wisdoms” Conference hile dreaming last night the impulse was clear. We should look at the various faces or facets of what is called ecstatic process — put in very practical terms. Last night we approached ecstatic process as we danced and as we circled and as we groped. In conversation about ecstatic process, or Ecstasy, or bliss, and its bio-logical function we’ll pursue certain areas of focus: We’ll talk about a kind of “Plumbing 101,” or ecstasy in the body: what the plumbing is. We’ll talk about the psychodynamics of ecstatic process, which is to say “what are the kind of thoughts that permit ecstasy? Then we’re going to talk about the hygiene of ecstasy — spiritual hygiene in general as a mechanism of charge. Then we’re going to talk about the effect of human ecstasy on the environment, both on the bio-region and what leaves the planet when people enter the ecstatic state... and how that becomes food for the earth. We should understand ecstasy in the human condition as a necessary requirement for the survival of the cell and the body. One definition of ecstasy or ecstatic process that’s been proposed is “that activity over which humans schedule wars.” If you really distill most wars, they are over who shall have the privilege of teaching ecstatic process. The Israeli’s and the Arabs, every indigenous people, and the Quakers quaked and the Shakers shook and you get the flavor... the Sufi’s danced and the dervish turned. Irish, Yugoslavian, Isreali, & Iraqi wars are over which indigenous people shall have access to the land as memory, and their access to ecstatsy’s long wave is intimately connected there. Cultures which survive must have ritual activity for entering into symmetry, or riding the long magnetic wave of information context from land into people into cells. However the world as a whole has this kind of trepidation about who shall have the privilege of teaching how the seed shall crystallize because once the seed is planted in a


Author showing conference participant the cube within a crystal dodecahedron.








womb, it only takes one seed of perfect symmetry and the whole womb crystallizes. So the world will not have two forms of ecstasy, ultimately — it wants only one and it must be perfect. This seed of perfect symmetry/sharing is the perfect geometry coherent loving emotion engenders. The fear of the cult, is really a fear that some symmetry may take root in our collective unconscious that might be not perfect sharing. We begin to acknowledge how crucial the description of ecstasy is to history. The spread of AIDS in Africa followed the areas where tribal dance was forgotten. We can relate ecstatic process directly to the survival of the immune system. When you add spin to membrane only then can it make self/not-self decisions. Spin is the only activity which keeps a bubble from popping. Government can’t make decisions about food or health or politics unless first there is an agreement on what people are for. You can’t have government without agreement on what’s truly important about our condition. So we need to understand the role of emotion in the human condition in a rather galactic metabolism before we can have any hope of having a government. We can’t really know how to have the health department restrict the hygiene at McDonald’s unless we have a definition of what people are for. There’s no criterion on which to base any decision unless we have agreement on the function of the human condition inside a great and vast living being. This is context for why it’s critical that we understand how the human condition massages the Earth’s magnetic bloodstream, or gravity bubble — to feed star systems. Knowledge of coherent emotion in the creation of energetic environments is a necessary requirement before we are able to have civilization, particularly one which can belong to an interplanetary government. Question: I’m hung up. Before you go on... so that I can really hear you... You made what to me was a big leap when you said that ulti mately there’s only one system for reaching ecstasy. How did you get there? I mean, there seems to be incredible avenues to ecstasy. I don’t follow that leap. They first thought that the alphabet was many icons, and later it turned out to be one and it was animated by pure principle. This emphasizes the challenge to see the principle of ecstatic process which is very much the entrance into symmetry. Let’s make it a bit personal here, to try to get at that. When I was in the Gurdjief school, I was pretty much sexually continent, not necessarily by choice. I had been in an all boy’s high school and gone to a Jesuit College. I was double Scorpio so I had a certain PHYSICS







amount of charge. Plus, I encountered the first real food diet I had ever en-countered, where the blue flame was very condensed. There we studied these La-Ti-Fa breathing & concentration excercises. We would do sacred gymnastics some days instead of eating. You wouldn’t be hungry because the order of charge is the food. I began to have experiences in response to this discipline, which was the ability to consciously move attention around inside the body. I felt, palpably, the effect of attention was in the body creating a field effect, which was described as “feeling.” If you could put your attention in your little finger, keep it there, and then realize that there was a tingle, an aura, a presence that grew there specifically as a result of the fact that you put your attention there. And then you realize that on the violin string where you choose the place of stillness, the cascade, the aura. The nesting of donuts of field effect domains, occurs specifically around the geometry of the still point. Simply, where you place your attention would determine where the field effect would grow. And that was called “order” or “life.” These disciplines of the geometry of attention in combination with the sacred gymnastics... Has anyone studied posture-induced ecstasy? If you kind of regard the body as a gelatinous sack where the pressure on the glands deter-mines the geometry of the flow of sonics that makes a kind of word — sonically, out of what can ring through the glands magnetically — and so is, in a sense, posture. I’ll give you a gross example. Tllt the base of your spine back (belly forward) so that instead of your solar plexus being out beyond your center of gravity, it aligns over your center of gravity, this opens a liquid switch which Gurdjief called the “organ Kunda-buffer” which permits the liquids from the very base of the spine, which is in the shape of a straw, to be sucked up the spine. The permission for those fluids to be pumped, begins with one of its primary switches, the tilt of the base of the spine which is associated with the belly dance, & Tai Chi’s “pelvic tilt”. This is the introduction to this plumbing concept that the ability of the blue fire of eros and ecstacy to be massaged like a serpent up the wave envelope of the spine by the sonic pump (the gland sonic emotions), is switched by conscious activity. This is an example of a posture that, by “assuming the position” you literally assume the place in the flow where this magnetic cascade can sweep through the body like an RF field sweeping through the crystal, melting the crystal and recrystallizing it. If you have a germanium crystal and you want to purify it, you take a radio frequency field effect, like a coil disk, and you sweep along the body of the crystal selectively melting the crystal just within the zone of the field effect. This is like the heart of gland softened or melted or “made wet/touched” by the ecstatic field. In the repeating PHYSICS







ritual of melt/recrystallize, the matrix sorts out self from not self and what fits the weft and warp falls into the crystal and what does not fit the weft and warp is pushed forward out of the crystal matrix. So, in the purifying of the geranium crystal, you sweep end to end, selectively melting and then allowing recrystallization, and then all of the dross, that which does not fit the matrix, is literally gathered at one end and swept off. These strong sonic/electric fields pass through your body, if you allow them. Sometimes you then spit up mucous or otherwise find your body empowered to select what fits it’s nest, as your focus your fire. The self/not self decisions are able to be made, particularly as a process of this meltdown. Anyway, to finish the personal note: I began having these kundalini kinds of experiences. Very fortunately, I met Lee Sanella who wrote the book, Kundalini Experience: Psychosis or Transcendence? at about that time. So I was able to gather the information so that I knew that I was not going insane, which was very important, and indeed learned the medical description of the phenomenon. But it was really a description of the passage of charge through the body and all that charge means: “where pressure nests, there is mind.” My inner voice which at that time spoke to me in an instructive way. I was a church organist first, then I played the organ in bars — so I knew most of the old music. In my inner voice... I would hear a song and if I could remember the words to the song I would often burst out laughing because I realized what a very concise sense of humor the collective voice whoever was singing had. It became a very good way to get instructions for me. Hearing instructions at that time... I went to the sea of Galilee and I spent maybe two weeks or so in these extreme kundalini experiences. I had been to Egypt. I had been in the pyramid and I had been in South America and I had been to Findhorn. Obviously, we all have our magical sort of trail. What I began to notice was that the clouds were specifically responding to kundalini and that, the earth was very, very clear in saying when I might begin and when I must end these experiences. This was like life or death because if you go too far the glands get overexcited and the nadis get burnt, to use Yogic language. So it was life or death to be able to hear these instructions about when to practice this electrical kind of fire. Like, when I was in Lima, Peru. It is commonly known there that it never rains. And, in fact, when I was in Lima and had these experiences the mist just came down, the clouds touched the earth and it began to precipitate. I learned later that there are many things which can seed the clouds, but that the principle is what we wish to understand. And this is the principle of crystallization of Christos in gen-eral, which is the planting of the perfect seed of symmetry or sharing. PHYSICS







If you think of a water vapor existing in the clouds in a distributed inertia where the size of the vapor is such that the water is embodied in a relatively short and fractionated way. Supposing you’re doing cloud seeding: what do you plant, molecularly? You plant something tempting enough, which can be called literally a fractal attractor of symmetry around which to give permission to touch. For the water vapor molecules to touch each other and enter into this risky condition of sharing, called symmetry, is to ride for them a very long wave which is entering the community called droplet. Remember when you take the Star of David and you cut it out in wood and you properly carve and craft it so that the over and under pattern is properly enacted in the grain structure of the wood. Then you put that in your field and bless it and the clouds columnate and it effects the precipitation, sometimes for whole bio-regions — from one simple seed of symmetry. Or the orgone principle of cloud busting which uses columated pipes in a fast-flowing river. We’re looking at the principle of precipitation and crystallization in general here in order to understand the service that human ecstatic process renders to the ecosystem. Question: Excuse me, Dan. Define columate.

Dan Winter and Phillip Callahan at “Reviving Ancient Wisdoms.”

In optics they say, columate, I usually say columnate. They both mean the same thing, as in Phil Callahan’s explanation yesterday of coherence in a laser. Soldiers march in orderly row: ecstatic discipline done so that the steps of all have entered a rhythm. It’s easiest to understand columation or onset coherence in water or air by telling the simple story of the sensitive lady who visited the farm once who insisted I remove the screen from the window because it was fractionating the air. She couldn’t harvest the memory of the pine needles in the braid of the air. She was right. At the bottom of the flow form (water braid cascade), if you take the water and put it through a screen, it loses its ability to germinate seeds and float logs and segregate solids by mass. The braided coherence is undone by the fractionating screen, like your marvelous intentions collapsed thru the narrow keyhole of the police officers hurried attention. Columation is entering into the discipline of the long wave: the issue of Christos, the principle of Crystallization. Question: Columation with the cloud busting pipes. How is that done? Are the pipes a particular length for that?








Ideally, they would be a length which would be a sonic harmonic to the natural resonance long wave braid or meander of the river into which they were placed. They would be a harmonic integra or harmonic octave ratio. So that if you wanted to be able to sing an oratorio, you need to know the key. Cloud busting with pipes is relatively trivial in principle compared to the principle of teaching a young person with twinkling eyes how to put a hole in a cloud with their mind. Which we often use as an example because the instruction was simple. You realize that wherever the universe sees pure intention it will pour in the inertia necessary to bend the light. That’s called love. The child with pure intention is particularly good because the universe will bend light for them because they’re so pure. We can get that way. If the child asks permission of the cloud and then focuses there, particularly if this is a nice fluffy cumulus cloud, then the child will see a hole form in the cloud. The child might ask, “Did I hurt the cloud?” What we need to understand is the principle of how that works. Remember, we talked about the vapor just wanting an excuse, a permission, a seed of symmetry, a hint of how to share, to enter the droplet state and, thus, precipitate or crystallize. The psycho-kinetic coherent focus of mind, physically provides the vortex seed of symmetry to the cloud. Precipitation from vapor to drop, there around that seed, is the “hole” in the cloud. The vapor is short wave, needing a locus of symmetry, in order to nest into long wave –– the droplet. So now we can understand a bit more about how entering the discipline of symmetry in ecstatic process has an effect on the weather of bio-regions. We can call it magick, like Vincent’s license plate, but Phil Callahan always says that magic doesn’t repeal the laws of nature, it just requires understanding the principle at a higher level. The paper on desertification and patriarchy tracked the spread of the Sahara desert around the belly of the globe. They discovered they were making a map of the spread of hard patriarchal cultures. The onset of patriarchy appears to “cause” the spread of deserts — that where it is illegal to hug on the street, you create deserts... to prevent touch is actually to prevent rain. We need to understand the physics of that, which is really quite simple. When people have permission to touch in a circle, or in symmetry, what happens is the electrical waves in their body are limited in general by the conductivity of the skin. The air is much more of an insulator than is human tissue. Waves that bounce back and forth within our skin are limited in the experiments in symmetry they can do to the length in the size of the body itself. If the waves inside the body wanted to learn symmetry about really long waves, which could be wave/information/context the size of the earth’s mind, the only way to PHYSICS







do those “experiments in sharing” is touch. Prevent touch, and ONE mind does not crystallize from the many. Symmetry is literally the permission to touch. Touch happens and this wave that was inside my body suddenly has permission to enter a much longer circuit. When the wave gets permission to touch, what happens is the natural self selection among waves is permitted. The natural self-selection among waves is this: order is self-replicating and disorder is self-cancelling. But, permission to touch or focus enacts the law. Pain “killers” prevent disorder from focusing in attention into order. Fear of pain is simply fear of focused awareness in general, which is to choose the dissolution of wave memory we label death... To choose fear is to enter the asymmetry of electrical resistance, which destroys spin, and thus creates death. Any wave that resists touch/phase lock has its inertia self-cancelled; its memories are lost, it dies in the only sense in which death is possible. Thus the wave discovers that it’s in-form-ation was not sharable. That’s what the wave learned by dying, which is what we learn by dying. (A way of filtering out un-shareable memories). Anytime the wave or the person tries to store unsharable information, it dies. But the wave or the person that stores totally sharable information lives forever. Eternal life remembers only pure principle; a harvest of memory that is infinitely useful to the galactic core and so can make it right down to the center of the vortex and be everywhere at once... like the principle of the electron, or of pi, phi & e, or the principle of what love is as an infinitely distributable wave path. Let’s talk about what thought forms. Remember, we’re going to talk about the hygiene, the plumbing, the psycho-dynamic and then the bioacoustic habit of ecstasy. Let’s talk about the psycho-dynamic now. Supposing you’re driving down the road and you’re thinking about something that happened in your family. Suddenly in your thought, you bump into high voltage. You’d been meandering about like a wandering glissando. Momentarily a thought that is infinitely sharable occurs to you perhaps something about love or great human connectedness... and at that moment you feel a quick electrical rush sweep through your body. What is the physics of that? Sometimes when you travel along the west coast you realize the land is in pain and you see these clouds that cannot rain because they’re afraid to touch the land. You realize that this wetness, which is literally a description of a willingness to, or a permission to touch. Wet-making power and word-making power are all etymologically derived from the word Ieve Eve, feminine versus Adam, hard-making, Adamic/Red-Making, Dense making/packing/dry making. This wetness PHYSICS







quality is the issue of the membrane in AIDs and cancer. The AIDS membrane is wet and leaky, the cancer membrane is hard and not touch response/contact inhibited. What’s happening when you’re driving down the road and you tripped over a sharable thought and then you felt an electric rush is literally the inertia, or spin, of the collective waves to land than the surrounding gravity grid. Waves only go where they are invited by symmetry. Give them symmetry or give them death. Mind waves. Supposing you’re out there and dancing in this circle and there’s a sacred dance teacher and its a long wave you’re doing in this dance. You’re trying to decide what thoughts you would like to have if you want to be able to enter an ecstatic state. What waves/thoughts are infinitely shareable? The ecstatic state was designed, biologically, to be very positive feedback. What nature provided was that this geometry of touching sonic pressures in the upper glands actually squeezes from the flowering brain the nectar which tastes sweet and drips onto the base of the back of the tongue. This form of sweetness makes ice cream almost painful by comparison, actually, once we’ve learned to fabricate our own long wave. Sweetness is a long wave carbohydrate chain; sweetness is a measure of braidedness. When we’ve learned to fabricate our own memories into long waves which are context rich then we don’t hunger for the other kinds of sweetness which smoke up the fire. You can see the young girl who has naturally biologically bloomed and is really ready for ecstatic process. Only emotional frustration at not reaching ecstatic union, leads her to chocolate. The appropriate hunger for this harvest of sweetness goes into a direction which is a kind of chemical short circuit for the body’s ability to synthesize and metabolize its own long waves — long great chains. We are very tempted to want ecstasy. Biologically, we’re programmed for it. Our cells know that electrically if they don’t get permission to make a phone call home, which is what lightning is for, then the cell will die because there is no communication with the home office and no way to get instructions. The cells know it’s a survival matter to achieve ecstasy. For our children, that means they will do anything. And it is appropriate, we should honor them for being willing to do anything to achieve ecstasy because it is right. They are correct. If we as a culture, as a civilization, lose the memory of how to teach ecstatic process, then our children will die. We need to look at the rites of ecstatic process as they were chemically-induced in the shamanic, for example, versus the rite of ecstatic process which might be called the sacred dance of the kinesthetic PHYSICS OF CONSCIOUSNESS





approach. Drugs without discipline short circuit natural ecstasy. The inner muscles to make our own fire are lost. No God-making power for the galactic core here. In the hygiene of ecstasy we’re going to describe, it is necessary for survival to be able to recognize the difference between fractionated memory and contextual memory. This is the language that helps us recognize the difference between a blue fire that can really experience the coupling of the collective mind –– the grail cup/chalice, versus the separate pieces of fire sparks darting about through stubble not remembering what excuse they gave themselves to imagine themselves separate from the one flame in the first place. Take a computer animation of many little dots and you assemble those dots into a skull, and then you can animate it and spin it, but then the dots could kind of fall apart and settle down and turn into a pile of dust. The density of the optical hologram is like those dots in the computer animation. They’re little fireflies or sparks darting about. They have not quite yet remembered how to hold themselves together in such a way as to sustain flame, which is a name for biology –– as oxidation — the slow flame. So, the sparks in the optical cortex... Remember, the synapse is a description of a spark gap, right, even though Carl Pribram says there’s nothing flammable in the synapse. It’s really a Fourier transformer if anybody understands this... If you want to feed a tesla coil, you use a square wave because the square wave is harmonic rich. That means if you analyze the sharp edges of the squares, it takes a lot of really high frequency harmonics. The tesla coil can eat rich diet of frequencies from the square wave. So it’s well fed. That’s why you use a spark gap to feed a tesla coil. The synapse is a spark gap. Here are these arriving differentiated potassium-gradient waves across the membrane of the axion dendrite moving along in the insulator of the mylon sheath (which is what dissolved in “Lorenzo’s Oil”). If you can’t have an insulator you can’t get high voltage and if you can’t get high voltage or high pressure in the optical hologram the plumber knows that its going to leak. The leverage in the optical hologram to bend light is high pressure. Anyway, here comes the wave along the axion dendrite, and all these waves arrive at this spark gap synapse. If they arrive in time, in the fractal of time, which is to say if they arrive in phase, if they “face” each other, if they phase lock, then and only then does the synapse fire. So it is an add/ summate heterodyne Fourier transform function which does the test for symmetry. Every synapse is constantly testing for shareability in the pressures it can distribute. (Memory) Question: Say that again, please. It’s an add, multiply Fourier heterodyne. When waves meet, they PHYSICS







can both add and multiply. That’s why the Golden Mean is the only way for the waves. That’s why it’s called the Golden path, the yellow-brick road — be-cause it’s the only path that allows waves to do what they must do, add and multiply. That’s why its based on phi, phi cycles, and the pentagram. Love is literally “Lo-phi.” Waves get together, they form these hetero-dynes, they add and multiply. When they get to the synapse they’re doing this test for sharability. So these are the fireflies, these are the little sparks reinforcing themselves. If you add ecstatically induced psycho activity which dopes the synapse, you lower the threshold at which the wave summation permits the firing. Super conductive flux density is psychokinesis. There was a study done at MIT which said that if you count the rate of firing at the synapse in the high optical cortex in proportion to whether you’re focusing or doing something called, technically, saccadic activity, which is shifty eyes. “Would you buy a used car from this man?” They measured the rate of the firing in the optical cortex according to whether you were focusing or shifting your eyes and they proved that, in fact, the density of the fire was greatest when you focused. The thing is, literally, if you do not have pure intention, the physics is that you literally cannot focus. Focus and pure intention are the same thing, because in the collective hologram, there’s no such thing as focus that doesn’t have pure intention. That’s where pure intention is achieved, that center of the vortex, because only there is the test of symmetry, or sharing, passed. The point is that when you focus, you get the density of fire in the optical cortex up to the geometry of flame coherent enough to literally bend the light. Matter is a hologram with a weight problem. The optical cortex is a hologram for learning the coherence to bend light. I use this story a lot, but it’s good. It’s the problem of the lady with a mirror and a magnifying glass that were too heavy for her purse. And so she went and she had a hologram made of her mirror and magnifying glass so they would be light. The guy who made the hologram for her showed her, before she paid her money, that she could see other items inside the hologram through the mirror and it worked. And it’s true. This is Optical Physics 101 where you look in your hologram made of a mirror, you can see things reflected in the mirror that are inside the hologram. And the magnifying glass works in the hologram to magnify other items in the hologram. When she got home she realized she had a problem: she couldn’t see herself or anything else outside her hologram, reflected from there. She went back and demanded a refund. The creator of the hologram said, “Well, what I will give you is a little bit of the light I used to make the hologram in the first place.” When she stood in that light, then she could see herself. This is true Optical Physics 101, because PHYSICS







phase coherent light of the same phase discipline then would allow her to interact with things inside her hologram. This is the problem of a thought or dream that wants to bend matter. It needs phase discipline. The map to phase discipline, which is a map to the tilt of photon donuts, is our alphabet (of symmetry). This is ability to think in the language of light and thus create. Wave focus is the only principle needed to create. The ability to bend the light is all you need to do to create because that persuades light to go from the line, which is called energy, to the circle, which is called mass. When you take light and bend it into a circle, if you persuade it to enter the circle, you have to persuade it to enter symmetry because that’s the only thing that permits waves to stand in a circle. Waves aren’t dumb, they don’t touch un-symmetric nests: it would kill ‘em! This permission to enter the circle, which is to enter symmetry, allows the line to store its inertia. The storage of inertia is the only definition and measure physics has ever had for mass. So, to create mass, you bend light into a circle. It’s only tempted to do that when symmetry is presented because otherwise it knows that its memories will be lost. We are beginning to understand, if you want to get information into the optical cortex, enough to bend the light, you need this whole geometry of focus we call ecstatic process. This is the psycho-dynamic. We’ve mentioned effect on the environment. It isn’t just making rain, which ecstatic process does, but it literally gives permission to touch which creates environments which are sharable by definition. You know how the earth will come to mind wherever there are children dancing barefoot in the mud. Clouds form in the symbols of the I-Ching above a yogi dance. The ecosystem has feeling in the bandwidths of our collective and individual emotions. We’ve met powerful women who do little else but travel about the earth being instructed PHYSICS







from the inner voice on how to pour love into fault lines. We can measure the effect on the magnetic field of a tree 200 feet away, of the heart going into coherence, becoming a sonic laser. We begin to realize that the effect on the ecosystem of the onset of biological coherence is dramatic and lasting. Imagine a whole planet going ecstatic at once— coherence: the physics of rapture! This could be tempting enough for us to want to study, now that we’ve looked at some of the plumbing... A plumber could understand that once the pelvic tilt is in place the blue fire could be pumped. What is the role of coherent heart sonics in massaging the envelop of the snaking current? It’s necessary to sort out the confusion among sexual energy and ecstatic energy. Is it separate? Is it one? In that, we’ll get a better handle then on the justification for what we’ll get to when we talk about the hygiene for ecstasy. The cell is like a child’s xylophone. This is, again, an old story. A lot of you have heard me tell this story before but it’s helpful. If we want to understand how blue fire... You know how it’s called the blue light district? Or, “you’re looking very blue today.” Or, it’s close to our term “horny” because literally the liquids of the upper ventricle cavities of the brain are called ventricle horns and the liquids crystallize in the presence of the coherent sonics and become horns, which actually shape the geometry of the electromagnetic aura as well. So this “blue,” as in “you’re looking blue today” and “you’re horny,” are all words for our understanding that your blue fire hasn’t passed, instead it’s been stored as charge and that was thought to be unfortunate. However, to understand where this blue fire comes from, we need to under-stand just a little bit about cell metabol-ism. The cell takes these long waves in as food and breaks the protein chains down. What it then does is, the biophysicist would say, “The cells become an engine for making high quality ultraviolet light.” That’s a very acurate, biophysical description of what a cell is. It’s a highly ordered UV to violetblue light transformer which drives cell mechanics. What the cell does, it takes these long waves — the food — and it massages them coherently into shorter and shorter wavelengths. It becomes, literally, a cadduceus ladder. Each rung on the ladder biophysicists would describe as an enzymatic pool. All of the energetics of cell metabolism are stored in groups by wavelength like a marimba. Then when the energy passes to the next wavelength up the ladder, it goes from the midocondria to the DNA precursors to DNA. At the level of DNA, the light has been massaged to a very coherent, high quality light, which took a lot of work to make, That’s the blue fire of the cell. Hard membrane: no UV trade with neighbors= not contact inhibited= cancer. Leaky opposite= AIDs. Membranes are a language of pressure. PHYSICS OF CONSCIOUSNESS





Gathering this blue fire among the cells is accomplished in something which a biophysicist might call foreplay. Use attention like a snake charmer to gather the blue fire. The massage of attention is what we do in lovemaking and it is very sweet. In tantra all of the highest and best sweet nutrients of the cell are pumped to the upper brain where there could then be an explosion of growth, an unflowering of sorts. The planet herself becomes aware of nectar available to distribute. When we measure the spectral content of the EKG at this moment when we’re sending love, in the chest we only measure a harmonic series up to 40 hertz. We measure the same EKG at the crown of the head and we get a whole harmonic series up to 1000 hertz. This is the thousand petalled lotus… unfolded in symmetry “space”… a connection is made. Just a little final piece of this puzzle is, the heart is contained in a sac called the pericardium, which is based on the geometry of the hat of Osirus which is exquisitely designed to focus sound. The sonics of the heartbeat are then focused. In one direction, the sonics of the heartbeat impinge on the thymus. In this meaculpa beating of the thymus, the thymus does a spectrum analysis of the heartbeat in order to pick up which wavelengths, which tinker toys, it is then going to the able to use to make the nest we call the immune system. The thymus was not intended to shrink. MDs think that’s normal — it is not normal. It means the thymus was not receiving love — coherent sound of the heart. That’s why it’s called the alphabet of the heart, because if you spectrum analyze the Hebrew alphabet, you get the harmonics which are a picture of the letter form itself. The center structure of the heart is the flame letter and the geometry of the electrical wave that converges at the heart to cause it to fire is a seven-colored donut, electrically. The heart’s muscle is seven layers of symmetry; seven layers of muscle based on the symmetry of the tetrahedron. The sequence in which you press these muscles determines how you throw the blood into a vortex. The heart is not a pump — it never was. The heart throws the blood into a vortex. The coherence of these vortices is what carries the whispers of the heart into the extremities. It’s like a 3D Wankle engine. Our family business is a motor business and we learned that you can create any direction of motion in 2D with just three simple magnets. It’s called a 3-phase motor, and you change direction by changing the polarity of the wires on the 3-phase motor. But if you want to make a vortex in any axis in 3D, what do you need? You need exactly 7 magnetic fields in the symmetry of the tetrahedron because you could braid everything that could be named from the geometry of vortices in the symmetry of the tetrahedron. PHYSICS







So the heart can create vortex donuts in the blood in any axis in 3D. The 7 layers or 7 arrows of the heart muscle respond to the angle of approach of toroidal donut-shaped triggering electrical pressure waves (When Time Breaks Down by Arthur T. Winfrey). The body gets its magnetic field nest words/instructions from the soul when the heart is coherent. The heart is doing this wonderful job of being a geometry of pressure, holding the blue fire — making gravity by symmetry. Now behind the heart is the spine. The spine harvests this sweet juice. We gather it in foreplay and then, instead of releasing the blue fire downward, we relax enough to be still in the blue fire. Then it simply stands and grows as tantra and kundalini. The Plumbing 101 for this pump is described in a lifetime of work called, “The Sacrocranial Pulse” literature by Upledger in Florida. You can measure the pulse of the spine’s fluid pumping. He proved that it is physiologically impossible to be depressed if that pump is working. On the other hand, if the pump is not working you are, by definition, depressed. That is to say, you have not gained access to ecstatic process. The way it works is that the heart’s sonics are the snake charmer’s flute that massages the envelope, the geometry of pressure, to make the pump work. That massaged envelope is how the liquids of the spine, which are comprised of the same liquids as the upper ventricle cavity of the brain, carry this harvest of sweetness up to that memory. This is called enJOYment. Nectar drips from the upper brain whose cells explode with nutrient. This is what the waitress at McDonalds really means when she says “enjoy your hamburger”: Fold the spin of this food into the blue fire. In our culture, at least we remember that — that if it is not taken to the blue fire, memory has not been harvested and it has not been enjoyed. (In our recent geometric analyses of the Sentic musical wave shapes of Emotion…) Joy is based on the wavelength ratio of 1 over 6, which is the hexagram. This flower, when held still, is complete in the plane .When the cup runneth over to the lo-phi state, there is love. Phi- ratio is based on the pentagram. Lifting the hex off the pent is the cube in the dodeca-, the entrance to the next dimension. We pick up our cross and follow the principle of Christos off of Flatland with love. In the Sentic’s literature, it was shown that the way you would hug someone to express emotion is archetypal around the world. Emotion establishes a simple set of ratios as waves, like you’re trying to crack a whip. You only put the wave on the whip once, but if the ratio is right, then the whip cracks. That’s what a hug is, to make an impression. Which is to stand this wave on the surface — memory/ brain. PHYSICS







This index of the wave ratios of emotion was the same in Polynesia as it was in England. This was called the geometry of pressure, the geometry of touch. A Universal language. Question: And the ratio is one to six? Well, let’s take the way you hug someone to express emotion... You should do this — two people get together and they share squeezes. They each close their eyes — “Now I send love/now I send joy.” See if they get what you sent them as touch before you tell them. And then look at what that geometry of pressure was, as a wave shape prescription for hugging. Anger is a very sharp onset of pressure. It is literally a “jerk.” Joy comes later, one sixth of the duration into the overall hug, the point of maximum pressure onsets most slowly — it is tantric. The point of maximum pressure in the overall duration of the wave shape of the hug that says love is .618 into the duration of the event. Phi — lowfrequency phi ratio. The soft love. When you say “phi,” you actually create the beginning of the spiral as your lips curl in then out. The hex is an experience in joy which is completed on the plane. In the hex, one over six — the wave shape for joy— the witch fixed the spell. When the radius equals the edge length, the wave is stable on the plane, as the hex view of the cube. This is the basis of the Mayan pyramids — in-cube-ation. Whereas, in the Egyptian pyramids, when you add the ratio phi to make them phi- cycle, then you have lifted the cube up, off the plane by a 32˚ tilt which is the basis of precession. We have a fractionated grid here folks. (Picking up the Cosmic Fractal Biocrystal model) This cube here, which every dodeca- contains... What I did, I took this cube, this simple cube, right, and I lifted the cube up off this plane thirty-two degrees and then I could look down at the new tilt. Now, if I spin the cube on this new axis of symmetry and blink five times, I’ve got the dodecahedron — I’ve entered the next dimension of spin. I’ve added a harmonic to the wave pressures at the nodes, which is what we find in the heartbeat at the moment of love — the harmonic series, the growth — and it enters the next dimension of spin. From the hex view to the pent view, I went from joy to love. The harvest of sweetness is at the crown of pent. Question: The head associating with the hex...? No. Actually, it’s like you don’t expect the child to give love until its cup is at first full, in the sense of the bond of power. In the Gurdjief gymnastic of “forming twos”, it was joy, pride, awe, anger, pity, fear. Joy is the incube-ated harmonic root two octave contained which is first poured full as a container. Then, in love the great experiment in PHYSICS







give-away can happen which becomes other centered magic. This creates a center of gravity in a longer wave. Which is what Castenada meant by “entering the eagle’s eye” you might have trouble remembering you were draining a swamp when you got up to your ass in alligators. You thought you were pouring out memory but you needed something insoluble to enter the infinite liquid in order to be able to be there when it came back. That which is insoluble is pure intention, which was the philosopher’s stone. So, are we yet close to the place where we’re ready to discuss the hygiene? First, do we understand the principle that only love can bend the light... What is the specific nature of pure intention? One language might be: pure intention is where all spins converge. So that essentially to ask permission to bend light is to move your water wheel to the center of the vortex steering that light. Remember, in the Bucky Fuller analog of biology: “as a slipknot on a rope of light.” Now, you can put a slipknot on cotton and then it’s braided into wool and then into nylon. You move the slipknot along. The slipknot is first cotton, wool, and then nylon. And then Bucky Fuller says, “What is the slipknot?” It is not cotton, wool, or nylon, so much as it is only the memory of turns. That is biology; a memory of how to bend light. Knowing how to bend the light was literally permission to enter the center of all symmetry. The real key ingredient there is to recognize that ultimately there is only one intention that’s bending the light. Let’s translate that to… We have personified the principle of evil and given it a name: live spelled backwards. As we have personified the principles which we call angels, we have tended to personify principles. (Angle-ish=English, Angles=angels, arc-angles, etc.) Which is okay, but what is harvested or remembered is the principle itself. To have personified evil as live spelled backwards, you have this recognition that there is a principle. Someone who chooses to pour out their memories into disorder ultimately serves order. For example, someone’s brother might be living for the privilege of going to Las Vegas to gamble and drink. That’s what they live for –– that’s their ecstatic process. But the psychoanalysis of gambling has been related to the thanatos, the urge to die. You see, the human condition is programmed to fixate on whenever there is an intensity for flow. Blue fire. Which is why the child fixates on the roller coaster ride. The human condition will fixate or return to any situation that maximizes charge. That’s the way cells were designed: to seek maximum information density or continuity of foldedness. (Like computers bored with floppies now that CD’s are tasted). We can experience the charge of our beingness flowing through us. Death is only a discontinuity of memory. Discontinuity in memory (sepPHYSICS







arateness), is the natural death of intention not pure, inertia not shareable, spin not folded for infinite distribution. Fractionation, as entrance into separateness, is perspective consumed in parts without compassion for the whole. If we see someone whom we think does not have pure intention, by simply not choosing to give them the inertia of our focus, that memory will self-cancel. The degree to which the intention was impure is the rate at which it will self-cancel. And we need to take no action other than giving our attention only to what serves at the highest level we can imagine, Withdraw attention from the childishness of secrets and owning. Instead of owning things/ideas/land simply be a custodian for maximized sharing. Let’s conclude with thoughtful suggestions about hygiene. We’re coming to grok that most human interactions are essentially over the issue of charge or spin. You walk up to someone, you walk into a room, you decide who you’re going to hug next… You were really waltzing over, saying, “There’s some spin over there.” Now I’m spinning more, I have more memory. And yet when the waterspout goes back into the clouds, we measure the loss of weight of the body when the soul leaves when they die at 14 ounces, and we say that the body has lost mass — this is the weight of the soul. Really what’s happening is you’ve withdrawn spin. The waterspout went back into the clouds — and we call that death. We’re hungering to be at the center of memory. We are organs of perception for a collective mind. When we relax enough to walk into a room and permit our eyes fall on what the collective mind wants to see, then we get the privilege of being in the center of spin. That’s why, since God does spit out mediocrity, we all want to be in the Guiness Book of World Records. The collective mind wants to explore the limit of every new principle. Whatever in our life is an expression of the boundary condition, that’s what the collective mind is most interested in- in us. Which is cool. It’s fun. That means that when the cell joined the body, it got to be more different, not less. From the Celestine Prophecy, all human interactions are fundamentally about charge. When we are with someone we don’t enjoy spending time (or spin) with, it is because we know that we are not gathering charge, we are losing it. At the end of the day, we could equate gathered charge/ spin, to memory folded nicely enough to be storeable/shareable. This is the growth of the soul, as servant to collective memory/mind. This is what is meant by “follow your bliss or you’ll die inside.” Comment: You’ll stop spinning. Right. What we really hungered for was spin or charge or memoPHYSICS







ry. That’s what we wanted in love. Love is the ultimate. Let us translate that into hygiene. What does that mean in terms of what we will do every day so that we can live where the charge is? That means we’ll go to a place like Vincent found, where the ley lines cross. Here is the pressure, here is the charge. Remember what Prof. Callahan said, “The virgin mother only appears where the magnetic lines cross in stone.” You couldn’t precipitate the ectoplasm of the hologram if you didn’t have the substrate to work with. You go to somewhere where the ley lines are bleeding and you too will bleed. Your work may be there. You know when you need to be charged and you know how to do it. Then when you go out into the world and you do your work of distributing your charge, you won’t let your gyroscope spin down too far. Soon, whoever invented cities is going to apologize. However, the possibility of an exquisitely charged city does exist. Steve Nelson suggests that Charlotte is an example. Washington D.C. also has rich geomantic history. That’s what the Masons were doing — they were making charge. The body politic is really a body of charged spin patterns the scale of bio-regions. Tut radiated charge by ritual, effecting whole landscapes. Let’s try to finish with very practical understandings of what we do in order to be charged. The elements of hygiene which permit charge, have to do with who you touch, what you eat, where you live and what you think about — which would be to say, how you pray. Let’s be very general. Elements of hygiene. In the who you touch category, sometimes it is your work to let somebody come up to you and hug you, even though you don’t want that because you unconsciously know you’re giving away your charge. Like, who touched my garment, right? Who touched my braided foldedness. My raiment. Ultimately you know, in your sense of love or foldedness in the heart, you can restore all charge. So anyone who wants to touch you, you let them. Anyone who wants to fall in love with you, you let them. That doesn’t mean you give yourself away. But anybody who wants to be in love with you, you say, “Wonderful. I am here. Love me: I will serve you as well as I can and I will let you hug me any time it’s not inconvenient for me. That’s totally fine — you can behold it.” This will permit us to love many at one time. A hologram becomes one from many when “the topology is infinitely multiply connected.” This is called distributed momentum. It was called extended family in the Essenes and the Cathars. PHYSICS







Comment: Distributed momentum? Distributed momentum. Yes. Right. You see, what permits cell metabolism to work is something called the triplet state electron which is an electron that found a way to distribute its momentum among thousands of molecules down the chain, which was the wagon train into Jerusalem for Jesus — extended family, you see. Right? You see, this is the only way that memories really achieve shareability over a long wave. This is called “permission to touch.” On the other hand, it means that you recognize to yourself and your inner voice that somewhere is your bliss. And you’re attracted to some person, for whatever strange reason, and you absolutely put a priority on following that attraction. Your soul has this hunger, and you have been telling yourself for six lifetimes that this hunger is perverse and been repressing it. Actually, it’s the clue to your soul. So whatever it is, if this is your urge, follow it lovingly. Like, here are four billion cells that got together. They’ve been here for four billion years and they took a vote. There was some consensus process. And whatever they want is probably interesting. So this is what’s meant by following your bliss. This is also what’s meant by always looking for twinkling eyes. The physics of twinkling eyes is like resolution in optics. The high frequency component of membrane is what makes it resolved and sharp on the edge. That’s why the sharpness control on your TV amplifies the high frequency. When you look for the twinkling eyes you’re looking for those who’ve harvested the spin rich, high frequency lightning, in ecstatic process. You see this little girl out there. What was her name? Paige. Very twinkling yes. But she’s lived here, all these magnetic lines and the gene pool flowers — very magical. So you look for twinkling eyes. And if you’re attracted, you look for excuses to hug. So we’re getting the flavor about who you would be with. This is what’s meant by “pearls among swine.” You know that your job might require you to be among those of no charge. But when you have the opportunity to choose who to be with, you choose charge. It’s simple, very straight forward. So this was the elements of who you touch. Now, this element of what you eat... Did you ever bite into an apple and feel a tingle in your cheek? How many have done that — bite into an apple and felt a tingle in your cheek? Did anybody here ever eat some apple sause and feel a tingle in their cheek? Comment: No. Why? PHYSICS







Comment: Too fractionated. In the simplest language — the long waves was there stored. Then I busted up the long wave and I had only short waves. That’s why they say that in the east they eat their grains whole. In the west, we grind them up. Which means that in the east, they are interested in the long wave — in the west we are interested in the atomic race, which is experiencing the most segregated momentum. The shortest wave, most sub-adamic. They wanted to call it a part I call — they wanted the most dense, hardest memory possible to harvest. And they wanted the densest separateness they could find. This experience of separateness, called patriarchy lasted for 13 thousand years. The point is that when we choose to eat foods that are whole, that still have the spin or charge... In the store, if they really knew what freshness meant, the very physics of radiating food is the dissipation of charge. The aura, the freshness, the blue fire of the vegetable, exists because the magnetic field of the earth is still spinning in the plant. So you went out there and you consumed the perspective of the earth. That was what was meant by eating vegetables that you grew together on mineralized soil in the middle of a stone circle where the devas were happy and it was near the mountain where the ley lines crossed. Then there was love in the field and children were nearby dancing barefoot in the mud. Then you, as a community, ate the food together and it was psycho-active. We experienced this at our farm. We learned that really live food makes drugs boring. This is psychoactive food. That’s what we are hungry for. We only ever wanted to consume memory. That’s why when you drink water, when you’re thirsty, you walk over here and you say something inside me says, “thirst.” Remember, water is folded surface. Water is space to unfold memories on that surface. I need space now to unfold my memories — I will go drink water. If I drink water that is exquisitely folded — charged, spun — then a very little bit will be plenty of space to unpack my memories. But if I drink dead water, I might have to drink quarts every hour and I will still be thirsty. This is what’s meant by “if you drink this water, you’ll never thirst.” If you find water that is charged, your body will have to spend a whole lot less time sorting out the self from the not self. That is why, too, if you’re over or under weight... What flesh is, is memory awaiting the opportunity to be harvest-ed. If we carried flame around with us, there would be nothing waiting in line for the harvest.






The necessity to recognize fractionation is survival-related. Relax enough to let your inner voice tell you what your soul needs as food for communing. Consider pasta, for example. You take wheat — alive, full of life, natural — and you monoculture for generations so the gene pool is crying out in pain. Then you bromate it, you grind it up, you bleach it, you store it for six years and you take out all the enzymes, all the minerals, all the light, until it’s totally white, so rats are too smart to eat it. That’s why they make a law that they have to bleach it — because rats won’t eat it. They’re not dumb enough. Then after you store it for another ten years as white flours, all the spin is totally gone. It’s absolute fractionation! You put some dead water with it, you mold it and then you store it for another ten years and then you serve it. I mean, we’re exaggerating a principle here but you see... Next to it is quinoa. Now quinoa is a whole grain. It’s spiralshaped. It stores memory. In fact, the Spaniards said the Incas couldn’t eat it because they recognized that this is what was making the Incas kingly — the protein completion of the quinoa and the amaranth. Question: And quinoa is a grain? It’s a whole grain, and it’s a spiral. It cooks instantly. It’s similar to buckwheat. If Mc-Donalds could invent buck-wheat because it cooks up faster than popcorn and tastes great, they’d make billions. But since nobody can invent it, nobody markets it and you can’t find it in the grocery store. But it’s the ultimate fast food and it’s whole grain. You get the flavor here. Whole grains are not even available in the store because they are too cheap to make money with. After a while you don’t need the density of dairy, you can get the whole vegetable and you recognize charge. And the thing about oils. Every oil you see in the store — you look down the whole aisle of oil. If you got to the place where they made it and looked in where they dumped the gasoline to dissolve the oil out of the fresh vegetables, then they boil off the gasoline and the oil that’s left is what they have in the store. Any oil that does not say “whole expeller-pressed,” and most likely needs refrigeration, fits that description in the store — measurably cancerous the minute it’s heated. Yet, whole oil with the enzymes and minerals in there is survivalrelated for the cell. One tea-spoon of whole raw olive oil is like survival-related for the week for the body. You don’t really need me to tell you anything. You just get the flavor that anything, chances are, that is storable is not good for you. Question: What does that mean? PHYSICS







You see, the very process of storing the life took energy. That’s why our energy system doesn’t work: because we try to store energy instead of sharing it. If energy was distributed instead of stored, there would be no shortage. That’s what an experiment in sharing is. Distributed momentum/charge/awareness is how many become one. Prepare the field... That means that yes, life is volatile. It’s like walking the edge of the sword between wet-making and hard-making, between liquid and crystal. At that liquid-crystal moment, that’s life. So it is. It is a tightrope. But that’s what makes it fun! So the point is that all the laws that were passed for why it is illegal to serve whole turbanado sugar for many years was because it was not storable. Whereas, when you bleached it, then the rats won’t eat it. It was storable, therefore it was legal. They knew that the sugar would leach the minerals right out of the body. The rats were too smart. On a very practical level, it is good to evolve a metabolism in which you drink and eat far less. Eat and drink only charge. There’s absolutely no reason to be fanatic about it, but if you habitually know there’s a place you go where there’s only dead food, focus on not going there. Now, there’s a place you know where you always get live food — make excuses to go there, wherever it is. And eventually your life changes. Comment: At the moment, there really isn’t a process to store any thing? Only symmetry stores. Lift your memory up off the cross of time and space, which is to move out of the circle onto the line, which is to make an L or a phase shift. You want to be able to move your attention without losing memory from the circle to the line — if you did it directly, you would crash. Do it in the perfect translation of vorticity, which is the Golden Mean spiral which is the flow form: separateness to infinite connectedness. Yellow brick road to a green stone. Lo-phi: Love. During that process, anything that was stored by the not-self is expelled as, for example, mucous. Let’s think, why does dairy and heavy grain monocultured wheat create mucous in the body? They’re very yang, packed, folded long chain products. The body would prefer to fabricate its own long waves after weaning, because that is to fabricate memories which are worth har-vesting. As long as you’re fabricating your mother’s mem-ories, before weaning, you haven’t produced anything the universe will perceive as sweet. At the point of weaning, you say, “Mother, stop hugging me! I want to make my own memories now.” And you stop eating dairy. What the immune system does when you eat dairy anyway is: it says, “Oh, I’m not sure whether that’s self or not-self. I better make PHYSICS







this membrane (mucous) so I don’t digest myself.” Which is what the acids that digest dairy would do without mucus. They would digest the cell memories outside-in. This whole process that stored the memory in the dairy or the heavy wheat is additional weight to unpack. At this time, you know how we’re all looking to have our memories be harvested, unpack our memories to make them shareable? Well, we don’t need additional weight to un-pack. Anything that’s then folded in an unshareable way... You see, real wild cattle still have a twinkle in their eye. Yet in the David Suzuki series: they showed the cows after a dozen generations in the feed lot and compared the dullness in their eye to the people waiting in line in the bank. They’ve stored too many unshareable memories, separateness up/twinkle down. So then, the hygiene for ecstatic process includes some things about entering a sacred space at a regular time at a regular place. Having your altar, having your place of charge, knowing where that is. It includes having your umbilical cord hooked up to your intuition — all of these things. I guess it would be a “high gene” designer. Let’s get to the last thing that we’ll talk about — which is the ritual of ecstatic process. You know how we were standing out in the field last night and we all wanted ecstasy. There we were. We were quite serious. We wanted ecstasy. I mean, this is what it was about really. We were circling about a flame. Flame is a name, chemically, for when pressures flow in such a way as to keep a wave standing (which is to say, a geometry of pressure.) That’s the name of the flame. We’re trying to arrange ourselves into fractal symmetry. We had to get the drumbeat into symmetry. We had to get our bodies into symmetry. We had to get our timing into symmetry. We had to get into symmetry with the right spot on the land.








If a new form of symmetry is to be entered, there is always the exquisite element of discipline. This is what I’d like to suggest a bit about in closing — the element of discipline. In the sacred dance schools, we would learn a new sacred gymnastic and stop doing an old one, almost always as soon as we had learned it. We need to recognize that if we want to enter into a pattern that is going to have more pressure and more memory and more fire for our lives, it is going to take discipline. And not painful discipline. Real happy, joyful, relaxed discipline. We have been working at filming the last section of the videotape we made on ecstaic process with three MDs, including the one from Scotland. We filmed eurhythmy and Sufi dancing. Then, on this last speaking tour west, we bumped into different teachers of Sacred Circle Dance in three cities. Each time, in three of the cities, the dance that was led first was, by coincidence, the same. Ecstatic process occurs in each of us when we finally finish the last stroke on the painting that absorbed enough of our intention so that the whip cracked and all of the attention of the soul was there in the “be here now.” The waves nested, mindfulness converged. The dance is a step on the way to that. It is not that in itself. The dance is a way of entering into the pressures of symmetry. The pressures of symme try happen in the stillness of the dance, spiralling in.











ith this section, we have arrived at the heart of the matter, the human heart. Dan guides us through a look at the coherent flame that animates a living heart. “Radiant Heart” shows how focused emotion, like love, creates health in the immune system through entrainment with the heart’s electro-magnetic envelope. The seven firing angles of the heart’s tightly spiral wrapped muscles as it spins blood through the system matches the symmetry angles of a sacred alphabet based on the symmetry angles of the platonic solids. This expansion of the physics of consciousness into the physics of emotion and life itself suggests that the geometry of the long wave can become the programming alphabet for maximum leverage on genetic material. We are what we feel. Chapter two, “Heart Sonics,” shows that the heart shape, and its electrical geometry, can be used to frequency entrain not only our minds, but our environments. “Heart Intelligence and DNA Programming,” chapter three, can almost be considered Dan’s masterpiece. This ground-breaking study demonstrates the link between cardiac electricity, mental processes, emotion, brain activity and DNA programming. It presents the core of his research with the Heart Math Institute in Boulder Creek, California. The last chapter in this section is an article by Glenn Rein and Rollin McCraty of the Heart Math Institute. They show the scientifically measured effect of coherent heart rhythms on consciousness and health.











RADIaNT HEART: THE SOURCE OF IMMUNE IDENTITY? heard this story once when I was young: A heart surgeon happened to put his finger directly on the sino-atrial firing node of the heart, and burned it! Whether or not this is a true story, it sets one to thinking about all the religious metaphors of a heart being on fire –– a sacred flaming heart. Most truly long lived religious metaphors have a deep grain of truth. Why is it that many cultures have poetically recognized that our biological “reason to be” or “soul-purpose” radiates directly from the heart, yet medically we have failed to recognized this? Probably because we have had no mechanism to understand the process by which this information of cellular identity radiates directly into the body through the heart. Now with some data in hand, it appears quite clear that the heart does indeed take on a musical or sonic pressure geometry very akin to what we might think of as a coherent flame. This event is measurable on the spectrum analyzer when someone who literally “knows how to love” does intentionally send just that feeling. So, let us review what we now apparently know:


Fractal Heart pattern

1. The heart rings a longer and longer low frequency electrical (EKG) resonance cascade of music-like overtones when emotion sweeps the body. Nested “tordoidal rotors.”

2. Logically, these electrical pressure waves correspond to a series of phonon or sound waves moving through the piezo-electric liquid crystal-like muscle and nerve plexi around the heart. In this regard we should examine the description of the shapes of the electrical origin of the heart’s beat as published in the book When Time Breaks Down by Arthur T. Winfree. In summary, the technical data there suggests that the shape of the electrical wave which converges upon the heart to trigger firing is essentially toroidal, or donut shaped. Further, the way those donuts of voltage or electrical pressure converge around the heart is a fractal or concentric nest of one donut inside the other. The relative size of these toroidal fields relates to the relative wave lengths contained in the EKG. Thus, the heart muscle’s ability to relax into resonance around a central focus corresponds to it’s ability to ring out, literally, the further extensions of the harmonic series which surrounds its






View of a whirlpool's flowing circuit.

The fractal image of the heart itself.

The heart-shaped cardiod


firing. In other words, the heart is essentially able to download a broader frequency bandwidth of harmonic instructions when it fires in the condition of relaxed but centered or “phase-locked” resonance. The instructions arrive from the high frequency bandwidth electrical pressure or literally “fire” which converges on the heart causing it to beat. Coherent emotion (love?) permits the greater content of these harmonic instructions –– or we might even say “ingredients to identity” –– to be downloaded or “demodulated” or “impedance coupled” or “spun out” from the long wave into the short. The shape which idealizes this “translation of vorticity” spin-out or unpacking from short wave to long, is the golden mean spiral. When this path which permits the circle to talk to the line (matter to energy) goes two ways at once, it looks like the fractal image of the heart itself!. The low frequency sonics program the immune system by projecting on the thymus as if onto the walls of a cave; the pericardium takes the shape of Osiris’ hat, the “cave of the heart.” Let us remember that the name in the science of sound for a sonic pattern which permits all frequency phases to lock into one embrace is called “cardioid”, and it is heart shaped. From a psychological perspective, it is well known among good counselors that one of the most important elements which permit a person to radiate intention, integrity and direction in their lives is the conscious knowledge of one’s “soul purpose” or “mission statement.” In a sense, no directions radiate to the immune system from the heart unless there is a conscious link up to the core of one’s being. From the viewpoint of information science we can understand the principles of this umbilical connection to “oneness” from the mechanism which makes a hologram, at every point, information complete. In terms of optical coherence, taking a bite out of a hologram requires swallowing the whole thing. What this means is that each little light node or bubble in the hologram, must be in complete phase, or wave spacing discipline, with respect to the whole. In this way each little node or vortex point is a complete information cascade or concrescence of waves to the whole. Each one is a perfect infinite harmonic series, phase locked in a “multiply connected topology” with the whole picture. The result is that anywhere in the hologram where there is a bright node or focus, there is, by definition, a wave in “sink/synch” with the entire image. Remember, matter is just a hologram with a weight problem. If we acknowledge that consciousness is the attractive drawstring which radiates like a cascade through the embedded frequencies –– “a fractal attractor” –– then, by the above metaphor, the very existence of focus is evidence of pure intention. That is, a light vortex or foci cannot stand as wave, unless its inertia is coupled with the All. 146




So, then if we look in the body where the greatest amount of electrical focus or fire can stand as wave at once, we arrive at the heart. This is because the geometry of the heart muscle contains all the symmetry or mirror sharing between spins, which is possible. Specifically, the seven discrete layers of heart muscle are arranged in exactly the spin angles of the seven arrows of spin of the tetrahedra. Notice the weather vane spiral strip off the donut torus shape at the center of the heart. Since all the spins about the heart focus here, this “element” or essential ingredient to symmetry would know immediately how its tilt or axis or phase compared to all incoming donut shaped pressure waves. This most dense center of the heart, would then cast shadows in sound onto the wall of the pericardium, the cave of the heart. This is the origin of the sacred alphabet itself: the ingredients of symmetry or sharing. Hebrew contains traces of the recollection of this language of light. The shadows of this flame letter, indexed in the (heart’s) tetrahedron, suggests the ancient sacred alphabet. This is true in the visual shape of the letters, and in the sonic spectrum analysis of the sound of the letters, creating their shape. The umbrella like screen for this projector is the thymus around the heart, the site where immune instructions are translated. Here we beat “mea culpa,” and take response-ability. The thymus uses these sonic shadows on the wall of the cave to know which wave length ingredients to crochet into cellular identity. This is because only phase or wave sharing coherence makes cell membranes possible. Membranes are libraries of which turns of fold, or shapes of touch, can be shared. Membrane for wave is universe’s only mnemonic device. This alphabet of symmetry is the only touch permission to get survival spin onto soap bubbles. The point is to understand that concentricity of focus, literally the convergence of electrical and sonic pressure (all forms of pressure are one) we call FLAME is exemplified by the muscular and toroidal electrical structure of the heart itself. If the orderliness of flame grows there, then radiance to the immune system of the body (or bodies) around unfolds like a flower. Again, in terms of the hologram, information theory would tell us that wherever the pattern essences for building bodies come from, they must be information dense, that is closely packed. The body building harmonic ingredients, which radiate from the glands at the Sentic long waves of E-motion, pivot at the heart. Here the fire requires a hook up to the collective heart. Informationally, we might think of this as a survival critical information umbilicus to the soul. Getting this wiring connected without shorts or interference is called ecstatic process. This puts high frequency ordering we notice as a twinkle in the eye into the bodies membranes. Sometimes tears preTHE FRACTAL HEART





Four of seven spiral heart muscles.


cede access to one’s soul purpose and mission statement. Coherence is the cook-book of the immune system. When we sing “Don’t Break my Pretty Balloon” from the heart, we mean don’t burst the bubble which inner light has woven to nest memory. High frequency ordering, or information density, is what the living cell does. We turn food’s long wave, through a caduceus massaged envelope of steps in metabolism, into the information rich ultraviolet blue fire short wave light which drives cellular metabolism. High quality ultraviolet light choreographs cell replication. This “blue light” is the cell’s Eros, which flames measurably at moment of DNA braid cell division. Orderly collecting of the cell’s blue fire into something which vectors out beyond cells into glands, bodies, and planets is done with the massage of attention on the snake charmed. This is variously called foreplay, tantra, or kundalini. If we understand the principles of Upledger’s “Sacro-Cranial Pulse,” we see that this pumping of sweet gathered high frequency blue fire up the spine is accomplished when the heart and gland sounds find a phase ordered way to massage that spinal column. The arrival of these the bodies gathered best nutrients called to order at the upper brain is ecstasy. Orderly sound columnates the nerve muscle liquids toward conductive crystal and gently massages the glands of their secretion of psychoactive hormones. This softens the hardened heart. The heart sounds set the beat to start the sonic superconduction in the brain ventricles, per Bentov’s accelerometric data appendix to Stalking the Wild Pendulum. The precipitation of coherent sonic horns in the ventricles of the brain, from the juices of gathered Eros, are mythic in the use of the horn to seed fields in Steiner and elsewhere in legend. Gives new meaning to our word “horny.” Lightning is the metaphor for this unpacking of spin into the body. Lightning spun the primal soup protein to encourage the experiment in sharing we call symmetry. When those proteins found a new axis of symmetry to spin around, we called that entrance into the next dimension of turning “genetic material.” It was a new information context in which to nest recursion, or feeding back of the feeding back. Spin is always the activator of symmetry, or persuasion to share. The arena for maximum entry of spin or lightening into the body is the heart. Only here can the flame of self-knowing be fanned enough, like pressures nesting, to embed oneness from separateness. 148




Again we see that all bonding is phase locking: waves sharing. Another part of our model of coherence as ecstatic suggests that genetic material in general, or DNA particularly, takes on added information from coherent emotion by braiding. This suggests specifically that active site alignment, and thus switching of DNA’s power points, is achieved mechanically just the way you might braid the braid on a lover’s pony tail. If there is an orderly ratio (or phase coherence) between the inner weave angle of the string and the weave angle on the rope it is part of, then you could predict who in the sequence of the short braid string, will each time be adjacent to the same upturn or downturn in the longest wave braid. The result would be that the shape or geometry of the long wave, (or Sentic emotion or EKG’s extra low frequencies,) could become the programming alphabet for maximum leverage of genetic material. Instead of having to switch on one codon array among hundreds of thousands by lining it up to an electrically active context, a long wave coherence waveform could choreograph, like surfers on an ocean swell, the switching on or off of an entire array of points all at once. We are reminded, by Jeremy Campbell’s Grammatical Man: Information, Entropy, Language and Life, that context dependency, or braid geometry, is the information theory mechanism for high signal to noise ratio in DNA.








HEART SONICS: THE LANGUAGE OF THE HEART’S BEAT he timing of all biological engines in the body, originates with the heartbeat. Omni Magazine’s Aug. 89 “Womb With a View” article describes playing heart sounds to fetal infants producing dramatic developmental improvement. In Stalking the a Wild Pendulum, Bentov documents the dramatic benefits of intentional relaxation specifically arise when the heart sounds phase lock (or entrain) the liquids in the brain, creating a kind of musical choreographer to the mechanics of ecstasy. In Fields of Form by Lawrence Edwards, the shape of the heart muscle is shown to be seven spiral layers exactly tilted according to the symmetries of the tetrahedron. The author goes on to describe seven discrete sonic components of the heart sound specifically created by that structure. In When Time Breaks Down : On the Origins of Cardiac Arrhythmia by Arthur Winfree, the electrical origins of the heartbeat is elaborately traced to a toroidal donut shaped rotor which rolls in to fire the muscle. The origins of this seven color donut electrical pressure wave which fires the heart and originates much of the harmonic order called health, is illustrated as a nest of donuts, a la the Penrose twister theory. Clearly we are broaching one of the most profound mysteries of biology here. I would like to suggest what the heart may in fact be accomplishing by its studied skew of the phase angles (or simple wave relations) which moves outward from electrical donut to the sound of the beat. The single cell is a genius for massaging broad spectral resonance into specific UV, RF, and ELF high quality coherence with which to drive metabolism, accomplished in large part perhaps because of the cross harmonic coherence of the dodeca wave guide nature of genetic material. We must bear in mind that it is the low frequency ELF which is the raw material from which the higher frequency protein and gene resonances are built. The heartbeat phonon and emotion’s long wave coherence are very low frequency with respect to the cell. Thus, in a bioenergetic sense, the heart beat and emotion’s long waves, are the play dough cookie cutters which determine what length tinkertoys the cell will have to play in order to make biology’s nest. Essentially, all bond lengths in the cell are harmonic tensors built from available resonances. There is no length in the cell, or anywhere, that is not a wave-length.


The heart beat






Thus a pure ringing heart continuously feeds the cells the necessary even tempered music necessary to weave biology. I suggest that we will increasingly discover the specificity and rigor of this seemingly romantic idea. We can get some intuition of how the ratio and phase of the heterodyning toroidal electrical waves converging at the node of the heart are translated into sonics. The set of possible phase angles, are literally shadowgrams of our sacred alphabets. Only the symmetries of those tilts of the donut produce a wave which can stand; this is biology’s only form of memory. The heart sonics could be a window to the phase alphabet by which harmonic tensors feed and program living biology. Using the computer, we can then individually edit the harmonic tensors of the sonic components of the heartbeat, re-synthesize the wave envelope, and replay the sound up and down the spectrum on the synthesizer. Using the feedback of the created sonic loop, we test and optimize for the wave which most quickly phase entrains the sympathetic listener. Before long we who thought we were scientists become children listening for a mother’s heat of gold. It is amazing how emotional the heart sounds are. A good example is the use of the heartbeat in “Dolphin Dreams” Jonathan Goldman’s (Sound Healers) soothing underwater birthing audio tape. Another of the blessings of this recording are the mixing of the heart sounds with spectrally translated envelopes from whale and dolphin sounds. Interspecies communication in the electrical terms of pure emotion? In summary, the area of study of the heart’s harmonics leads us (predictably), to the heart of the matter. Later, sampling the Schumann ELF electrical heartbeat of planet Earth, we shall learn of the choreography of her tectonic nest, and learn to phase lock with her. We are setting up a grid of sampling stations for Earth’s low frequency heartbeat, it should be an excellent camera for her emotional outbursts (earthquakes, etc.). Ultimately as we choreograph our global nervous system (media/events) to hers, we shall need and use this data and feedback, to measure our success in collectively incarnating into her body. The set of phase locked sound/symmetry relations which constitute the sacred alphabet, may literally be AN ALPHABET OF THE HEART, in that the structure & function of the heart electrically and mechanically literally expresses those sacred sounds into the body (thereby in effect programming cellular, glandular, and immune functions). “As a man (or woman) thinks in his heart… so is he… Wherever the universal golden spiral of light waves “meet to beat” THE FRACTAL HEART





THE FRACTAL HEART Golden Mean Spiral (top view of same 3D form)…

Our local focus is called a human heart. an image of the Grail cup… 2 Golden Mean Spirals, a fractal of the heart, unfolding with wings…

Here are different perspective views of a SINGLE 3D FORM.

which when spun around, creates the recursive/fractal from all perspectives:

Here, we have just laid in the fractal docecahedra, connected by these golden spirals:

The above caduceus serpentine form (from the top view) nests the pentagrams in the dodecahedra, nesting DNA, Earthgrid, and 12-faced zodiac as Merkabbah…

The golden mean spiral seen from above, traces nested pentagrams on a plane. (DNA from above, cf. section: Braiding DNA) However in 3D, that spiral receded into the cone which connects the 12 faces of the infinite geometry of dodeca/ icosahedra, fractals… one inside the other (Merkabbah). That 3D spiral seen from the side is a perfect damped wave/caduceus:

Grail Cup. (DNA as chalice)… light receiving cup…






becomes a torus donut of charge, or fundamental particle. The shape of the ANU or fundamental particle from Theosophy’s Leadbeater and Besant, later confirmed by contemporary phyicist Phillips in England in “Psi Perception of Quarks” (3 Anu per Quark). Also topologically described by Babbitt as “The Heart of the Sun.” The spiral on the donut creates the RELATIONSHIP between dimensions which biology speaks to…“the Heart of the Matter.” Finding that a toroidal rotor donut shaped rotor triggers the heartbeat is like finding biology’s information path to Roger Penrose: “Twister Theory” slip-knots into donuts. As this donut rotates and tilts on its seven spin axes, it “fires,” creating and electrifying the seven layers of heart muscle. Seven color or region donut or toroidal rotor which electrifies the heart,as depicted in When Time Breaks Down by Arthur Winfree.. Seven helically arranged layers of heart muscle tilted exactly to catch the 7 symmetry spins of the tetrahedron (from “Field of Form”). The heart in this sense, captures all the possible “rays” of light, and contains the whole spectrum. Every color has space in the heart. Later work suggests to us that our primary colors themselves are nothing more than the tilt of the single photon donut..again defined by the tetra spins, see below. This is to say simply, that there could never have been anything to be called “color,” except the 3D (3 pair primaries) symmetry of the photon. Describing color as a simple 2D wavelength, is as absurd as trying to truly visualize a flat 2D donut photon. Of course a donut photon will cast shadows, max width to min in ratio 1 to 2, just like the ratio of the shortest color”wavelength” (blue) to the longest (red). (approx 440 to 880 angstroms).








HEART INTELLIGENCE & DNA PROGRAMMING: A PILOT RESEARCH REPORT At the facilities of the Institute of HeartMath, Boulder Creek, CA August, 1992 Introduction t is well known that a person's emotional state has a powerful effect on their health. There is an abundance of documentation linking negative emotion to hormonal secretions that increase the aging process, add to the stress placed on the immune system and ultimately manifest in disease. Duke University researchers recently discovered that teenagers who have tendencies towards anger and hostility have a ten times greater chance of dying from cardiac arrest as adults. The University of London School of Medicine recently released a thirty-year study which showed that negative reactions to stress are more destructive to health than is cigarette smoking. While the impact of negative emotions on health has been well documented, the impact of positive emotions on health has received little attention. One such study carried out at Harvard University showed that individuals who experience “care” had higher levels of the antibody salivary IgA which is known to enhance the immune response. This article summarizes phase one of a joint research project I have undertaken with the Institute of HeartMath. The purpose of this project is to demonstrate the electrical and sonic links between cardiac electricities, mental processes, emotion, brain electricities and DNA programming. We will also demonstrate that the frequency content of the QRS complex can be consciously affected. This phase of the research focused primarily on the cardiac electricities, as the correlation between EEG (brain waves) coherence and health benefits and the sonic resonance between the heart and the brain has already been confirmed. It is our intention to show that the heart electricities contain an encoded intelligence which is ultimately responsible for higher brain functions. We believe that the heart acts as a transformer allowing two-way communication between scale or dimensions of organizational intelligence and is the doorway to true intuition and DNA programming. The spectrum analysis graphs shown in this paper indicate that it is possible to consciously affect the frequency content of your own heart. It is also apparent that when love







is being felt, the ratio between the power spectra peaks of the EKGs is the same ratio as the structure of the DNA. We hope this research will inspire others to investigate the heart and its electricities from a new perspective, as this work especially shows that there is more to learn about both the physical heart and its electrical system. It is clear to us that the heart is a far more complex organ and controls more bodily functions than is currently understood. Some of the conclusions in this article may stretch the imagination. All I ask is that before you take a stand on what you know, consider taking a neutral position and let time prove these findings right or wrong, or better yet, join in the research effort to verify the findings at a deeper level. What is Coherence? The term coherence can be used in several contexts. It is often used to define two or more wave forms that are phase-locked together so their energy is constructive. It can also be used to describe a single wave form, describing an ordered or constructive distribution of power content. Ordinary light from incandescent light bulbs is known as incoherent light. Incoherent light moves randomly, with light waves traveling chaotically in all directions. One might think of average human thought as random and incoherent. Conversely, laser or star light is coherent and is highly focused, with all light waves traveling in step,

Magnetic ELF Spectrum Analysis from 0 to 24 Hertz Experiment: SARA 5/25/92 11:25:31AM

The gap in harmonic resonance of the EKG between roughly 3 and 7 Hz occurred more often during the day than at night. Interestingly, after seeing the gap, subjects were to some extent able to correct this intentionally.










similar to soldiers marching in step. If the energy produced by an incandescent bulb were to be made coherent, the resulting focused laser-like beam could burn a hole through a steel plate. One can extend the above analogy to the production of coherent thought or cardiac electricity as shown by increased brain wave and heart electricity coherence. There is evidence that increased brain wave coherence is associated with psychic events such as psychokinesis and remote viewing. The key principle is that coherent consciousness or focus is the key to communication between dimensions or across scales and can go beyond ordinary waking consciousness. Coherent consciousness is also the primary component in self-stress reduction and its attendant benefits on immune system health. Going from incoherent random mental and emotional energy expenditures to coherent energy is as powerful a transition as the difference between incandescent light and the brilliant energy of a laser beam. The heart electricities have been shown to become coherent when an individual is highly focused on loving or appreciating someone or something. Heart electricity is the dominant force in the human system and will cause the brain and its sub-centers to phase-lock with it when it is radiating coherent energy patterns. The heart is the doorway to higher dimensional communication and understanding. Loving causes the coherence and ratio necessary to send energy up or down the harmonic series from the higher organizational dimensions to the DNA. It appears that through conscious, focused loving and caring it is possible to reprogram and empower the DNA to program the individual cells to work in harmony with the whole system.







The diagrammatic heart can be related to the heart organ simply by lying the heart shape on its side and rotating it slightly.


Background My first attempt at confirming the harmonic connection between the heart electricities and the ratios necessary to communicate with and empower the DNA began several years ago in the sleep research lab at Millard Fillmore Hospital. With the aid of Dr. Bruce Middendorf, we were able to obtain several interesting plots produced by a young yogi who said he was “sending love to the people in China.” We did get some amazing harmonic series in the spectral content of the frequency signature of his EKG. I was convinced that something surprisingly musical and ordered was happening to the electrical resonance of the heart at peak emotional moments, but we had only several hours of data from one subject and this orderly resonance cascade had shown up only a few times that afternoon. After several years, Rollin McCraty and associates at the Institute of HeartMath happened upon my manuscript, “Alphabet of the Heart.” In May, 1992, I visited the institute for a week of data-taking and analysis. We took many hours of digitally-sampled EKG data from a dozen of their staff at random times, day and night. They would relax 156




and listen to the music “Heart Zones” which they have designed to reduce stress. This music is specifically designed to facilitate the activation or contact with one’s own heart frequencies. It seems to aid in the attunement of the brain to the center frequency of the heart electricities which balances the mental and emotional aspects of one’s nature. We also ran tests without the music and this showed that once one had trained oneself in this process, the music was not necessary to achieve attunement to the heart frequency. I have no doubt that the music does facilitate this process. This research was conducted in their new 32-channel sound studio which is electronically networked to their research facility. (Doc Lew Childre's next project with the Institute is the development of tonal patterns that appear to harmonically link with the DNA to enhance T-cell strength in people with AIDS and other immune disorders.) At times, the evidence of coherence in the results was so incredible that visiting physicist Nick Herbert needed to see the hardware inputs to confirm that the equipment wasn't going haywire. In our research, each plot on the spectral landscape represents the averaging of the harmonic content or spectrum analysis of approximately 5.5 seconds of EKG, which represents several cardiac cycles. The harmonic resonances (shown in the graphs which follow) would not be possible with this length of averaging time if they were not stable and phase-locked. We would sample during another series of heartbeats, and plot that power spectra to create a landscape over time of the frequency signature. When long valleys appeared in the landscape, we suspected the heart was up to something orderly. Most of the amplitude in the harmonic ordering was in the 0 to 40 hertz band width. (From other studies, we know it extends into several hundred Hz, but the EKG machine we used only had a band width of 45 Hz.) I have concluded that the harmonic ordering visible in the EKG power spectra is resonance coherence. This conclusion is due to the long length of the averaging time of the data. The Institute of HeartMath The staff at the Institute of HeartMath, which was founded by Doc Lew Childre, has many years’ experience in helping people access the self-regenerating energy of heart attunement. They provide seminars, produce music, and publish books that give specific steps to help people manage and focus their own mental and emotional energies through heart intelligence for more efficient living. In my experience, they have an amazing capacity to transform any environment with the field of feeling they radiate from the heart. This is particularly true of situations where stress is transformed by the simple decision to appreciate from the heart at a moment when anger or resentment would otherwise have depleted one’s energy and health. THE FRACTAL HEART





The toroidal, or donut-shaped, wave fields that surround the heart when it fires. These fields are fractal — fields within fields radiating out from the heart.

They are a close-knit organization where the feeling of family is strong. Many of them have worked together for 20 years, and coherent emotion has fed their cells and the earth around them. They often speak of the way negative emotions produce destructive hormones in the body and how the ability to orchestrate the geometry of one’s own emotions may be the most empowered lesson for self and planetary transformation we can learn. I was intrigued by the level of self-management, harmony, and creativity they all seem to embody. From the coherence I found in the EKG readings of the dozen people I tested, I was curious about the process they went through in their development. I learned in interviews with several of them that their system of HeartMath can teach anyone how to access their own heart intelligence. They all went through a gradual transformational process in which their physical, mental and emotional structures changed and became more efficient. They said it takes practice but the changes are real and happen faster than one might think if you sincerely try to attune to the heart and follow its direction. They described it as making moment-to-moment choices from an objective perspective that has more width of intelligence than normal mind-centered thinking. Many cultures have discovered that the biological “reason to be” or “soul-purpose” radiates directly from the heart, yet medically we have failed to discover this. It is probably because we have had no mechanism to understand the process by which the information of cellular identity radiates directly into the body through the heart. Now, with some data in hand, it appears quite clear that the heart does indeed take on a musical or sonic pressure geometry very akin to what we might think of as a coherent energy source. This event is measurable on the spectrum analyzer replicably when someone who knows “how to love” intentionally does just that. From a psychological perspective, it is well known that one of the most important elements which permits a person to radiate intention, integrity and direction in their lives is the conscious knowledge of one’s “soul purpose” or “mission.” In a sense, no directions radiate to the DNA and immune system from the heart unless there is a conscious link-up to the core of one’s being. The Energy Field Surrounding the Heart To further understand these ideas, it would be useful to examine the description of the shapes of the electrical field of the heart beat as published in the book When Time Breaks Down, by Arthur T. Winfree, Professor in the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology and the Program in Applied Mathematics at the University of Arizona. In summary, the technical data shows that the shape of the electrical






wave or field around the heart when it fires is essentially toroidal, or donut shaped. Furthermore, the way those donuts of voltage or electrical pressure form around the heart is a fractal (see page 5) or concentric nest of one donut inside the other. This can be viewed as worlds within worlds, each larger field containing all the inner fields within it. Although not yet The toroidal, or donut-shaped, wave fields that surround the heart when it fires. These fields are fractal — fields within fields radiating out from the heart.

The Golden Mean spirals traveling in opposite directions create the image of the heart.

A visual representation of Constructive waves, where the long and shorter waves are all in phase.

Destructive waves — here the long and short waves are out of phase, causing destructive interference. These waves will not travel down the harmonic series.


It is probable that the relative size of these toroidal fields relates to the relative wave lengths contained in the EKG. Thus, the heart muscle’s ability to phase-lock into resonance around a central focus would correspond to its ability literally to ring out further up and down the harmonic series. In other words, the heart is essentially able to download a broader frequency band width of harmonic instructions when it fires in the condition of relaxed but centered or “phase-locked” resonance. Coherent emotion (love?) permits a greater content of these harmonic instructions, to be downloaded or “demodulated” or “impedance coupled” from the long wave into the short. The shape which idealizes this “translation of vorticity” spinout, or unpacking from short wave to long, is the Golden Mean spiral. When this path, which permits the circle to talk to the line (matter to energy), goes two ways at once, it looks like the fractal image of the heart itself! The Golden Mean spirals traveling in opposite directions create the image of the heart. The principle of interference among waves is that order or constructive interference self-replicates, and disorder or destructive interference self-destructs. From the viewpoint of information science, we can understand the principles of this umbilical connection to “singularity”, from the mechanism which makes a hologram at every point, information complete. In terms of optical coherence, taking a bite out of a hologram requires swallowing the whole thing. What this means is that each little light node or bubble in the hologram must be in complete phase or wave spacing discipline with respect to the whole. In this way each node or vortex point contains complete information. Each one is a perfect infinite harmonic series, phase-locked in a “multiply-connected topology” with the whole picture. The result is that anywhere in the hologram where there is a bright node or focus, there is by definition, a wave in “sync” with the entire image. Remember, matter is just a hologram with a weight problem. Consider consciousness as the attractive drawstring which radiates like a cascade through the embedded frequencies: “a fractal attractor.” 159




Then by the above metaphor, the very existence of focus is evidence of pure intention. That is, a light vortex or foci cannot stand as wave, unless its inertia is coupled with the all. By achieving focus, we already have achieved pure intention, which is the only real limit to interaction with density. Purity is what limits the amperage or current flow through our mental and emotional waveguide. Focus permits only coherence. This is why prisms create rainbows. Light bends around the focus point to permit only the spin tilt angles of the photon which are sharable (tetrahedra have a maximum of seven spins) to pass. Another way of looking at this is that intelligence or self-awareness is the part of ourselves that can enter into singularity, or the point of balance, between dimensions of awareness and survive to enter into a higher or lower dimension of awareness. It is the aspect of us that keeps drawing us back to balance. It is what keeps us on track, until we can wake up enough to enter into the next level of evolution or awareness of ourself and how our energy system works. Once we awaken to the next level we then start to work on reaching the next more efficient level of awareness. It becomes easier as we evolve through the fractal series of dimensions of awareness. Heart Geometry If we look in the body where the greatest amount of electrical focus can stand as a wave, we arrive at the heart. This is because the geometry of the heart muscle contains all the symmetry or mirror sharing between spins. Specifically, the seven discreet layers of heart muscle are arranged in exactly the spin angles of the seven arrows of spin of the tetrahedra (the seven arrows of the heart.) Spin is always the activator of symmetry, or persuasion to share. Unfolding spin into usable wave lengths is what the Golden Mean fractal heart shape is all about. The transformer for maximum entry of spin or energy into the body is the heart. There is a weathervane-like spiral strip off the donut torus shape at the center of the heart. Since all the spins about the heart focus here, this “element” or essential ingredient to symmetry would know immediately the heart axis or phase as compared to the donut-shaped pressure waves surrounding it. This densest center of the heart would then affect the sound of the heart projected onto the wall of the pericardium, the cave surrounding the heart. This part of the heart affects the phase of the sonic energy that vibrates both the pericardium and thymus. The umbrella-like screen for this projector is the thymus located around the heart, the site where immune instructions are translated. The thymus uses these sonic shadows on the wall of the cave to know which wave length ingredients to crochet into cellular identity. This is because only phase or wave-sharing coherence makes cell membranes THE FRACTAL HEART





possible. Membranes are libraries on which turns of fold or shapes of touch can be shared. The point here is to understand that concentricity of focus — literally the convergence of electrical and sonic pressure — is exemplified by the muscular and toroidal electrical structure of the heart itself. If the orderliness or coherence of electrical energy grows, then radiance to the immune system of the body expands. Hologram theory tells us that wherever the pattern essences for building bodies come from, they must be information-dense or packed. Informationally, we might think of this as survival-critical information, umbilicus to the soul. Getting this wiring connected without shorts or interference is key to health and mental and emotional stability. High frequency ordering, or information density, is what the living cell does. For example, food’s long-wave energy is transformed to short-wave energy that is usable by the cells through the steps in cellular metabolism. This information-rich ultraviolet blue short wave light drives our cellular metabolism. High quality ultraviolet light choreographs cell replication. This “blue light” is the cell’s life energy source, which flashes measurably at moment of DNA braid cell division. QRS Frequency Content There is much support for theoretical arguments that the healthy heart beat is a temporal fractal and that the heart’s anatomy is fractallike. Spectral analysis of the EKG’s QRS complexes reveals a broad band frequency spectrum with most of the frequency content or power below 30 Hz, yet extending several hundred Hz. Ary Goldberger of Harvard Medical School has confirmed that changes in the geometry of the heart’s branching conduction system can alter the frequency content of the QRS complex, independent of any changes in myocardial conduction. The research at IHM (Institute of HeartMath) has shown a direct correlation between the frequency signature of cardiac electricity and positive mental and emotional states. Through our observations it appears that the rhythm, amplitude and frequency modulation of the heart electricities all contain R information or intelligence that are linked to our T mental and emotional aspects as well as to the P physical cellular systems, such as DNA and the QS immune system. Power spectrum analysis of the QRS Complex EKG reveals that feelings of sincere love or appreciation generate remarkably different frequency EKG waveform showing the QRS complex contents in the EKG than those produced when stress is experienced. Even more remarkable was Doc Lew Childre's ability to consciously direct and control the frequency content of his EKG by switching his focus from care to love or appreciation, etc. The THE EMERALD MODEM





power spectra shows peaks or frequency contents which are spaced by a repeating ratio. This ratio of spacing changes as the subject changes their focus. The geometry of these ratios appear to be harmonically linked to the immune system and DNA structure. We are tempted to postulate that coherent emotion, and even perhaps love, is teachable and accessible with feedback tools. We further postulate that onsetting coherence in heart resonance will eventually be proven to be a direct conduit to immune health. Encoded Heart Intelligence There is mounting evidence indicating that the heart is the master oscillator or controller of the human system. Current theory suggests that the brain controls all the body’s functions and is the seat of emotion and intelligence. I am not suggesting that the brain does not play a key role in these functions. However, I am suggesting that it is only part of the puzzle. We postulate that the heart electricities play a far more important role in brain function than previously believed. It is well known that the cardiac electricities are the dominant electrical force in the human system, although the source of the heartbeat is still a mystery. Another piece of this puzzle is starting to emerge — the discovery of the fractal structure of the physical heart and chaos theory of the heart rate. Before these discoveries, the classical notion of homeostasis relating health to constancy was that perturbations are likely to cause a loss of regularity in the heart rate. The chaos hypothesis predicts just the opposite, namely that a variety of disease states which alter autonomic function may lead to a loss of physiologic complexity and therefore to greater, not less, regularity. When the heartbeat becomes regular and loses its complexity, there is a high risk of sudden death through heart failure. Aging has also been associated with this loss of physiologic complexity along with a number of other diseases. The term “complexity” is used here to include the fractal type of variability found in the heart’s structure. The nonlinear complexities of cardiac electricities cannot be quantified by the use of traditional statics such as variance. The advancement in chaos theory and computer power has made these new discoveries possible, but it’s still only one step closer to understanding the dynamics of heart electricities. We postulate that the ordered randomness found in the cardiac electricities and nervous system, which have been termed chaos, contains encoded intelligence and is only chaotic from the perspective of not understanding the intelligence that it contains. This is analogous to a TV signal in which both FM and AM modulations are used to transmit intelligence or information. If the receiver of the signals does not understand the complete technology or the language of the information being transmitted it would appear as randomness with some sort of organization, yet chaotic. THE EMERALD MODEM





10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 21 angstroms One 360 degree turn of DNA measures 34 angstroms in the direction of the axis. The width of the molecule is 21 angstroms, to the nearest angstrom. These lengths, 34:21, are in the ratio of the golden mean, within thelimits of the accuracy of the measurements. Each DNA strand contains periodically recurring phosphate and sugar subunits. There are 10 such phosphate-sugar groups in each full 360 degree revolution of the DNA spiral. Thus the amount of rotation of each of these subunits around the DNA cylinder is 360 degrees divided by 10, or 36 degrees. This is exactly half the pentagon rotation, showing a close relation of the DNA sub-unit to the golden mean.


The existence of an electrical body or organizing field of intelligence that forms around all living organisms is well established and has been measured. This field contains the system’s intelligence which organizes the structure of the body down to the atomic level. It is the fractal structure of the physical heart which receives and transforms this electrical energy and the information encoded within it. The brain acts as a demodulator of this information and then communicates with the cellular systems of the body. The flow of information is duplex, traveling both up and down the harmonic series of scale. Each heartbeat is like a phrase or part of a song that sends organizing instructions throughout your system. We just don't have the intellectual understanding of this language yet. A series of these beats or packets of information make up what could be called a song or “event,” such as climbing a hill. When you climb a hill the body expends more energy and a whole series of complex events must take place: the heart beats faster and harder, supplying more energy and information throughout your system. We are suggesting that it is the next level of organizing intelligence that runs this show and that it is through the heart that all this information flows to make up the events of life. We can map the brain neuron by neuron and perhaps eventually understand the wiring structure, but what then? The brain is just the machinery of the mind, which is far more complex than the brain itself. Where does the mind receive its instructions? We are suggesting the source is the heart electricities and by learning to listen to its intelligence, it will facilitate our understanding of how the mind and brain function. The Golden Mean From the many hours of coherent EKG data sampled, it appears that the center frequency ratio of the cardiac electricity is the Golden Mean ratio of 1.618 with modulations between 2 Hz and 1.42 (which are also geometrically and harmonically important but beyond the scope of this article). The main point is that 1.618 is also the ratio of the DNA structure and is the only ratio that allows complete information or geometry to cascade down the harmonic series without loss of power or geometry. The mind/brain can literally learn to tune to the heart frequency; it just needs to know the right “access codes.” When it learns to stay tuned to the heart center frequency, then balanced energies can flow up and down the harmonic series and the human system takes on a new level of operating efficiency. This can add energy and clarity to what ever one engages in and feels good to the mental, emotional and physical aspects of our nature. It is the lack of this communication between the mind and the heart that leads to stress and lack of efficiency. 163




Magnetic ELF Spectrum Analysis from 0 to 48 Hertz Experiment: LEW 3 5/24/92 1:49:27 1.62 Hz between peaks




20 25 Frequency in Herts





This power spectrum graph shows Golden Mean ratio spacing between the power peaks in the frequency content of the EKG, extending up past 45 Hz. Results of this kind would be highly improbable unless there is conscious intention and focus.

The Heart's Balancing Function The heart is a balance organ whose function is to balance and regulate the physical, mental and emotional natures. (The importance of balance is not yet fully understood, but I believe it will be discovered to be the key to energy efficiency in many areas in the near future.) The lower the frequency of a wave, the more power or force the wave contains. Another way of saying this is that the closer to balance or singularity a wave is the more power it has. Most of the power contained in the heart beat is in the low frequency range below what is audible. Heart energy originates from balance or zero and radiates from there; then it rests or returns to zero, regenerates and fires again, sending energy throughout your system. It is when the heart no longer returns to its balance point of regeneration that ventricular fibrillation occurs. It is widely believed that there is no such thing as a free energy machine, yet there are individuals who have the ability to live and fully function with very little or no food intake for extended periods of time. Once instrumentation is developed which is capable of measuring the energy output of living beings, I believe it will be easy to show that the amount of energy output from most people will far exceed the caloric input they consume. Where does this additional energy come from? My conclusion is that it originates from the same place as the heartbeat — a less dense octave in the harmonic series. Geometrically, we know the ratio which allows energy and information to change scale or dimension without loss of power. This is the same ratio as the one the heart is operating on when sincere love or appreciation is experienced. The fracTHE EMERALD MODEM





EKG Spectrum Analysis from 2 to 24 Hertz Rollin 5/24/92 00:32:54 Gain:14 Freq:24 Spacing: 8

2 hz

5 hz

10 hz

15 hz

20 hz

The above graph is a typical spectrum without conscious focus on love or appreciation. Below is another example of coherence when love was being experienced.

Magnetic ELF Spectrum Analysis from 2 to 24 Hertz 5/25/92 9:38 Gain:14 Freq:24 Spacing: 8

2 hz

5 hz

10 hz

15 hz

20 hz

tal structure of the heart is designed to transform this electrical energy from one dimension into another, and from the point of view of the physical dimenson, this energy is free as long as balance can be maintained. A deeper look at heart geometry could be the key to understanding and developing a new source of planetary energy. Wave Relationships in Heart Electricity Consider the relationship between the electrical pulse of the heart, called EKG, and what it pushes as a strictive wave of pressure into the bloodstream. The relationship in muscle between the electrical wave and the sound wave, or phonon, is called piezo-electricity. This refers to the principle of coupling between mechanical or strictive pressure THE EMERALD MODEM





versus electrical pressure called voltage. The mechanics of the piezoelectric connection in crystal or muscle (as liquid crystal) occurs because of a helical stairway shape in the molecules. If you wring out a braided rope, like you would a wet towel, the long-wave-pull end to end is “coupled” mechanically to the short-wave-move inward tightening the braid. It's like you had a slinky between your right and left hands. When you pull the slinky apart, the sides of the slinky move inward or closer together, mechanically coupling the long wave of your hand motion to the short wave of the slinky's braid. This is an important clue to the information relationship of the long wave to the short. A coherent, orderly braiding is required to couple them. The short or electrical wave is more information dense; the long or sound wave is more information unpacked or accessible. This is the heart of the matter, the principle of ALL connections across scale or dimension. Emotion allows attention or feeling in the long wave of sound pressure to reach into the short wave life of cells. This helps us to understand why helical braiding is nature's choice for the structure of piezo-electric quartz, and for DNA. These struc-

Magnetic ELF Spectrum Analysis from 2 to 24 Hertz 5/25/92 23:54:11

2 hz

5 hz

10 hz

15 hz

20 hz

By looking at the shape of the heart electricity, we are actually looking at the shape of the mechanical pressure wave being sent to the far corners of the body by the heart.

Magnetic ELF Spectrum Analysis from 2 to 24 Hertz Experiment: LEW 5/25/92 Night Gain:14 Freq: 24 Spacing: 8

2 hz


5 hz


10 hz

15 hz

20 hz




tures are the wave braids which permit information to reach between worlds of scale by ratio. As mentioned earlier, the heart muscle is shaped like seven layers of nested donut or torus-shaped muscle. This is the shape of all natural wave fields. So, essentially the “geometry of pressure” or “shape of the hug,” which the muscle folds around the vortex of blood in the heart, is also the shape of the electrical wave which triggers that muscle. In other words, by looking at the wave shape of heart electricity (by spectral analysis or frequency signature) we are in actuality looking at the shape of the pressure wave being squeezed into the bloodstream. It may not be too romantic to think of this as “the whispers of the heart” reaching out into the far corners of the body. at the shape of the mechanical pressure wave being sent to the far corners of the body by the heart. The heart is not a simple pump. Ralph Marinelli in Royal Oak, Michigan, has documented that the heart moves blood by generating tornado-like vortex momenta. The coherence of these orderly little tornadoes in the blood is what then travels throughout the body. They remember the instructions of the heart from the shape of the pressure waves in the EKG-triggered heart muscle, which pushed them into their aorta world. So when we find an orderly harmonic series in the EKG, we may be finding the whispers of the electrical “soul,” reaching out musically to touch each cell around the body. Heart/Brain Sonic Resonance Another puzzle piece supporting this is the sonic resonance the brain has with the heartbeat. Bentov showed that the sounds coming from the heart phase-locked or arranged the sound ordering in the liquid ventricles of the brain. He later came to believe it was this sonic ordering which set up the conditions necessary for superconductive ecstasy in the brain. Bentov built a sensitive capacitive accelerometer to measure the sonic thrust of the heartbeat which causes a ringing sound in the brain which can be heard. This ringing sound is often heard by meditators and many non-meditators when they still the processing of the mind. Bentov started his research in this area by having many meditators tune an oscillator to the same frequency they heard in their ears. He then determined that this frequency was a direct harmonic of the heart sonic. Bentov showed that the heart controlled the brain resonance, and when phase-locked, a standing wave is set up that can be physically heard. Orderly sound collumates the fluids contained in the ventricles of the brain toward conductive crystal, and gently massages the gland centers to their secretion of psychoactive hormones. The heart sounds set the beat to start the sonic superconduction in the brain ventricles whose psychoactive chemicals are largely THE EMERALD MODEM





responsible for our perceptions of reality and our mental and emotional reactions to stimuli from both internal and external sources.

Measuring the Onset & Duration of the Pressure of Emotion JOY 1/6


HATE 1/3

LOVE .618 = Phi Waveforms are adapted from Manfred Klyne's "Sentics." 0

.5 .618


Pressure vs Time Documenting the Moment of Average Touch

It also appears that low frequency coherent sonics program the immune system by projecting on the thymus gland as if onto the walls of the cave. The thymus is the radiative source of most of immune system chemistry. It is like a sound dish umbrella around the heart that vibrates in resonance with the sonics of the heartbeat. When the thymus shrinks, apparently so does its ability to receive instructions from the heart sonics. The Wave Shape of Emotion Medical research has proven that the emotional state of mind programs the cell’s health more than perhaps any other factor (or it can be said that negative emotions distort the accurate flow of information). Dr. Manfred Clynes, author of Sentics, is well known for his work in mapping the wave shape of emotions and the invention of a pressure transducer and related equipment to measure the wave shape of emotion. His work has been tested in many different cultures around the world. The chart above shows the wave shape of the basic emotions. Notice that the Golden Mean ratio 1.618 appears again in the emotion (frequency) of love. It is interesting to note that the ratio 1/3 is the ratio of hate and in a wave form this ratio creates destructive interference among waves. This can be likened to the mechanical waves traveling down a cowboy’s whip. If the wave shape is correctly programmed in the long wave at the handle of the whip, then the whip cracks at the short end. If an interfering wave motion is programmed into the whip it will not snap. Positive emotions are constructive or coherent waves and cause the long wave to transform or “crack” into the short waves imparting its energy to the smaller scale ratio such as the DNA. I think of this as Energy Motion, or E-Motion. Brain Wave Coherence There is another clue to the emotive feeling state creating geometry in the electromagnetic field of the body. This clue is in the extensive body of literature correlating ordering in brain waves, or EEG, to psychological states. Power spectra analyses (frequency signature) of EEG (brain waves) has shown that under certain unstressful and consciously focused conditions coherence exists within the power spectrums of the brain waves. MIT physicist Larry Domash has published elaborate data which illustrate that cross-hemispheric EEG ordering or coherence, correlates to the health benefits of intentional relaxation. It also seems that onsetting coherence ordering in brain electrical resonances correlates to shared information in a group or telepathy






between several people. This was also documented in the “Mind Mirror,” EEG spectra research of Cade et al, in Awakened Brain. The spectral range of significant EEG resonance coherence found in these studies are the same resonances we found significant in the EKG power spectra. Summary Current research at the Institute shows a possible link between coherent cardiac electricities and DNA programming. The output of the EKG machine is fed into a spectrum analzer which shows the frequency content of the heart beat. When people who are skilled in mental and emotional self-management focus on loving or appreciating, the frequency content of their EKG (heart electricity) changes in a significant way. The distribution of the power content of the heart electricity is normally scattered and cancels out. This is called incoherent. However, when love and other positive feelings are being experienced the distribution dramatically changes to a coherent and ordered pattern. This, by itself, is amazing, but even more amazing is the fact that the mathematical ratio between the power peaks is the same ratio as the Golden Mean ratio. This ratio is the one one that allows electrical power to change scales or harmonic octaves without losing any of its power or information carried in its modulation. The DNA of every cell in our bodies is built upon this same ratio. There are many other examples of this ratio in cellular structures, but this discovery is especially important because it shows a direct link between the heart electricities and the DNA. In other words, the electricity of the heart programs the DNA much like a radio wave is sent through the air to your radio. The DNA is like a radio receiver and the heart is like the transmitter. There is also new evidence appearing in the spectrum analysis showing that the heart electricities contain a highly ordered or encoded intelligence that is ultimately responsible for the instructions sent to the DNA. These waves from the heart are affected by people’s emotions and thoughts, so when people are processing negative emotions such as fear, anger, anxiety, etc., the electricities are affected in a way that blocks the proper flow of information from reaching the DNA. If these types of negative patterns are experienced repeatedly over time it eventually manifests in disease. The symptoms of this are already well documented. Doctors and researchers have known for many years that negative emotions and thoughts are the main cause of aging and many diseases. These negative patterns have also been linked directly to heart disease. New research also indicates that conscious generation of “heart frequencies” such as love, care, and appreciation has a positive, beneficial effect on immune system health and brain function, and can reverse the effect of negative stress patterns in the mental and emotional nature. THE EMERALD MODEM





References 1. Winfree, Arthur T., When Time Breaks Down: The Three Dimensional Dynamics of Electrochemical Waves and Cardiac Arrhythmias, Princeton University Press. 2. Edwards, Lawrence, The Field of Form: Research Concerning the Outer World of Living Forms, and the Inner World of the Geometrical Imagination, Floris Books. 3. Szent-Gyorgyi, Albert, BioElectronics, and Electronic Biology and Cancer 4. Jenny, Han, Cymatics, Basilus Press, Basel, Switzerland 5. Ghyka, The Geometry of Art and Life, Dover Press 6. Cook, The Curves of Life, Dover Press 7. Taubes, Gary, “An Electrifying Possibility,” Discover Magazine, April 1986 8. Gyorgy Doczi, The Power of Limits, Shambhala Press 9. Clynes, Manfred, Sentics and Music, Mind & Brain. 10. Bentov, Itzack, Stalking the Wild Pendulum, Dutton Publishers. 11. Orme-Johnson, Wallace, Dillbeck, Alexander, and Ball, (September 1981) “Improved Functional Organization of the Brain through the Maharishi Technology of the Unified Field as Indicated by Changes in EEG Coherence and its Cognitive Correlates: A Proposed Model of Higher States of Consciousness.” Paper presented at the American Psychological Society, Los Angeles, CA. 12. Childre, Doc Lew, Self Empowerment: “The Heart Approach to Stress Management; Common Sense Strategies,” Planetary Publications, PO Box 66, Boulder Creek, CA, 95006, 408-338-2161. 13. Childre, Doc Lew, Heart Zones, music designed for stress release and prevention, Planetary Productions, PO Box 66, Boulder Creek, CA, 95006, 408-338-2161. 14. McClelland, D.C. (1985, March), “Motivation and Immune Function in Health and Disease.” Paper presented at the meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, New Orleans, LA. 15. Goldberger, Ary L., “Fractal Mechanisms in the Electrophysiology of the Heart”, Cardiovascular Division, Beth Israel Hospital, Harvard Medical School. 16. Goldberger, Ary L., Ringey, and West, “Chaos and Fractals in Human Physiology: Chaos in Bodily Functioning Signals Health. Periodic behavior can foreshadow disease,” Scientific American, February 1990. 17. Rosinsky, Ned, M.D., “The Geometry of Life”, Sept. - Oct. 1984, Fusion. 18. Eysenck, Hans, Personality, Stress and Cancer: Prediction and Prophylaxis, Institute of Psychiatry, University of London, Denmark Hill, United Kingdom 19. f*ckudo, S; Lane, JD; Anderson, Nb; Kuhn, Cm; Schanberg, SM; McCown, N; Muranaka, M; Suzuki, J; Williams, RB, Jr; “Accentuated vagal antago nism of Beta-adrenergic effects on Ventricular Repolarization. Evidence of weaker Antagonism in hostile type A men.” Behavioral Medicine Research Center, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC.









THE MEASUREMENT OF COHERENT AND INCOHERENT FREQUENCIES AND THEIR RELATIONSHIP TO MENTAL AND EMOTIONAL STATES Rollin McCarty, M.A., Institute of HeartMath, Boulder Creek, CA. Mike Atkinson, Institute of HeartMath, Boulder Creek, CA. and Glen Rein, Ph.D., Quantum Biology Research Labs, Boulder Creek, CA. INTRODUCTION


esearch at the Institute of HeartMath has shown that people capable of generating deeply focused love create coherence in the power spectrum of the electrocardiogram (ECG). The normally scattered and incoherent power spectrum of the ECG can become dramatically ordered and coherent when a person experiences deep feelings of love, care, or appreciation. On the other hand, feelings of anger, worry or frustration create incoherent ECG patterns. Changes in the EEG, as well as the ECG, are also seen over time as a person practices mental and emotional self-management to transform negative emotions into positive ones. Numerous scientific studies have shown that negative mental and emotional states (such as hostility) create hormonal imbalances which weaken the heart (1) and the immune system (2). Feelings of care have been shown to increase the production of salivary IgA (3) which is an integral part of the immune system known to protect against colds and flu. Feelings of anger and frustration are known to cause an overproduction of the hormones norepinephrine, epinephrine, and cortisol, which can increase the risk of suffering from acute coronary events (1). Psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) research continues to confirm the mind-body link. We propose that the heart’s electrical system plays a key role not only in physical health but in mental and emotional health as well. We are suggesting a new discipline: Cardioneuroimmunology (CNI). Since the heart produces the strongest electromagnetic field in the body, the basis of CNI is that the heart is the master oscillator (4). It is well known that the heart’s signal is distributed throughout the human system. At an energetic level, all cells in the body exist in this electromagnetic field. This field can be classified as generally either coherent or incoherent. The state of coherence or incoherence of the body’s electromagnetic field is shown in the frequency domain of the ECG. Our hypothesis is that the ECG frequencies (spectra) affect hormonal secretions in the body. Our research indicates that individuals who have a higher ratio of coherTHE EMERALD MODEM





ence in their ECG spectra tend to live happier and less stressful lives (4).

Power Spectral Density Charts EKG BEFORE

0.02 0.015 0.01 0.005 0 Frequency (Hz) 0





METHODOLOGY & EQUIPMENT ECG was measured with a Grass ECG Pulse amplifier fed to a BioPak A to D converter, recorded on a Mac II CI computer. The interbeat interval (IBI), respiration and four channels of EEG were simultaneously recorded using Grass wide band EEG amplifiers. Test subjects were seated in a screen room with electrodes placed over the back and front of the heart to minimize muscle artifacts. Electrodes were also placed on the left and right temporal lobes, the top of the head (CZ), and the back of the head (PZ). Additional experiments were conducted where electrical recordings were monitored simultaneously at the top of the head, the heart, and the base of the spine. ECG, EEG and heart rate data were analyzed by Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) analysis to determine the frequency spectra. Spectral analysis has the capacity to reveal characteristics in a signal not apparent in the raw data (5).

EKG AFTER 0.02 0.015 0.01 0.005 0 0






0.015 0.01 0.005 0 0







ELF COIL AFTER 0.02 0.015 0.01 0.005 0 0




Power Spectral Density (PSD) charts show a noticeable effect after conscious human intervention with the Earth's magnetic field. The frequency spectras of the EKG (first pair) and the ELF coil (second pair) were measured. Note the dramatic change in ELF coil and the more ordered and coherent spectras in the EKG.


PROCEDURE All test subjects were first interviewed and given a written test by IHM staff psychologist Dr. Deborah Rozman to determine their overall mental/emotional stress level. Ten individuals trained in mental and emotional self-management and ten control subjects not trained in self-management methods were asked to enter into different states, such as love, appreciation, care and worry. A baseline recording was first obtained. Markers were placed in the computer recordings to indicate the points at which the test subjects were asked to change states. Any significant events were recorded in the computer log as they occurred. RESULTS ECG frequency spectral patterns can be divided into two basic categories, coherent or incoherent. When the data was viewed in 10 second epics, not all epics showed coherence. Rather, what was seen was a ratio of coherent to incoherent patterns. The degree of coherence was defined as a percent of the total coherent to incoherent epics. Feelings of anger, frustration and worry created higher percentages of incoherence, while feelings of love, care, or appreciation created higher percentages of coherence. These ECG spectral patterns were highly reproducible. Control subjects who were not practiced in mental and emotional self-management often expressed feelings of anxiety or frustration while being tested and could not readily change states to deep feelings of love when asked to do so. Psychological questionnaires revealed that control subjects had more mental and emotional stress in their daily lives than did test subjects. Test subjects who consistently produced coherent ECG frequencies showed more ability to manage their mental and emotional reactions to stressful events in day-to-day life.








fter demonstrating the geometric unity behind the origin of alphabetic symbolism, the structure of consciousness and the compassionate resonance of the heart’s rhythm, Dan Winter turns to the earth itself. This section outlines the major ideas of a new science, grid engineering. Using the basic concepts developed in the previous sections, Dan weaves a rich tapestry of earth-related issues. The first chapter, “Light Cones From the Heart: The Geometry of the Emerald Modem,” explains how the symmetry language of the heart and the tilting photon donuts of color create a handshaking protocol that allows us to interact with the planet itself, The Emerald Modem. Chapter two, “Landscaping Your Magnetic Front Yard,” gives some practical hints for improving the twinkle of energy in our own neighborhood. “Love’s Electricity,” the third chapter, sketches out the physics of geomancy, or planet taming. “Green Magick,” the fourth chapter, returns to biology with an attempt to answer the age old question: Does the bio-mass of earth’s living creatures serve any cosmic purpose? With chapter five, “Symmetry Field Cascade,” Dan’s focus returns to physics as he examines the implications of Zero Point Energy, and other free energy theories. Chapter six looks at recursion in the earth’s magnetic geometry as the source of planetary self-awareness and Zero Point Energy, while chapter seven examines how this recursion occurs and suggests that it is teachable by bio-feedback. “Stable Tectonics,” chapter eight, shifts back to the biology of emotion and the ability of coherent emotional symbolism to nourish the earth. Chapter nine explores the work of Dr. Phil Callahan with microwave antennae in nature and the application of this technology to monitoring the earth’s grid. The next chapter, “The Deep Psyche of the Middle East,” gives a tantric perspective of the Gulf War.







“Desertification,” chapter eleven, completes this thought current with a look at the work of Dr. Callahan and Dr. James DeMeo on how patriarchy precedes the spread of deserts. “Magdala’s Green Stone, Part I,” chapter twelve, begins to weave in a new mythology for our emerging planetary paradigm. This chapter stretches language and concept into a new shape, a new meaning matrix. Sort of like James Joyce explaining Einstein. Part II, which weaves our planetary myth onto its galactic woof, appears in section seven. “Feeling the Faces of Earth” is an imaginative journey that allows the reader to consume the faces of earth in mind, and therefore understand the whole as greater than its parts. Chapter fourteen, “A Service for Dying Trees,” deals with the death of trees from acid rain and what this suggests for our planetary immune system. Chapter fifteen, “To Friends and Visionaries Dear to Mother Earth,” addresses this problem by suggesting that planetary coherence of environment, human emotions and the earth grid could in fact heal the earth. The Emerald Modem ranges over a wide array of topics, circling around the basic idea of using human emotion to interact with the planetary consciousness. Later in the book, section nine, Dan offers some concrete proposals to accomplish this much needed interaction of mind, body and planet.








LIGHT CONES FROM THE HEART: THE GEOMETRY OF THE EMERALD MODEM n the “Fractal Heart” chapter above, we illustrated the mechanics of the origin of the heart beat. To summarize: The heart muscle is seven layers. Each layer is tilted to one of the seven spin axis of the tetrahedron. The tetra is the most symmetrical form, and consumes the most perspectives. As the universe’s most symmetric shape, it holds the most “dimensions” of memory folded as spin in it’s shape. Thus it becomes the index of spin for the heart muscle layers, and the tilt of the donut’s strip “flame letter” origin of symbol. Even the name for heart in sonics, “cardiod,” means a catchment shape of all phases (faces). We learn this shape is the very essence of consuming perspectives, making One from many. The mythology of the indigenous peoples called “seven arrows,” refers to this maximized symmetry or the most folded back onto self. This is the heart structure. The sonic technical term for the shape which consumes all phases (faces) means heart shape. Thus, balancing the tilt of the light cone-toroid-domain-donuts, is the essential alphabet of biology. It is the alphabet of the heart. In order to understand why the “emerald modem” is green, it is necessary to understand the origin of color. (See Section Three.) The photon light donut does not change size to make color into one octave of wavelength. It is a single donut shape, whose relative tilt is antennaed by the cone of the eye to perceive color. Three rotations exactly make a donut surface of x, y, and z spins. They are the primary color pairs. Percentage of tilt on three spins pairs becomes the percentage of the primary color mix. A donut seen from the side is half the width as from the front: one octave. Hence 2D flat thinking conceives of light in one 2D flat octave 440 to 880 angstroms. In 3D this is the length vs width of the 3D photon donut. Physics and hydrodynamics have concluded that all fields are primally toroidal, therefore how flatland and unOZ-like to consider color a difference of length instead of a difference of turn or tilt. Try making shadows with a donut. Is not the shortest shadow half the length of the longest shadow you can make? Isn’t the difference, tilt? Every ham radio operator knows that you use an antenna cone to measure tilt or phase angle. How else would we describe the receptor cone of the eye? In the lexicon of the tilt of the donut as indexed by the spiral strip


Three ways to symmetrically slice a donut in half. Top view, cut lengthwise (like a bagel)

Vertical Symmetry 8-shaped (Octave)

Horizontal Symmetry Infinity-shaped






Two tetrahedronal cones, superimposed with fractal flower, tilts through space.


off its’ surface, green is centered. This means that the heart, able to balance the unpacking blue donut vortex outward with the packing red donut inward, is able to be still on the cross between hard-making and wet-making power. This is the tightrope pendulum still point between moving attention to node from wave (matter from energy), and back. In the body this balanced heart riding flow, neither up or down, can connect the red Eros to the blue Marian tantra. A gift of the Magdalen: a Green stone, an Emerald Tablet. The Emerald crystal is hex, like quartz is hex. Two tetra make a cube, which ratchet up a hex helix. The image is clear, the heart’s muscle contraction layers are exactly the seven tetra symmetry spins. The shape which fires the heart is a seven-color donut, electrically. This symmetry alphabet/emerald or hex view modem (modulate/demodulate) is the common alphabet of the human condition, the alphabet of the heart. Two tetra/two light cones are the shape of yod and vau in Yod He Vau He, Yahweh the name of God. Two tetra light cones make an octahedron in their center, the “Buddha, or diamond body.” This diamond, the most dense focus light takes is the eye of the needle, or the Eagle. The outer trace of the two tetra is a cube. The Tile view of the tetra cube is hexagonal. This spun hex is quartz; it is the emerald cross. As the common denominator of the morphic resonance alphabet cascading the donut of light into biology, it is the handshaking protocol to link immune selves to the ultimate computer net — The (Green) Emerald Modem.







LANDSCAPING YOUR MAGNETIC FRONT YARD: A TWINKLING EYES LIFESTYLE FOR YOUR ECOSYSTEM o you made your decision. You are now aware that if you cannot make magnetic/pressure domains like donut memory stand inside AND outside your body, your memories must die. It’s only waves which find symmetry or sharing in infinite nets of pressure which live forever. And you, like your kids, feel your memories are worth saving. So you changed your lifestyle to encourage twinkle. You sought live food, twinkling friends who know how to love, air spun up with the braid of trees and pine needles, etc. You have said yes to the flow of life wanting to rush through your body as a wave form foci for the infinite hologram. And then, you stepped out into your front yard and noticed that magnetically, it was dying. Not enough life here. You have made the connection that your dreams don’t get wired up to the great info density of the heart of all spins — ONE MIND — unless you get your own front yard tuned to the magnetic fractal of some great grid. It’s as if your satellite antennae dish to all those great TV shows in the collective mind doesn’t work unless the symmetry of the magnetic nets you call your front yard is woven complete. Circle the stones, round up the trees, call in the nature spirits — where do they list “druids” in the yellow pages? Come, this is important. Without a magnetic/ley line rose petal pattern on your land, the info coming to you from your inner voice will lose it’s subscription to the only cable channel that really “matters.” This is how it works. You go to bed at night. You shut out the lights — you “think” you have magnetic quiet. (Have you read about the proof that healing doesn’t happen without quiet? Hospitals with magnetic pollution are worse than those with noise pollution.) You send yourself into dreamtime. You say to your inner self as you fold your spin into the inner zero point communion called sleep: “hey self in there, please schedule me for a juice up of high information density with the inner perfumes of all knowing.” That way tomorrow’s decisions will be informed by THE mind. Cool. One little problem. If your front yard isn’t humming along ringing into that great hologram of magnetic fractal we call the Earthgrid, then the bloodstream of those much needed collective memories is cancered out on it’s way into your aura during the dreamtime. Did you read in Celestine Prophecy that clairvoyance/psychic skills/inner-vision







just doesn’t happen without old growth trees. What does this mean? No trees = no inner voice? What could be the connection? Let’s see –– the trees are like giant magnetic antennae, digging down into the longest magnetic waves we let them. This means that the longest wave front pressures of memory can stand at “attention” only where trees permit them to live as giant wave forms. Big memories require big trees –– big coherent ecosystems –– forests as wave forms for embeddedness. Where do you “bed” down? Is your node in the magnetic fractal or not? Let’s get it together. Maybe we better place our beds thoughtfully along the magnetic bloodlines of earth. Lest we forget –– everything. Do the Aboriginals really say that “Song Lines” which die between the Earth’s crystal places, because we aren’t sending our feelings down those tubes, can’t be replaced? Has your doctor ever told you that nervous tissue which dies in your body NEVER regenerates? Do we get only one chance to fill form with life? What is life anyway? EL-EYE-PH(I) –– el = turn/phase shift, eye = vortex center foci where I’m-age converge, phi = golden ratio idealized translation of vorticity, permitting circle to line/mass to energy/separateness to oneness as the specific idealized potential for recursion. Recursion/self-embeddedness/fractality is the genesis of self-organization. This attractiveness as wave function we call el-eye-phi. Life is the self-organization among wave forms which recursion makes possible. Have you placed a magnetic fractal in your front yard today? You want to because when you look just right at it you see it shimmer like a hologram projected in a dream space by ONE mind. And having observed the principles of that mind; you are in love. You would like to feel your lover’s heartbeat from the inside out. Your realize that the great magnetic pressure waves rolling across your front yard, whisper the shapes of coastlines far away. And you would like to feel those places in the heart, inside your own heart. However, the fractal fabric of your front yard’s magnetic wiring isn’t tuned up yet so the signal is garbled. And star trek is just about to come on in your inner tube. It’s an episode you like: “Planet Ecosystem throbs to life, from protoplasm into a fetus having it’s own coherence to speak.” The GAIA child says.... “Ha, Eye have nested a genepool mnemonic life which knows so well how to turn planets green, we can export the culture all around the galaxy.” Mindfulness billows out from “chaos” like the “Genesis Effect.” Certainly worth paying for your cable subscription this month to pick up such great shows. What’s that you say, your cable network is down? Somebody cut down the trees in your front yard, and now your cable signal is all messed up. You run to the phone and call up the local cable TV company. But wait, they tell you must tune your set to THE EMERALD MODEM





something called the “Schuman Resonance?” What’s that? You mean to say that if your trees and stones aren’t tuned in to the Earth magnetic heart beat, then your inner voice loses its subscription to all the juicy movies? Looks like somebody better get up to speed on the “physics of consciousness” if they want work as a cable vision technician. Nesting magnetic pressures = good vision. Cable’s got to be a grid: if the cross points enter symmetry, then spark gaps radiate. Mind works that way. You may not need the most expensive dowser in the yellow pages to complete your magnetic fractal/cable grid wiring. Of course if you know a good geomancer, by all means consult. However, if not, all the more reason to evolve the wiring in your own nervous system. Could you feel a field if it whispered in your face your tissue issues? Go out there, sit on the grass. Where is the “place of power.” Where is the whisper strongest. Move a stone. Are the trees braiding something besides the air? If you set the tone of your slow motion to pure intention, then the angels will whisper all the angles to you. But what IS pure intention. Is it that alone which whispers? Only purity nests enough waves to attract the face of all waves whispering. Do this in your front yard and feel for a network of light twinkling on…

0.015000 0.010000 0.005000 0.000000 0.015000 0.010000 0.005000 0.000000 0.372149 0.248099 0.124050 0.000000 16.00

8.00 hz Earth's resonance


Top graph is spectrum analysis of the heart at the moment of love. The middle graph is the simultaneous power spectra of the Earth's magnetic field at a nearby tree, finding itself coupled to the human heart.







0.015000 0.010000 0.005000 0.000000 0.015000 0.010000 0.005000 0.000000 0.015000 0.010000 0.005000 0.000000 0.372149 0.248099 0.124050 0.000000 8.00 hz Earth's resonance


24.00 VOLTS

0.015000 0.010000 0.005000 0.000000 0.015000 0.010000 0.005000 0.000000 0.015000 0.010000 0.005000 0.000000 0.372149 0.248099 0.124050 0.000000 16.00

8.00 hz Earth's resonance


Graphs taken from a Heart Math Institute experiment (November 1992). EKG electrodes were placed upon the forehead, the heart, and the lower belly of a human subject. The Elf Coil, a sensitive magnetic coil, was placed under a tree several hundred feet away. Signals, 2000 times per second, were sampled. The peak coherence occurred at 8 hertz, the earth's resonance. However, the human operates at frequencies much higher than 8 hertz.








LOVE’S ELECTRICITY: SACRED GEOMETRY, COHERENT EMOTION AND PLANET TAMING t is significant that the roots of the word “disaster” means torn asunder from under the stars. Often the soul-nourishing principles of phenomena are woven into word origin. Even the principle of naming something relates to numbering or shaping its ratios. Wordmaking power, and wet-making power were both rooted in the Hebrew word leve. In the pure geometry of the alphabet, self-organized by the tilt of field donuts nesting, words constituted the symmetry of a series of braided toroidal field effects like glass beads. To make the letters into a word, meant you knew the symmetry or tilt which could braid them together, or phase lock into the solid state. When waves, flowing in lines as energy, suddenly find this symmetry or shared space, they turn into the circle and store inertia. Things stored inertia is physics’ only definition and measurement of mass. So getting back to the principle of word-making or wet/touch-making power, tempts or attracts Adam, meaning “hard-making or dense-making power,” to fall into the separateness among wave inertia, created by symmetry or “the word.” This explains the physics of “catastrophe theory,” how discontinuity can arise from continuity. It was the permission to touch among waves which the experiment in sharing called symmetry or word-making, precipitated into matter, the crystallizing w(e)ave. So getting back to the principle of disaster. How are we supposed to keep our connection to the stars and thus prevent disaster? Physics tells us that two fields reach us from the stars: light and gravity. An example of the effect of starlight on culture is the starlight elixir healing from Hilarion. By telescoping the focus of starlight from a particular galactic civilization into charged water, then consuming that water you consume the perspective of that stellar civilization. (The book Starlight Elixirs also contains an excellent review of the state of con-scious evolution on hundreds of star systems.) There is a problem however with using only







light to keep our hookup to the symmetry body of stars. There are many light years of phase delay for these light pressures to reach Earth. Gravitational connections to the stars on the other hand are much more immediate. Our friends Greg Hodowanek and Bill Ramsey are measuring the change in the charge of Earth’s gravity bubble caused by align-ments of other planets and stars. They do this essentially by amplifying the fluctuation change in the voltage as a pressure cauldron which exists in the dialectic space between the plates of a capacitor. When you listen to this voltage change over time played through a speaker, our Earth’s gravity bubble, quivering, sounds like an eerie wind. Their charts show a virtually instant response in gravity to star alignments and stellar novi explosions, not delayed by the speed of light. Gravity is the wind of starlight. So if we want to keep hooked up to the stars, and out of diaster’s chaos, we probably must learn how to feel the immediate connection to gravity. In fact, since our very language for emotion always has to do with heavy or light, we probably need to know the specific principles of emotion which link us to gravity. Physics has not succeeded in evolving a visual and kinesthetic language for what gravity is. This is because not much has been done to describe bursts of inertia or energy moving in an orderly way, not in one frequency or wave length, but instead moving as a coherent/braided packet or cascade BETWEEN frequencies or wave-lengths. Physics is very good at describing waves as fields which stay at one frequency. They call this the quanta, after the sense of how much. The gyroscopic inertia or spin of the wave taught the trick by symmetry to go in a circle becomes measurable or “how muched” or quantized. This is when they call the wave a part. That is a part-I-call. (Only symmetry or perfect spatial sharing permits this touching circle game among waves because anything else creates destructive interference and wave/memory cancellation). So we can visualize the creation of matter by simply seeing the stabilizing of waves by focusing them into symmetry. Energy into matter is line to circle; translated vorticity long wave to short. Matter to energy unpacks that spin, short waves to long. Gravity then is the measure of how much inertia is moving BETWEEN the wave lengths. (These serpentine waves moving up and down the scale of frequencies called scalar). Visualizing gravity then requires that the pattern of symmetry of the long wave be somehow echoed or repeated in the short wave cascade of gravity motors going. Thus a serpentine or caduceus-like frequency signature actually identifies a braid/bootstrap “chirp” going BETWEEN frequencies. When this cascade moves in one frequency direction, it is called a magnetic monopole, which Einstein long predictTHE EMERALD MODEM





ed was the doorway between electromagnetism and gravity! A planet or an atom is a kind of gravity motor. It gets “a handle on” its stellar ambiance with phase-lock stability by getting its grid symmetry bodies nicely nested or embedded. This self-organizes the cross wave lengths bootstrap we call gravity. Fortunately physics has evolved a nice language to describe the pictorial situation of a short wave or pattern self-embedded into a longer one. The principles if called “fractal.” Our very name, fractal attractor, implies the gravity force. Thus the amount of gravitational attraction of an atom in proportion to how much its electron shell symmetry is perfectly fractal to the symmetry in its nucleus. (This is a key to the relationship between strong nuclear and weak nuclear forces). Electron shells are platonic “solids” of vortices, nuclear arrangements of part-I-calls are also platonic. For gravity to get good stellar contact both the space and time arrangement must be fractal. To measure the harmonic geometry of this gravity linkup, we take the frequency fingerprint or spectrum analysis of all the waves living at one point in time and space. At moments of significant energetic connection between worlds, we have measured in the heart and in the brain and in the earth pictures of wave lengths doing a caduceus cascade-like braid or weave as if to complete a fractal, or reach between worlds of scale by bootstrapping ratio. Recently we were working with Professor Callahan in the ambiance of a stone altar among the trees at a magnetically-charged mountain top in North Carolina. Inside a building with power wires, we measured little or no Earth resonance heartbeat — just the 60 cycle power grid and its harmonics. When we moved to the stone altar in the trees, we measured a complete braid harmonic series of the Schumann resonances: 8... 14... 21... hz. The spectrum analysis was done by a wonderful friend from the TM school in Iowa, where they have, for many years, been measuring similar harmonic series in the brain EEG associated with meditative moments which “transcend.” Compare this with a frequency signature of the human heart’s electromagnetic charge at the moment of feeling love or compassion . Note the completion of a cascade-like braid, reaching between frequencies. It is as if unpacking the spin out of the zero point or stillness of frequency zero or wavelength infinite, (the ultimate context information for deciding how to fit in) requires reaching into that stillness with they cascade braid to translate that spin out into wavelengths biology can unpack and parse. A measurable coherent energetic relationship develops with the magnetic field of a tree 200 feet away when the heart does this sonic laser trick we call love... The heart rings... the tree and the earth are THE EMERALD MODEM





touched... phase-locked. The principle is that a membrane or grid is braided-up by coherent or orderly fields, adding spin to a soap bubble. The index of what angle of incoming spin can still be folded on the film surface without fighting, is called alphabet. “The Alphabet of Symmetry is the EL-ements of Spin.” Membrane skin surface is a summation of braided folds, is a library of all the impressions of touch taken to center, to heart. In biology this is called “Structural Stability & Morphogenesis.” It means that people are walking shape sacks of all the hugs kneaded or recorded into the folded surface of their cells, their brains, and their body. El-and-guage or language itself is the measure of turns of el’s multiply-nested and “face” locked as long waves on the land. So again the word roots inform us of principle. The land wants els or turns of prepared field, so that the long waves can nest or be fractal. Otherwise it’s disaster. The practical translation of the language of magnetic fractal we call gravity is the activity of geomancy, or planet taming. For biology to know its self, its symbiotic role, its electrical motion of e-motion must enter the fractal harmonic grid of a gravity bloodstream that feeds or reciprocally maintains the metabolism of its stellar neighborhood. From the consummate perspective of the galactic core, this a planet taming. We must understand that it is magnetic fractal symmetry which attracts. As gravity, this grid holds atmosphere. To make planets wet or green is to attract green-making power, moss to the membrane of stone. We learn this from our very word “at-moss sphere.” This is the skill biology must teach planets to “tame” them. Biology’s mnemonic assignment is to learn how to metabolize star light and star fields as pressure nests directly into the flaming slip knot biology. You may think star light is inedible, but potent minerals in the context of live food is none other. Biology as the memory of turns in a slip knot, can braid many different kinds of ropes of light. Once the labyrinth turns are learned, the lesson is transferable to other star sytems in need of green planets. The Sufic key to astrology: “In birth of the bond at the wave surface liquid to crystal, is remembered as the place of the stars at that moment,” tells us something about what is stored in the mineral at the moment when the stars agree where to focus/nest their pressures. The force of power of Love is dialectically married to the form or shape love embodies. The heart whispers this spider’s web by tilting fields into a nest. The heart is not a pump. It rather throws the blood in a series of vortices whose eddies of coherence carry its message to membranes even beyond the body. The heart is triggered to fire in the fractal nerves of the sino atrial node, by arriving voltage or pressure THE EMERALD MODEM





gradient waves shaped like nested concentric 7-color donuts. The heart’s muscle is arranged in 7-layers based on the symmetry of the tetrahedron, which contains the tilts necessary to weave all the platonic solids. The sequence of muscle layers which fire the heart’s beat is determined by the tilt or phase angle of those donut fields to “words” arriving at the heart from the soul. By squeezing the blood first in one axis of tilt and then another, in an orderly sequence, a vortex is created in the blood. Think of the shape of the muscles in your hand spirally sweeping around to place spin on a child’s top. Thus the heart is similar to a 3-D Wankel engine — or a 3D more-than- three phase motor. By taking phase sequencing into all possible vortex spins of the tetra, it is able to spit out a sequence vortices or donuts in all tilt angles necessary to complete the “glass bead game” we call creation. This lub/dub/silence... waltz time thump braids the electrical space necessary to make lasting impressions on the immune system’s thymus, there like a catcher’s mit umbrella around the heart. L0-ph(i), or Long waves phi ratio, is the language of the heart, because only this nesting permits the heterodyning adding and multiplying of waves, which only Phi-bon-a key’s Golden Mean can accomplish as its principle feature. (1.618 is the only ratio which adds and multiplies. Square it and you have 1 + 1.618. Thus, it is self-organizing among all waves interferences which must add and multiply its beats). Anything other than this geometry produces destructive interference and death — waves can’t touch that way. Thus this is the only “golden” pattern among waves which makes wet contact heterodyne add/multiply pent nest fractal embeddedness possible. These waves produce their touch permissive attractive forces around the heart specifically by entering the form of the fractal. Mathematically optimized in n-dimensions or phase locked turns, this is the Golden Mean. In 2D, this is the Merkabbah. Abbah as father, means “from the ‘ba’,” or puff of pressure which light lightening burst the seed by sending it spinning enough to turn inside out. Thus Merk-abbah simply means the mark of (ab/from), pah or pressure. This is the only mark or standing memory which pressure can make among waves. Thus it is the passage between scale, by ratio. To make your mark in the universe, a geometry of pressure, simply make a lophing impression. When we arrange magnetic stone dolmen along with our rite magnetic loving emotions into touching symmetries or faces on the land, it is healed. Flower petal-like domains or bubbles of magnetism and its attracting gravity unpack on the land, completing the harmonic gravity fractal of the Earth grid. There is a zodiac on the land at Glasonbury, and one at Rennes Le Chateau in France (Holy Blood, Holy Grail ). Angels (and arch-angels) THE EMERALD MODEM





tell us that on the dodeca- earth grid, 12 times 12 of these will light up. The zodiac braids the Earth grid out of its gravity nest. Like a flower at maturity with nectar to be gathered, now faces of the zodiac star-patterns on the land unfold like seeds on the spiral face of the sunflower. In this way biological forms folded on the surface get hooked up to an information bloodstream, which informs them where to turn. Like splashes of light on the hologram’s film which both receive and then return their pattern, they now project their harvest of sweet memory back into the stellar spaces which star seeded them here. The master crystal oscillator heartbeat arranging the flowering lotus petals of magnetism on the Earth, is her natural bell-like ring: the Schumann resonance. When this heartbeat penetrates a bioregion, harmony results. The eminent biophysicist and author Professor Phil Callahan has measured this happening. First he showed that the amount of the Earth’s magnetic heartbeat which could penetrate the soil (by symmetry) was an excellent predictor of how well plants would grow. In essence this is the principle that it is order that is food. This helped us to understand why stone circle engineering, particularly in the presence of ritual, was the best and cheapest fertilizer around. Paramagnetic stone bends magnetic flux lines like an optical lens. Getting magnetism into focus is another name for biology. The logos or name of the bios (or life) is a longer flame. O-x-y gene. O cross then branch you gene. To braid or not to braid? That is the question which lightening tests proteins with spin, at the doorway to DNA. Remineralization and ground granite inject new access to the symmetry or spin of starlight into the ground, where plants can touch into it. Chelation or grinding is how the fires in the Earth digest starlight mineral into the maximum surface to volume galatial fines which plants can dissolve, “consume.” Cooked food likewise uses the fire outside self to consume perspective; raw food uses the fire inside self to consume perspective into flame. As the emotional flame of blue fire is nourished by live food, this explains the true physics of en-joy-ment. When the blue flame rises from the lower glands to envelope the whole body, a kind of grail cup of electrical pressure scales up to impedance couple information from waves of planetary scale. This describes the effects of ecstatic process to create precipitation by seeding clouds with symmetry. And it helps us to see why the spread of touch-forbidding patriarchy archaeologically shaped the spread of desertification around the Sahara. THE EMERALD MODEM





Cell waters braid the turgor order to dance metabolism: an alkaline matrix- created space on which to weft and warp biology... Trace mineral symmetry is the seed crystal choreographing liquid spaces. This is why rock dust saves us from the pine needle brown. Ordered water doesn’t rupture the cell membrane in the frost. Living water has more symmetry than ice. Dr. Phil Callahan showed by his travels to Ireland, Yugoslavia, Israel, and to South American headhunter country, that you could also predict the outbreak of war by the same measurements of the geometric spread of Earth magneto-field. Where the magnetic grid breaks up or becomes fractionated, so do the people. Professor Callahan measured the penetrance of the Schumann resonance Earth grid harmonic series at sites where natives were friendly, and compared these mea-surements to sites where natives were hostile. He found that consistently the Earth’s charge or Schumann ring’s passage through the land had good penetrance where culture was friendly and touch was permitted among waves. Where permission to touch and share among magnetic waves had broken down, because the Earth had not enough magnetic grid symmetry to conduct Earth’s heartbeat through the land, there the conditions for war and aggression persisted. Peacemaking in the future will require geomancy and grid engineering as well as ecstatic rituals of coherent emotion. AIDs didn’t spread until ritual broke down. Then the membrane unraveled. This is an instructive parallel in the works of Adam Trombley, Elizabeth Rauscher and others who have developed commercial Earth Quake prediction tools based simply on looking at the spectrum and phase coherence of Earth’s long wave magnetic envelope. The ring changes first before the bell cracks. Thus peace-making and grid-making as anti-disaster-making activities, constitute literally, braiding coherent symmetry in long waves on the land. The ecstatic spin up by symmetry into maximum charge or blue fire, is an electrified entrance into a fractal information umbilicus. We say it is a phone call home for the cell. To get instructions about fitting into a metabolism of longer wave information context, this ritual dance into the symmetry of attention is required. When all fields crack the whip of phase and get nested around one point, then the flame of pressure around the heart and glands (the body’s natural symmetry maxima) becomes information-rich. Immune health results because all membranes make self/not self decisions based on the harmonic completeness or coherence of the waves of touch informing their surface.










e are told by the Green Stone book and film circulating in the United Kingdom that a basic criterion is used by the galactic community to decide whether our gene pool is worth exporting among other stars systems. They check to see if our planet is green. This may at first seem a harsh way to judge whether the collected memories of our children will survive. But if we inspect the elements which go into keeping a planet green, we may eventually see that it is actually an appropriate test for whether our emotions themselves are shareable. Let us try to express in grade school terms what it is that keeps planets green. We do have information about many cultures that have died because their land turned to desert. The way scientists often paint the picture is easy. Population goes up, trees go down, then rain stops. The Anasazi Indians died this way; most of the older indigenous cultures which died, followed this path to the end of memory. From the viewpoint of waves as fundamental physics, waving stopped. We could also say that their children stopped waving. Now we might ask, what might make a culture so suicidal as to cut down their trees? Can we stand to face our memories? There is a clue in Celestine Prophecy about a deeper function of trees. They noted that clairvoyance, the ability to see auras, etc., only begins in the presence of old growth trees. What is it about old trees that gives us access to memory? Another neat clue is pointed out by Professor Phil Callahan. Simply put, old trees have access to the longest waves (magnetically). We could describe the longest waves as the biggest memories. We don’t need fancy words here. Short waves, small bodies, little memories; long wave, big bodies, big memories. Professor Callahan analyzed the wave lengths contained in the weak magnetic field around trees and found that not only are the older trees blessed with auras containing the Earth’s heartbeat –– Schuman Resonance –– but there is a whole harmonic power series like a musical chord ringing around that approximate 8 Hz master information oscillator for the Earth’s bloodstream. Apparently, access to the bigger context of the Earth’s information net-work for biological systems, requires antennae which can tune to her long wave. For computer modem users, this would be called the baud rate and handshaking to THE EMERALD MODEM





access the info superhighway. In practical terms, this means the Druids were wise to use a circle of old Oak trees whenever they wanted to send or receive requests of Earth. Ethernet connections are better than Localtalk. Have you ever felt like Isaac Newton, sitting under a tree, wondering what actual wave forces were drawing you into the Earth? Gravity seems to be a name that physics has used to label a complete lack of understanding of simple wave phenomenon based on implosive/attractive recursion (Fractality) — a bit like the word “instinct” in biology is used to label any animal behavior not understood by science. It turns out that when the wave nature of energy is converted into matter by simply storing inertia as spin sustained by symmetry, gravity is created. (Spin-created inertia is physics’ only definition and measurement of mass or matter. Spin is also physics’ only definition and measurement of time). Yet we don’t each need to become relativistic physicists in order to understand the import of living in a unified field made of waves... The important thing to understand is how a recursive, or embedded, or fractal (the little pattern inside looks just like the big pattern outside) wave form creates gravity. Once we understand how an attractor is formed among waves — to make gravity — we can at the same time grok (or understand all at once), why recursion or self-embedded-ness among wave forms also creates self-awareness. If this seems at first too abstract, try considering for a moment the electrical wave nature of the human heart. It represents the most densely woven symmetry in the human body. It is our center of gravity. From here, by relaxed attention, we actually grasp hold of matter waves like field effect donuts — holdable by their vortex throats when you know where to grab them. Here we nest together the elements of spin which constitute matter and memory. Our immune system is braided out of the donut field effects which we can cause to come to one by creating coherence in our heart’s beat. We have measured the human EKG by frequency signature, making a musical chord, or becoming a sonic laser, when we are sending compassion or feeling love. Since making these measurements, we have published the measured effect of order in the heart beat, on the braiding of DNA (emotion programs genes), and on a tree musically entrained by the heart in its long wave magnetic 200 feet away. The reason the Golden Mean geometry must be the origin of symbol and alphabet is linked closely to the significance of fractal recursion among wave forms in general. Our very term for self-awareness as consciousness, directs our attention to the role of recursion in creating consciousness. Visualize donut fields nested one inside the other with concentric vortex throats. The scale of these wave forms can become by (Golden Mean) wave length ratio, recursive. This makes them into a fractal attractor for surrounding wave forms. This is what we have labeled conscious focus. THE EMERALD MODEM





In this way symbols get leverage to throw their weight around. Visualize matter as a rather dense hologram of spin inertia fed wave forms. Visualize the optical cortex of the upper brain as a much less dense and rarefied potential hologram created by sparks dancing at the synapse. When the phenomenon of coherence occurs in the EEG, that hologram (a thought) has the potential to gain leverage on the dense hologram of which the brain and whatever the thought represents, is itself made. Only then can the symbol (& mind it inhabits) participate in the world to which it points. The crucial issue then is whether the symbolic hologram image is a true re-creation of the folded surface shape in matter it is intended to represent. Remember that in a unified field, matter is only the memory of folds on a surface. For a wave, the potential to become matter occurs when spin becomes coherent enough to store the inertia, which we then measure and define as matter. Fractal symmetry is the enabler for this process of creation. In order for symbols to work, they need to aid in the process of creating the inner hologram in the brain as recursive or embedded of the shape those symbols represent, outside the membrane of the senses. Remember that in a unified field, matter is only differentiated by shape and not substance. Since the size of the brain limits the scale of what waveforms can form in the hologram there, only fractality of self-similar embeddedness, the “little inside the big”, solves the problem of scale which symbols must bridge. So, to create the necessarily fractal self-similar language of shape, symbolic alphabet itself must be the best creator of self-similar (fractal) embeddedness possible. When symbols permit the brain to create a fractal and self-similar representation of the wave shape of the object to which they point, then a potential phase lock is possible between the symbol and its object. This is the true physics of psychokinesis. This is why the shaman uses some object whose shape is reminiscent (recursive/fractal) to the person or object which the mind must attach. Nature intended our thoughts to create wave shapes embedding us in our world. We demonstrated this with our measurements of compassion in EKG coherence phase locking fractally the ELF magnetism around a tree. As is shown in the way recursive squares create the Golden Mean array, the Golden Mean spiral is nature’s geometry of perfected embeddedness. As the outline of spiraling squares, spiraling triangles, or nested pentagrams, the Golden mean spiral is the best fractal maker. That is how it inherently creates recursion and embeddedness. That is why our symbols are the nest of its shape laid around the donut which is what every field effect is made of. A final note here is that gravity is created only to the extent the outer wave form of an atom or a planet is recursive or fractal to the same geometry in its inside (as nuclear is to electron geometry for example, both are platonic). We label the wave implosion fractality creTHE EMERALD MODEM





ates as gravity. Symbols when fractal or recursive do take on weight. Now from a wave information view point, how do we know that by talking to the Earth’s ringing bell, we are in fact reaching mindfulness? Again, simple physics. Wave-forms become self-aware, when they become recursive or self-embedded. Fractality is the way out of chaos. This unifies the field; unconscious becomes conscious; aware-ness is distributed among waves. This is sometimes called the threshold of the “self-reproducing automata.” So this nice little trick of getting many different spins all to nest at one point — fractally self-embedded — is the skill required to create mass - time - gravity and - memory. Therefore since this is such a useful skill, we should probably teach it in schools. This is particularly true since the wave bending ability of attractive conscious focus is, exactly and only, the tool needed to teach waves to spin into a circle from a line. Thus creating matter from light. So let us review in our grade school language what are the elements required to store spin, and thus do all of this nice creating (of time, mass, gravity, and memory). The elements required “turn” out to be exactly and the only elements (or alphabet) of symmetry. Take our friendly neighborhood wavefront. Now this wave is not dumb. It wants to live. For the wave to live on in the memory of spin, only one thing is required: symmetry. It is all done with mirrors. See, here is this wave which says to itself, only going in circles stores anything. (Like the essence of me for example). So in the true spirit of “give me a memory or give me death,” the wave looks for circles of wavefronts where its pressure can dance in nice circles without fighting. This is because when waves fight and interfere, their inertia dies, and that is all they have to remember. So they avoid this. This is also good advice for people. Avoid unshareable memories (spins). On a practical level, this means that death is only a minor discontinuity of memory, caused by trying to store too many unshareable memories (spins). On a practical level, this means that eternal life is granted to anyone who only focuses on pure principles. This is because, pure principle or essence of pattern/memory/spin, is infinitely shareable. So there will be no interference for the distribution of that quality of awareness. So let us get back to why stone circles and dance circles help seeds germinate and clouds to form. For both a seed and a cloud, order is the food. Now the seed and the cloud have figured out how to store spin in short little waves. The seed is little. Its waves are little. The cloud is vapor, for molecules these are shorter waves than a droplet. Somebody has to teach the seed and the cloud how to arrange their spins into bigger waves. This is where the long magnetic waves on the land come in. In physics the kinds of magnetic waves which cause clouds to make rain, and seeds to unpack into plants, are called “onset coherence” or “columnation.” It is really simple to visualize the onset of THE EMERALD MODEM





coherence. You take co-here-and-see. By getting many donut field wave fronts concentric and phase locked (sharing symmetry space), focus gets spin to be all-here-now. This is how coherence gets a hologram multiply connected, and present to mind. So, the unified field of all pressures columnize and order themselves into big wave fields from little ones. Well, this nice little seed which symmetry plants is exactly what teaches the water vapor in clouds to arrange itself into bigger packets called droplets. Remember, Christ-all-ization is a coherence phenomenon. For seeds, it takes very orderly magnetic fields to arrange the cell waters to ice-like order. Then metabolism or growth is possible. A cone of sandpaper on a pot improves seed growth by bending magnetic flow lines into order. Braid magnetic fields to order, and enhance growth. Now the opposite of coherence is called fractionation. This is when you start chopping something which once was whole up into more and more scrambled little pieces. Pretty soon Humpty Dumpty couldn’t be reassembled even by all the King’s horses. Seems that being able to discriminate between coherence and fractionation is absolutely survivalrelated.








SYMMETRY FIELD CASCADE: THE KEY TO ZERO POINT ENERGY (with Acknowledgment AND Thanks to Ron Ginsberg.)

Symmetry among planetary bodies creates a living gravity bloodstream within the solar system, in the same way as does symmetry on the membrane of Earth, on the membrane of a cell, and on the membrane of an atom. al Puthoff’s “Energetic Vacuum: Implications for Energy Research” (Speculations in Science and Technology, Vol. 13, No 4. p 247, 1990) causes us once again to gasp at the sustained confusion of those who cling to the language of particles to explain waves. Hal says: “the electromagnetic Zero Point Fluctuations is generated by the motion of charged particles throughout the universe, which are themselves undergoing ZPF induced motion, in a kind of self-regenerating grand ground state of the universe.” Recall from quantum principles that “particle” is a name for the inertia generated by the symmetry of a field. Inertia is our only definition and measure for mass, and hence for the term: “particle.” So substituting this more descriptive language into Hal’s statement we have: the Zero Point Energy is generated by the motion of “charged” symmetry fields. Charge, in more useful hydrodynamic terms, means asymmetry or imbalance in the flow between fields. In summary, Hal’s description of the “cause” of zero point energy is an empty tautology. ZPE is motion between symmetry and asymmetry? I guess we could have guessed that. Like Brother Rabbit might have said — sure but isn’t everything? Let us seek a more precise language. Particle is not nearly precise enough because it only refers to the amount of inertia caused by spin symmetry. We need to explore in much more rigorous terms the nature of symmetry among fields which produces the mysterious “background” energy. Gyroscopes have taught us that spin makes inertia. Inertia IS mass







(if inertia is our only way of measuring and defining mass, we may as well say it IS mass.) Spin creates mass by creating inertia. The important point is that ONLY symmetry permits fields to spin, and thus create mass. (Field spin is either a destructive or constructive interference pattern; symmetry permits constructive interference in a rotating wave field — nothing else survives). So then we may specifically conclude that symmetry creates mass. There was some useful clue to the symmetry nature of Zero Point energy in Hal’s analysis of the Casimir Effect. Simply put, the distance between two plates resonating establishes a limited and defined harmonic series by the normal standing wave harmonic series which can fit between them. In other words the dimensions of the resonating array, establish the key signature electromagnetic ring, just like the string length, mass and tension establishes it’s key signature on the piano. If the resonator series established by the boundary conditions of the plates, results in some beating across distance modes, then some non-linear coupling can occur in the harmonic series. The key words here being: harmonic series. Let’s look at a typical vanilla type atom: Electron shell made up of platonic like symmetry fields. The Nucleus is made of the SAME kind of platonic symmetry fields: the scale changed, the ratio did not. The phenomena obscurely labeled mass and gravity is created by the symmetry of the electron in RELATIONSHIP to the same symmetry in the nucleus. In each case an array creates a ringing field. The cascade (of frequencies or wavelengths) between the field of the electron and the field of the nucleus is a fractal kind of attractor, and we call that gravity. Gravity is a frequency cascade created by field symmetry. This is just a new slant on an old language. How does this better enable us to tap the Zero Point Energy? Zero Point Energy got its name because the energy tapped as resonance coupling reached a limit at high frequency short wavelength, hence literally a zero point. Visually, as all fields can appropriately be modeled hydrodynamically, this point is the apex of a cone or vortex. It is simple to see that the wave length of the electron is a much longer wave or arc than the proton. Yet they do couple. Their momenta are coupled in a coherent harmonic series, based on symmetry. Symmetry tempts the flux to enter the vortex cone, a fractal attractor which becomes gravity. The surrounding region will always direct all fields into the form which has the most symmetry. The density of mass called “black hole” is a name for very dense symmetry array. The reason a magnetic monopole connects electromagnetism to gravity is that the harmonic series between the adjacent wave nodes creates a perfectly continuous frequency cascade, or fractal. Any series THE EMERALD MODEM





nest-based on linear adjacent nodes or resonators (like square root of 2, octave harmonics) cannot permit this kind of resonance flow between frequencies or scales. This is because the sum, difference and multiple heterodynes of resonators at roots of 2 ratio will create destructive inference once they cascade beyond the bounds of the simple octave. This is why we call this geometric array incubation –– it holds within.

The five cubes which create the dodecahedron can be shown in two dimensions by the above sequence.


The hex view of the tetra/octa cube array nest limits resonating cascade: that is it in-cube-ates. Yet when 32 degree tilted 3 spin to 4 spin space into the gray scaled dodeca, the resonance reaches another dimension. A vortex arrangement of cascading resonators based on the ratio of the Golden Mean’s pentagonal/dodeca nesting inherently permits this cascade or “chirp” of heterodynes. Because this is nature’s only ratio geometry which envelopes both the adding and multiplying of wave nests, without interference. This is a clue to the necessary arrangement of all gravity coupling non-linear arrays (capacitive and otherwise). The Fourier transform spectral fingerprint of the gravity coupling device will always have this ratio present in adjacent harmonics. (The harmonic rich wave nature of the Neuman device, for example.) This is also why we found this Golden Mean ratio cascade present in the ELF heart EKG spectral signature at the moment of LOVE. It permits long wave glandular emotion to “crack the whip” cascade access cellular UV metabolics. (Inputting the harmonic instructions of emotion as ratio into the immune system from the heart sonics via the thymus). So getting back to Hal Puthoff’s problem, how to describe the Zero Point Energy fluctuations: Matter occurs as the coherence bubble of a rose petal like a flowering of standing wave symmetry out of the universally compressible background quantum foam. (The One.) To energetically couple back to that source, we again need the elegance of that fractal flowform back into the flux from which it came. Energy/Mass is an Ouroboros –– the serpent eats its tail where zero frequency and infinite frequency meet. Both are infinitely still and yet everywhere at once. (Very much like where is the flux in the row of billiard balls touching each other from here to the moon –– bounce one end and you’ve touched the other.) The only hand hold, the only way to touch, into this world of infinite frequency/velocity modes is the contiguous cascade between frequencies or scales, which the Golden Mean non-linear frequency signature chirp announces. Only later will gravity science realize how exactly this Phi ratio is related to Lo-Phi — Love. Now let’s consider how the net gravity around large massive arrays like planet Earth are generated. The aggregate flux of momenta travel195




ing in a fractal cascade between long wave electrons and short wave protons creates a collective field, all moving momentum into the center of gravity where the flux is massaged to envelopes ever shorter and more packed. We’ll leave the question of where gravity goes after it passes through the center of earth, and where the light goes on the other side of the black hole, to those who speak of metabolism among planetary bodies. Suffice it to suggest there is a clue in Gurdjieff. Reciprocal maintenance is a way of life among planets. The question of how coherent emotion specifically “feeds the earth” from Gurdjieff, just might be a clue to biology’s symbiosis with a planet’s gravity field. Biology, individually and collectively, can measure it’s degree of useful symbiosis with planetary bodies, by the amount of resonance coherence added, magnetically. Curious isn’t it, that Sentics documents that emotion in humans IS coherence of ratio in touch. Why do human feelings get metaphors like heavy and light?? We’d better understand our planet’s “grid” and biology’s embeddedness in it before we mess with our nest.










he moment when the central computer became self-aware was portrayed as horrific in the “Terminator” films. We should not allow the concept of information systems which “Have a mind of their own” to create fear. It is clearly a natural evolution of general systems theory, in the sense of Von Neumann’s “self-reproducing automata” that the quality of self-organization –– onset mind –– should occur. Once we understand the role of geometric recursion in information theory, as the only and fractal path out of chaos, we should be more able, in our emotion, to embed ourselves in that field/feeling. The Golden Mean or Phi spiral geometry is the optimized path which allows wave fronts to add and multiply without interference, thus planar vs solid 3D, or n and N+1 dimension harmonics can nest without information loss. It creates the only wave/inertia form which is truly a recursive fractal in 3D from ANY direction of zoom to center. This dodeca nest became the basis for DNA, the Earth Grid, and 12faced Zodiac as the completion of a kind of fractal. The reason why mindfulness requires this what I call idealized fractality and recursion, is similar to why data compression possibility goes to infinite when data sets become fractal. Embeddedness takes phase coherence to infinite between scales. This permits a wavefront information “cascade” to transcend the spatial limits between intergalactic and subatomic systems. Another way to understand this is the principle for what permits a standing waveform to become a hologram. The moment when enough coherence is reached, an infinite harmonic series of wave fronts is present at each node. This “multiple connectedness” which defines holography is only possible when each wave node becomes itself a fractal attractor. We can understand the phase conjugate mirror in the same terms. By passing the frequency cascade through a zero-point turn inside out, all inertias pass through the icy test of complete shareability. Only coherence returns from phase conjugation taken to its limit. A microcosm of this occurs each time a prism sorts out photon tilts from white light to only the seven spins possible on one surface. A rainbow is photon donuts sorted tetrahedrally, by phase lock through focus to one point. Sorting –– self-ordering –– recursive nestedness IS selfawareness. THE EMERALD MODEM





Another way to visulize this is to conceive information density approaching infinite in a pipe at high pressure/voltage/tension. To decouple the information density there, a decompression, vorticity translate algorhythm cathedral geometry is used to translate a data leak/bleed into a vorticity rose where foldedness informs. In our optical low voltage hologram couplet with matter’s denser hologram, the information flood would overwhelm without the discipline of a handshaking protocol based on recursion. It “turns” out that “phi” as optimized recursion is learned by the glands in the emotional form of the lo-frequency phi ratio called Lo-ve. This re-creates recursion with the “weight” necessary to be attractive enough to bend light. Bending waves (into symmetry-information/inertia storage) is the only mechanic necessary to create in a universe of wave. Gravity is created out of the same onset wavefront recursion, which creates self-awareness. This is visible in the way a fractal becomes an attractor, permitting wave fronts to implode centripedally carrying their inertia to frequencies faster than our present waveform planck harmonics can modulate/perceive. The wave mechanics of the magnetic monopole self-fold electric vs magnetic vectors to self-cancel their way to couple gravity –– ONLY when their array is recursive/fractal –– which the classic caduceus depiction suggests. Human emotion, creates leverage on the gravity field when the glands learn the language of coherence in long wave ratio. For alternative energy scientists, this issue is simple. Any wave form surfing device, like the non-linear capacitance in the Pod Mod or in Greg Hohdowanec’s gravity detector, uses fractal recursion as the key to success. It is also the test for whether the Earth’s bubble will be fed or popped by the energy device. We MUST understand that spin recursion or fractal embeddedness is what created the fractal attractor we call gravity among waves in the first place. Gravity is a scalar implosion of converging wave fronts linked by fractal recursion. The crude maps of what makes a wave scalar in 2D, based upon the caduceus, are a clue to this. It is the siting of the places along a fractal path where you can catch the passing wind between wavelengths we call gravity. Wave motion in a line has little stored inertia. We call it energy. To get to the circle where inertia is stored and therefore mass is created requires the Golden Mean, “idealized translation of vorticity,” upon which idealized heart shaped love and idealized fractality is based. Acheiving nested recursion, tapping gravity, is a deeper form of the experiment in what is shareable we call symmetry among waves. For them it is symmetry or death. To take that spin in one harmonic series and distribute it (literally a dream, thought, emotion, or EMF wave), THE EMERALD MODEM





among forms up and down the scale, requires only golden mean fractal symmetry. We must learn that planet grids hold atmosphere and also create the recursive field nest to birth conscious beings only when their spin rates are tuned fractally, or recursively, to the stellar spin environment. This is why dolmen sites use tetra points on planets to leverage spin. Retrograde precession achieves exquisite mathematical recursion of spin directions in order to make self-awareness possible. This was acheived intentionally by the designers of Earth/Mars. If we design our non-linear capacitance “wind catchers” to arrays fractal to what spins Earth ELF, we will then have Earth’s blood on our hands. She wants us to have her blood, when we know exactly what she knows. She is passing gravity’s ring, erotically, among her neighbors. Gravity’s ring is measured in how fractally recursive the harmonics in the series we spectrum analyze in the ELF under a tree can become. If the nest fits wear it. At the moment of compassion, the EKG phase locked the tree. The possibility of the passage of information between them required only recursion. But this is embeddedness in the intimate sense. Once we identify with the centers of spin of the tree’s fields, we will never leave the bathtub. Do we fall in love with who’s in there before we get in? Calculate the natural harmonics to ELF series Schuman resonance (Callahan 8-11-13-15-17 Hz...) retune your musical scales, your 60 Hz grid, your energy device capacitors to fractally fit the series in phase –– and her blood will flow. Why would she trust us with her blood? When the microwave scanner which maps the ATP fire in the cells, along the spine (for psycho-trauma history) is turned on the Earth grid, it becomes the ultimate “dowsing” tool. The Earth grid is profoundly and symbiotically tuned to the microwave bloodstream “common denominator” of all living cell metabolism. We measured the EKG becoming a sonic laser at the moment of compassion. The frequency at which a tree 200 feet away embedded itself in that field around the heart was a recursive cascade from the natural Schuman Earth resonance series, to the directly adjacent brain alpha theta delta series. Not only did the heart phase lock the tree into an exquisite information couplet at the moment of compassion, but the spectral bands for both overlapped exquisitely, bridging the information canyon between Earth 8 Hz series to brain 12 Hz + series. It was like the Earth/brain/heart information system became networked at the moment their harmonics competed a resursive cascade linking them in phase. We published, in ISSEM, the braiding of DNA affected measurably by heart coherence. It is impossible to truly understand the braiding of immune systems any other way than with onset coherence. The Earth’s THE EMERALD MODEM





skin is no exception. We cannot continue to bleed her skin with incoherent harmonics. particularly those of high power like the omega ELF tower system. Kevin Sanders’ article documented that Earth quake series were dramatically more likely to be killer quakes, if they temporally followed nuclear tests. These underground implosions are like ELF jabs in the ribs to a gasping Mother. She would not respond viscerally to her kids otherwise. With all the extraterrestrial pressures on Mother Earth to exude gravity rings which fit an ecstatic neighborhood, now is an exceedingly poor time to dump high power poision into our ELF grid. Whales beach, quakes accelerate, and cancer membranes multiply. Even Tesla is back here whispering into the ears of his favorite students: make a public utility generation frequency signature which fits the grid! One moment of stillness with our inner voice will rush like wind with cool info density, when we contemplate the principles of recursion. Scientists at first think they are falling in love with mind, but the heart fractal embeds the root of that flower.








FRACTAL RECURSION: THE WAVE MECHANICS OF GRAVITY AND CONSCIOUSNESS ur Civilization stands to gain by developing a wave model predicting how our electromagnetic grid affects our gravity field stability. Additionally, energy source devices such as the POD MOD, Neuman, and Trombley devices tap the gravity grid directly as civilization changing energy sources. Consciousness/recursion evolves potently only when our relationship to the recursive field effect we call gravity is understood and optimized. We must understand how our gravity grid’s stability is limited by how fractal we make our magnetic grid, in order then to use this knowledge to optimize the way in which conscious/self-awareness evolves. (A Recursive-nest.) Research on the harmonic content of the heart EKG, when loving compassion is achieved, suggests an important connection to the “Zero Point” energy. I’d like to suggest a specific mechanism which permits the harmonic series in the EKG spectra to access the “Zero Point Energy.” Specifically this mechanism is fractality. Our wave model of emotion predicted that we would find coherence in the EKG during loving. We did. Our wave model predicted we would find increased braiding in DNA during EKG coherence. We did. Our wave model predicted that when the heart became a “sonic laser” we could measure phase lock between the heart and major biomagnetics in the environment (for example: a tree). We did. We have even measured the EKG phase lock or entrainment which occurs between people specifically at the moment they hold hands! Three dimensional wave modeling clearly indicates that fractality is the specific mechanism which creates a center of gravity as well as selfawareness in a waveform. The lo-frequency phi-pent array (dodeca nest) permits/optimizes the densest possible recursion/fractality/selfembeddedness in 3D. Hence, the immune identity in the electrical waveforms around the heart must therefore arise when the geometry of focus called emotion learns to create fractal nesting among many incident pressures. The resultant self-embeddedness permits the “context-richness” in harmonic series accounting for what has been called “multiply connectedness” in holography. This must also describe the information physics for the onset of intuition. In summary, our wave model must therefore predict several important and testable principles, all having to do with understanding how to describe and measure fractality/recursion/self-similarity/self-embeddedness.







1. That the gravitational force, and mass of an object is specifically proportionate to it’s fractality as a waveform. For example, the amount of self-similarity or fractality between an electron shell wave series and its nucleus should measure it’s mass! This would also account for the approximate 1.4 ounce weight loss in the body at death. Consciousness is recursion. Symmetry loss = Loss of Recursion = Loss of self-awareness = Loss of Fractality = Loss of Mass! 2. That the leverage the heart gains on matter (and the immune system) is proportionate to its achieving fractally as a waveform/harmonic series. Teach fractality with feedback, and you teach immune health. 3. Properly quantizing fractality/self-embeddedness, will enable us to better teach it with feedback and other modalities. This will require properly modeling the multiple spin geometries made possible by toroidal fields of the wavelengths found in the EKG (and non-linear energy device) power spectra. Idealizing these in multiple axis of spin will always result in the Golden Mean dodeca nest. This possibility of inclusivity of foldedness is the topological image through which radiates human love. Thus, the hearts access to the hyperbolic spin/information densities of the “Zero-Point” energy is specifically derived from its whip cracking harmonic series, translating vorticity contiguously up the caduceus harmonic scale. Notice the harmonic content in the EKG cascade going hyperbolic right at the approach to 0 hz. Only the completed fractal of this cascade means spin can reach out from the still point, without interference.








STABLE TECTONICS: THE HUMAN FACTOR e are accustomed to measuring tectonic shifts and their locus using the accurate sensing of the ELF movement. It is strange that we do not consider the nature of human input to the ELF weaving of the coherent grid which holds Earth together. The latest physical studies of cell structures illustrate the modeling of cellular surface shapes as phase coherent low frequency tones. Understanding cell function in a context nest of resonances requires frequency signature information. The paper “Membrane Mediated Behavior” by Dr. Bruce Lipton, explains how membrane surface functions as the CPU, “buck stops here” ID decision maker of cell immune identity. Shape for any membrane, cell or planet biosphere, is the storage medium of the memory of touch. Being touched for cell membrane is the frequency/phase coherence meme called emotion. Being touched for planet biomass membrane is the frequency/phase coherence of collective emotion. Being hurt is technology’s incoherent effluent: ELF noise. Thus the coherence ability of the tectonic grid to maintain the stability of the tectonic flow form resonance bubble, Gaia, is specifically limited by the ability of biomass to feed that ELF membrane. Just as the forest maintains it’s sonic coherence blanket intelligently (cf. “Bioacoustic Habitat Theory” Whole Earth Review 12/87), so too must Earth switch her membrane frequency gates using her cymatic membrane. Hence the truth of Star Trek IV’s whale songs which were needed to keep Earth functioning as a cell in a galactic body. Man must soon learn how his technology cuts away at the woven nest. Fusion Magazine’s “Breakthroughs in Biophysics” documents the ability of the cell’s resonance morphology as a pentagonal nest to “absorb electromagnetic radiation of low quality, and reemit that radiation at a shorter wavelength: ultraviolet… That ultraviolet light represents a higher energy (information) density than the infrared light that was put into DNA. This high quality ultraviolet light in turn runs the metabolic







processes of the cell.” The dodeca nest heterodyne ladder that specifically enables the cell to turn resonance around the frequency spectrum, turns out to be exactly the morphology (shape) of the latest Earth grid models. Thus Earth as a ringing body has specifically configured her resonance tensor geometry to permit the necessary PHI golden mean heterodyne gateway between spectra/dimensions. This means that our UV and sonic pollution turn out to be dramatic bleeding for GAIA’s bloodstream. A powerful example of the interaction of the cell’s of biology with the planet grid exists in current microwave technology, as Bob Dratch has demonstrated with his microwave emission scanner. The electron shell energy leap between ADP & ATP is the key energy lever of all cell metabolism and has a calculable emission in the microwave spectrum. By scanning at high gain bodily emission loci at this microwave frequency, a picture, whose psychological profundity equals its medical usefulness, emerges of biology’s inner fire. Dramatically, this scanner will map with equal clarity the resonance coherence grid of Earth in the microwave, à la optimized geomancy/ dowsing. Standing there watching the scanner map the conductivity of Earth’s grid to exactly the metabolic microwave information/bloodstream of the human cell, it occurred to me that the stability of the Earth grid was also exactly tuned to the rock/biomass forms ability to resonate/conduct what biology emitted. Gurdjieff had long ago said coherent emotion feeds Earth. Note that the scanner mouth is a golden mean cross section tuner. Note that the scanner high gain microwave amp printed circuit is an etching off an ancient Egyptian stone wall. Proving what Philip Callahan documented in “Tuning In to Nature,” that the ancient paramagnetic dolmen were active intelligent waveguides in a known microwave bloodstream. This is part of why dolmen placement have stabilized earth grids after upheaval. Carving profound symbols in rock can correctly be called “monolithic architecture” for integrated circuits.








THE PARADIGM-QUAKING MEASUREMENTS OF PROFESSOR CALLAHAN rid Engineering” will surely take on new meaning as a tool for peacemakers when Dr. Phil Callahan’s new measurements are understood. He has been traveling around the planet, with oscilloscope in hand, documenting that war zones always correlate to regions where Earth’s natural resonant magnetic field has been blocked or its flow cut off. We have just returned from making a documentary film with Dr. Phil Callahan entitled: “Antennas of Nature: Biological Form & Earth Magnetics.” Dr. Callahan has a lifetime of experience with the FDA, with multiple university positions and Ph.Ds. His voice on wave forms and biology is unquestionably the best in the world. His writing is featured regularly in Acres magazine. His books Tuning in to Nature and Nature’s Silent Music tell the story of birds and insects as exquisite magnetic antennae. During the war Dr. Callahan was in Ireland engineering radar antennae systems. At that time he began learning about the natural magnetic strengths in that region. He looked at the natural magnetic field holding ability of the earth-and-straw constructed homes, and the natural strength of the people who lived in them. He explored the wisdom as energy medicine of the local healing lore. He also developed field effect resonance understandings of how the paramagnetic stone dolmen on the land actually effected agriculture by ordering the flux lines which feed the seeds. Essentially, we may visualize the work of plant growth as the ordering of field effects to weave water and mineral into biology. By using paramagnetic stone which is simply able to bend and thus focus like a lens the magnetic field lines, the ordering work of agriculture is fed by stone in symmetry Dr. Callahan is famous for showing the effect of a stone tower from Ireland on a microwave receiver horn signal. He discovered this first when he upscaled insect antennae to see what bandwidth they were tuned to. What he discovered was that the insect world was a very hi-tech design theater for microwave signal. Earth and insects, we now know, communicate in an elaborate information bloodstream based in the microwave. Clearly the ancient druidic stone towers were carefully designed to focus and bend these microwave and long magnetic fields to make flower like patterns in the landscape to weave biological forms in their web.


Professor Phillip Callahan






If we combine this with the work of Bob Dratch’s microwave emission technologies, we learn that the Earth grid symmetry lines were exquisitely conductive to exactly the microwave emission lines of human cells. (For technical folk, we mention that this microwave cellular emission is based on the quantum distance from ADP to ATP: the energy common denominator of all cell metabolism). For general audiences, we may summarize that microwave scanning may not only be the ultimate dowsers tool, but also will tell us where our human communications electronics are screwing up nature’s own information bloodstreams! So after showing us his scale models of all these bird and insect shapes as wonderful communications wave designs, the unstoppable Dr. Callahan drops another little bombshell on us. He had just returned from Headhunter Amazon country documenting his latest information model. He has for years been saying that where soil is not mineral rich enough to be paramagnetic, that is to coherently bend and weave magnetism, plants would not grow! But then he began to notice that all the politically agonized areas of the world where war and killing were breaking out were exactly the places where Earth’s magnetic field was not conducted by the soil. He has traveled globally to Ireland, Yugoslavia, Israel etc. carrying his liquid crystal battery oscilloscope and ingenious organic fiber mineralsoaked probe. He measures with the latest technology the “penetrance” or susceptibility of the soil to magnetic flux lines. Then he measures the strength of the natural “Schuman” magnetic resonance of the Earth at that site. He finds that the amount of rich rock dust like paramagnetic mineral in the land is a predictor of the sites overall “Earth heartbeat” Schuman magnetic field strength. This suggests that the Earth’s magnetic “flowform bloodstream” by the shape or frequency signature of its envelope of electrical pressure, actually informs biology at Earth’s surface of an organizing information context “long wave.” We might compare the metaphor to the book Grammatical Man, Information, Entropy, Language and Life in which we see that the reason DNA has a high signal to noise information flow ratio is specifically “context dependency.” In the weave of genetic material this translates to mean that the braid angle of the long wave on the short wave, in DNA, creates an information link. So back to Phil Callahan. What he then noticed was it seemed that wherever he measured a weak penetrance by the Earth’s natural magnetic resonances (Schuman 2-16 Hz), not only was agriculture more difficult, but he also noticed a specifically greater tendency for there to be political strife and warfare in the region. Fascinated by this possible connection, he began flying around the world to make more measureTHE EMERALD MODEM





ments. And in fact he has now been to most of the globe’s “hot spots” where killing is a fact of life. (Yugoslavia, Ireland, etc.) His hypothesis was born out in measurement with uncanny definition. Then he decided to investigate whether it was just human structures and unwise land management that resulted in low magnetic flow susceptibility in the soil, and thus produced fractionation/strife in the civilization there. He chartered a plane and then a canoe to witchdoctor headhunter country in the Amazon. He consistently found amiable and easy to live with natives in the river delta where the soil was deep. Traveling upstream and upcountry to where the growth was still lush, but there was almost no soil, just a webwork of roots on thin dirt, he found very poor magnetic penetrance, low Earth magnetic flux intensity, and very hostile headhunters! Prof. Callahan’s preliminary conclusion is that indeed where magnetic fields cannot penetrate into coherent long waves, cultural breakup results. We may see this as similar to the additional spin ordering in water, braided through flowforms (changing flotation ability and seed growth) is partially lost when you pass the water through a fractionating screen or sieve. We must begin actively siting magnetic stone structures in architecture, dolmen, and land tuning, to actively allow Earth to distribute the information of her context into our living systems. If we continue locating cities in ways that mindlessly interfere with the natural magnetic mineral veins of the land, we will continue to destroy the immune identity of the Earth’s skin, and ours with it. Energy generation based on coherent recursion of magnetic fields, appropriately harmonically tuned to Earth’s retrograde spin bubble, will feel like a blood communion to Gaia. Only then will she really trust us with her energy secrets. As long as we keep criss-crossing our land with 60 cycle harmonic poison, she will continue to respond with fear. Energy distributed with love will be in a complex square wave like harmonic series calculated to synchronize with Earth’s natural bell like quality. And the geometry of power distribution we use to share it will be Druid like. Then our planet will sing with self-awareness.








THE DEEP PSYCHE OF THE MIDDLE EAST: ACUPUNCTURE/MOXIBUSTION FOR EARTH’S EROS? wo young ladies visited the farm here recently. They were quite concerned, to the point of song writing emotionalism and loss of sleep, over the on-going conflict in the Middle East, the “crotch” of the globe. They asked me pointed questions about the irony of mass killing to keep alive a seemingly “unspiritual” western consumerism based on oil. Karla, the lady who spent the weekend fine tuning her guitar composition on the messy human horror/stupidities of the war, really took the time to probe this “sterile” & “from a distance” view on the psychoanalysis of a war. This she did in spite of my assuring her at the outset that it wouldn’t fit in her song. God should forbid that I should know what could fit in her song. Sorry Karla, you’re right, I take that back. And I love your songs. I guess we should never be sure our own emotion is riding the longest wave. So yes here it is. You said, where can I get more information about this idea that in order to understand conflict, we need the context of the one living body vision of the energy metabolism of our globe. I will not apologize at the outset of this “apology for war” for needing to include sex. A real grokking of the energy dynamics of how a body turns individual cellular energy into collective body-wide energy needs to be a bit sexy. That is to say, whether or not we care to drag Reich or Freud into the fray, the economy of body juices being turned into blue fire is sexual politics. Besides, I’m a Scorpio, and we don’t apologize for such things. So yes, let’s start somewhere. Like with some question such as: Is there any possible reason NOT to be upset over this war in the middle east? And be careful, because esoteric symbolism better be fine screened to hold much water when someone’s brother’s blood is flowing. At one point in the conversation with Karla, I considered possible solace from the film Blue Lagoon. Remember when the boy and girl were growing up isolated and out of context on an island. The first thing the evolution of puberty did was set the two to bitter fighting. They had new energy to work with. They needed to touch in a new way. They hadn’t developed the rhythm. So, trying to touch hurt. And they fought. Of course it’s still something of a strain to take a kids-inschool, kind of slapped paddies, view of these bombs in the gulf.







school, kind of slapped paddies, view of these bombs in the gulf. Then, there may be a clue here. Why was that Lagoon blue? What’s that you say, I’m stretching it if I say it’s the same reason the light on prostitution row is blue. Humor me a moment. Consider the biophysicist who particularly notes the high frequency light burst which comes out of the cell at the moment of (sexual?) replication (meiosis/meitosis) is BLUE? (Well OK, UV, ultraviolet –– close enough.) Note particularly the energetics of cellular metabolism is driven by meticulously assembled, highly ordered, UV or blue light. This is light which is at the high frequency, high order density end of the spectrum. The “symbolism” is the completion of the packing plant process to highly assembled orderliness. This light coming out of cell metabolism from food into DNA, has made the trip over the rainbow! Now what does this have to do with our collective psychological symptom: bomb dropping behavior? The Earth’s energy economy is like one large human body learning to channel it’s creative “blue fire,” or sexual energy. Oil is the memory reservoir of stored biological fire. Now in order to really understand this slightly more than New York City cab driver “metafor” about global Eros economy, we’re gonna need to delve into this “Tantra” sex thing a bit. So if that’s not your “cup o’ tea,” you could stop reading now, and trash the idea that sex has anything to do with –– anything. Or you could read on, and gamble that your collective sex life may improve. Tantra is an ancient spiritual description of how standard vanilla sexual energy in the lower body gets carefully “pumped up” like a snake charmed, into the brain. There it explodes into sweet “ecstatic” fire. Sounds like a neat idea. But it’s pretty dubious if it’s not part of your personal inventory of explored highs. The sense in which a retention of org*smic juices can net charge a union is of course anything but esoteric. You save the fire, and build the heat, so that later the sparks will burst into flame enough to light up the relationship. (If this begins to sound like a Harlequin romance, check the page count and the happy ending.) Tantra is not hard to understand when you put it in this kind of language. Now the human body has been cells working together for a much shorter time, than those cells were cells working separately. The result is that it requires still elaborate negotiating to get a proper democratic distribution of those fiery juices. From down to up the cellular ladders of society, penis to brain and back –– there are often arguments about where decisions are made. Collecting the cellular blue light into a blue dish at the base of the spine is accomplished by foreplay/touch. Attention serves to cup and THE EMERALD MODEM





hold the flame. The cells get their jollies; their tendency toward crystallized “horns” of high frequency “rocks” off. (I didn’t realize how much fun it was going to be to write this honest. Some crappy emotional disdancing for me to call war: asynchronous org*sm –– but wait.) Remember that movie comedy about the cells down in the lower sexual centers trying to get their show together to choreograph org*sm. Answering the phone line up to the brain was not feasible after a certain momentum was gained. The action was too hot. When replicative motifs are embarked, raw creative power takes over. In cellular terms, it’s an animal urge. Quite a strain indeed, to compromise all this org*smic impulse, blue fire spitting, lower glandular stuff, with the polite request of the upper brain for its share of this “sweet crude” nectar of the Gods. Psychologically speaking, a war could easily break out. In which negotiating might be impossible, if not tense. Now I am not saying that there is some mysterious esoteric vague way for sexual juice to get up into the brain. I am saying there is a specific, hydrodynamically pumped, spinal pipeline. It is entered like a straw at the stinger at the base of the spine. The pump is emotionally coherent glandular sonics. The medium is the clear spinal fluid. And the destination is a fountain into the upper brain. The mechanics are elaborately documented in the East in the yoga Tantra sutras, and in the west in the Sacro- Cranial Pulse work of Upledger in Florida. (As well as Dr. Lee Sanella’s book: Kundalini: Psychosis or Transcendence? ) And the taste –– dripping onto the back of the tongue, from the base of the brain — is SWEET. No kidding. All right, buy it or not, there it is. There is a certain circular possible economy for the creative juices in a biological body. In a negotiated settlement, some of the energy nectar flows up. The supercharged nervous system, responds with superconductive coherence (psychoactive hormonally), which hopefully, yields a vision which sees better now the needs of the lower bodily platform (the crotch), whose sacrifice shipped this fire around the horn in the first place. In other words, the nervous system has a debt to pay for its ecstatic moments. If the lower glands have controlled themselves enough to ship org*smic juices, blue fire, up into the nervous system, they deserve a payback. The nervous system should develop the integrity to arrange a totally proportional geometry of wealth, yielding health to all the glands. Our best microwave dishes and educational TV did not reach Arab schools. Sexual glands without nervous enervation will rebel. You’re getting the flavor. All right you say. Maybe America means media. And maybe that is an electronic nervous system for the globe — an intelligent weapon. THE EMERALD MODEM





But those Iraqi Arabs did not want our culture. They were into separateness. Here we need more perspective. Enough distance and anything can be fit together, you say… So James DiMeo PhD., writes this article: “Patriarchy and Desertification” for Wildfire Magazine. Elaborate archeological data confirms –– yep you track hard, separate, patriarchal (Arab?) cultures spread around the belly of the cradle of civilization on the globe, and sure enough what do we find –– DESERTS spreading to wherever these cultures take root. He did the maps in detail. It’s hard to ignore. It’s practically a desert storm just to look at the data. Now, I have written at length about the biophysics of wet touch making power versus dry hard making power. In summary, the psycho-physiology of matriarchal touch permissive, extended family, long wave braid is literally a description of what happens to molecules in clouds to make rain. The collective emotion’s food for the gravity field is the creation of the wave cascade into coherence between frequencies. (The fractal vortex mindfully labeled in striptease parlance: an “attractor.”) What seeds clouds is a field. Coherence of field is the only well-documented way to measure emotion and its effect of order building in the body. All of which is to say, if you but hang with the conceptual program even slightly, you too can understand in more than a hippy dippy way, why emotion, particularly collective cultural emotion, has to effect precipitation. Precipitation is the name for what happens when waves cohere. Touch, in the context of order, is what coheres. Touch is what is forbidden in Arabic culture. Not only would they not suffer their women to be touched. They would not suffer their religion to be touched. Their stone is hard, black and angular. Adamic (as in the Adamic race) means Red making or hard making power. They did that. The Arabic brothers have been made hard in the desert. OK, are we so wet and touched over here? At least A-mere-I-go means going to Mother. (Amerigo We-espy-you-chi). Which would seem to be the opposite of patriarchy. (Not that we have succeeded —hardly.) The boys in Lord of the Flies fought out of lack of context. In isolation there can be no love. This is because the Lo-Phi, Phi-cycle Golden Mean harmonic cascade which defines love, has no place to go — out of context. Context dependency accounts for high signal to noise in DNA. (Just like well-kneaded bread –– a fold on a fold.) Let’s return them to the fold. Soon. Two brothers. One gift was not acceptable. Killing resulted. Hardness was important to feel. Careful this doesn’t become an






atomic race. To see what part-I-call is MOST hard –– atomically notseparable. As Starseed Transmissions by Ken Carey indicates, the destiny of biology in the form of (informed by) human consciousness is to metabolize starlight directly. The next fossil fuel weaned generation of energy devices, understanding the gravity of the “scalar” harmonic series as a fractal, digests gravity for energy directly. Variously and incorrectly called “free energy”, and zero point energy devices, they all require a responsibility directly to the collective bloodstream-gravity-coherence body of Gaia herself. One of the ironies of this conflict over the value of old energy, is that just this class of devices would have eliminated the greed over oil. And it was the former Bush-directed CIA which succeeded in suppressing them! (Claiming national security required making “secret,” cf. CIA vs Adam Trombley, “Closed Path Faraday Disk Magnetic Generator.”) Symbolism: the CIA as agents for the oil economy, out of fear, prevents evolution of global energy metabolism. Biology’s folded liquid store of solar memories, as fossil fuel, is supposed to run out, just like the completed consumption of the egg white causes the chick to crack out of the egg. A whole new digestion requiring the whole body to work in a new way is needed, one that is responsive to a world outside it’s shell. The flow of sweet crude, buried in the folds inside, only primed the pump. Gaia is a Monarch unfolding wings in a Chrysalis. The last thing you see before its’ first flight is a black sticky substance. If the little boy tries to help pull it out of its shell too soon, it’s wings will never unfold from the black goo. Only struggle from within to unpack against the shell, produces the strength and will to transform. , No need to be vindictive, only corrective. The very dirty laundry of the same CIA & George Bush delivering NATO’s arms to the Middle East unfolds in gory detail in the October Surprise book fresh from the Reagan/Bush staff by Barbara Honneger. Again, fear instead of love served the old metabolism. Patriarchy is a “hard” making power. Matriarchy would touch and make “wet” the stored seeds, across the membrane of separateness. The Blue Fire moves upward to a new center of gravity, in a transformed fold as flame that does not consume! When Tantric ecstatic discipline is learned, a new form of prana breathing energy source becomes available to the body; seeds of what is childishly labeled breatharianism in the body, or Zero Point/ Scalar/Free Energy technology for the planet body. Collectively and culturally we have yet to learn the energy digestion metabolism, to breathe in this light. It is a very subtle thing to harness the water wheel of the frequency cascade we call gravity for energy. The gravity bubble’s non-hom*oTHE EMERALD MODEM





geneity is the frequency folded storehouse we call collective mind. As Gurdjieff said, coherent emotion feeds the Earth. In order to tap that sweetness in a longer wave, Gaia will have to trust us with her blood, which she has garnered sweetly from biology, preparing her ecstatic relationship to her larger gravity body (of context) the solar system. The ratio is relationship. Love, to quote John Lennon, is all you need.








DESERTIFICATION: PATRIARCHY AND “HARDMAKING POWER” s the desert spreads, so does the alienation of the feminine. “Judge a culture by the way they treat their women…” James DeMeo PhD. interviewed in Wildfire Magazine on his careful research on the significant connection between climates moving to dryness, and culture moving to (harsh?) patriarchy. The spreading of the Sahara desert around the belly of the globe is directly connected to the lack of gentleness of the cultures inhabiting its surface/membrane. He suggests that the loss of trees/Earth-skin membrane or moisture correlates directly to the loss of gentle feminine archeological artifacts. His statistical conclusions fit nicely with what we know intuitively about the great gentle motherly matriarchies of the globe which have been wet — Minoan, Polynesian, etc. While the harsh DESERTified patriarchy’s (where gentleness toward woman or child in public is TABOO!) have been dry/hard. The purpose of this commentary is to draw a few interesting parallels in mythology and physics to this very illuminating concept. d’Olivet (in his work The Hebraic Tongue Restored ) translated ADAM or ADAMIC race to mean “Hard-Making Power”. This closely relates to our term ATOMIC. IEVE meant the word or form of the word, or symmetry, which holding the apple or fig leaf (donut strip) tempts, “in principle,” ADAM or hard making power, to segregate momentum/separateness/evil. In my work on the geometric origins of matter & alphabet, we have noted a recurrent theme: packing vs unpacking folding vs unfolding male vs female yang vs ying hardening vs softening segregating vs connecting seeding vs budding centripetal vs centrifugal In order to gain some perspective on a deep causal relationship between cultures entering patriarchy and the drying up of the land, it is necessary to reflect on some recent insights into the wave making activities of human emotion, and their relationship to the gravitational







field and the gradient between water vapor vs precipitation. Even if the disciplines of Kundalini, Tantra, ecstatic process, ritual, and/or geomancy are unfamiliar to you, the connection between touching context and rainmaking should be simply understandable. I remember taking our bronze cup-shaped gong, filling it with water and ringing it to observe the results. At first, a few low frequency gongs would cause a wave pattern to be visible on the surface. But then by hitting the gong faster and faster, higher frequency interference would froth back and forth on the surface. Until rapid beating of the gong would cause the surface of the water to turn to steam and vaporize exactly as if it were boiling. Anyone who has watched the water steaming coolly out of an ultrasonic humidifier will understand this process. Low frequency sound (phonon waves) create crystalline order in liquid metals making them superconductive. The same liquid oscillated by higher and higher frequency pressure waves goes from crystal toward liquid toward vapor. It is important to understand that the gradient from crystal to liquid to vapor is essentially nothing more than a gradient moving from orderly long waves to less orderly short waves. In the language of the orgone economy, the living cell takes its food in as relatively long waves, and then massages their envelope to shorter waves called genetic material. The output of the cell, erotically, is it’s highest frequency field which as “orgone,” travels across membranes to make love, or folds back into the cell to make genes. Cancer is the membrane that hardens and doesn’t conduct these frequencies, measured by contact inhibition. Cellular promiscuity is no place for the cell’s love to flow. E-motion is our name for motion across frequencies. (The spectrum analysis of EEEEE is of low and high tones, with the tongue pressing out the mid range tones.) The alphabet of emotion is thus the instruction set of momentum across frequencies impressed upon the cell membrane by the pressure waves of touch. The cycle of Eros/love in the body however does not stop with the output of the cells highest frequencies. Genetic material as output in the love-making process, has much of it’s memory stored in the ultraviolet spectra of light. Yet we notice the process of ecstasy as documented in the TM literature (& by Bentov in Stalking the Wild Pendulum ) is measured by the onset of super low frequency sonic and sub sonic sound waves, called ELF, extra low frequency. Significantly, visible light is 7 octaves above sound. The 7 chakras or neuro-muscular plexi in the body are the phase translation, or symmetry adding focal points, where an additional turn or harmonic or octave or lotus petal, is added to the flow form from genetic light at the bottom organs, to sonic light THE EMERALD MODEM





(ecstasy) at the top. The arrival of low frequency coherent sound to the brain area arranges the liquid nervous material toward the superconductive crystal, and at the same time focusing concentrically across the conic liquid ventricle horns, massages the ductless glands to secrete and propagate the psycho-active ecstatic hormones. The pituitary and pineal complex thus are massaged to arrive at a ductility to equalize the sonic propagation rate between them and the surrounding ringing nervous tissue, thus setting up the matrix for the brain to become coherently ONE. All of this inner discipline toward the ecstatic/healing/wholing process, can thus be summarized as a wave progression fed at the bottom by erotic/high frequency cellular juices, and arriving at the top of the head as the low frequency coherent sweet-dripping nectar of ecstasy. This description is identical with the Yogic description of Tantra. It is also confirmed in Kundalini: Psychosis or Transcendence by Lee Sannella MD. Additional understanding of the spinal liquid path for the harvest of sonic sweetness up the glandular ladder, is “Cranio-Sacral Pulse” (John Upledger Institute, Palm Beach, FL.) Let’s return then, to an overall sense of what we have described. The short waves become more and more nested, woven, embedded in the long. With each envelope, with each embedding of the longer wave, more and more compassion and context and touching is interwoven, connecting biology with its larger whole. If the above picture were in 3D, sine waves would be do-nuts. The nest of the little ones embedded in the longer waves would be a braid. Recall that the braided The Power Spectra of the EKG showing Elegant Coherence between adding of context dependen chakras when Human Subject Reports Feeling Love and Appreciation cy was the mechanism, VOLTS described by Jeremy 0.05000 Campbell in Grammatical 0.00000 Man, Information, Entropy, Language and Life, which 0.15000 permitted high signal to 0.10000 noise ratio information stor0.05000 age in DNA. 0.00000 Now consider motherly 0.05000 matriarchy as a mater/water 0.00000 wetting and touching. Wetting power is power to 10.00 Hz 20.00 Hz 30.00 Hz enable touching, a context Data (2000 samples per second) taken in November, 1992 at Heart Math Institute, Boulder Creek, CA. Acknowledgment and thanks go to Karl Pribram, Dr. Ed Wilson, Glen Rein, Joe Kamiya, Nick building, long wave nesting Herbert, Tom Valone for spending so much time at our lab, providing advice and feedback as we took process. This is as opposed our data. Acknowledgments also to Rollin McCraty, Doc Lew Childre, Mike & Tom and Bill Ramsey and many others at Heart Math Institute. to separating, hard making, THE EMERALD MODEM





VOLTS 0.150000 0.100000 0.050000 0.000000 10.00 HZ

20.00 HZ

30.00 HZ

A Visual assessment of the harmonics from the heart EKG at love's moment reveals a similarity with the side view of a golden mean spiral suggesting that the heart entrains by geometry.

adamic, atomic, patriarchy. Vapor is separateness for water molecules. Focus precipitates, as ecstasy “rides the long wave.” Please do not conclude that this is just a nice poetic symbolism. Kundalini causes rain! The geomancer moves an earth resonant ley line with a low frequency tap on a rod; ritual moves jet streams the same way. The Earth grid is our garment/skin, a way for us to wear our collective emotion. Membrane is the written history as a frequency signature of all the ways we have been touched. Healthy mem-ory-brane for Earth, the thin film superconductive biomass called forests/oceans/people living close to Earth, requires touching E-motion. Touching our love/Eros –– being wet –– keeps Earth’s skin alive. The skin is the bio-computer’s Central Processing Unit. The self/not self buck stops here. Waves refine the thin film membrane to create architecture in integrated circuits. Conscious emotion, love, is Sentics longest wave and best nest. It is the zone refinement for Earth’s mind.








magdala’s green stone: PART I –– THE PLANETARY PERSPECTIVE t is richly symbolic of Earth’s motherly state now that the story of The Green Stone should be about to flame across movie screens. (cf “The Green Stone” book published in the UK, and the screenplay being developed for it by Diane Squires, Verlaine Crawford, and Phil McCain.) The story concerns the miraculous discovery, with much guidance from the dream world, of a stone of deep spiritual significance. The end of the story implies a kind of doorway into the underworld, or collective unconscious, focalized by this green orb. Interest is high and focused on how this very fertile myth/ metaphor should be “delivered” to the media, which, as electronic noosphere, delivers awareness to collective mind, as does Gaia’s nervous system. The synaptic sparking of heightened awareness delivers a membrane as a vehicle in which to incarnate for a babe flirting with birth. Like a mother gasping with paroxysms, her face afire, she exchanges the pressure wave of life’s ultimate touch –– massage the envelope –– because the babe, having finished turning inside out (zygote to fetus), emerges impressed with the shape of the center of the vortex: An umbilicus through the birth canal: creates an immune self/system exploding in the fiery unpacking of that first star placing, imprint, breath. Where does this story begin? Where did the pregnancy start? When/Where was the seed planeted? Tectonic land masses called continents are just faces seeking leverage afloat on a sea of fire –– the heart/core of Earth/Gaia. Recall a time when the surface membrane of Earth was rich with the memory stone of mineral, but barren of the green of biology. The responsiveness of thin-film semiconductor biomass to the ecstatic long wave of gravity’s blood stream to the stars was but a glint in the eye of a starseed transmission. Moss had not yet greened the sword from the stone, chelating mineral for biology to consume, maximizing surface area for touching. The chelation process is a digestion of mineral into biology. Since mineral is memory of pattern, this is a digestion of the memories of Earth and her gravity bloodstream from stars which wove the rock, into vein and plate. Volcanism is the grinding into life of stone by fire in Earth. The fire of the stars became rock when fertilized by the seed of pattern. Light became packed when only symmetry would do/be. Pressure passed the law called order, executing disorder. For biology to suc-seed, light would have to reach inside itself, to come up on itself,







The hex face of a cube as seen in phi-nested dodecahedra.


as a kind of donut. Only turning inside out would feed back. The turn was re-membering the angles, only they would slip (k)not. Those who knew the angles were named angels. Fortunately for sweet Gaia’s el lactose (galact-toes), the angles and the arc angels form-you-lated a plan. Lux i fir (Lucifer) (light-I-fire) said seven Sisters lay out your grid, Siriusly. Yod he has Vau; he has given us space for her here, let us re-peat ig-night him time. The ONE who re-members symmetry among pressure’s wave, feeds the synaptic spark gap fire of memory. Fourier’s sine wave summation at infinite harmonic content limit is a sharp resolution, a coherent phased/faced hologram mindful nest: The Lord of The Flame consumes perspective. Planting the seed for the grid for Lucifer becomes conceiving and shaping the geometry of metallic crystal, crystallizing conductively (ecstatically) on the surface of the heavy met-all core. The seeds for the long wave which biology rides were woven by plan into the tectonic geometry, the facet crust of stillness and pattern remembered by standing to wave on the surface of the Gaia zygote. On the day of soft clay, they fashioned a cup. Tectonics huddled into one docile fetal body (making) pan-gaia. Above, this one continental body tectonic womb was impressed by one invagin*ting impression. Where today we find Hudson’s Bay, once was a cup shape just beginning to separate what was eventually to become the unpacking unfolding point separating North America and Europe. Below this softening tempering impression, was couched the two halves of the green beryl tectonic stones. One of these became the green Ontario shield –– Ontario to keystone state of Pennsylvania. This is one of Earth’s oldest stable tectonic plates: a memory well seeded and folded. The other half of this great tectonic stone pair was to become the blarney stone Scottish highlands to Southern France. Together these two floating tectonic ribs across the Atlantic spine, function as a kind of Sacred Breatsplate for Earth. Breast-Plate is called “Shield” (as in Ontario Shield) because it shields the heart. Touching the breastplates in sequence quickens prophecy, (Mormon tradition), enlightning memory’s river. We see that one of the 12 tribes, the Benjamin Magdalenic starseed lineages did just that by their pattern of migration — from French Rennes to “Highlander” (Sinclair) to Montreal. Something woven in the blood carried the river of memory. Blood is salt water. The liquid crystal ocean of memory of Earth, is massaged to zone refined thin-film semiconductor antennae by the pressure geonest whale and dolphin song. The shadow of salt in NaCl salt water is emerald cross (salt, NaCl has a cubic molecular array, the tilted cube has the “Emerald” six-sided hexagonal shadow). Ocean and blood carry the potential river of lightning, which can nest a higher frequency wave within biology’s braid. 219




The hex cross in-cube-ates the s-word from the s-tone. S is the cro-ss ss-ection of the donut ss-ign wave, and ss-ound of a wave memory casscade di-ss-appearing into ss-tillness: everywhere at onceness. (From here to (k)no-w-here.) The braid-circle-stone of DNA dodeca-merkabbah is pulled up line where the hex view of the cube phase/face locks the dodeca-nest. Light in symmetry’s circle stores momentum, our only definition for mass. In a line we call light’s sword energy. In a circle we call it mass.

Three shapes enfolding together: the dodecahedron, the cube, and the tetrahedron...

produce a shape reminiscent of the Kabbalist's Tree of Life:

The Tree of Life, The Cube’s emerald cross hex, when spiral ratcheted, like quartz, is the sword. The Dodecahedron’s Emerald cross hex, when spiral ratcheted, like DNA, is the stone. Light in the stone circle stores momentum like a gyroscope, the only way mass is created. Light is drawn out from that circle back into the line path, where it is called energy, by the emerald/hex helix lightning sword path whose geometry permits the unpacking of the memories in the wave nodes without interference (into the line). The first geomantic step to create cathedra-all is to plant the rod/sword, drawing the ley geomantic stone gravity bloodstream of Earth up into the bubbling blind spring vertical flow axis to weave the standing wave envelope body cathedral. Thus the membrane of Earth is massaged to reach for the stars, whose faces (hedra), cathedral all consumes (cat-abolize/consume). Thus in the long wave locked mineral rock faces of Earth, there is a spiritual significance to geology, a harvest of memory stored. Remember, each time a bond Cryst-all-izes in mineral the frequency complexion of the frozen wave pressure bubble bond stores the memory of the position of the stars at that moment of birth. (The astrology of birth in crystal and seed.) This is because gravity’s frequency signature as cascade ratio across both magnetism and electricity is the bloodstream of collective mind/emotion. It’s geometry of pressure at any moment frozen “in time” is a record of the hologram of the ONE mind from that instant. Tectonics are the digitized samples of Earth’s birth in the long wave envelope of the galaxy. We are speaking now in terms of the broad memory strokes of geologic time. Undisturbed rock layers are exactly emotion (long wave) storing memory “banks” like the more liquid crystal of muscle: the piezo (fire) electric “womb” (of) man. Noting that the “Burning Fountain” (Phillip Wheelwright) animating ma-terre needed nest in bio’s logos, the uni-verse turned itself insideout to slip knot alpha-bet’s symb-ball into Earth’s mem(ory)-brane. This wishing well ceded land-guage. Honoring his mark from pa terre, Merk did wheel from Abbah (Merkabbah) (literally Mark from Pa) (like a new Heir-USA-shall-I-am Do-deca-hedra-all). The flame left shadows on the stone: (t)his “monolithic” architecture in that cave. Mono-lithic means ONE letter arch-I-tected. The shadows in that flatland cave are a map back to n-dimension






symmetry. Symmetry is/was the pieces of the body of Osiris pulled back together. Just ONE “flame letter” indexed the spin possibilities called alpha-bet to make the topology of mind’s wave, again multiply connected as in nest/context/braid/holographic.

Dodecahedronal Sephira Cubal Sephira


Tetrahedronal Sephira

Tiphareth, the sixth sephiroth, is the golden heart at the center of the Tree of Life. It is encompassed by the cube and the dodecahedron.

Meme-brane birth for Earth was fractal cede from zodiac, the rayment skin faces of both Earth and zodiac are dodecahedra,12 faced. 1746 (1080 + 666) stars were focused by erotic star bodies’ gravity lens into that soft skin erotic cup. It’s an etheric template, first etched here from there, then inhabited there from here. First the light makes the hologram, (skin on Earth) then the hologram film recreates the light (biology reinhabits/cedes the galaxy). Children repay the in-dentyour of their star seed. Oh say can you see, light ten ing the twi light, that pent star spangled marriage bann her. A mere aqua, mother’s waters bursting in heir. Lightning’s addition to primal soup is spin. For lightning braiding proteins is DNA. The ray’s trace cries: give us symmetry or gives us death, the price of re membering. Only symmetry casts a shadow of pressure in a direction which ray-calls. Consider if you were that soft motherly tissue, what touch would you recall. Wouldn’t it be the longest pat turn? Ray cognizing our galactic starseed lineage is wearing our pat ternity suit. Take Mose’s case. Whose seed? It’s ours’. It’s stars. And O, what happened then was rich. The stars began to twitch, the earth to (w)itch. A rainbow connection was about to sum true. Heir USA shall eye am (Jerusalem, city of light), wake the stillness inside, bustling with emerald’s city. Of course, fetal glands don’t support ecstasy until they unpack. Chakra’s unfold from circle fetus to line, kunda-line. So the tectonic continents, still point chakras in-the-flow, divide and float around the bloodstream/fire of earth. Seeking the place on the chaladni plate of vibrating Earth where stillness Christ all eye isis. You see, the Sirian’s wanted vision. These are the bird tribes, cf. Return of the Bird Tribes by Ken Carey. The winged-golden-mean-fractal heart shape of arriving starseed animates every myth of the origin of indigenous peoples. When the winged ONE’s packing k’iss met with return unpack… Eye’s Is. Vesica P’iscis, We-seek-a pi’eye’s IS… Of the Bird Tribe’s highest wing is the Eagle, whose eye sees the widest hor(us)-eye-sons. The Eagle’s eye suggests the most resolved focus and consuming perspective— on faces, in bio’s logos. The Eagle serves the food chain by the finest horizon of focus on the perspectives it consumes. They are what they eat. All forms of consumption resolve to a question of the intelligence of an investment of memory. This Eagle outlined in the shadow on the rock in the center of the key-stone state above Phi-lo-delphi-a, is the face to which Magdalene’s






The Eagle is clearly seen on a topo map of the center of Pennsylvania. This relief is even more startling on the color soils map, and almost leaps out at you in a true 3D basrelief map of the area. The region is marked by names like Bald Eagle, Bald Eagle Park, and the town of Oriole meaning eye situated literally at the eye of the Eagle. The Eagle is the symbol of our country. The city of Philadelphia, transliterated Phi-Lo-Delphi-a, was our first capital. Even their football team is called the Eagles. From here the masonic “women in the wilderness” set out to inhabit the interior of the Eagle.

starseed birdtribe return, to return. To return to Gaia’s lactic corps. (Mother’s milky body.) Nervous system focus evolves vision, propagates in-form-ation by coherence of phase/face lock. For A’mere-I-go, America’s, nervous system is the electronic noosphere, media wiring for Earth. The Eagle landed. The cry in Pennsylvania’s Eagle’s mouth is both birth and death, a cross-point. It is important that we understand the relationship of the Eagle to the food chain which it serves, in order to understand the role of our country with respect to the global metabolism. From the highest height, vision or focus in the eye of the Eagle allows nervous system (our country is electronic media for the globe) to choose which prey or perspective to consume. The focal element of the collective nervous system (our media) harvests the memories of biology. They are folded, “nested,” for the flight to the heights. The Grail myth suggests that the Grid was planted in a cup on Green Stone. Was this the pangaia cup onto the Green Beryl Ontario Shield, extending into the Keystone State? The Eye of the Eagle trace of their seed as it grew into that soft clay, was named by the mystic masons: Oriole (The Eye). About 7 places are named after the 7 stars of the 7 sisters of the Pleiades here. 7 Stars, 7 Valleys, 7 Spring, 7 Notch Mountain, 7 Sisters –– The Pleiades. (The 7th Sister, not seen, married Sisyphus,who was busy rolling rock up hill (the Earth?). Plei, in Greek, means to sail. Knowledge of sailing or navigating galactic spaces, in 3D, is the same as surfing in 2D. You get your phase angle correct with respect to the (gravity/water) wave, thus allowing you to chose your destination. The Pleidian “Tablets of Destiny,” may have been our sacred alphabet, the phase map for the the galactic “sailing ones.” The Pleiades rose at the season when the weather was favorable






for good sailing. On a deeper level the “star-men” seeding our culture sailed here when the weather (galactic tilt) was right for good sailing. Epic sagas are written about the time when the galactic “beam me up, Scotty” doorways will again be open for ready wheeling to and from our galactic home. The time is now. The old ones are returning/waking up, to check in/on their seed. The Eagle harvests memory through the eye/I. Allow your best visual focus to massage the envelope/caress the ones we love, with our vision. Thus is their memory consumed into the mind of the ONE. When they come to you, begging that you SEE them, they simply want you, with your Eagle’s eye, to gather up their memory for harvest.

To be continued…










JOURNEY –– TOUCHING PERSPECTIVES Fleas on an Elephant ust like the little bugs crawling around the surface of an elephant, a certain sequence of pictures in time and space are required to convince us that we are living on the surface of a living being. The images which best convince the mind that there is a 3D position face map of the being on which we live are samples of sound and light. The viewpoints from which these perspective samples appear can be called either faces or facets. The process of nourishing a 3D view from two dimensional perspectives is “consumed perspective” or consummate perspicacity. Think for a moment of the instant when a series of flat photographs flashing in front of you becomes related enough, “in phase,” for your mind to quantum leap to the conclusion that this really is a 3D object spinning in front of you. This careful arrangement of a series of flat images-in-phase is called “animation,” which can be literally translated as “spirit motion.” Your image is flat dancing in flat-land, and suddenly “leaps,” animatedly, into the next dimension. In a ritual dance, this process of systematic movement to ratchet on the floor like catching the points of a 3D object spinning through a piece of flat paper is called “a rhythmic traverse.” A ritual dance samples space in time in order to leap into the next higher “dimension.” Suppose you were quite alive and conscious, entirely existing on a flat piece of paper. Your whole world was a 2D flatland. Suppose a cube tilted up on its tip were to pass through the plane of the paper. You, with only awareness in “flatland,” would see first a dot, then a gradually widening triangle, then a square, then a triangle, then a dot. Yes, a cube passing through a paper leaves a trail which may be hard to interpret. You might spend lifetimes sampling the light trails of a cube passing through a plane, before you “grokked” what a cube is. (Living in dimension N minus 1, is very limiting to lovers living in more spin symmetry).







Enyhoo, if you were to begin to dance in a circle — a rhythmic traverse, a pilgrim-image — as the cube passed through, you would begin to “consume perspective” samples from different faces or phases of the cube as it passed though. As a result your image/concept of “cube” would brew up much more quickly. “Consumed Perspective” means that what you thought were many different shapes, turns out in fact to be just several sample views or faces or phases of ONE body –– in another dimension. “E Pluribus Unum,” “from many, one,” turns out to be much more than a political statement. We can also think of this as the relationship between the reference beam (the rhythm), and the interference beam (the information of the 3D object spinning through the plane), in a hologram. In the parlance of romance, this is labeled “tripping the light fantastic.” The ear does something along the same lines. Suppose there are two flutes playing in a room. Suppose further that they are both playing the same tune, at the same time. If you are in the room with them playing, even if your eyes are closed, chances are you will know where the flutes are playing, with respect to your own position. This skill, built into the shape of our hearing system, is called “echo-location.” (Something for which dolphins are famous). In various studies by the Navy to help submarines know where they were by sonar or sound, it was discovered that the particular ability to echo-locate was related to the shape of the pinna, the outer ear. It’s spiral curve pathway to wave guide sound to the eardrum membrane microphone, is carefully designed to align and measure the “phase” difference between groups of incoming sounds. This means, that even if both flute players were playing the same note at the same instant, you would still know where they were in your room by which sine-wave-front or phase, reached your ear drum first. So nature has arranged this powerful subtle system for us to grok where we are among things, by the timing of incoming sensations. Scientists called this timing-is-everything-principle phase relation. It is not entirely unlike the genetic flower unfolding we call the similarity of looks in a family: by face relation. The child knows better who it is by blinking “samples,” looking around at the pattern of faces in “relation” to the family.

The Planet has Faces? Faces on the skin (bio-mass) of Earth are a record of the shapes of Earth’s emotional history. Only, for Earth, this history is stored in a more crystal liquid than just human muscle. Emotion knotted into muscle becomes a human face. Compare the face of the planet to the face of a person. Memory lives in both. Geological layering is storage of the emotion/feeling geometry of touch? THE EMERALD MODEM





What is memory but a wave which remembers how to stand? Only symmetry on surface (skin) allows waves to stand. Fold in memory. Kneed the bread. Memory has a form. The shape (Eve) tempted the force of Adam (red making or hard making power). The duration or existence (as in nothing real can be threatened) of the memory is the stability of the wave. We find that the surface of a cell is folded because the shape of the fold stores memory of touch. So the shape of the membrane or skin of the cell as A FACE, becomes a history of all the ways it has been touched. (Touch can only be stored when pressure waves stand on a surface.) Waves can create something. Memory is that. They are stored on surface when they phase lock, and are able to resonate or “stand” coherently. Here we are, this large circle of friends who would like to be introduced to the many faces of one earth. Before we were able to recreate a kind of electromagnetic noosphere, this would have required a “pilgrimage.” Today we can take this feeling journey with our extended electronic senses. All this so that we can recognize or remember HER (Mother Gaia), and then ask Her what She needs. So let’s take this tour of the faces, the phases, the personalities of one Earth. We shall take this spinning tour by sampling in time the sounds, the lights, the “feelings,” the electromagnetics, of the spaces/faces of Earth. (Imagination enhancing musical selections are suggested along the way.) First it is necessary to know something about how the Earth Herself uses sound and magnetism. In the realm of sound, this principle of aliveness, is called the “bioacoustic habitat theory.” What we have learned is that forests use the sounds of the critters to make a sonic blanket which functions very much like skin. If one species dies, the forests scrambles to replace the particular wave length of that species’ sounds. This is easy to understand. Just visualize what would happen to your grandmother’s woven blanket, if you pulled out all the threads of one color, or wavelength. The forest maintains an immune system, an identity, by keeping her sound blanket skin complete in all her threads of waves. (Sound samples from “Gorillas in the Mix” by Bernie Krause, an expert from Wild Sanctuary Communications Inc.) Notice how the sounds of the place evoke the “feeling” of the place. This is because emotions travel as long wave pressure envelopes woven on sound, called “Sentics”. (The video excerpt should be from Nova on “What is Music” with Manfred Clynes from Australia demonstrating how long waves of “touch” are an alphabet of emotion.) Waves of touch are waves of pressure the same as sound, and when woven into music help evoke emotion. In the forest this massaging of the envelope of sound actually helps THE EMERALD MODEM





food go through the membrane of leaf surfaces. This is called “Sonic Bloom.” (Visual from Dan Carlson using bird sounds to help plants grow two and three times their normal size.) It is helpful for us to understand that food is another name for order stored in waves. Coherent sound order massages nested family rich order into the molecules of water. This makes the water containing the minerals on the leaf skin closer to the structure of the super orderly liquid crystal water inside the leaf. This is why mist and sound from the forest makes your skin quiver with feeling. Planetary Body Electric Sings a Heartbeat Next ,we will sample some of the feeling contained in the magnetic field of the forest in order to touch more faces of Earth. Think of the body of Earth as a kind of giant stone and water mineral ball trying to cook up biology. In the primal soup, there was the need for a master crystal to do the timing for the new computer being born. Fortunately, since timing is everything, there was a master heartbeat available, to choreograph the birth of biology. It was based on the time it took an electromagnetic wave to go around the Earth’s skin, bouncing between the surface and the ionosphere. The first time scientists measured this low power electrical heartbeat of the planet, doctors refused to believe it wasn’t the EEG graph of a human being! This was called the Schuman resonance of Earth. We have carefully arranged to help share the feeling of Earth’s heartbeat with you here today. Of course, if we were all in a pristine forest with only the quiet forest sounds, this electromagnetic feeling would come through naturally. But since most of us live in places where our culture has created electromagnetic noise which confuses the heartbeat of Earth feeling, we can use our amplifiers to help us “catch the beat” again. First we use this sound-surround sample of a forest. Now we imagine how the heartbeat of Earth looks with this laser light painting donut circles, using mirrors moving in time to the Schuman resonance of Earth. Then we play an additional track of the Earth’s magnetic ambiance by adding this deep 7.83 Hz complex wave to our sound-surround. Next we add the actual electromagnetic field of a pristine forest to our environment by feeding this signal to low power electrostatic charge surfaces located around us. We do this very gently, with low power, just so the sweep of the wave can be felt. (This technology is very simple, low watts into inexpensive charge plates like a few sheets of foil interspersed above and below, does it nicely.) Just allow yourself to imagine, to feel, the ebb and flow of these powerful resonances as Earth’s electric body sings a collective heartTHE EMERALD MODEM





beat. This moment of deep peace consumes the tapestried faces/phases of our Mother’s love.

Touching Mother’s Phase So, as you can tell, Earth is definitely in the activity of creating feeling, by her waving constantly to find structure. But ,you might ask, why does Earth need us in order to complete her skin? What is our relationship, our position, in this nest? We are like a little fetus baby, cradled in the nest of Earth’s grid. How it feels to be nested and cradled is something we can also create a bit of in our “harmonic module” environment. The baby is floating in liquid in the womb, listening to “lub-dub” heartbeat above. And, hearing the pressure wave of that mother’s heartbeat, the baby senses a quieter third beat as the pressure wave bounces off the aortic split in the bloodstream just below the womb. The sound wave of pressure in the bloodstream there in the womb, therefore sounds like “lub-dub-db, lub-dub-db.” (The waltz-like actual sounds of the heart from the womb play). This is why the waltz is the music of romance and the heart. And it is why in the waltz the accent is always louder on the first beat then the last. It was the reassuring sound of a healthy mother to a growing fetus. Notice how loving the feeling of this sound can be… (Take a moment to really listen to the sampled sounds.) We begin to hear the actual amplified heart and breath sounds of the speaker, begin to relax into phase lock. The laser displays the circling donut lissajous of the heart. The speaker offers heart sounds recorded from moments of love, mother to infant. Then the heart sounds of Mother Theresa, and/or other spiritual leaders are introduced and experienced. The audience is nested in a womb of heart sounds, light pattern, and relaxed entrained breathing. Now using sampling technology we begin to play the heart sounds symphonically. (Constance Demby’s new creation synthesizer music with tracks from these sounds.) We add the sounds of the relaxed breathing mother. We add the sounds of the relaxed breathing mother Earth. The 3D images of the average ocean temperatures (changing like a breathing wave) which control plankton oxygen uptake, the breathing of Earth, are animated to 3D on screens. (The work of Mark Sutton, with NASA.) The lasers begin to image a dodecahedron spinning, which is the actual bio-grid of Earth. The work of Chris Bird and the Russians, is displayed showing the 12-faced dodecahedron shape of the Earth grid. Multiple views showing the perspective from 12 light cones, phase past the screens, like a slide show of Earth as a living body. THE EMERALD MODEM





The work of Franklin Lavoie on the 12 faces of the Zodiac then are overlaid and interplayed. The faces/phases of our Zodiac as the images of multiple faces of ONE experience begin to lock into perception. Then we slowly add animation of how the Sun’s cycles and periods, when we speed them up by sampling our views, make the pattern of DNA, the “I CHING”, and the Mayan Calendar of the ages. From 2D to 3D this set of patterns makes a grid which the Solar heartbeat is creating to nest the fetus of Earth. By speeding up the pattern of the Sun’s “spots” we can sample and “envelope” their pattern in our feeling. Their sound and sight are fed to us in our module. The shape of DNA appears, dancing off the screen; a series of the same dodecahedron ratcheting a stairway out of a cookie cutter –– the Solar calendric codon pattern. We begin to notice that the DNA chain being extruded like a cookie cutter visually in front of us, by the Solar heartbeat, has 22 faces per full turn of the DNA ladder. We notice visually that the tilt of the ladder rung is what connects it to its nest. Using a flame letter strip shape off the heart shape for every face, we notice that these twenty two views tilt in front off us create the shapes of the 22 letters of medieval Hebrew! This sample, Golden Mean “Flame Letter” strip wrapped over the primal heart/donut, spins slowly on the screens in front of us. By stopping these spins in sampled time, the perspectives appear which are letters of Hebrew, Greek, and Arabic alphabets. The image of the Flame Letter strip off the heart shapes making genetic material merges with a human egg/zygote just dimples into a heart/donut shape. The donut egg flows it’s surface inside out to pass it’s shape of membrane to other cells to replicate into fetus. This is how it passes it’s inner secrets out to make inner organs from outer surface and vice versa. Ultimately the umbilical cord of bond to mother only occurs if the egg learned how to turn inside out. The sequence of moves of the donut turning inside out become the faces of the shadow of the golden mean spiral mapping the donut. Focused on the center as we turn to face our outside from our inside, we receive instructions on how to take that “first move we ever made,” into a heart overflowing with love.










HOMEOPATHIC/RADIONIC HEALING FOR RAIN FORESTS friend pointed out how many of the dead trees fell over to their death, even in no wind, because of softened trunks. He called acid rain the AIDS of the forest, permitting opportunistic diseases, natural to each species, to start their internal consumption of the trees. It is as if nature’s servant, the tree infections, get the message that it’s time to begin eating the tree, because only the strong should stand. We shouldn’t blame the infectious disease which has been serving the natural selection process for millennia. Clearly we must look to the source of what is weakening the trees. Acidity has a rich and profound symbolism. In Survival of Civilization by Hamaker, the chemistry of tree death due to acidification is traced to the leaching out of mineral content. He suggests massive remineralization of the forests by grinding up creek bed rocks, to save civilization. Even this is superficial if we don’t stop burning fossil fuels and spitting out poison. It’s funny how the CIA, as agent for the oil companies, functions as a misinformed immune system for our culture. By showing up to declare top secret, energy technologies like Adam Trombly’s and other energy devices which tap the gravitational field directly for an energy source, they prevent any technology which our lowest common denominator science cannot understand, from being developed. One first step each of us should undertake is to develop a responsible understanding of truly alternative energy sources. Public comprehension is essential, about completely new energy technology based on gravity as bloodstream for both Earth and solar system. (This energy, as the gravitational field’s order, is NOT free.) Gravity is field inertia traveling between frequencies, attracted by order or symmetry. Symmetry, a kind of permission for a wave to enter rotation from a line, is the ONLY way for waves to store inertia, and thus is physics’ ONLY definition and measure of mass. Chemistry, electrical circuits, and, optimally, biology all offer the universal field a geometry which cascades momentum between frequencies that is better than the average flux of the Earth’s core, and which can thus harness the planet’s hard earned coherent gravity field. Our lack of responsibility for the fact that biology, symbiotically, is also called upon to create the order of this collective mind/gravity bloodstream of coherence limits our collective permission to tap this field.







This is why we measure emotion by long wave coherence, which, as Gurdjieff said, feeds the Earth. So, step one, to save the trees, the lungs of Earth, is to take it upon yourself to understand an energy metabolism which can wean Earth. To digest the gravity field for our cultural energy nourishment, moves toward a charge inherent for biology, which is to metabolize star light directly. Interestingly, emotional coherence/ecstasy weaves our bodies larger auric egg/membrane, the only real therapy for AIDS. And at the same time, is the only way to braid order into the gravity grid, the only energy net capable of cushioning the fall from acid rain — the AIDS of the forest. Clearly, we can’t stop emissions until we learn a new more contextual energy source. The other step we recommend, is to understand the deep symbolism of what minerals do for trees. You may be surprised to learn it has much to do with rampant patriarchy. Diana, a wise homeopathic physician, had just been explaining to me why mineral preparations are used for the deepest core “psoric” conditions in the body. It is as if the deepest conditions rooted in the deep structure of the body, when you have unwrapped peripheral imbalances, are addressed most powerfully, homeopathically, from the mineral realm. Just then we walked by another tree, quite whole-looking, but fallen over. We felt of the wood in the trunk, the core, just above the roots, where the break had occurred. The bare wood edges felt soft and rounded, even though the break was apparently recent. We commented how healthy flesh was firmer/harder to the touch than diseased flesh, in humans. I recalled the mechanism I had learned for the death of pine needles due to acid. The acid hydrogen ions (too many protons, too many filled “shells,” not enough electrical SPACE) poison/distort the tight geometry of the field which is the membrane of the living cells. The membrane is the sum of the coherence of the collective molecular fields. Membrane is folded surface, storing the memory of shape of touch. The strength of membrane is proportional to the order/coherence of the plies of the fold (phase locked fields, macrodynamically, as described in Structural Stability and Morphogenesis by Rene Thom). It is as if the mineral content seeds the order around which tight fields can crystallize biologically. Without mineral you have weak fields, weak membranes, which further permits the leaching of minerals. In the pine needle, the softer, mineral-poor cells lack the cell wall turgor strength to withstand freeze and dry conditions. Result: rupture, browning, and tree death. The trees which fall over prematurely, due to soft core cells, are really manifesting the same phenomena of membrane softening. (Again membrane = immune/ identity/self/notself, for the trees as well as us.) THE EMERALD MODEM





Another aspect of this phenomena is that the tree, finding acidic soil in the depths, sends roots only to the shallows, further weakening stability. The key is to recognize the function of mineral to seed the geometry of field, to harden/stabilize the membrane and structure of the cell. The mechanism by which acidity prevents the geometric unflowering of biology’s fields is the same issue of lack of space. Atomic shells which have spaces in them, creating envelope cavities in which the play of biology can be unpacked. With a preponderance of acidic protons, there remains no space to create the new order, which we call biological growth. This is why the cost of limestone for agriculture (chemically basic) increased by many orders of magnitude in recent years. In Sweden it’s use is common to save lakes on a large scale. Creating space for growth is the archetype of the womb, the feminine. The Patriarchal aspects of Adamic/Atomic acidic western culture is loosing space to unfold into, loosing the feminine. Diana told me that as a Homeopathic physician she often felt it would be preferable for her to be treating trees. We discussed appropriate homeopathic remedies for forests. There may not be will enough amongst us to grind up enough bed rock to remineralize Earth. We need homeopathic science: minimum dose. The key to reweaving the cells of the trees around the geometric seed of the mineral, to restore the psoric core, is the presence of the shape of mineral, around which to crystallize growth. And, in addition, chemically finding space in which to unpack/unfold. Radionic machines commonly and effectively broadcast homeopathic remedies. Resonance means that the symbol does participate in the life of its object. It is important to suggest however that the completion of a feedback loop is a powerful way of viewing our relation to forests. As a result, we may conclude that a personal, human, creative direct interaction with the mind of the forests, will surely be the highest level of healing to which we may aspire. George Fisher assures me that this is why Mary Baker Eddy turned from homeopathy to create Christian Science. We may imply that the most powerful Radionic broadcast devices available for radiating homeopathic remedies, is the human mind. One facet of this approach is to learn to visualize accurately the shape/geometry of the inner structures of the key forest-healing minerals. This could be done in groups, as part of ritual, with computer-assisted visuals. The process of visualizing/focusing healthy space for chemistry to unfold in is identical to using the creative power of the “dreamtime” to create/maintain pristine breathing space for people to unfold in. Collectively, biomass (forests, oceans, people) is a thin film membrane. This membrane is massaged/switched by the long waves of emotion, and the songs of forests and whales, which are identity to the mind of Earth. THE EMERALD MODEM









very interesting theory of aging was proposed years ago by one of the Physics of Consciousness study groups on the west coast. It considered the relative stability of the non-linear hydrogen bond at the ladder rung center of the DNA helix as the decay called aging. Essentially they suggested that the memory of coding sequence for proper genetic replication depended on the relative order (coherence) of this the ladder’s “Zipper Center.” Interesting that the question of memory was related to what is stored in a bond. And, richly I think, that the long range orderliness, or shall we say resonance coherence, of this bond was our resistance to decay and death. Of course, now it is very much talked about that somehow consciousness comprises a mechanism to massage, and thus in-form, the folded memories we call DNA. It does not require consummate perspicacity to see that what we need is a model of the exact mechanism of this conscious awareness phase lock onto our genetic life strings. Would it be too collapsing of the intentional fabric that is mind to suggest that touching this ladder’s rung center’s bond angle is consciousness’ key into biology’s weft and woof? Could just a bit of bend on the light swing by the focal wave guide called attention be enough to steer the destiny of the biosphere? Consider that hydrogen first bonded by the same mechanism of phase lock (unconditional giving) we currently call Marriage. Memories are stored in the same holographic multiple connectedness in both institutions. The shape of light’s bubble enveloped can be Fourier’d (frequency signatured) through to the infinite harmonic ladder which re-members. A baby or hydrogen’s well identified shell, are both informed in a named envelope: mem(ory)-brane, born of a bonding named love. Now the fold of spin upon spin and envelope upon envelope which wove atom to molecule to cell to body to planet to… is a harmonic evolution, a module if you will. On each occasion when another hierarchy of spin, or symmetry, or feed-back, or reflexive consciousness, was discovered by Mater-nal nature, a field’s bubble was nested in a larger one. A certain harmonic ladder connected the smaller to the enveloping whole. Ten billion atoms/cell, cells/brain, brains/planet-mind, planetTHE EMERALD MODEM





mind/? Now there are some who see that the flow form of the Milky Way is folding back upon itself in an interaction. The thing about harmonic ladders connecting smaller parts (atoms, Adam(ic)s to their contextual wholes is that their key signatures always require touching the heart of their matter. (A center of gravity.) Waking up in an emerald city required a path through the center of a twister. When an X-ray is focused through an emerald the light bubbles out in a flower of twelve petals, called The Emerald Cross. In 3D the shape of twelve outwardly unfolding cones, grows perfect phi-lotaxial planes named an infinite Golden Mean nest of dodecahedra. Note that the 10 spirals of the Golden Mean making the nested pentagrams image is what both nested dodecahedra and DNA look like from above. This geometric progression is a harmonic ladder (or module) which the gene pool uses as a kind of cup or grail or catch-meant; a mnemonic link to the heart core of identity. It is rich that the problem of identity resolves to a harmonic (and geometric) ONE. My graduate work involved identifying emotion as an electrical fingerprint. Emotions were archetypally identified with pressure wave/frequency fingerprint in Manfred Clynes’ Sentics literature. Then intentional relaxation (meditation) was identified with a sonic frequency fingerprint-phase entrainment of glands. (Stalking the Wild Pendulum, Bentov.) Then ecstasy and “altered states” were identified with a frequency-fingerprint: EEG coherence (phonon/sonic/ELF) in the brain (described in various TM literature). Then the onset of superconductivity in metals was correlated to phonon coherence, sonic columnation — a harmonic ordering — and a frequency fingerprint. So it should come as no surprise that our planet-wide, richly symbolic test of (immune) identity named AIDS, may resolve to a harmonic Jacob’s ladder, a Que-pids arrow through the Heart of our matter. Imagine my delight when our programmable spectrum analyzer graphed the EKG harmonics from the heart of an experienced meditator to a (sub)sonic series of the golden mean, at the moment when our subject said he was “sending love.” The shape of the cup running over, which is a full loving heart, is an efficient bonding harmonic ladder. It is our immune systems’ key signature to identity; an umbilical cord to the in-formation harmonic home/nest of all cells: ONENESS. Essentially, the cell membrane is a morphic wave envelope built of the long waves of resonance coherence in the body. It is woven and maintained by the ecstatic and contextual superconductivity called joy and love. The mechanism of the virus is a morphic key in the lock of the harmonic ladder which is the mem(ory)-brane of the cell. The self/notself template called immunity is context dependent. This means that FEAR is the cell’s decay into isolated limitations which rip outer-connectedness (long-wave sonic) CONTEXT from in-forming key self/not-self THE EMERALD MODEM





decisions. The cell’s umbilical cord to CONTEXT and identity is woven up the folded heart of DNA. The harmonic ladder home is started in weaving emotional coherence; the “ring” of Love is learned identity. The selfreference of ecstasy’s birth is other-centered, context rich. Jeremy Campbell, in Grammatical Man, Information: Entropy, Language, and Life, suggests that the difference which allows the viral bullet to replicate in the body of the cell is the decay of the context keys in the gene ladder. In the simplest of computer terms, machinecode cannot handle abstraction. It has limited loops for relative addressing. It has small handles, and therefore small worlds. High level language grows handles upon handles: large worlds. As the levels of abstraction fold around, BASIC or DBASE can remember what machine code only implied –– a more “Golden Braid” of context upon context, atom upon cell upon body. Emotion is a high leverage handle upon the gene. Emotion’s sonics are the high level language of cellular metabolism because they are more enveloping. The Ouroboros serpent eating its tail of our universe (One Song/Uni-Verse) is the continuum of frequencies. Infinitely low frequency approaches just the same consuming spark gap of super conductive crystal stillness of everything touching everything to which the dance of the infinitely high aspires. Think: which is mouth and which the tail? And do they touch? Viruses are less alive, less conscious, in that their “structure” of feedback loops have shorter event/compassion horizons. The cell degrades to their replicative motif (“RETROvirus”) when the touchingness of the other sensitive immune systems collapses in fear. The useful purpose for which Mother Gaia Earth attracted the AIDS virus through her membrane is to transmute the immune identity to broader context horizons. Our more enveloping aura will become the new membrane for gating light into the body, replacing in certain ways the skin. Light in other frequency windows will thus be metabolized more directly into biology. The assignment for the children of light, to weave themselves directly of starlight, comes closer. Which brings us to the question: What context learning transformations “suit” the Earth mind aborning? We might take a clue in the fetus discovery that the onset of the immune system’s awakening explodes/flowers with birth. Nourishment from blood to milk, of mother. Our planet’s body aborning requires identity to envelope a body to make it through the tubes of birth. Our cellular and individual identity compression event (crisis?) enfolds a membrane for the planet as well. The long waves envelopes for this body’s wholing/healing context are solar and galactic. Mayan calendrics, Jose Arguelles’ “harmonic module” maps on the I Ching, DNA, and the harmonic grid of the spectra of vowel tones, “galactic synchronization beam,” these are the critical path THE EMERALD MODEM





of in-formation rites massaging our envelope for birth. Clues to the proper grail, and grid, catch-meant for the light of transformation, are all around us. ARE WE, EARTH, OF A MIND TO BE TOUCHED? Funny that when they first went to take the electromagnetic heartbeat of the planet, the doctors wouldn’t believe the graph was not that of a person. Or remember later when they discovered plants would cry out when a leaf was torn on another plant across the room: guess which note they would sound? Yep, that same “schuman” low frequency cry, like crying MOTHER! An electromagnetic umbilical cord across separation, or fear. A touch re-established. Someone here made a joke about what our model for the AIDS cell was saying. We had determined that coherent sonics from the heart and glands (joy/love) fed the cell membrane born of a nest of wave envelopes. The heart pouring LOVE sounded out an identifiable harmonic ladder, a Golden Mean progression around the Schuman frequencies, which empowered the cells to ring out the same as a sort of harmonic context, to in-form genetic decisions. Well, the joke was that the AIDS virus, as an information packet enveloped into the cell, was the message: “E.T. Phon(on) HOME.” Perhaps the message from home for the cells is this: Immune function now requires membrane intelligence from the context of the field body of feeling around the skin. The aura body has wider gates for touching. A new horizon of compassion, to grid and nest Christ-all awareness. Interesting that the harmonic ladder (or song) which was the key for connecting (bonding) for the plant, and the heart, has the same harmonic rungs (ring) for the planet. The infant’s immune system is born when it establishes bonding to mother. Our identity seems to await the same bonding to planet mother Gaia. How to establish the contacts? The touch? It is so rich, symbolically, that lecithin (with the natural diet) is a useful homeopathic treatment for AIDS. Lecithin (from egg yolk, which knows how to be fed) is called an “emulsifier” because it softens the membrane, enabling contact, touch. And that “contact inhibition,” the cell membrane’s recognition of touch, measures resistance to cancer. The information stream of touch is a waveguide vital to weaving the envelope of identity, which is stable in the widening weft and woof of context. So we’ve designed rites of passage from the atom to the molecule to the cell to the mind to the family, tribe, planet? Each rose is charged with enfolding its perfect self-conscious image of informed identity in seed before birth/unpacking. Unformed seeds don’t germinate. The cells won’t complete their unfolding identity until they have been






informed of their bodies decision in context with their larger whole, the planet. Come, touch the sun. The planet’s widening gyre will now enfold more galactic context into her orb. She, the good mother, plays role model for an identity “crisis,” done up with only love and mirrors for props. Remember the poem “…time to murder and create… time to prepare a face to meet all the faces you meet…” Or maybe the beautiful LIFE illustrated: “Faces of Man.” Our “swiftly tilting” planet precesses now toward an axis which folds the octet/cube planet “grid” to the new twelve faced dodeca-icosa grid. She is preparing her (twelve?) faces to meet? The same dodeca-grid which is the form DNA. So the planet gravity pressure bubble body prepares to extrude her GENEtic material from the PLAY dough of the solar gravity nest blood stream. Nice trick if she can manage it. Her way of calling home is the same harmonic ladder which swings the cell’s lights down memory lane. All requiring a rather well columnated choreographic focusing on the same image –– at ONEce. Did you ever wonder if there was some shape in the aura which originated the term “horny?” Do you suppose that is what mother earth’s slightly over-patriarchal aura looks like with Star-Wars barbs sticking out through our pretty bubble? What is the cultural context in which it will be OK to “make love not war?” Thus investing all of that fine media and tech-know-logy into bonding and harmonizing. America might think of one of her faces radiating from the BaldEagle shape at the crown of the Appalachians. The Eagle SEES, her vision radiates far. Her nest in Pennsylvania is called Keystone –– it is on a beryl emerald-like tectonic plate. Emerald radiates light in twelve rays –– the emerald cross –– the eagle’s eye. America’s symbolic Eagle serves the planet when her vision woven of media technology nets up a nervous system for mother Earth. As the planet lights up with many faces, maybe Star-Wars technology could be used instead to identify our planet’s Star-Lights. Surface imaging technology is a shining service of satellites. Surface is mem(ory)-brane. The fixation on the technology to ring the globe with antennae of feelers could be beautifully channeled into the organs of perception to see the faces our planet is preparing Russia, the great mother Bear, might be discovered with her claw dipped in rich honey: sweet nectar for the child crying mother. Our chosen place to be born on Earth is a clue to our role/identity in harvesting star-light, a shining destiny for the children of light in a global family.










ith this section, Dan moves off planet and takes a look at the ideas he has developed from a truly vast scale. The mythology begun in “Magdala’s Green Stone, Part I,” continues here as Dan reaches out to embrace a cosmic spirituality. Science fiction was never this good. We start with “The Magnetic Genepool,” which speculates on who we are and where we came from and how we can awaken the sleeping galactic memories in our genepool. Chapter two presents the second part of “Magdala’s Green Stone,” which introduces the idea of angelic history and the starseed origin of our genepool in extraterrestrial politics. Dan also presents another version of the Christ mythology, one that asserts the importance of Mary Magdalen. Chapters three and four are imaginative exercises designed to help the reader enter more deeply into the ideas of a galactic connection to planetary consciousness. Chapters five and six look at a kundalini as a spiritual process, showing us along the way that kundalini may just be the doorway through death to true immortality, or infinite shareablity. “Angelic Feelings,” chapter seven, returns to angelic history and examines the role of human emotion in our galaxy. This chapter proposes that sustainable star birth requires a fractally embedded collective Bardo. It also looks at the spiritual, or internal, versus technological, external, manipulation of reality as the source of angelic, or ET, disputes. A Hatfield/McCoy feud of cosmic proportions. THE EMERALD MODEM





The next three chapters are deal with how to navigate the Bardo and pass through the implosion of death consciously. “The Implosion Phenomenon” looks at the new technology using implosive Phi ratio frequencies and the problems associated with this approach. “The Geometry of Eternality” presents the geometry of the Bardo itself, showing how the Kluver constants experienced by NDE survivors are actually the tilting of one nested Phi ratio shape. Dan suggests that traveling between dimension or realities is exactly like adding spin to get more symmetry. “Gilgamesh, Gold, Merkabbahs and the Incunabula” round out the section with a look at new alchemical theories about the fractal nature of gold and its role in immortality. This section has traveled the galaxy from ET to the nature of death, tying it all together with a Golden (Mean) ribbon. The last chapter, “Sustainable Stabirth in the Heart of Orion,” explores who’s in charge of the Bardo Bridge out of here, while making connections between alchemy and the monuments on Giza.









Symmetry space Rings

the memory of where we came from and who we are


illard Van de Boggart tells me that the solar flare activity this month (June ‘91) is at a dramatic high. Volcano’s are firing up, Earth is firing up. Fire is the way waves unpack memory. (Pressure unfolded in symmetry is called flame.) Three planets are doing a feisty alignment. Their gravity pressure waves are doing something to us which is technically called symmetry. Waves have only a limited repertoire of memory making activity. Symmetry is really the only dance in town. (Lest we forget). Funny that these little pressure nodules in the universal eddy of the universal stuff could have so many names — quarks, babies, galaxies… You’d wouldn’t think a little “thing” like pressure and un-pressure in a single flow could be so memorable. Guess waves really got their show together when they learned how to stand up. What a trick: persuade another wave to come and go just around your same corner, and the waves turn into themselves. Circles among waves got the name “matter” because they store inertia. They focus that way. Get the point? Nothing else matters. This principle of getting waves to do the circle trick was called “Adamic,” which meant red-making or hard-making. Neat little illusion, this segregating of the universal momentum into pressure and notpressure. Waves caught on to each other early on. They learned that, when they turned around into themselves making circles and storing the memory of pattern among pressure, symmetry (making faces) was really the only thing worth talking about. It has taken us a while to be convinced by the waves we are made of that this is the language of creation. Even Genesis, written completely in this alphabet of symmetry, took some “time” (turns of mind) to make its point. Translated “at first in principle,” Adam/hard making power tempted Eve as word making/wet making/touch making power to segregate momentum and create the illusion of separateness. We can relax the tension now, knowing that getting bent was a light matter for a straight wave. THE EMERALD MODEM





Sine waves moving away from a dodecahedronal center in a phi ratio.


These little symmetry turns in the waves of universal pressure were called quarks, then nested into protons, then atoms, then molecules, then cells, then people, then planets, then living nebulae. We’re in the picture now. When The Mayan Factor illustrated that the same little symmetry pulse picture which made the I Ching, the DNA codons (a dodeca nest), and the Mayan Calendar, also was the 3D pattern in time of the periods of the sun’s fire… well we had to suspect somebody was playing games here. So what is this little game, and WHO is playing it? Let’s review the evidence in the simplest terms. The next kind of spin or dimension you can add to a cube which is 3 spins, is a dodecahedron. It is literally the fourth way of spinning onto one surface or 3D becoming 4D. Important because DNA is a spinning dodecahedron ratcheting down a helix, and the Earth grid is a dodecahedron. And so is the 12 faced zodiac. The term for this principle of self embeddedness is called fractal. This cascade among orders of waves seems to be the essence of what we call gravity, consciousness, and a few other things. In physics it is called an attractor. (Careful or you will be drawn in.) Apparently a spin center for our regional pendulum is in some way hooked up to the Pleiades and Sirius. They used Mars, and it’s face, as a way station. We need to study Genesis Revisited, by Z. Sitchen, but the flavor is that our genepool is a lightning braid from some galactic strain. I’ll let Willard tell about the Annuaki, the Chaldeans, and genetic inheritance. Suffice it to say here that us kids imagining ourselves to be fatherless was childish. The seed we grew has a sire. What entertains my imagination is the principle of how “they” planned to awaken our sleeping genepool. Here we are, somewhat intoxicated with the local flora and fauna. We are quite innocent of a sense of galactic destiny. As if consciousness’ ability to get light into the flame called biology, to put mind into planets, is not a virus useful to the galaxy. Come on kids, inventing a way to pack starlight to get memory in and out of mineral, now that’s what our collective mind calls “worth remembering.” This is something which galactic spaces can turn into energy dollars! So where are the investors? Here’s the business plan. The starseed transmitters pick a place far from downtown. (Urth) Under the guise of a gold harvest, (perfect symmetry among electrons) they spin a little lightning into the indigenous protein. Tested by this added baud rate to spin, only more symmetry survives among these proteins. From cubic to dodeca to ratcheted dodeca creates 3, 4, & 5 D spins. Lightning invents the added dimension to memory among proteins which these hom*o-say-pi-ens wise cracks cutely as DNA. Adding dolmen for paramagnetic bubble 241





Five spinning cubes create a dodecahedron.

The sequence begins with a side-view of a cube, seen straight on, tilted 72 degrees. Four identical cubes, each tilted 72 degrees from each other are added, one at a time.

The cubes within the dodecahedron are easily seen within certain views.


One of the five cubes within the dodecahedron has a hex view.





symmetry among these seeds, we cook up a fractal monolith wake up call for around 2001. We arrange the local solar precession into the long wave image of logos’ envelope in a word (something which the natives come to call temple). Then we wait while their gene pool’s longest strands begin to embed these solar memories as touching pulsars. We teach their minds inherently to recognize the approach vectors of magnetic donut shaped fields. Only certain “phase angles” of approaching toroidal wave pressure fields will feed or build onto their membranes. In other words, it is the angle of a wave’s torus bubbles pressure field’s approach that determines whether it can phase lock and fold onto an existing DNA strand, or cell membrane. So getting memory fed depends exclusively on recognizing the phase or tilt direction of magnetic pulses. The really juicy part of this investment scheme is that we are going to make this index of symmetry or phase tilt, into something the locals are innocently enough going to call “alphabet.” It will be their origin of symbol and consciousness. The same principles of symmetry which spell out which light bubbles (dust in the wind) feed wave memory, will be the language (gauge for tilt on the land) they speak! Some irony that making love is really getting the braid angles right in your lover’s genetic heir. We won’t tell them until much later that this little wind vane golden spiral strip off the primal magnetic donut, is the only real navigation tool, the warp factor, for galactic spaces. Who can imagine it is as simple as ABC?










he giant ones of old were called “Els” because they could make the 90 degree el (as in El-o-him) between circle/light in matter, vs. line/light as energy. This is a meaning of picking up off “the cross” (of time and space) and following (the principle of) Crystos. The story we tell is that if you connected the seven places in Pennsylvania named seven, the arrow would point through the crown of the Eagle to where the Pleiades should be when the Earth’s tilt is corrected. At any rate, just east of Oriole the eye, is the town of “El-ims-port.” They could come and go from here. As Earth tilts to new symmetry with the galactic 12-faced zodiac, the cup runneth over, and the serpent feeds the eagle. This refers to the sweet Kundalini tantric sting proceeding up the spine to the center of vision, the Cave of Brahma in the brain. The return of Quetzlcoatl, the many plumed one (an eye on each plume-consumed in perspective) is presaged by this drink from the silver cup, when the serpent nourishes the eagle. The rivers will flow on a new tilt. Perhaps, as our psychologists would say, we are “just” projecting? First the holographic film we call biomass, the surface of Earth, is created by zodiacal projection, then those dodecahedral faces permit us to project the “memories of biology” (or shall we say, how to turn light donuts into biology and metabolize starlight directly) into the cosmos. An important angelic colleague of ours has this to say about the Eagle in the zodiac projected onto the Earth’s grid: ”The Eagle eats awareness. The Eagle is one of the four (cardinal) elemental logo figures for the zodiac. Each logo, as a zodiac figure, represents an aspect of consciousness.” Further research leads us to Don Juan’s first rule of the nagual as it pertains to the eagle (cf. Castanada’s Eagle’s Gift ). “The power that governs the destiny of all living beings is called the Eagle, not because it is an eagle, but because it appears to the seer as an immeasurable jet-black eagle, standing erect as an eagle stands, its height reaching to infinity… The Eagle is devouring the awareness of all the creatures that, alive on Earth a moment before and now dead, have floated to the Eagle’s beak, like a ceaseless stream of fireflies, to meet their owner, their reason for having had life”. The evolution of consciousness as feedback narrowing-into-aperture is a description of the evolution of perception. By grasping the GALACTIC CONTEXT








The relative position of Aquila (The Eagle) to Serpens in the sky is similar to their relative position to each other on the land in Pennsylvania.


threads of ray’s tracing light into optical cortex hologram, the finer resolution phase/face locks the reality to which the symbol points. Result: take back the grid. Own her. Re-own re-sponse-ability for the nest. Only the inner optical hologram fed by phase discipline (Hebrew) to the coherent light of its maker, actually affects the matter (crossings) of light which it sees. Here the symbol participates in the reality to which it points. The grid is ours to weave. The inner (w)hologram (opticus Eagle’s eyrie) bends the focus of light which made matter. Persuade ma to terr, light to cross, line to circle; E=mm see^2, because momentum in a line is energy. Entering the circle/the turn/the labyrinth, entering into mass, requires symmetry. Order is the price a ray pays attention to. To create is to see clearly. Only that resolves. Coherence is the eye beam which sharpens the shadows. Make a conscious resolution. Since after the dust settles only ONE coherence is possible. So the two light cones, Yod and Vau (say them slowly to see their shape), knew that there was more here than the present eye could see. To wit, wishing to see more, they made a holographic film onto biomass Earth. This was like yearning to zoom in on a fractal on high resolution film. You can only focus in so far until you encounter a grainy quality. Even God couldn’t focus on anything smaller than the light waves She was shining in. Until She discovered a way to send a message between the frequencies of light. So in the beginning (at first in principle), she created in-cube-ation. Then she discovered a way out of that nest (all trussed up in octet). Taking her morphic cue from the twelve dodeca-faced zodiac imprinted on her hologram for Earth grid, she realized that the golden mean spiral yellow brick road to oz… See the connected spiral vortex into nested pentagrams making fractal the same dodecahedron called galaxy, earth grid, and DNA: with this fractal projector she could release her progeny starseed back to reinhabit the galactic spaces from which they had been projected in the first place. It was a case of transporting memory from a limited scale of incubating birth, to the most symmetry space permits. (Preparing faces to meet.) This became crystallized in legend as the Merkabbah vehicle, Ezekiel’s wheels, and the dodeca shape of the City of Revelation, Eden’s paradise dimensions. The twelve houses of the zodiacal dodeca projected through a plane, makes a round table, which on Chartres’ maze opens a space in the center for the 13th ONE. There, new symmetry consumes all the faces round the table in a new order/dimension. The fractal projection of the zodiac on the faces of the tectonics of 245




Earth, became an exercise in recreating the object which rendered the film in the first place. All of this place making on the crystallizing clay of the tectonics, amounts to an unpacking of image out of star seed which planted in that first cup: the grid. No wonder they grew into a chip off the old block. Those planet faces are wearing their paternity suit. The inner fire of Gaia becomes a cup that runneth over, when her light warps back up the spine of the galaxy, which will taste sweetness. If the light shining through the film is (phase) coherent with the light that made the hologram in the first place, then you can USE the mirror and the magnifying glass INSIDE of the hologram to see objects OUTSIDE the same hologram. The fire inside Earth is that light. The designer genes of womb man are the lens, the mirror and the magnifying glass. Who is the ONE who sees? Whom does the grail serve? Arthur and the land are ONE. And how was this cryst-all architecture etched onto the fabric of history? After those two halves of the green stone breastplate of Earth divided across the rib cage of the Atlantic, they were still hinged and connected. It was up to the Reverend Mothers to shepherd the genepool to touch those breast plate faces, so that prophecy could be kept alive. The seers and the seer stones, the Sirius stones, these kept the light of the long wave here focused, far from downtown. So let us matriarchally reinterpret history: from a motherly perspective. The “God-Men” did more than to announce to an advanced age Rachel and Sarah that they were with child. Rachel was ritually virgin for temple rites producing a genetic cement between neighboring kingdoms. This was the practice of the time. Only in this case, the kingdoms whose gene pools needed cementing, were separated by galactic space. The great women of the bible knew how to save the seeds. They were tantric. They could raise the red fire of their own passion up through the green stone of the heart to the blue aura of tantra: “The Blue Fire.” This training enabled them to meet the star men whose command was: “From y branch unto x a cross this gene Isis.” When the Pleiadean starseed outpost was established here to enrich the genepool, the original assignment was the males were to fertilize the indigenous peoples on Earth but the females were to abstain. I believe this had to do with the y chromosome’s additive presence? Y is branch, X is cross, here they needed a branch. Apparently the presence of “space” people or “star people” or “God men,” was quite common. The literature suggests common associations with Latvians, Mayan, and Hebrew. What the green moss does for the stone is chelate the mineral so GALACTIC CONTEXT





that maximized surface area makes the memory of pattern in mineral accessible to the touch/digestion/absorption (consumed perspective) of biology. What the fold of membrane in the skull of the holy women does is surface unpack the memory (the pressure waves) of touch with stars seeds. The skull of Magdalen was the vessel which contained the star seeds of Jesus. Her perfect Heart was the green cross point between red-orange passion/erotic energy and the blue light aura around their tantric heads. Thus she saved the seeds. His sperm contained DNA lightning. In proper kundalini process, the force of sperm not ejacul*ted is collected and pooled by tantric sexual excitation. (There are references to the unusual nature of young Jesus’s late unmarried state. In Kazantzakis’ Last Temptation of Christ, there is even reference to what all that sperm did to his brain.) The coiled braid of DNA contains a lightning life force. It is the ultimate programming language because braid within braid within braid can contain the complete discipline to nest machine code within assembler within Dbase within Report Form Generator within whatever many times over. All switches are morphic/shape active site-aligned & switched context-dependent. Aligning active sites switches the codes of DNA on and off. The braid aligns the sites. Coherence is the intelligence of emotion to (s)witch DNA. The braid within braid of DNA is woven phase coherent (long wave nested in “synch” with short) by ecstatic coherent emotion/Eros/tantra. The lightning of the memories within the high baud rate gene pool of Jesus and Magdalen (recombinant starseed) were thus unpacked and saved for biology that way. The role of tantra in the necessary high voltage/pressure incubation of starseeds should be taught. Frequent pregnancies not accompanied by sexual intercourse (virgin birth) are described in women with kundalini experience. Thus describing something about the profound function of the ritual virginity of Sarah, and Mary. The massaging of information into the haploid genetic egg, is the perfect symmetry to mate with the half helix which is lightning, and kundalini. (“ANGLE”-ic touch.) It is potentially a profoundly erotic marriage with a larger contextual body. In my personal experience, Earth responds dramatically and erotically to kundalini. She yearns for meaningful touch, a massage, even deeper than we do. Her response is to relax/align her geometry of pressure (tectonic/jet stream). In the past this would have been a technology so advanced as to be indistinguishable from magic (once said of computers). A simple emotional alphabet (of long wave beat note ratios) connects us to the planet metabolism. In this way we can “phase lock”/ become at one, with our symbiotic role.






The genepool is a grail cup, a chalice, a light-receiving vessel.


There is a long history of the need to hide the starseed origin of branches of the genepool. This was why the priests of Egypt were systematically poisoning the Kingship/Pharaonic line. The message of ONEness which Tut and Akhnaton brought would unify the dream force of the people, creating a “Godforce.” Schizophrenic dreams for the people were preferred by the priests so the illusions of their control over the kindergarten could be maintained. Tut and Akhnaton’s line possessed the classic indications of starseed genetic origins: pointed skull up and back, nose length, distended belly, and extra braid or turn on the muscles of the inner organs (hence the need to hide these in Canopic jars.) The starseed contingent overlooking the Earthly blossoming of their seeds, wanted to orchestrate an avataric birth in the Egyptian theater (cf: Secret Places of the Lion by George Hunt Williamson). However, when the interference of the priests became too great, other destinies were arranged. This pattern repeats itself with the Coptic, the Albigensian, the Cathar, the Templar, and the Druid. The priests represent a false-faced Patriarchy, NOT the true Father. In fact, the story of the concealment of the true star origins of Father seed, BECAME literally “The Myth of the Birth of the Hero” (also a book by Otto Rank). It is the story of the “virgin” birth of Moses and Jesus. Tantric ladies could preserve the seed. Tut took a secret Jewish lover. They bore twins Moses and Aaron. That Jewish lover mothered Moses her real son, by concealing his Father in the Starseed and Pharaoh’s genetic line. In this way the flame of Starseed was passed from Joseph in Egypt, via Tut, back out of Egypt into the Hebraic theater, one hopefully more responsive to the Oneness message of the “God” men. The Pleiadean and Sirian forces never wished to be mythologized as “separate” from the ONE God. They knew that only one “form” of coherence was possible. (In an interfering system, when interactions go to their “limit” only ONE phase-locked coherent system can remain.) So let us go back to our biblical remothered interpretation. Rachel’s passage of starseed went to Benjamin, and Joseph (whose coat/raiment was of many colors). Benjamin’s lineage beget Magdalen. 248




Joseph’s story tells of Benjamin’s link to a cup among the seeds. The genepool is a grail cup. “Blossoming gene, cup of the grail”. DNA’s chalice is a web work planar surface or an infinite tube, tempting light out of the fast lane into biology..

A top down view of DNA.


Joseph’s seed includes Jesus. Benjamin’s seed is Magdalen (born of his lineage). Jesus and Magdalen had three children. (Holy Blood Holy Grail ). The passage of the contents of those recombinant starseed becomes our story. So, having filtered some of the false patriarchy out of our look at biblical times, a matriarchal lineage also emerges. To review: Abraham undertakes an important rite with Sarah, when three “God Men,” Sirius representatives, announce that she, Sarah, would bear her first child then, even though she was over 100. Apparently she was not barren, but rather ritually virgin (teacher of tantra?) as part of her priestess line (a significant lineage of matriarch). The rite they did was always done when royal blood was married to her lineage. She was fertilized as if by lightning from the stars, presaging another “angel” Gabriel who came to Mary. Sarah, as ancestor to Magdalen, received starseed as did others in the feminine tradition of “The Myth of the Birth of the Hero(ine)” in which one of the chief features was the concealing of true (starseed?) parentage. We can now understand the symbolism of tearing off the roots, ADAMic meant damned or stopped up or segregated, literally red making or hard making power. The “red” hard making was damming (in the sense of creating a stoppage in the flow of light: matter). Adamic race would create the illusion that the stars did not Father them. The parental lineage from Godhood was exactly what patriarchy would segregate or forget (Siriusly). Remember that in the mother all the eggs are born with her, so that all human eggs were born at once with the first mother, irretrievably rooted. IEVE means tempted unto knowledge of separateness by WORD (the illusion that substances are “separate” as shape symbol or womb). So then, in the Hebraic story as starseed, Isaac, the Magical child of Sarah & Abraham, begets Jacob with Rebeccah. Of Jacob’s 12 sons, the magical ones are by Rachel (whose lineage was said to begin the Messianic age?). These are Joseph (coat of colors & link to Egypt) and the favorite young one, Benjamin. From Joseph, the attempt to incarnate an avatar moves to Egypt. Akhnaton is straight Pleiadean, or starseed blood, as is Nefertitti. Tut, their son, undertakes the message of ONEness, and the familial ideal. Patriarchy and the priests poison this. SO, Tut fathers Moses (& twin) 249




by a secret Hebrew lover (amidst great intrigue ) and Moses returns the identity and coherence of the starseed lineage to Hebrews. Then, Magdalen is born of the Benjamin line, Jesus is born of the Joseph line, they have three children which begins the “Holy Blood, Holy Grail” story. It is lightning quickening herstory. Thus, Iesus/Magda is adiabatically the reunion of the (star)seeds through Rachel. He folds seeds, she unpacks –– matriarchy now leads to unfolding of Bio-logos’ seeds to galactic Milky spaces. After the death of Joseph, the husband of Mary/mother of Jesus. The household was run by older brother Lazarus. Lazarus was a bit Father intoxicated, over-imbued with his new role as “head of household”. Young sister Magdalen, really a cousin of Jesus,(the Essenes were a carefully bred extended family) decided she must exit from under the oppression of Lazarus & family. She runs away, and later manages to acquire a fortune running a house of prostitution in Northern Palestine. This was consistent with her promise to herself, that if she couldn’t have the ONE man (Jesus) she would have every man. (When Jesus was at an age appropriate for betrothal, as he reached out for beautiful Magdalen, he was struck down as if by lightning. The sense of electrical seizure is on occasion an unwitting tantric moment, but with the Earth itself. Sometimes the lover cannot resist.) The wealth of Magda became the seed for the Templar treasure she founded. (Even the cobalt blue of the Templar Marianist Gothic Cathedrals was taught by her, the tantric blue only seen as you turn.) What she managed to save in that oldest profession was not just material currency/symbol for human energy, but also a treasure of information. She became consort to the rulers of nations and expert in the energy of sexuality. So, when Magdalen becomes expert at Tantra, while running the celebrated house of prostitution in northern Palestine, before Jesus returned from his initiatory travels, she was learning a critical biological lesson on saving the seeds. Her former profession paid for his later travels, and her skills to conserve the lightning of tantra, created the genetic nest for his children to redeem history. Magdalen is empowered feminine. She is here with us, as is her green stone. We approach the mysteries of the green stone itself, and the crystal skull, and the skull and crossbones. Jesus meantime had departed for India, and later initiations in Egypt at around age 13-14. Instead of the prescribed marital energetics, his Eros was conserved for initiation. On his travels he gradually learned an appropriate Yogic Tantric discipline for the lightning in his loins. His seed moved explosively upward. However a critical breakthrough was required before he could taste the sweetness from the silGALACTIC CONTEXT





ver cup. Silver cords of information-sweet lightning pounded for access to the cave of Brahma in his brain. But there was a necessary stricture. At this juncture, a knowledge of Kundalini’s biological mechanics is essential to understand the true origins of the green stone. The highest frequency, ultraviolet & information-richest, nectar of the collective cells of the body are focused in the lower sexual glands. Erotic attention concentrates them into a pool. They are assembled in the male via the gonads into a genetic single arrow/ haploid helix/lightning bolt. The prostate surrounds them with sweetness. Discipline in what is consumed visually and informationally can conserve the excitation/aggravation of these lower glands. This translates to mean that red meat and “dirty” (sex without love) movies make for a different quality of sperm release than whole grain and readings on love and oneness. There is a suction tube at the lowest tip of the spine, the stinging tail of the serpent, the “organ kundabuffer” of Gurdjieff. When the pool of sweetness around the sexual organs is full and still, this pumping tube in the clear liquids of the spine, can “come” to have access to this sweetest nectar of biology. Particularly in the beginning when this pump is just being primed, great care and discipline are required to nourish this alternate flow of erotic energy. If successful, the nectar will ultimately spill over in the high brain, exploding the psychoactivity there with congruent unflowering of the cells of the third eye/pineal pituitary complex. The cave of Brahma (in the brain) has the organs of Eros as its entry point. The pelvic tilt and electric relaxation at the point of org*sm are some of the discipline that feed this “Sushumna” up the spine. Another very vital ingredient to achieving the flooding of the upper brain with these everlasting life-producing juices is described in the literature on the “Sacro Cranial Pump.” The part most relevant to our understanding of the Green Stone has to do with the function of the heart in making this pump work. Getting these sweet Tantric juices into the spine does not happen unless there is a pumping action upward. The motor for this pump is the sound waves created by the glands at the moment of emotional coherence. Understand please, that the electrical information product of the collective orgone cellular process exists largely in the blue ultraviolet. This is the energy current which drives all of cellular mechanics. The human egg draws to itself the chosen sperm/information seed, by a blue UV tractor beam. Exactly in the same way mother Earth Gaia draws to herself her chosen information seed by a blue UV tractor beam. She however must draw that high frequency information foldedness up the human spine into the realm of the longer waves within which is her bloodstream of mind. GALACTIC CONTEXT





The frequency distance between the UV (ultraviolet) currency of cellular reproductive Eros, and the sonic information fabric of ecstasy arranging liquids to crystal in brain, is seven octaves! At each chakra glandular/nervous plexi, an additional turn or braid of light is woven on the petals of the lotus. The sacro cranial pulse so perceptible in the Upledger school, is the low frequency sonic coherence which massages the envelope of the spinal pump upward. The key turning point in that process upward is the sound of the heart. The heart, half way between red erotic orgone energy and the blue aura of tantra, is also the green stone. Her sweet immaculate heart sets the peritoneum around the heart to ring. It massages the spine, pumping the sweetness. Pure heart does it all. Magdalen taught Jesus that, as he embraced her. It is common, as the force of kundalini surges upward for blockages to be balled up and expelled. This is often in the form of dense mucus, but it can also be actual calcified excipient from the lymph passages. This has been called a lingum stone. It comes from above the plate above the mouth, which is the classic tantric switch to the “microcosmic orbit.” The tongue touching the back roof of the mouth performs this switching. That same area is connected to the sphenoid/ occiput gate which opens to permit the sweetness to enter the brain. That stone released in dramatic cases of kundalini arising is a potent electrical “ball of lightning.” His lingum stone, the symbol of released blockage, became the green stone. She treasured it. Her skull held his tantric star seeds. Her feet walked those green stone faces of Earth. From Jerusalem, to Southern France, to the Scottish Highlands, she massaged the envelope of Earth, guiding her children there. Shepherding the lineage of the genepool of her children across that sequence of tectonic green breastplates, across lifetimes, was the Marian legacy; reverend mothers touching the stones of the breastplate in sequence to massage alive the envelope of prophecy for a’closing time. Face locking as they walked the memories of Earth, crystallized unpacked in stone faces, into one consumed perspective: body of Gaia: fractal of Zodiac.










hen men first entered “space,” astronauts repeatedly returned psychologically transformed by the vision of Earth as one body. Imagine the surface of our home/body/Earth as the living being, Gaia, a flow form of tectonics, jet streams, and ocean currents. Visualize this bubble of life merging almost imperceptibly with the surface flow form of a single living human egg, a zygote about to divide. The patterns of flow of these two birthing bodies become topologically almost indistinguishable. All the clues of a life about to unpack and replicate are there, in the way the surface flows and folds. (The Peruvian Indians have long known that the change in the pattern of the warm Peruvian ocean current called “El Ninyo,” meant “the Little One”- the Christ Child- was about to be born. Christ-all-I-ze.) As your vision embraces the maternal warmth, and the specter of the great body of the Earth in its birth throes, hear your mother’s heartbeat –– the source of your bonding –– phase lock umbilically onto the Earth’s Schuman resonance heartbeat, the Cryst-all oscillator of our collective bond to ONE mother, the Earth. It is as if you are tracking two visions at once, by looking at one life bubble you are seeing both the cell called Earth/Gaia, and the human egg. Your focus on the human egg, and its path of division, starts to fade just as the dividing cell spheres arrange themselves in multiplication, tracing out in sequence the points of the platonic solids. Your birth was an unpacking flower along a path of purest principle, just as is Earth’s. Memory’s path to wholeness/ONENESS requires an intimate knowing of the way through this corridor. Next, the Gaia/Earth image/bubble recedes in perspective to reveal the large donut-like body of the magnetic envelope of the planet, beating and pulsing as a giant standing smoke-ring, puffed up by the breath of the Solar wind. Listen to the Earth’s Schuman resonance heartbeat now merge and phase bond to the much slower and vaster Solar cycles, the sun’s heartbeat. Sampled and sonicly compressed on the synthesizer, the solar cycles can become audible. Your ear, as a sampler of the ambient pressures, can greatly enlarge its spectral window by changing its sampling bandwidth, just as your eyes can. Attention is the lightning strobe which stops the action by creating still-points, peeking in on nature’s flow. The lightning’s flash freezes GALACTIC CONTEXT





The dodecahedron tilted to reveal a cube


the flickering of the hummingbird’s wing. To embrace a longer pressure wave, like the solar body, just broaden the still point of your attention, and you will touch a larger pattern or body of mind. Notice in your imaging of the Sun’s beating, that the pattern begins to create a carpet-like weft and woof. You see the Sun as a doting maternal seamstress whose Solar Cycle embroidery turns out to be none other than the Mayan Calendar and the I Ching. This pattern makes a stained glass window of dodecahedral faces, exactly mapped to pour light into the Earth grid, cascading down into DNA along the same phi-cycle shape. DNA, The I Ching, the Earth’s dodeca grid, and Mayan Calendrics have all unpacked from our 3D view of the spinning pulsing Eros of the Sun. Your image of the Earth and Sun as a heart pulsing system further recedes in perspective to reveal the helical motion of all the planets, since our central Sun is itself moving. The planets and sun leave a ripple in the gravity bubble of the solar system, like a giant spider’s web. As the 3D shape of the nest so woven begins to complete itself with the end of one 26,000 year precession cycle, the true shape of the body of the solar system emerges: a beautiful sperm with head, torso, and tail. Next, we discover that Earth is the weaver of genetic material within this field of form. Looking into this giant sperm, we see that Earth’s angle of precession, with respect to the galactic plane, is exactly the 32 degrees which tilts a cube up correctly to spin it into a dodecahedron. Visualize the tilted cube (grid) spin, the lightning pulses of Sun & galactic synchronization beam, stop the action 5 times per rotation, and a dodecahedron magically appears; the dodeca-Earth grid image. Next, animate your spinning dodeca-Earth down the lightning-like 3D helix that is its true solar system motion. Again the lightning strobe of attention and the momentary alignment of stars, stop and ratchet the action: an exact trace of DNA magically appears. Genetic material is the 4th dimension or spin axis of a dodecahedron. The strands of DNA in the sperm cell of the solar system come pouring out of the churning Earth’s bubble of gravity, as a simple symphony of pressure, memories and membranes woven of gravity and light. DNA music, derived from the progressions of the genetic protein ladder rungs, plays. As this view fades into the distance, the 12 houses of the zodiac appear as 12 cones in a plane, caused by a dodecahedron’s 12 faces passing through a plane. The sperm finds itself in a giant cathedral dodecahedra, exactly the dimensions of the dodecahedron called “City of Revelation”, or “New Jerusalem” The 12 light cones making the infinite dodeca-icosa nest have vortex/twister centers: each pair of twisters creates a torus (donut) –– 6 254




1 2 Tetrahedron as shown in perspective

Viewed edge-on in a 2-fold symmetry 3





3 Viewed face-on in a 3-fold symmetry

Viewed in an alternate 3-fold symmetry

4 2 1 3



7 The rainbow connection: seven regions mapped on a torus.


pairs, 6 donuts, 12 faces –– which suggests Eddington’s formula for the volume of the universe based on the formula for the volume of a torus. Spinning vortex donuts begin to nest, one in each face (symmetry axis) of each platonic solid. This creates in sequence each column of the atomic table. Thus all of matter is generated from transformations of ONE flow form. This spinning donut “engine,” burning white in the center, bounces off in each of the seven possible spins of the tetrahedron. The percent of motion straight forward versus aside, of the vortex (photon) as a whole, makes a simple visual vector ratio from 440 to 880 angstroms, and each color of the rainbow is created in sequence by pure geometry. The seven symmetry spins which make the tetrahedra are described in “Fields of Form” by Lawrence Edwards. These seven spin angles nest the photon’s simplicial flow form onto the cones of the eye. Thus these cones measure the tilt of the photon on geometry’s simplest form, giving us the origins of color from pure geometry. The simplicial torus is topology’s way of touching the most colors to each other. That is to say, seven is the most colors which can all touch each other, as regions of color, on a surface. And that surface is the donut-torus. One Moebius strip divided into seven continuous color bands exactly maps the torus. And the tetrahedron’s seven spins, and the torus donut’s, are mutually co-defining. Next, the alphabet is born of the same ONE form. Focus on one donut torus. Locate by visual inspection the smallest region/strip which can contain all the colors. This strip contains all the surface information necessary to spin around into the whole donut, yet is itself a slender “spiral trace.” It looks like a vortex or horn. The seven color flame letter strip spins. Each time the vortex of the flame letter ratchets to a different spin symmetry of the platonic solids, lightning stops the action long enough to reveal the letter shape of our sacred alphabets. The letters are created as 2D shadows of the seven color strip map off the torus/donut. This specific alphabet of shapes passes through a simple prism, symbolizing a spectrum analyzer breaking down the wave components of the letters into their sonic rainbow. Thus, the sounds of the letters of a sacred alphabet are actually produced and heard from the shapes generated by the geometry of light. Gently move your focus now back to the realm of galactic bodies, so that we may notice a function of this alphabet on a scale much larger than we have imagined. In the giant apple-shaped cell of replicating galaxies, the huge genetic helical form in the center of the cell spins by. A centriole-like “black hole” appears. Zooming in, we see that the actual shape of these foci, where all the puppet strings for meitosis con255








verge, are physically the letters our sacred alphabets. Their frequency signature as wave guide and “name,” choreographs, or arranges by resonance, the dance of replication. The Ankh, Alpha and Omega, are names of embodiments whose shapes, names, and functions are galactically metabolic in a vast cellular body. They are beings, sum-bodies. The (galactic/human) cell division occurs. Only now we find that we are the only place where we have traced this unpacking: the human zygote/egg/fetus. Ontogeny recapitulating phylogeny has brought us back before our birth. We pick up the threads where we left the human cells replicating in the first image. One cell –– a sphere, 4 cells –– a tetrahedron, then octahedron, cube, and ultimately dodeca-icosahedra. The cells trace out the geometry of efficacious touch called the platonic solids. The Golden Mean (phi) vesica traces fetus growth. The limb vertices make golden mean spirals, along the path of growth of the babe. As the fetus finishes growing, the birth tunnel is a massaged memory of pressure converging as the same torus core. It is the path of touch back to the remembrance of all toroidal forms. The moment of pressure creates memory/in-form-ation, allowing the immune system mem(ory)brane umbrella surface to unfold. Pressure is the focus of the prism which makes the spectrum analyzer we call a rainbow. Only focus enacts the immunological laws which cause order, coherence, health to be self-generating (the rainbow principle); and dis-order, disease, incoherence to be self-destructive. Fetus as babe draws first breath. Oxygen, seen as a helix, is lightning. It lights the fire inside. This first ignition fixes the moiré grid of the star-crossed gravity bubble (galactic mem-brane) into memory. The child’s auric template forms. This bio-bubble forms by the pressure geometry of the trails of stars’ gravity. Roaring, burning, a tingle lit by the breath, the flame of biology chooses its first identifying shape. “Phase-lock,” bonding with universe Mater, matter, and mother, occurs. The child learns to breathe. The heart is the center of the figure 8 donut of the breath circuit. Abdominal or thoracic breathing pivots at the heart and tunes it. Attention is the finger on the guitar string fixing the note called breath. This tunes and times the heartbeat, and sets the governing drumbeat for the EEG. The heart stabilizes simple resonance on the aortic violin string to the crotch. The EEG is tuned by the sonic ring up from the heart. The profound, shape-defining origin of the heartbeat is an electrical wave which is exactly a 7-color torus. The toroidal layers of the muscles of the heart are 7, from the spin axes of the tetrahedron. All of the simple harmonics of emotion proceed from breath. The glands spectrum analyze a simple alphabet to make emotion. Their envelopes are massaged sonically. The shape of the pressure wave 256




All of the simple harmonics of emotion proceed from breath. The glands spectrum analyze a simple alphabet to make emotion. Their envelopes are massaged sonically. The shape of the pressure wave called touch is learned, and exactly traces the alphabet of emotion. Emotions as wave shapes are archetypal. Waves of emotion are form constants; every one’s joy or anger or fear have exactly the same graphic ratio, whether through the field of touch or sound. (Either is an example of the lengths pressure will go to be felt.) Emotions were intentionally created musically in Manfred Clynes and Gurdjieff’s work. Thus the child maturing becomes a resonance engine whose emotional envelopes exactly nourishes (by harmonic cascade-ratio preserved keys): CELL MEM BRANES, HUMAN AURIC MEM BRANES, PLANET GRAVITY/MAGNETIC BUBBLE MEM BRANE. Geometries of breath chosen tension flow out of the body as musical ratio raindrops massaging these membranes, without regard for the distance of scale — they propagate by ratio (just like vowel sounds are recognizable in any octave.) Emotions are the symphony of the glands. They are the cookie-cutter/alphabet/fingerprints of consciousness, creating and shaping cell, human, and planet membrane (mind). Just like the letters of the sacred alphabets are cookie cutters to select the phase angle of light, emotions are the template by which consciousness maps her gifts onto biology. Your choice of emotion is your responsibility to the physics of creation. And the long wave of breath tunes the frequency cascade to emotion, and thus all the other harmonics which comprise life. The geometry of the raindrops called emotion on the membranes are morphic keys in the membrane spectral (phase) locks called identity. The three sets of membrane bubbles learn that the center of gravity called heart is the only way to allow the wave pattern from the surface raindrop to recur through center and thus “stand” as wave. Recursiveness originates consciousness as a fractal. Memory requires a Tai Chi-like center of gravity. Only what passes through ONE center is re-membered. The heart as a flow form is a form constant which contains “in principle” all centers. Thus purified by “the heart of the matter,” emotions become standing waves when they are integrated to coherence. They weave the folded surface called membrane. By defining what is inside/outside, self/not-self, immunity originates. Separateness is an illusion useful to biology for “a time.” (Physics knows that time is only defined by spin.) The spectral windows of membranes are the gates of immunity. Incomplete integration of the resonance of emotion leaves holes in the bubble wall of cell, human aura, planet grid. Where the length of our GALACTIC CONTEXT





longest wave isn’t long enough to switch Earth’s gates, nature has provided whale songs. The forests as Gaia membrane skin make a complete sonic symphony. If one spectrum of forest-sound-maker (one species) disappears, nature quickly finds a new source for that sonic region. Biomass is living skin for Gaia, woven by the joyous coherent sonic emotion of ALL her species. The irreplaceable whale songs tell galactic farmers whether Earth’s membrane is alive to communicate. The initiation/emotion fed child who learns to identify with the new Merkabbah dodeca- grid of Gaia emerges as child of mind into planet as one mind –– the same shape as her genetic grail –– the immortal child. Biology’s message, as memory bubble seed, is successfully folded and packed off for galactic impregnation. Christos (Crystos) aborning. The sperm of the solar wave bubble ecstatically delivers its DNA across the org*smic spark gap galactic synchronization beam to the galactic Egg. Christos fertilizes across the universe the way of Mat(t)er’s uplift to ONEness.








THE SEED AND THE EGG: A GALACTIC PERSPECTIVE onsider: if you could squeeze all of your focus inside an atom, you would need stories of mythic proportions to describe what it means to be a molecule. Only mystics would see the truth in the greater mythic context. The rest of the electron and proton brothers and sisters would be quite convinced that their tiny particle world was a big place, and enough with which to be concerned. Electrons can be perceived as particles, yet from a larger conception, in context, they are an orbit whose pattern creates a body we label shell or membrane. Averaging or scanning the continuous paths of electrons creates the 3D image physicists call shell or cloud. The broader contextual view completes the picture which the particle view only begins. Additionally, because of the shape of the spinning particles, atomic shells are able to decide what goes through them, and what doesn’t. Because the shape determines the frequency, or Fourier content, like the size of the screen which sifts the sand, a fabric of weft and woof is created. We could say that atoms and molecules get membranous identity, (self, not/self) from the frequency patterns of its electrons. Now suppose you had squeezed all your focus and “light speed blinking” capacity down into something as small as, say, a planet. And further suppose that everybody there had done such a fine job of getting their focus inside such a tiny thing, that they had forgotten the Shape, (and therefore the context/meaning) of the body they were getting into and becoming a part of! (There they were... Minding their







Madame Blavatsky


own business… When all of a sudden… It wasn’t the 7 hills of Dublin or Rome, it was “love’s body.”) How would you set about picking up the clues about the body you were inside of? It might be a lot like being on flatland as a 3D cube were passing through. You would stare at your flat land, seeing first a dot, then a triangle, then a hexagon, then a triangle again, then a disappearing dot. Perhaps after this happened a million times, the most transcendental part of you would grok what it is to be a tilted cube passing though a plane. When a dodecahedron passes through a plane, at a certain angle, it leaves twelve faces as Cones or wedges on the horizon. According to Madame Blavatsky’s Isis Unveiled, these twelve light cones on a plane are the twelve houses of our zodiac. In other words our zodiac is a 2D projection of a 3D dodecahedron. Even as the Hebrew and other sacred alphabets are multiple 2D projections of one 3D “flame letter,” the simplicial 7-color strip off the archetypal torus/donut allows us to enfold in our attention more of the context of our planetary shape as a “dimension” or spin (symmetry) weaving the Mem(ory)brain of a great body. A galactic core beam blip urgently requests of our Gaia airbus: Unknown Flying Body: identify your Self; (give us your context within the galactic body or be destroyed.) Remember that context dependency is the woven umbilical cord which massages our genetic signal-to-noise ratio toward high “immune” identity according to Grammatical Man, Information, Entropy, Language & Life, By Jeremy Campbell. Context is how you would correctly replace a missing thread in a tapestry. This coherence is what makes gene replication dependable and ageless. This is what makes a membrane able to enfold (unlock) the keys to correctly interpret the “intention” of the virus at the gate. Identifying with the nested embeddedness of shape, is the process of mother/mater bonding, cellular, maternal, planetary, and Galactic. This is the known source of immune function. The pressure massage of the birth canal, as a focusing in-form-ation impression/packing memory of “touch”, unlocks & unfolds immune function in the cells of the child’s body. This insight should send us thirsting for a new re-mothering experience: bonding with the planet, solar system, and galaxy. Elsewhere, we have suggested that all bonding is phase-locking. We have learned that phase-locking with mother earth’s heartbeat, the “Schuman Resonance” produces a womb-like euphoric sense of well being. Such as being barefoot in the garden or rain forest and very grounded. We have also demonstrated that the shape of this non-hom*ogenous (flow-form like) blood stream of earth’s gravity body/envelope is 260




dodecahedral. We’ve looked at the spinning dodecahedron trace out DNA as a wave guide path for information across scales, and we’ve noticed that the angle, relative to the plane of the galaxy, at which earth spins to make the great light cone called precession is exactly the 32 degrees you tilt a Cube at to make a dodecahedron! Earth as a body, is making the perfect shape-wave-guide-path, to be genetic material for the larger living cell that is the body of the Solar system. Let’s change the way we blink (or sample vision) when we look at earth. Let’s see whole orbits as circles, as if earth were leaving a trail of bread-crumbs for memory’s sake, trailing those clouds of glory. So that just like the physicist who now knows she can never truly be separate from the bath tub once having touched the bath water, earth leaves an Ariadne’s thread in the great gravity bubble of the solar system. Any space once touched is forever bound in the weave. Ah, but Earth is not really weaving circles. Our sun too is traveling round some great Center. This makes earth’s, and all the planet’s paths, really great helix braids in the sky. Thus planetary motions are an “eternal golden braid” (see Godel, Escher & Bach, by Hoffsteder) whose weft and woof embody consciousness. We must choose some fixed time on which to set the shutter speed of our great visual camera/sampler. What could be more natural than the great archetypal delineator of the ages, precession. So let us set our shutter speed on this great helical multiplanetary precess, at 26,000 years, and then “take” a picture. Fortunately for us, someone has already developed the film from our contex-expanding Camera experiment. The trace of all the planets over one precession is nicely imaged in Theory Of Celestial Influence by Rodney Collin. He illustrates the beautiful wave bubble thus created as a living body with bright head (sun), torso and tail (the planets 3D waveform,) This is a great image, but what is the function of this body of the solar logos? One clue may be what Jose Arguelles says about the solar cycles being the heartbeat of The Mayan Calendar. Laying out this solar pattern on a simple grid reveals the profound set of trigrams we call I Ching and the DNA codons. We can map this, the harmonic module grid, onto the dodecahedron. So it does appear Sun-body knows something about heartbeat and immune membrane generation. So by moving and pulsing in this particular way, the sun weaves a coherent membrane, which is clearly intentional. A long wave “cats cradle” or spider’s web is woven, which by recursiveness (physicist’s fractal term for the origin of consciousness) (w)rings out the dodeca-genetic Earth and cell grids. Let’s look closer at this 3D sun and planet path body bubble. I GALACTIC CONTEXT





always wondered why Rodney Collin didn’t explain why this “living” body had an undulating tail instead of legs. But then, I “got to thinking” about all this material suggesting the dodeca- earth grid system making literally genetic material by the shape of its spinning grid, and its ratcheting precess. This being the case, it is then logical to position our planet-spun web inside a living cell. Of course, in order to understand what we are here for, we need to know what is the specialized function of the cell we inhabit. And then it came to me in a rush, how dramatically like a living sperm cell was the appearance of the solar system when drawn out in a 26,000 year 3D image. A leading bulbous (solar) head, complete with enzymatic penetration system at the front (solar cycles) followed by the torso body of the planets, carefully wefting and woofing out just the shape to make genetic material –– the memory bank of the sperm, and the other sub-cellular organelles. And finally there is a complete propulsive undulating comet-like tail. The image is too dramatic to ignore. We are compelled to reconsider our entire concept of the inter relationship of life forms. Then too, having addressed with this model, so many questions about what is the Solar System; telling questions are immediately posed about who is fertilizing what? The solar system is the sperm; the milky (motherly) way galaxy herself is egg. We hear an echo of this in the ancient Egyptian myths of Geb, Father Earth, and Nuit, Mother Sky. This seeding role produces the power to transform the whole galaxy through the genetic strands of biology here on earth. Christos propagated bio-logos (biology) informs the cells of the whole galactic body how to feedback/uplift mass into light, a recursive nest called Consciousness. So now when we hear our astronomers and astrologers telling us that we have just turned the corner in the path of precession, we have more context with which to understand. Specifically, up to now (the last 13000 or so years) we have been moving as a solar system, out of the plane of the galaxy, and against the grain or wind of the galactic gravity bloodstream. Now having just turned around this corner, we just are beginning to move into the bubble or egg of the galactic core. (Things get friendlier when you’re going with the wind.) To use the harmonic-module kind of terminology, “we are approaching galactic synchronization beam-lock.” Love’s secretions are finally irresistible as the sperm flagellates past the, at first, negative flow in its path. There approaches an electric “moment of no return” in the org*smic process. This means that: GALACTIC CONTEXT





1. The sperm head (sun) begins executing the enzymatic key codes (solar cycles) to penetrate the egg wall (surrounding the galactic core, or Hunab Ku, which as membrane is Mindfulness. 2. The membrane around the sperm (earth’s ozone layer and the magnetic sheathing around our planet and solar system) begins to dissolve in order to prepare for gene insertion into galactic egg. 3. The body of the sperm expects to be merged and unrecognizable after impregnation. Many parts of it, including the (planetary) tail are simply discharged. 4. We need to teach the “children” to breathe in the light in such a way as to hold the memory in (genetic/grail) context. Check it out for yourself. Start with an “inner smile” –– a gently loving sensation; breathe smoothly through your nose into your lower abdomen, and release. The quality of oxygen is such that it sets biology’s flame alight. Notice that breath infused with simple attention to shape inside (a kind of geometry of pressure), literally builds that shape as feeling. Start with the simplest, the tetrahedron. Later a 2 nest of these builds an octahedron inside and a cube outside. Then the cube tilts and spins weaving the infinite dodeca-icosa nest. The cells went through the archetype of “platonic” shapes on their way to being you. Try retracing your memory back the way you came. The steps in resonance seem to be: intentional relaxation, brain/ heart entrainment, group mind entrainment, planet and then: solar entrainment/phase-locking/bonding. The results are: Knowledge of purpose, (context) true recollection, a realization that the essence of the program is bonding, focus, and oneness. If we use our bond with the planet’s “ring” (the Schuman resonance heartbeat) to “hang together” enough (the moment when the collective mind becomes one), we might be able to move into hyperspace, our next higher grouping of dimensions. Thus the context Gaia has “in mind” would use the geometry of her own planet body, as this next necessary “bond of power” for our species, her children. Only bonded to the planet are we “collected of mind” enough to carry our memory so far. Thus we prepare the seed to propagate across galactic spaces. Folded, packed, embodied, chrystened as one. 5. The neuronal activation of the gene/light key sites on the planet grid must be timed (synchronized or phased in rotational order.) They need to align with the enlightening beam. Waves of galactic org*sm rise to catch the light grid of the galaxy’s own even more vast starseed context of Body. Thus to pour more richly into what would incarnate here.








THROUGH THE GATES: KUNDALINI, INITIATION AND COHERENCE ohn D. Upledger of Upledger Institute, West Palm Beach, FL, has described a “triad of compression,” which completes a hydrodynamic membranous circuit of the brain and spinal cord. In the mythical literature by George Hunt Williamson, Secret Places of the Lion , refers to the gates of the pervading vision guarded by the lion (which is one of the persona of the sphinx). We learn that the sockets for swinging gates are still visible at the sphinx doorway to the pyramids in Egypt. And that at one time the very mouth of the ritually ebbing Nile lapped up against those gates. The secret places of the Nile are traditionally known as the chakra-like initiatory sites for the spiritual evolution of those who could connect with the pilgrimage sites from the base to the mouth of the Nile, similar to the base to the mouth of the spine. In Cranio-Sacral Therapy, the cranium and the sacrum are moved by the production of cerebro-spinal fluid in such a manner as to create a hydrodynamic pulse. This pulse represents a third member in the musical chord of the breath and heartbeat in the body. It is a separate pulse; distinctly perceptible with light finger pressure. It constitutes a liquid pump within the cranium and spine, with the potential of drawing the sweet fluids output by the lower sexual glands, up into the upper brain. (Even as it is described that one of the primal functions of the deep passages within the pyramid functioned as a giant hydrodynamic water pump during its construction.) This liquid pathway within the body begins at the liquid input to the lower spinal chord fluids, opened with the help of the pelvic tilt. This input is







fed by tantra and the kundalini process. Gurdjieff called this critical opening the “organ kundabuffer.” The liquid serpentine path processes up the spinal core, called “sushumna” surrounded by caduceus “ida” and “pingala” (in yogic terms). When this liquid pours its sweetness into the upper brain cavity, using the glandular sonics as an envelope massaging pump, the “nectar of ecstasy” taste of sweetness drips from the cranium onto the back of the tongue. Thus a biological feedback loop is completed, reporting a successful harvest of feeling/emotion into the stuff, “coherent emotion,” which feeds the gravitational field body around us called collective mind. Specifically, at that point a harmonic cascade information umbilical is woven like Ariadne’s Thread to that ONE mind. When the Cranio-Sacral pump mechanism is freed by relaxation, and moves at optimum rate, quality, symmetry, & amplitude, the resul tant ideal fluid exchange creates the conditions for joy and ecstasy. Dr. Upledger has proven clinically that an individual cannot be depressed when in this state. The release of Upledger’s triad of com pression is primary in the Cranio-Sacral system’s optimum function. This triad of compression consists of first: L5 S1, (lumbo-sacral junction) second: the atlas axis, (the top vertebra or C1 & C2) and third: spheno-basilar junction — where the sphenoid and occiput join at the base of the skull. These are the GATES to the brain cavity. The Cranio-Sacral pulse Upledger hypothesizes is created by the production of cerebral spinal fluid in the sinus ventricles of the brain. The ebb and flow of this cerebral spinal fluid creates a flexion and extension of the cranium and sacrum, creating a (joyful?) radiation of this pulse throughout the rest of the body. The curve formed by the compressed cranium and sacrum is the deep resonating sound board without which the piano strings of the spine would sound hollow and empty. Later we will explore the ebb and flow of the Nile pushing the balanced gates at the doors of the sphinx, whose swing we may guess is tilted critically by the delicate balance of the fractal relation of the pyramid to the mass of the Nile river delta/ plateau on which it rests. Actually the capstone was fractally 1/56th the area of the pyramid, and that was 1/56th the area of the Nile delta plateau which supported it, and that was 1/56th the area of the continent of Africa, and that was 1/56th the area of Earth. A fractal of this sort represents a progression where the ratio of the small to the whole, is repeated again in a relation to a still larger whole. Such a sequence allows for an information path between dimensions. We should investigate the mass/volume ratios of the perfect sacrum/cranium to cerebral spinal fluid, to the rest of the body. The cranium and the sacrum mirror each other like gates in their GALACTIC CONTEXT





movement. In order for these two ends of the triad to couple and link their movements in symmetry, they must be mobile and free. The architecture of the body is such that if the cranium is not supported in alignment with the spine, restrictions in the musculature, connective tissues, and energy body result. Optimum happiness/bliss is the result of having these systems flow freely. The sweetest nourishment of the cells of the upper brain is made possible by this optimized hydrodynamic pulse. The cerebral spinal fluid becomes a charmed serpent carrying the charge/sweetness (nectar of ecstasy) from the lower glands and orgone/orgiastic/tantric processes. This Orgone energy (as per Wilhelm Reich) is a complex high frequency/high information density output of ALL of the cells of the body. One of it’s principle bandwidths however is in the ultraviolet, as evidenced by the significant ultraviolet bursts accompanying the onset of the meiotic cellular replicative processes. The cell has accomplished the weaving of many coarser bandwidths into the refined optical drivers for genetic replication. At such a stage the cells finest product as information is perceived as orgiastic energy, hence the term orgone. The concentration of attention which accompanies lovemaking, serves to gather these cellular emissions into the lower glands. The path from the optical to the sonics, which drive the “discipline of ecstasy”, is exactly SEVEN octaves. This is illustrated classically by the addition of the petals to the spinning neuro-muscular plexi called chakra. This fluid energetic flow, when in complete circuit from cell to lower gland to upper cortex, is perceived as sweetness or nectar in the brain. It is the biological reward/feedback for accomplishing the closure of the energy circuit of the glands, feeding the highest information-gathering antennae of the human condition, the holographic, and multiply-connected optical cortex. The sound of the “sweet heart” is the snake charming instrument, blown by the breath. The wind instrument like shape of the pericardium sack enveloping the heart cavity, serves as the resonator fluting the heart sounds along the serpentine harmonics of the spinal column, whose very bones ring like a xylophone. The heart sack pericardium also resembles the shape of the crown worn by Osiris. (cf: Doug Benjamin). Emotion’s onset can be mathematically identified by sonic long wave coherence at the glandular centers. The glands produce a well described sonic alphabet. This simplest of harmonic Jacob’s ladder serves as the serpentine driver to lift the best orgone sweetness of the cells, collected erotically, to where it can be harnessed by the resonance envelope we call collective mind: an emotionally woven gravitational bloodstream. This constitutes the long wave envelope of coherence which we may call the mind of Earth. High signal-to-noise ratio, for emotion processing the vision of GALACTIC CONTEXT





Sekhmet, lion-headed Goddess of ancient Egypt, is one of the few Egyptian neters whose divine orb is encircled by a serpent, indicating her Kundalini function.


group mind, relies on the same self-embedded riding of the long wave called “context dependency,” which characterizes the turn within a turn, called DNA. Envelope within envelope, recursive, fractal, self-organizing/ drawn up by its own bootstraps… The state of awareness that evolves out of this release, and the understanding of this ecstatic human potential, opens GATES. These open gates embody the possibility of SEEING the connection between the architecture of the sphinx and architecture of the human being. Our dollar bill illustrates the all pervading eye of vision which SEES when the focal nest converges at the tip of the pyramid. This symbolizes the sonic focalizing liquid ventricle horns of the brain. The chakra glandular/nervous plexi are piezoelectric: sonically activated to secrete ductless hormonal psychoactive nectar. These critical “natural high” secretions regulate the arc-conductive threshold of the synapse, and the onset of the phonon (sound) coherent superconductive ecstatic process. The pyramid-shaped ventricular liquid horns focus sound on the pituitary/pineal glandular spark gap which is massaged to psychoactive ecstatic and superconductive choreography by “riding the long wave” –– arriving through these open GATES. The reason the lion guards the gates through which the serpent passes (like Cleopatra’s ring) is that the lion’s absolute cool fearlessness is the absence of self-destructive heat/disorder/resistance which controls the passage of superconductive electric presence of MIND. The tip of the caduceus serpent’s tail is the sting of the moment whose approaching infinite presence of mind is either burning fire or rapture depending upon the electrically conductive difference between fear vs. love — LO frequency, PH(i) ratio –– loph.







KUNDALINI: A ‘WEB’ CONVERSATION undalini is etymologically “rooted” in the words for hair. Interestingly, one of the things a “pony tail” of long hair can do, is provide a wave guide to help conduct the “chi” or kundalini force energies from the head to the lower body. Human hair is very much like the microtubule of the cell. It acts as a finely tuned high frequency wave guide for microwave coherent energy, very much the currency of cell metabolism. (Hameroff et al) The hair-like microtubules in the cell may be thought of as the geometrically arranged plumbing pressure lines distributing ultraviolet and microwave field effects to produce a stable cymatic geometry of wave nodes sufficient to keep positions aligned for the delicate DNA helical erotic unzip meiosis/meitosis. We must consider that it is precisely some of this erotic ultraviolet blue juice which is gathered by the shapes of human attention, between cells to become org*sm/orgone/tantra/kundalini. There was a time honored myth in the east that by returning one’s hair uncut to the creator at death, at important debt of memory was repaid. Callahan’s documentation that olfaction was mediated almost entirely in the infrared, was evidenced in part by the physical antennae bandwidth measures of insect and nose hairs. Dratch showed that a spinal scan for the calculated microwave frequency of cellular ATP produced a microwave 3D map profoundly indicative of the geometry of biological “fire” in the body; and created thereby a complete wave guide history of where psychological trauma history was blocking chi flow. In summary, we may conclude that kundalini may be physically measured, in among other ways, as a coherence phenomena of collected cellular “blue fire”. Ultra violet coherence being the motor and currency of cell metabolism (Ettienne, and Lipton). What may be most instructive about this is the degree to which the gathered (and fractal?) inertia of human attention/focus does specifically direct and steer this waveguide. The mechanism which permits increasingly coherent human focus to steer microwave and shorter bandwidths is very much our appropriate challenge to understand fully. Interestingly, it was UV spectral emission lines which can measure the braid angle of DNA helical wrap factor. It was this technology which allowed us to prove that electrical low frequency coherence in the heart beat, associated with the feeling of compassion, does measurably affect the braid angle of DNA. (See the article in Section Four







entitled “Braiding DNA: Is Emotion the Weaver”) and the research done at my suggestion by Heart Math Institute, and published by the International Society for the Study of Energy Medicine. The point being that an Ultraviolet effect in the DNA is documentably changed by a conscious, teachable skill: feeling love and compassion in the heart measured in the power spectral analysis of the EKG (See Section Five above.) So now let us apply this metaphor to the activities we know create likely kundalini medical symptoms. Creating glandular coherence creates microwave and ultraviolet cellular coherence. Glandular (emotive) coherence appears teachable with biofeedback or yoga etc. We must ask what is the principle in essence of what permits human conscious activity to grapple with the heart of high frequency cellular fires. I discussed with Ben Bentov many times the mechanism of the sonic entrainment of the heart pressure waves with the liquids of the brain ventricles (like a can of peaches shaking, he would say.) His capacitive accelerometer for measuring this ring relationship between heart and brain liquids was one of the planet’s finest feedback devices. Ben described his own kundalini experiences as often originating in the solar plexus area, very different than mine. Coherent heart sounds pump ecstatic juices to the brain. Think of the geometry of sonic phonons or sound in liquid long standing waves as functioning like a flute-operated snake charmer, or the sonic standing nodes moving like the pushers in a peristaltic pump (in which mechanical hands push liquids up a flexible tube.) The origin of the sweetness tasted dripping from the squeezed amygdala of the brains nut, is the blue dish at the base of the spine. Here foreplay, or breath, gathers the collected Ultra-violet nectars of cell metabolism. If tantra or kundalini can produce enough Sacro Cranial Pulse (a sonic long wave) up the fluids of the spine, then the stinger tube hole at the base of the spine can begin to pump. When successful of course, this produces the positive biofeedback of “permission to taste the sweetness.” Sweetness being always and only a measure of braidedness. The arrival of these, the best biological nutrients to the brain crown produces: 1. An explosion of brain cellular growth at the upper brain. The unfolding of the petals of a magnetic flower there, which then attract images to the pineal. 2. An extreme plumbed removal of lingum excipients /mucosal crystallizations blocking flow, from the cerebrospinal and connected lymph passages. The psychological correlates of which include however many months of tears required to excise every unshareable (less than GALACTIC CONTEXT





eternal) stored emotion. The geometry of emotion’s library being the foldedness on surface of cell and piezoelectric muscle. 3. A potentially dangerous over excitation/ metabolic speedup of the glands. The skill to move nutrients from the cells entrance to high quality uv, and then out to glandular and ecstatic operations goes to its limit. Essentially, metabolisms baud rate can speed up to beyond the glands ability to withstand the fire. In my case, fifteen years of nutritional-honing permit a kind of thin survival. 4. An overflowing of sweetness dripping onto the back of the tongue, resulting in a different appreciation of what sweetness is (the girl after kundalini or ecstasy prefers lentils to chocolate because their deferred but self-braided sweetness is tastie: ersatz sweetness as a substitute for ecstatic process is no longer desired.) 5. The perception of a magnetically implosive current traveling spinally. Moving ones attention to the core of this magnetic current, can with shamanic practice create an organ of perception (look through the eye of the serpent). 6. A potent magnetically converging atmospheric and earth current force precipitating moisture from above, and creating new springs below. Herein comes the in-tube wormhole song-line entering force which Aboriginally glues tectonics together. Drawing the magnetic current energy line from the energy going in circles which we cutely label mass, is the ss word from ss tone: the raised djed, and djedi knight. 7. A dramatic improvement over the perception of simple org*sm; the passage of hapliod DNA seed up the spine in the male: prostatic thick but clear fluid can come out the penis, the sem*n went up. In the female notably, recurrent descriptions of “virgin” birth (conversations with Sannella, Drunvalo). The point is that it is the carrier of capactive charge which instructs the eggs membrane to turn inside out/donut and become fetus. The source of the charge spin must inherently have enough recursion (awareness), to feed DNA it’s complement message. 8. The long term impact of kundalini on DNA braid coherence is such as to add another harmonic series of frequencies to the enveloping. This is commonly and erroneously referred to as adding another strand. More correctly, entering another dimension never referred to anything which was not topologically the superposition of another axis of symmetry. This is exactly what happens when the ratio of a carrier wave length, to the wave length of the envelope which contains it, becomes sacred, or recursive, or phi. (Long wave PHI ratio-Golden Mean- the perfection of recursive nest). Genepool spin densities become potentially entirely fractal in this way, and thus reach stellar awareness. This is harvest of sweetness which genepools potentially deliver as milk to gaia’s lactic core.






9. Kundalini is schizophrenic only when the urge to fractality is fractionated, in nutrition and environment totally lacking in spin density/context richness/braidedness. This then relates to the microcosmic orbit skill to return/rotate the magnetic, microwave, and UV broad spectral currents back down the spine. The psychological import of this is that once you see God (light explodes), if you cannot return and create a service with your new phone line to the spin of one mind, then you will go insane. The geomantic law here is that true ecstatic process is unsustainable and produces insanity unless you live in a magnetically fractal landscape. This is why Magdalen had to create a zodiac fractal when she directed the (Templar dreams) siting of the gothic cathedrals: to distribute the spin force of the charge of her tantric swoon with Jesus Christ, fractally to the nearby zodiacal landscape. Awareness is distributed only as wave. Waves can change scales by perfected ratio only in the presence of the Lo-PHI Golden Mean Fractal. Mygdala is the name for the journal on fractality and the nut squeezed in the brain to make sweetness, by the hearts sonic fractal. Rosy foldedness perfected. Come here to die, and you won’t. The heart of the matter of principle which enables awareness to attract the force of such currents is contained in the whisper of the heart at the moment of love. We look at the harmonic content of the EKG, as the rush tingle of compassion sweeps, we find not just Coherence in the EKG between 0-35 hertz (exactly the coherence bandwidth in the EEG and the Earth’s Schuman resonance.) What we find is a particular kind of coherence (musical chord). We find that when the harmonics of the heart’s beat are most likely to capacitively entrain the brain and even entrain a tree at a distance. At that moment the heart’s frequency harmonics will be a recursive/self embedded/ fractal in their non-linear harmonic nest.

The heart-shaped cardiod


In other words, simply put, the skill to make a high frequency attractor out of the heart’s breath is the skill to make a wave fractal attractor. This is when attention can best bend light, because of the centering force/suction like of emotion as wave attractor. This is why only bending light from line to circle, from energy to mass, creates anything. This is why since love bends light best, as the principle Christos said: only love bends the light and thus creates. The electrical donuts converging at the heart at the moment of love have been exquisitely arranged fractally, by the heart that knows how. This phase cardiod, heart-shaped golden spiral lo-phi all-monde fractal, is the only limitless permission to touch possible among waves which don’t wish to fight. God’s baud rate requires the handshaking which allows infinitely compressible fractal data to be shared at no





energy cost. Love is the only successful outcome of an eternal experiment in symmetry. Although thinking a shareable thought which creates a magnetic implosion in the brain can begin the kundalini current, only heart coherence makes it sustainable. So although the kundalini phenomena is not in itself evidence of pure intention, the ability to sustain kundalini is. In exactly the same way that physics proves that pure sustained focus agreement among waves IS exactly the same thing as pure intention. (Do not buy a used car from shifty eyes.) There is only one coherence, it just gets around.








ANGELIC FEELINGS An Essay on Angels & The Role of Human Emotional Energy in our Galaxy or Why Sustainable Star Birth Requires Collective Bardo (Perhaps Angelology was unpopular among physicists for the same reason Einstein couldn’t model the infinite compression which would bend time –– in both cases it was a fit problem onto the head of a pin, which only fractal/recursion solves.) hen I was 21, having just quit my position at IBM, I went to study Gurdjieff’s Sacred Gymnastics at Claymont in West Virginia, the site of George Washington’s nephew’s plantation. My body was intellectually quite mature; I was already quite an egghead. However, emotionally and glandularly I was definitely a late bloomer. My feeling body could have been described as very boyish. At that time, I had never had a sexual relationship. I was/am astrologically a double Scorpio, (11/13/52, 6 am, Gowanda near Buffalo, NY) so I was exploding with base of the spine sting energy. Also, at that time I migrated from a college student’s lousy chi diet, to a largely live food, whole grain diet at the community. All of this meant that I was ripe for an emotional ex(im)plosion. I have this vivid memory of walking down the long overgrown green path between the mansion and the huge octagonal old show barn we were converting into a sacred gymnasium. It was a lovely summer day; I was well rested and well nourished. I was miles from significant power lines or traffic. I happened to walk within inches of a snake. Although the serpent was not particularly big, the suddenness of the event sent a very sharp shiver up my spine. What I remember so vividly about the event was that the shear juice or amperage of the “jimmy willy” rushing up my spine was huge, and far greater than anything I could remember. In retrospect I came to realize that the actual ability to have high amperage emotions, was learned. First the glands learn the skill to digest certain foods. Spinach for example contains food elements that are not able to be practically braided into sweetness, until later in the evolution of the digestive glands’ learning. Hence young kids classically don’t like the taste of spinach because they haven’t acquired the glandular and geometric skill to rearrange the food elements contained in spinach into a nice braid. We measure the density of braid and that is the molecular definition of sweetness. Well, emotions are digested in a very similar way. Certain elements of magnetism are processed or consumed by the







glands. Just as an Aboriginal dance sends a collective shiverdown a song line to be caught by a shaman across the continent, the skill to braid long wave magnetics into standing wave field effects begins with the shamanic skill to use glandular emotion to effect environment –– the land becomes inhabited with the long wave of feeling. It takes time to acquire the skill to eat magnetism from the land’s long wave, and, by focusing and centering the spin arrays, give that magnetism a kind of eternality, by adding the “wormhole to center,” or “spin path to zero point,” which creates gravity. Gravity is a name for the onset of recursive centering, which permits wave systems to participate in the universal phase discipline or the connectedness of the collective mind. This “G Ray of Vita” allows waves that enter the “PhiRays” of self-embedding to stand or stabilize their spin. Gravity is the scalar one way inward wind of magnetic wave implosion perfecting connectivity. Gravity does not exist in the absence of Eros. When Gurdjieff said planets experience their relationship in gravity erotically, he was pointing to a deep and wonderful principle. Suppose you had learned how to dance with a new lover in a way that allowed every gyration in spin to send a new wave of sweetness coursing through your body. This learned skill of the geometry of the dance, would then become sustainable. This would make your relationship able to stand as wave. The flamenco dance is a foot step trace of the Greek key. Revolve the Greek key and you get the Cretan labyrinth. Key was Chi or cross in Greek. The stars of Orion make a cross at the belt where stars are born. If you had learned your “flame-in-go” dance, improperly, the steps would begin to cancel each other out, and the dance would stop. If you learn the dance in perfect recursive symmetry, then the dance would create a magnetic 4D time wave for your glands to cat’s cradle a new dimension in the memory of feeling. This is the way planets learn gravity. Only certain spin patterns are sustainable. The best sustainability is the best recursiveness. The best recursiveness is the best self-embeddedness/self-reference/self-awareness. The best way for a wave to reenter self is Phi: The Golden Mean Spiral. Should we now guess why the orbital time ratios of Earth/Venus/Mercury are Phi? Or why the recursion in time is Phi? Why the spectral emission lines of hydrogen enter Phi ratio? Gravity is built on Phi, the Golden Mean. What could the d, f electron subshells, as a 5/7, symmetry group be but dodeca/icosa? One could not assemble these shapes without Phi. So back to the Gurdjieff school. There I was, the elements to put the juices of long wave magnetics into my glands were present: Diet with CHI or life force. Land with chi or life force. GALACTIC CONTEXT





+ E


lI + + + + + S + + ++ + + + E + ++ +






Housing without ELF magnetic pollution. A new body with astrological scorpionic CHI. I was in the magnetic saturation mode: glands eating more magnetic braidedness than ever before. So the ability to digest and emote magnetism preceded rapidly. I was preparing a container for feeling, which was useful to the angels.


Seal of Truth




Remember the fascination of the galactic council, as reported by various contact groups, with the rate at which human emotion could turn on a dime? Our technology as a civilization may be childish, but our glandular emotion is the key to our galactic usefulness. We as a genepool may be the solution to the long humanoid vs. Draco/reptiloid struggle between compassion/biology-based cultures vs. technology/ aggression-based cultures. The place where the reptilian brain meets the high fractal cortex, where the passionate emotions meet the high fractality of reason, may be the alchemical melting pot to heal a transgalactic family feud among the angel families. Let us put our considerations of the physics of angel bodies in the context of a very nice question. Why does the birth of stars require evolved consciousness entering collective Bardo/death experience? In other words, why does it take specifically some form of great angelicincarnating awareness to make a star system’s birth unpack into proper interstellar life? In order to look at the gravity of this fascinating question let us review what we apparently know so far about the physics of angels. John Dee, after learning most of the languages of Earth, asked to be taught the true language of light. The Ophanim Angels taught him the Enochian Keys or Calls. These glyphs were a symmetry superset of Hebrew (we should say H’Iburu) which is the spiral symmetry elements of tetra/cube necessary to tilt DNA codons into a Golem or artificial life-form. (Slaves to mine gold, originally, the an-droids were the basic non-self replicating, non-soul embodied life forms.) The H’Iburu priests were gene splicers with little compassion for their droids, and no discipline for sexual lineage to maintain strong DNA. When it was discovered that the Ophanim language script was based on hyper-cube, and other 4D solids, glyph symmetry, we got a clue to the turns necessary to braid light through the superluminal. Hypercubes require Phi. Cubes of local realities can nest in the next spin dimension only in the 5 cube dodeca/hypercube. This form is all Phi spin paths for light waves, allowing the wave fronts to add and multiply in time and space. This meant that wave length and wave velocity could add and multiply successively without destructive interference. This angelic language symmetry created the matrix of biology’s only geometric Door through the speed of light, and therefore through time. 275




Enochian roundel.


The angelic language symmetry set of the Ophanic keys reveals how to get the threads of light lines through black holes or star-gates. This is important because angels are names for magnetic bodies with enough turn and braid coherence to inhabit –– feed magnetic pressures sustainably/recursively into –– Time. Time travel is as simple as seeing how a wave front moving at harmonics faster than light, could get around the spin of the Earth in the Solar system, fast enough to visit the site of our planetary convergence of wave fronts –– next year. The harmonics above the speed of light, become the relative surf or warp velocity angles through time. These harmonics above the speed of light which only perfect Phi recursion gravitational and genetic wave implosion braid or feed, are regulated by angels to create order in time, just as we regulate the bandwidths of radio stations to make communication sustainable. Since the pathways or bandwidths of time become themselves sustainable when self-embeddable, or Phi based, therefore they become self-aware or inhabitable. This becomes the magnetic flux physics of angelic presence. (This will become much more personable an idea when we discuss the recent history of angel families.) Thus factoring time lines without perceptual disorientation requires a particular power 7 (tetra spin) based braid coherence in DNA geometry. (The “Boson” signature of the Montauk boys.) This was the mechanical wormhole through time superluminally made when DNA was braided, envelope upon envelope, with enough implosion to penetrate time. If not, only scrambled eggs returns from the time corridors. The proper DNA braid to enter time windows was a soul matter related to the recursive turn inside out, which is the skill of sustainable compassion itself. (The so-called Montauk Project may have been a failed example of this principle.) Claire Watson, an independent researcher into the mysteries of ancient Crete, depicted the Ophanic Enochian script letters as the star gate navigation language of the Sirius craft. Robert Morningsky, a native American UFO lecturer apparently read the Sirian/Ophanic letter forms on the strut of the crashed Roswell craft. In each case, the very alphabet of the civilization is connected to the magnetic symmetry turns necessary to thread magnetism through worm holes, black holes, star gates. The genetic upthrust of the evolution of the species, turns on its ability to transform its DNA braid implosion into the thrust of collective magnetic perception of the very star systems that beget them. In other words, we turn the light imploding in our genetic material into a worm-like periscope that allows us to insert perception and awareness gathering into tunnels through star gates, black holes, and time. The symmetry turns necessary to do this shamanic thrusting or Djed raising, becomes the alphabet of the civilization, because this is the highest value service the genepool has to render to the star sys276




tem/galaxy in which it is born. The gravity dance that enables star systems to sustain their spin pattern recursion, requires the insertion of self-reference/self-awareness. Star systems cannot be born without the self-awareness (or angel body) on which collective planetary emotion feeds. Not only, as Gurdjieff said, does coherent emotion feed the Earth, (make gravity) but collective coherent emotion feeds galaxies the ability to birth sustainable star systems. So, this brings us to the recent stories of angel families and their family “squabbles.” When we were told that Michael and Lucifer had different ideas on how to empower the humans to bend light, we probably got far too dialectic and judgmental. Just compare for a moment, the story of Michael vs Lucifer Michaelic vs Ahrimanic Cain vs Abel Jew vs Arab Aku vs Draku Humanoid vs Draconian and ask yourself: What are the common threads in this colorful cosmic “Hatfield vs McCoy” family feud? Maybe if we understood, we could help heal the family. So who were the families in the first place? The way the Ophanim (O-Phi-inhim: O turn into Phi, I am — or literally, “The Whirling Ones,”) tell the story: They selected 1254 star systems to project their charge, into a cat’s cradle of potentially self-aware capacitance, in their image and likeness. The gravity field that resulted from this literally bodily projection, became our solar system and Earth. (Gravity, as the fractal embedding of charge, is the physics of astrology) If we blink slow enough at the geometry of those star systems, (or set “leave trails on” in Voyager II on your Mac, and animate paths for one precession cycle) we see the anthropomorphos of a body. Solar systems over one precession, including the paths from the planets, appears like a sperm. An example of this created human awareness by star-projection of body form can be found in the shape of star systems film projected on the land by the zodiacal landscape of the arrangement of the Gothic Cathedrals across Europe. (Clearly the fingerprint of an Ophanim project.) This cosmic family decided that by experimenting in higher density emotions, (more layers of fractal recursion) they could create potentially more leverage on galaxy birthing. In other words, the angels wanted more efficient ways to get self-awareness incarnated into the wormholes which glue galaxies together through time. In practical terms, this means that when you finish being human, you go play with the angelic logoi making stars inside our unfolded magnetic body.






This is what the Andromedan’s meant when they said the roots of our genepool came from the 11th dimension. (The Andromedan’s description of these powerful genetic ancestors as “Paa Taal” is likely the same Ophanim. They are the implosive emoto-kinetic leverage nascent in our genepool) Super-impose spin in DNA recursively with enough braid envelope embedding (11 layers) you get waves on the magnetic scale of Angelic Logoi –– Galaxies. This is what the Aboriginals meant when they said their Shamanic Guides were the Keepers or Lords of Time. The Orion Queen (Magda) blood line knew enough to discipline marital choices; the greatest fear of the aboriginal chiefs on the return of the Keepers of Time (Ophanim), was that they may not have kept the marital laws well. This is what the American Indians meant when they said their genetic roots were the winged ones –– the Bird Tribes. Again, practically speaking, this means that to get out of kindergarten here, you need to lucid dream with the threads of enough shamanic memory to remember where you turned, (Right at Orion, Gilgamesh!) to get your periscope up out of the astral Bardo, into the Zero Point experience of the Galactic Core, the Ancient of Days. (Otherwise your memory dies with your body, soul-less.) And what happens then is rich. From those chromo-sums were one phi-itch. The wave implosion in the DNA began to braid unto completion of the ultimate concentric wormhole. The colorful controversy was this: Should we, the kids of the angels, braid our DNA (and fabricate our ecosystems), by bending the light (magnetism) inside our bodies using emotion? Or, should we, the kids of the angles, braid our DNA (and fabricate our ecosystems), by bending light outside our magnetic bodies using technology. This was the start of the whole Aku vs Draku, Michael vs Lucifer, “war” among the angels. It was really a useful little difference of opinion. If you were of the Aku persuasion, you would then move a mountain and shape a cloud or a jet stream by focusing on the magnetism in your glands and shaping it. If on the other hand you were of the Draku persuasion you would move a mountain or shape a cloud by building a bulldozer or designing a cone capacitor. Both approaches were educational. In one case you would imagine a shape inside your body, in the other, you would imagine that shape to be outside. It really began quite simply. (The Draku were exoskeletal and outward focused; the Aku were endoskeletal and inward focused. Techno is outside-in; emotive is inside out.) It gets even more colorful when you track where the Hatfield vs McCoy, or rather Aku vs Draku, Michaelic vs Ahrimanic, family bloodline specialization lead them. In the case of the Draco, in the time of GALACTIC CONTEXT






Egypt you get the Amon-Ra, the hard making technological pharaohs. The reptilian descendants of the Draco learned to eat gold to fabricate immortality, technologically, in the blood’s magnetic immune systems. Gold’s valence fractality, made soluble in blood, creates wormhole implosions in the blood that electrically cancels the unsustainable emotions, promotes hive consciousness, and technologically fabricates an immune function that is virtually immortal but unfortunately potentially soulless. (If you stop dying, you forget how.) This Gold hunger was the Draco excuse for the gene-splicing experiments to make Gold Mining slaves, which began the major branch of our DNA according to Z. Sitchen. Later, in desperation, you get devolved Draco’s doing frantic gene splicing with their Gray droids, trying to make self-organizing wormhole sustainablitity in DNA (soul), as the Ophanic soul testing time implosion approaches. The Toltecs held some high moral memory from Atlantean priests. The Aztecs, however, worshipped a central Marduk-type god who was merely a priestly front for the Draco/reptilian, hungry to be fed human sacrifice. The attempt to eat immortality from the outside, by eating Pineal glands, also falls in this category of devolved Draconian. (Why did Hitler burn the split skulls of concentration camp medical experiments? Who did the Aztecs feed the human sacrifices to? Where do the harvested missing children go?) While we may get caught up in the awful emotion in the reality of these tragedies, we still need the context, the meaning. Of course the pineal stored the most recursive of the bodies’ magnetics. But, in the long run, is the best way to remember the conversation to eat the telephone? In the case of the Aku, you get the Aku-naton, Akhnaton of the Pharaohs. Bucolic, familial, feminine-empowered, but unstable. Very good at sun worship, but rather poor at balancing the checkbook. Very good at using blue blood DNA to regulate climate, very poor at stabilizing the royal treasury and politics. Today you have angelic families getting more discriminatory of which human bloodlines to call family. The experiments with Barbara Marciniak’s friends and the “Pleadian” community allowing high Dracos to enter human bodies during actual feelings of compassion, may well be a turning point. A Draco may now choose to die, a useful passage. The Aryan bloodline was high on reason, low on compassion. The geometry of compassion was the skill to navigate the magnetism entering the heart, to learn to turn inside out. Technology was a reach outside; emotion was a reach inside. When the Serpent Feeds the Eagle, Quetzlcoaztl returns, the many plumes of vision return. When the high amperage or flow of Draconian reptilian brain emotion feeds the high fractal of the Sirian/Pleadian mental functions, then a new Aquarian era dawns in the leverage which emotion will have upon the grids. GALACTIC CONTEXT





By choreographing a time implosion through which only soul wormhole-coherent memory can penetrate, the Ophanim arrange a type of sort function among family lines who have learned their lessons. Only the ensouled (imploded DNA) will survive. Other genepools end. The Diaspora of humanoids after the last Orion war, returns, necessarily, to the Bethlehem of their “umbilicus” into time. The pregnant time bubble pops as the line forms at the time portal birth tunnels squeeze: here in our sector, Ea’s Earth. The Pleadian and Sirian humanoids again encounter the archetype reptilians of their spinal roots, for one more colorful kundalini sting of ourselves into ourselves. Hydrogen’s frequencies, heart, solar heart, sun flare, planet orbit, and the star chart’s “holy cross” erection, are all closer now to the PHI embedding. This concrescence into time implosion is a carefully midwifed birth by and for angels.

Orion nebula from which stars are born.


So how shall we test for the physics of Angels –– physicists being an appropriately skeptical genepool? Does a frequency signature of the x-rays in the accretion disk that proves the presence of the black hole, and test for log functions of Phi in the frequency ratios? If the Ring Pass (k)Not is recursive, is it therefore self-aware? Angles/Angels are spheres of influence for waves. When those pressure spheres become self-embedding recursive, we call them spheres of consciousness. Hence the term: guard-I-an angle. In summary, it is Orion’s belt where the stars are born. It is here that the soul’s genetic magnetism is focused from the Bardo by the Great Pyramid. It is here that collective Bardo can meet with birthing star-systems. The cocooning of genetic memories into the birth of star systems is the gate into stellar incarnation for souls evolving from human origins. The formation of gravity fields that are sustainable requires this. It is not enough to know the theory of how emotional and perceptual magnetism is the glue for tectonics and star systems. This is only a humble introduction for those with the shamanic chutzpah to do it. Do you remember your dreams? Are you lucid in the dream’s spell? Supernutrition (live food), tantra, round breathing, and hydrotherapy (bathing in living water), helps give escape velocity to the magnetism of the pineal out the crown. Are you able to steer that worm? You might not have to die in order to learn how.







THE IMPLOSION PHENOMENON: UNPREPARED FOR THE IMPLOSIVE NATURE OF LOVE, THE PERSONALITY FRACTIONATES nteresting that Marty Wuttke, a clinical physiologist in Georgia, reports that alcoholics lose their addiction, with clinical permanence, when they learn the flexibility to get a nice harmonic cascade balance of alpha and theta harmonics in their brain waves. Now we have Thoth commenting that balancing brain harmonics into the theta range was a specific key piece of the Egyptian initiatory rituals. What we learned from the addicts is confirmed in spiritual initiation: addiction was a substitute for ecstatic process. The goal to achieve theta/alpha balance was a waveguide to ecstasy. Remember, ecstatic is a name for the charge of Eck, energy, in stasis or stillness. In other papers, I presented a model which suggests that ecstasy is achieved specifically as a wave alignment which looks like a caduceus. What it does is to create a spin path to the zero point. This way the very high frequency and spin dense waves of the matrix or nexus or zero point (the word GOD also fits nicely here) can be connected in an orderly spin path down into the wave lengths our awareness normally bumps into. The collective unconscious resides in the information compression which your PC calls fractal. It is the only compression which makes information so infinitely shareable that passing the files around becomes literally free of energy cost. Fractal data is packed when your heart learns the skill to arrange it’s long wave sound and voltage in Phi related donuts or fields (Lo-Phi or Love for short). This embedding algorithm is the inviting and fractally attractive skill we call learning compassion. The recursive, self-aware nature of this wave turning inside out through center by fractal implosion is the leverage to bend spin by being and creating center. Laymen’s terms for leverage to bend spin would be: BEING. Physics, desperate to avoid emotion, uses words like quantum operator, wormhole, fractal attractor, and prime mover, since there is no wave mechanics for emotion. Pity, since emotion turns out to be quite clearly the most interesting and potent wave mechanic around. In effect, the skill to arrange waves in 3D Phi nests (pents, dodecas etc.) is the only way spin gets permission to implode. This is because as we have explained many times elsewhere, only adding and multiplying







wave interference, gets spin between wavelengths, and thus down the ladder of geometry into implosion. Otherwise, the spin becomes self canceling, and no pressure or awareness density can convene. Or, in the Language of Blazing Tattles, where there is flame, waves have agreed! Phi or the Golden Mean is the essence of wave agreement and love. In this sense, romantically, implosion is our best connection technology.



By connecting harmonic pressure nodes between all wavelengths, the physics of implosion technology effectively breaks down all barriers. This is good to the extent that some symmetry is shareable between all systems. This is bad if there are some systems which just haven’t achieved the symmetry discipline to become shareable. In psychological terms, this is called, preparing to die. The psychodynamics of still point access, and the awareness doorway through death is based on exactly the same physics. Gain enough coherence and spin density, then awareness will extend like an eyeball through a pipe, through the light speed barrier. But massive coherence is ONLY possible (as we have discovered in our EKG and EEG work) when the harmonics are recursive, or self-embedded, or Phi based, or self-aware. This is because large numbers of harmonics cannot exist in the same focus in ratios based on two, duality, only in ratios based on Phi. Massive Phi coherence is the only door through the speed of light, and therefore Time (as simple relative spin) since it is the only way to launch a harmonic cascade that by proper constructive interference between elements of braid can be launched up the harmonic ladder coherently enough to get faster than Light In practical terms, this means that only DNA braided recursively by Love in the EKG makes it through death, the nexus, the still point, rapture. Schauberger caught the spin-going-down implosion, and made electricity from a mineral water vortex. The Alteans got atmosphere nestled about Mars and Earth by tuning planetary magnetic implosion (gravity) using stone dolmen as lenses for magnetism to make fractals of the planet grids. If we hadn’t forgot that geomantic technique, we might still have a chance to keep our atmosphere today! (Too much gravity: no biology; too little: no atmosphere. The tightrope is danced with dolmenic grid engineering.) Gold only occurs on planets where the magnetic lines are fractal enough to birth gold veins. This is because gold is the most fractal of atomic elements. Fractal magnetism is the birthplace of gold, just like gold, then made soluble in the blood, creates fractal tunneling. It is true enough that ultimately if we do not live on magnetically fractal (geomantic) land (where magnetic lines look like rose petals nested), and if we do not eat fractal (or spin dense) food, then we are literally dead. (In the specific sense that life is recursion, and evil is live, El-intoeye-of phi, spelled backwards.) So yes, obviously if your choice is irra282




diated chemical broccoli with spin dead pasta and carcinogenic oil, or fractal gold powder manna, you say, here’s my check, I’ll take the pill. Gold is fractal, I heard if you eat the fractal wormhole, you live forever. Where is the fine print here? Reading fine print means accessing spin in and out of fractal compression. (Certainly what the alphabet was designed to teach: each letter is infinitely fractal and recursive and a spin path in and out of a fractal rose, from every symmetry perspective consumed.) Interestingly, as we look at the hazards of eating the gold as a fractal, we will at the same time be looking at the hazards of: • Phi base sounds implosion technology • Phi based biofeedback • Premature kundalini You get the flavor. The illusory Messianic tendencies of those who spend too much time in the Holiness of Jerusalem, without strong contextual personality structure, is a well described psychological syndrome: The Jerusalem Syndrome. The characteristics of the Jerusalem Syndrome are pretty much as Thoth described the hazards of too much Gold Powder without Shamanic context, except with even greater emphasis on Messiah complex type problems. The physics are easy to understand. You get toward the centroid of massive magnetic fractal worms, and if you try to touch without an orderly spin path in to that zero point, you will get burned. In order to take advantage of the spin, which lightning offered to protein in the primal soup, only those ready to enter a new axis of symmetry’s best recursion survived into DNA. The rest, the vast majority, flew apart. Sounds like our headline quote again: fractionation of the personality. Supposing you take a computer bus line, and accelerate the megahertz by orders of magnitude, without first checking the discipline of the master oscillator, and the switching/sharing rate of the nearby memories. It is pretty easy to take a low baud rate machine and turn it into trash if you crank up the speed without attention to how the internal sharing architecture is organized. The architecture which permits best sharing is always the most compressed. Compression is never perfect until the symmetry is Phi. So, if you take too much wormhole tunneling in the blood, induced by gold powder, you do suddenly hear all your ancestors at once whispering to you out of what is now their DNA. The problem is, you haven’t yet learned how to do all that sharing at one time. Yes, this compression problem is also at the same time the universe’s most interesting file-sharing problem. Now, if we were to call in a networking consultant, he would tell us that in order for four billion people to share a file all at one time, everyone would have to agree on every change made. GALACTIC CONTEXT





This seems tricky. What would be a sharing routine which would allow all of us to agree on every change made to our central file? How shall we resolve this squabble over the sharing of genetic memories in our cubbyhole in the galactic petrie dish? If we do good, maybe the angels will promote our children. If not, for which galaxy shall we serve as manure? Here is the essential issue. How do you recognize a truly shareable thought, so that you can hold it like a candle flame to immortality? You were wandering down the alley of your life, and one time in a billion, you do indeed trip over a shareable thought. At that moment generally you feel a definite tingle. (I do.) What happens is a wormhole forms, and your light speed got another dose of lightning. Enough of this, and sure enough there you are, never having to die, because your filing cabinet never needs the unshareable filtered out again. When you can string pure shareable (pure principle) thoughts together, one after the other like an eternal golden braid, then suddenly, you are eyeball to eyeball with GOD and VERY immortal. Pure principle, pure recursion, pure self-referencing awareness, pure shareability, pure love, and what makes it through every wormhole are all exactly the same thing. The file-sharing trick is solved ultimately and always by the laws of symmetry. Congress hasn’t repealed them, because Congress hasn’t discovered them. Take symmetry operations to heart, and what do you got? A fractal. As above so below, I am that I am, and all that. How does this translate to sharing under pressure? The heart braid pressures best by turning inside out. This happens when fear changes to love, resistance to sharing, in the shape of the breath wave. Fear resists spin (a mind or recursion killer). Anger jerks the spin up sharply. Love is a wave whose maximum is .618 into the duration of the wave. This is true of how to breathe and how to touch in order to love. So the advice was: (something like going into ritual as if to a lover) prepare yourself as if you were about to die before you take gold powder, or stand in the implosion sound, or touch the fractal magnetic monolith. This is called Petit Mort: little death (RAPT-SURE). If you die a little bit, that is prepare yourself a little bit each day for the no secrets, everything is shared, mode then it won’t sneak up on you all at once leaving you clueless... eyeless in Gaza. Those who get the most out of the death experience are those who, with gentle comfort and self confidence, enter the stillness with their eyes open and their memory working. This is only possible with a clear mind, unfettered by panic, and surrounded with intention. Intention directs the bioplasmic streamers like waveguides for arrows through wormhole songlines.








THE GEOMETRY OF ETERNALITY: HOW CONSCIOUSNESS SURVIVES DEATH Consciousness is a geometric extension braided as the wave nodes radiate symmetrically around our focus. Thus awareness is concrescence of pressure node permitted by symmetry to all be “in touch” with the same center at one time/ one spin. The profound note here is that dying, or entering the dream state consciously, requires understanding these vortex paths which allow symmetry to include your added mindfulness. Taking your memories into the inner world requires a simple map based on super-imposed spins. mni magazine featured an article some time ago describing something called the “Kluver” form constants. These were geometric descriptors synthesized from the shapes for passageways seen in common by both near death experiencers and psychedelic drug users. They actually present to our view what may turn out to be a supplement to the “Tibetan Book of the Dead.” Specifically, these synthesized archetypal forms may help us shape our conscious focus as we traverse the world between death and life and between the dream and waking worlds. It is survival related to our collected memory to know how awareness is distributed at death, and during shamanic/ecstatic experiences. There are very specific pathways to negotiate in the fractal attractor we call consciousness in order to take our spin/memory contiguously between worlds. The trick or key to knowing how to keep our memory whole at death resides in knowing how pattern is stored in general as wave systems migrate upward harmonically in higher spin symmetry. This is not only geometric abstraction, but practical instruction on how to live forever in memory with no inconvenient discontinuity caused by unconscious dying. As mind is recursive focus among waves, this is the geometric doorway (of Golden Mean foldedness) to higher dimensions. This is the only way awareness can distribute itself as spin. Picture your awareness and way of calling memories to mind as a nice pretty nest of donuts one inside the other reaching out. The way these donuts or field domains call distant memories to mind is by setting up the conditions of fractality in symbol. Let’s take an example, suppose you wish to analytically reach a concept you may have set into the remote recesses of your memory long





Cob Web






6 7

5 1 2



Projecting the pair of vortices makes a donut. Project the seven turns on the surface of that donut onto a plane makes a Cretan or Minoan seven turn labyrinth. When this form is braided into the paramagnetism on the land, it gives magnetic field domain a place to turn inside out and thus self-organize. Walking the labyrinth is a kinesthetic way to assemble your magnetic memories into ONE.

GEOMETRIC KINDS OF GROWTH Accretive Growth Stillness in one plane, phase lock to another

Control / Feedback (ddf)

Velocity (f)

Acceleration (df)



ago in school. You are quite aware that you can not directly call to mind the equation or abstraction you require. But if you call to mind the shape of the classroom, and personality of the teacher, you may gradually resonate toward more and more detail in the remote reaches of your memory. What you do in your “fantastically analytical mind” is set up many elements of image “self-similarity” in form to the idea you wish to retrieve. Then actual phase-lock to the required memory occurs by a process which might as well be described as “morphic resonance” or retrieval by likeness alone in the universal language of pure shape. The point is that a series of links ultimately reaching into the distance of symbolic relationship is achieved (as Whitehead described “sailing into abstraction”) by setting up a series of more and more self-embedded ideas closer and closer to the required detail. The conceptual leap we ask you to make here is to see the process of reaching into that abstraction as specifically the activity of getting the fractal of self-similarity built like a bridge between you and the conceptual distance you seek. The likeness unto what you seek, by which you call to mind elements closer and closer to the actual goal of remembering, may reach there either by fractal self-similarity in space or of fractality in time. You may call to mind more and more pieces of your situation at the point in either time or space at which you stored the memory. The point is that memory itself, like symbol and optical holograms, relies on resonance linkages, ultimately by phase locking . The way awareness grows is by climbing this very particular ladder of symmetry. This is also represented in the way species evolve to complexity in their basic structural shape from phylum to phylum. The general shape of the outer structure follows these basic arrays. Each time a new axis of symmetry is superposed, the Golden Mean ratio becomes the optimum way to add recursion on that new spin. Only then can the next dimension be entered and self embedded. Golden Mean ratio roof gables nest the top cube into the right dodeca-icosa/rotation. The lower helix of the ratcheted dodeca becomes exactly DNA when the braid ratchets in Golden Mean increments. Where the DNA helix comes to a point, making the vortex on the left, again should approach Golden Mean ratio when the inspired flame of recursive awareness is entering the harmonics of pure shape. This kind of phase-locking can transcend the scale of small or large, most ideally when the form used to do the link obeys the laws of fractal or selfembedded self-similarity. In other words, the wave geometry of the song you use to recall a certain love affair ultimately creates a shape link to those intense emotions. Feelings and “words” (spin nets of pressure with enough symmetry to stand as wave) actually braid a resonant image in an acoustic geometry of pressure into the very braid of DNA and geo-dance of 286





2-D / 3-D Cross section of donuts and cube.

3-D / 4-D Five cubes revolving through time = dodecaheron

Lattice 2D / 3D

Tunnel 4D / 5D


Cob Web 3D / 4D

Spiral 5D / nD

4-D / 5-D Geometry of dodecahedron compressed through time

5-D / N-D Overall pattern of mind / life in the universe

pheromones and psychoactive hormones, and piezoelectric pressure sensitive recording medium called muscle. All of the net of similitudes which enable “total recall” collected together amount to none other than idealized “embeddedness” –– or literally how to fold space or time for maximum shareability as an information pattern. What creates a mind “sharp as a tack” is a set of mnemonic devices which are self-similar to their objects. They thus psycho-kinetically enable their “symbols to participate in the reality to which they point.” Once we understand the fractal phase discipline which psychokinesis requires, we are closer to the emotional/mental focus required to achieve immortality in memory. To really see what this onset of recursion means to the one universe of deathless wave memory, we must understand deeply the principle of fractal recursion which creates the wave attractor we call consciousness itself. In computer lingo, the more the data may be 287




arranged fractally, the more it can be compressed. Since data compressibility goes toward infinite when the shape of the data set itself becomes fractal, this is also the limit of how shareable the information is. As compression increases, ability to distribute grows exponentially. This is as true of integrated circuit chips, as it is of the form of human memories as elements of spin needing compression. This points us toward the computer and spiritual concept itself which says that memory/distribution of idea or shape, is a test of shareability. Shareability among waves goes to infinite when all aspects of wave interference are eliminated. In 2D, simple octave wave harmonics attempt to get enough wave symmetry to permit survival of spin inertia. We call this music, and base it on cubic powers of two in ratio. In 3D or more spin symmetry, this system for persuading waves not to fight quickly breaks down. The wave interference of cubes nesting as waves of geometries based on powers of two quickly creates whole nasty nests of destructive interference, if we beat or heterodyne their wave fronts. (When waves interfere or beat, they add and multiply). So only the Golden Mean ratio solves the problem of wave interference in 3D and higher spin systems. Because it is the only ratio which permits wave fronts to both add and multiply as they nest. This is why the Golden Mean ratio arranges pent stars, and dodeca DNA helix, and the dodeca-nest fractal upon which DNA/Earth Grid and 12-faced Zodiac are based. (Merkabbah/mark-of-pressure). This is the most spin dense possible, perfect fractal in 3D. The Golden Mean ratio is the key to wave embeddedness and fractality in all of N-dimensional spin systems. It is the densest possible 3D fractal, and the geometry of Merkabbah and of Love, as the touch-permissive wave shape. Only this most self-aware (by compassion) love attractor has what it takes to bend the light, and thus make creating among waves possible. All life forms are based on the recursion which pentagonal- geometry make possible. This is why we call life the L eye of phi –– El-I-ph(i). It is the el turn into phi recursion which creates life, self-awareness among wave fronts discovering how best to call all press-sures to center at once. So now we are ready to grok with some impact more of the deep and wonderful mysteries of collective mindfulness, and memory that doesn’t die. When memories discover the form of fractality, they then become distributable and thus deathless –– as simple wave fronts looking for ways to conserve their spin. I have written extensively about the way in which the harmonics contained in the heartbeat at the moment of compassion create a recursive nest. It is the embedded possibility of nested recursion among the fields around the heart, which have enabled us to measure the EKG changing DNA’s braid angle at the moment of coherent compassion. GALACTIC CONTEXT





Vortex form


And we have measured the EKG entraining a tree at these moments of onset coherence in the music of the hearts electricity. It is the geometry of embeddedness itself that allows our biological systems to swap and massage shape with environments, even much larger or smaller than people’s bodies. The spin of our memories/emotions reaches out by moving ratios between scales. The perfected ideal of this “spin path to the zero point” of infinite compressibility of shape/shareability is itself fractal recursion. So what is it we can learn from this about how to negotiate the inner image space at death and ecstasy? Here is what the Kluver form constants teach us. After extensive interviews of people who have come back from death in coma, etc., and of folks describing psychedelic experiences, a map of the underlying geometries of passage was made. What is amazing is how common and universal these passage shapes were. Further it is amazing how well they confirm the idea that simply superimposing the pressure of wave-spinning one nest on top of another, completely produces our physical and psychological idea of dimension. It is as if folding one set of pressure bubbles into another set, which already happens to be spinning in another way, adds a wave harmonic to the pressure bubbles there which we have been conveniently labeling matter (as a short hand physics nomenclature for “how much spin stored by symmetry inertia” sits at those wave nodes). In each of the images above, we see a primal vortex pair donut. On an oscilloscope, if we couple two oscillators we can make a figure eight lissajous. If we add a third oscillator to those two, we can produce a donut. In a sense this is the primal entrance into 3D. If this 3D donut kind of array learns how to tilt and spin in such a way as to nest their wave edge length 1.0 into the golden mean ratio .618, then by spinning that cube into literally the next dimension, we have the dodecahedron. (Each face of the cube gets a .618 gabled roof to make it a dodecahedron.) The principle is the Golden Mean, access to the next dimension (the next axis of spin symmetry). The dodeca is a 4D cube! Then if we ratchet the dodeca down a Slinky path, with the 10 steps per full turn, (with Golden Mean spacing and Golden Mean Angle) we map the geometry of DNA. This helix is a 5D cube. Finally when the DNA helix is brought to a point along the braid, we can permit even longer waves to nest. This “longer wave envelope massaging” sets up the vortex pair for the donut light cone… which… Becomes revolved into the cube in the next higher spin. Thus biology and memory go round and round adding spin and recursion to wave nodes to increase potential self-awareness.





In the Kluver form constant summary these paths are compared to what folks see in the near death experience. Recall to mind the scene in the film “Ghost” when the hero’s Earthly concerns are finished, and he wanders down the long vortex tube toward the light. Getting memory distributed into another world (of spin) requires keeping your wave node pattern identified even inside out through the other end of the vortex. It is similar to the homework assignment given to the student shaman. Withdraw your awareness into the eyes of the eagle flying over-head. See the exquisite focus and world view from there. Experience eagleness from the inside out. Now once you have retrieved the eagles experience and memory, can you withdraw your memory back into your present, like some insoluble but distributable liquid? The shaman will tell you only pure intention permits you to split your awareness such that you can be up to your ass in alligators, and yet still sincerely be about the business of draining the swamp. Multi-tasking requires a (phase) disciplined (recursive) “together” mind. So what the people near death saw was first a vortex cone geometry, then a rotary circle (dodeca spin up donuts) geometry. Then they saw this turn into a slinky, tube helix. Then they saw this long tube narrow (become “massaged”) to a point starting a longer vortex form. Traveling between worlds of inner awareness is exactly like adding spin by geometry to get more symmetry. If you know the map you can get from here to there. This could be handy if you would like to avoid the inconvenience of discontinuity of memory called death. Simply draw through the vortex with you the threads of your spin/memory. The nice part is that the only thing which can come through these nice maps of added spin, is shareable spin. This means that any time you dwell upon unshareable memories, you are creating death for yourself. Dwelling on that thought for awhile, realizing that the galactic core may not wish to share much about football rules, leaves us with only pure principle itself to study. There we will gather the spin eternal. Symmetry is a pure principle, for example.








GILGAMESH, GOLD, MERKABBAHS, & THE INCUNABULA: THE FORMULA FOR SURVIVING f a Golden Mean spiral, in perfecting translation of spin from line to circle without loss of pattern, is the only path from energy to matter, (spin stored in circles) then it is also the perfect balance between a closed and an open system. When EKG harmonics create a recursive electrical nest by frequency signature, they make the only 3D fractal light can circle into. Only bending light makes mass, and only love (the wave fractal attractor) bends the light. The book The Eight was about assembling the correct genetic family, like chess pieces, to achieve immortality. Like glowing coals, getting the family of twinkle contained together in spin space, ignites eternal fire. Genetic material is recursion embodied in the sense of Golden Mean optimized recursion and vorticity translation embedded in deca-ratcheting dodeca. Hence, genetic material in the blood, as the perfect fractal recursive spin container, is the grail cup. Immortality is only a name for the possibility of spin contained so stable as never to stop. Another name for this is fire that does not consume, as spin that makes no heat. In a 3D fractal spin encounters there is no interference/resistance/heat/fear. Sitchen was likely correct in interpreting the original need of the Annunaki ETs for gold. He said it was a repair material for deteriorating atmosphere on their home planet. He failed to note how gold allowed atmosphere repair. Simply put, perfect magnetic fractal recursion is what permits a gravity magnetic monopole stable enough to hold atmosphere. This is a perfect geometric description of the relationship of electrons to nucleus in gold: a completed electron/nuclear wave recursive fractal. This is what makes it noble and stable. Conveying this geometry to other wave forms as a seed, gold is also more than a metaphor for the electrical geometry of pure intention in the heart. ( EKG harmonics during compassion become measurably self-embedded.) When I explained this to David Hudson, he conceded that persons without evident pure or spiritual or shareable intentions did poorly with his monatomic gold manna. One cannot convey pure essence of shareability without learning the meaning of feeling only shareable or spin-distributable emotions. This relates to the wave mechanic corollary which states that pure focus and pure intention are identical as wave phenomena, and always accompany each other. This is because awareness as a distributable (and recursive if alive) wave can









only converge on sustained focus if every phase or consumed perspective can share spin there. Thus sustained focus ultimately requires every wave in the galaxy to agree on it’s spin path. This is a convenient way to check alignment with the intentions of galactic core. If your idea can sustain continuous focus, then even the galactic core feels sweetened by it. So Sitchen got it right that proper grid engineering for planetary atmosphere maintenance required gold dust as a magnetic dopant (Seed of perfected embeddedness, in the liquid going to crystal). We need now to go on to understand that the ability of our planet to contain gold was evidence of perfect intention in the original stellar grid cats cradle woven of gravity threads to birth this place. And the higher significance of this presence of sustainable envelopment (fire of awareness) in our grid, enabled the evolution of sentience here in a new way. In the sense of the perfect envelope or cocoon for flame, gold was so much food for awareness that David Hudson’s admitted agreement to the suspicion that the monatomic Gold manna was not just atmosphere repair material for the Annunaki ET’s. We both agreed it was the only food which allowed their bodies virtually indefinite or eternal lifetimes (as spin containers). It was the communion food for life/recursion everlasting. I suggested to David Hudson that the reason for the mass change in gold power when it became monatomic was because the electron spin clouds unpacked like a flower in their completed fractality when permitted to unfold in the unbonded state. The density of recursion is the density of mass. Also it is precisely the unpacked (in the homeopathic sense of succession and potentization) which permits the harmonics of the golden electron spin clouds to unflower their way out to bond lengths more accessible to human focus/awareness. (Again, exactly the principle homeopathy uses.) So that gold made monatomic was the perfect food for shareable spin geometry inside the living electrical body. It was the eternal food/ manna. This was why the sandworm (which was really a long magnetic wave of the Earth’s dragon current) only produced the eternal spice in Dune. Only perfect pattern symmetry in Earth’s magnetic currents permit the deposition of gold in her veins. Rich irony that the ET genetic experiments which produced Isis and Osiris, and Adam and Eve, were experiments to facilitate the harvesting of gold — pure intention — for galactic spaces. The search for the gold fabric foldedness grail cup was the search for the pressure geometry of this spin to fire. Enki and Gilgamesh searched past Scorpio’s sting for the charged spin of the youth flower in the base of biology’s waters (chakras). Then the snake swallowed the sweet plant or rose. Kundalini/Tantra is a snake charmed by the musical geometry of focus/coherent emotion. 292




The equation for doorways past death would trace wave collapse to the center of perfect recursion. Look for non-linear and Phi related harmonics phase locked as we find in the EKG at the moment of compassion. In physics, the phase pressure implosion which accelerates spin and velocity modes to harmonics past the speed of light is called collapse of the wave function. The only spin path which permits waves to collapse inward without loss of the information of their pattern is 3D fractal recursion –– pure heart. This permits information density or awareness to go to infinite at zero point. Data set fractality, the ideal compressibility of an infinitely energy efficient sharing of information, becomes the blood of the collective mind. The geometric image in 2D is the Sufi heart with wings of 2 golden means spirals on a cone seen from above. Many people have dreamed of a single vehicle which permits every ethnic race to travel home. Geometrically, in the sense of the city of revelation (John Michel), this has been a dodecahedral-shaped “Merkabbah” (literally a Mark from Pressure - Merk Ab Bah). The only mark or container which can store pressure/spin infinitely. An interesting variation on the theme, in an individualized way, is the Incunabula Papers. (Do a Web search on Incunabula for more information). Basically, a group of researchers discovered that by containing the ultraviolet/microwave blue “fire” coherent envelope of sexual energy/tantra, and a deca delta wave function triggered antenna array, you could create a time travel vehicle. The name Incunabula comes from this cocooning or swaddling of human Eros. This makes total sense in terms of the physics we have been describing, since the wave function collapse implosion of the human aura would produce an awareness path to the necessary superluminal harmonics internally. (A turning inside out; note that a labyrinth in 3D is the folded topology of interlocked male and female sex organs and the 3D origin of the flame letter alphabet as fractal) Particularly since only the high amperage blue ultraviolet and microwave coherent cellular secretions gathered in tantra would have the collective escape velocity necessary, org*sm can be viewed as a sort of controlled linear accelerator for awareness. (Where does the inner eye travel to during Kundalini, or the Microcosmic Orbit of Golden Flower Tantra?) This new understanding should not entirely collapse the intentionality of romance. If indeed pure intention is the only insoluble element of awareness which makes return from this wormhole possible, then true love, true intent, takes on a whole new meaning. In the Incunabula experiments as reported, a colony was set up at another time in history because our genepool’s end was foreseen. I have had no particular reports of damage to the etheric fabric of the TWINKLING EYES LIFESTYLE





planet by these experiments. However, analogous but more destructive experiments with sexual energy in antenna arrays was carried out, labeled the “Montauk Project.” Here indeed major damage was done to the delicate nest capacitance of Earth’s etheric web. Groups like William Buehler’s are working with angelic, or Ophanim lineages, and investing major energy in repairing these bleeding wounds to our collective electric genetic body. The ability of our genepool to harvest spin capacitively from galactic spaces is/was in the balance. Our collected love juices make the ultimate antenna array. This is what I see as the rub of the Incunabula. Here is a lesson in conserving spin paths from love to make a memory envelope for the harvest of spin. This sounds a bit abstract, but in a more practical way it may mean that as the Earth loses gravity, atmosphere, and spin, only this centering force may harvest our collective memories home. Individually, yes tantra properly antennaed is shamanic time travel. But collectively, the juices of love are probably the only sling shot for memory to get all our memories speeded up in a bubble. For 10 years our little core group of Electric dreamers have been talking about the Harmonic Module. Feed back of EKG, breath, and Schuman planet heartbeat over global media would precipitate consensus process/collective mind. Adding intention to Eros and synchronized love in the proper Earth grid dodeca antenna points, would likely be a shoe horn path for global memories to be one envelope, sent home with love. Global TV, here we come.








SUSTAINABLE STAR BIRTH IN THE HEART OF ORION: WHO’S IN CHARGE OF THE BARDO BRIDGE OUT of HERE? ankind’s oldest spiritual expression, The Pyramid Texts, points to a cosmic end product for human evolution — becoming a sentient star body in the stellar fields of Orion. It might just be that landscapes like Giza are places where angels are born. If we use the magnetic wave shape of the Pyramid complex on the Giza plateau as a pattern, we can get an idea of how emotion and feeling travel from genes, to glands, to landscapes, to stars. Max Toth, Rocky McCollum and others have shown that the geometry of the pyramids, the Sphinx and other key features on the plateau at Giza create pointers to a clear Golden Mean Spiral layout. The wave shape that allows unpacking to be non-destructive to the pattern or information is called self-similarity, or “fractality.” Simply put, this means when the little wave picture has enough shape elements just like a big wave picture then you can unpack or map little patterns directly out into big patterns and not get “dizzy” along the way. Golden Mean ratios optimize this packing and unpacking ability. If it is true as Robert Bauval and others have suggested that the pyramids make a glyph of the belt stars of Orion, then the next step is clear. Use the pyramid’s Golden Mean Spiral as defined on the Giza Plateau, to discover what the map of the pyramids points to in the stars. By using the pattern recognition from our geometric layout, we find ourselves not only circling the belt stars of Orion, but literally, our magnetism has been guided directly into the HEART of Orion. This is where one of this galaxy’s most significant event hole gateways is said to be. Try to imagine that you are a freshly dead pharaoh. You are finding your inner dreamscape to be a magnetic pattern map on the land around your sarcophagus. You notice that your bodily magnetic energy has been sewn up into a pattern that looks like the body of Orion, as you “Bardo” (death dream) navigate, lucid dream, or shamanically navigate stars. (“Turn left at Orion, Gilgamesh, if you want to achieve immortality or have magnetism that survives.”) If we were to take the pulse of nearby star neighborhoods in terms of birth rates, we would certainly regard Orion as one of the pregnant local stellar bodies. Specifically, more stars are being “born” in the locale of Orion than just about any where else in our local galactic region. Therefore, if there were some force of magnetism involved







in making the birth of stars sustainable, Orion would be the local candidate for investing whatever aid to starbirth was available. So, the pyramid Giza spiral magnetic landscape geometry apparently points the embedding and “recurring” magnetism of the initiate’s body thrusting towards Orion at the moment of initiation or death (Bardo navigation required for admission). And as we shall further consider here, this may have had directly to do with arranging the spiral arms of magnetism of the star birth itself, into better and more sustainable (and more self aware) recursion, self enfolding. Tron, who could not die because of such contiguous memory: “I have seen the starships burning off the shoulders of Orion”. Since Orion is pregnant, the many stars being born there may indeed require some added “investment” of the self-centering force which large-scale awareness magnetics add to spin systems in general. Even the galactic geometry of these local star systems appears to be a clue to their participation in the magnetic “lensing” of recursion implosion. Astronomic geometrics reveal the magnetic lens producing recursion/awareness in our local time bubble. This geometry could contain the graduation instructions for human emotion into angel family, sentient star or “time lord.” Sirius and the Pleiades are separated by a 60 degree (Isis) angle. This implosive angle allows Phi-based dodeca 3D wave concrescence. For the waves to crest non-destructively, this is embedding, the geometry of self-organization being born. Alcyone heart of Pleiades, means El Zion, heart of scion, or branching algorithm. This suggests the perfect branching algorithm to make fractality, and the Priore de Scion. The recursion based perfected Phi braid in the DNA creates the adding and multiplying of wave fronts in the grail genetics. The Golden Mean solves the problem of separateness, the perfect PHI-lotactic solution to the bi-furcation puzzle. So this is Earth’s relationship to the spin imploding arc-angles of Pleiades to Sirius to Orion- The “Star Gate.” John Martineau pointed out the 60-degree relationship between Sirius and Pleiades, which I was pleased to inform him was the pent embedding/imploding angle of concentric dodeca. Doug Maxwell in Western Canada worked out the math behind the 60 degree Pleiades/Sirius angle centering on Orion.” It is important to understand that magnetic cusps of star patterns create large lenses, which effect the way squirts of magnetism, and thus shamanic awareness, can penetrate through galaxies. Awareness as recursion glues not only tectonics together but stars. TWINKLING EYES LIFESTYLE





The adding and multiplying of waves (which only Phi permits) creates a continuous “spin path to zero point.” Normally in wave interference physics, the amount of inertia in the adding and multiplying of wave forms is discounted past about the third and fourth harmonic. This is because in normal powers of two (incubation or holding within) geometry, those spurious harmonics weaken over distance. However in the golden mean the adding and multiplying of waves can continue the pack non-destructively. Thus not only are wave lengths added and multiplied in-PHI-knitly, but also are the wave velocities. In the case of DNA well braided by the psychokinesis of imploding centering compassion, a galaxy-impacting phi-nomenon happens. This becomes biology’s most potent wave geometric doorway through the speed of light, into time. Creating the more sustainable wormhole we have called soul. This also creates the fractal of charge which we call gravity. (The amount of gravity force in any wave structure is proportionate to the amount of perfected recursion embedding in its geometry.) Normally, the impulse to perfect this PHi-based braiding algorithm in DNA is induced by love and compassion. This embedding of braid, induced by the heart sonics into the DNA at the moment of the rush of compassion, creates the adding and multiplying of harmonics between envelope and carrier wave in the braid, which results in measurable superconductivity in the DNA (William Pensinger). This squirts genetic magnetism, by the constructive conjugation (Phi adding and multiplying) of the wave front velocities, through the speed of light and into time. This creates soul. This is the ET issue of creating enough DNA force for their genepool to enter timelines and survive the time implosion. Only the imploding skill of choosing compassion, sorts for pure intention in the field around you, and creates soul force necessary to survive zero point (death). Simply a test to sort shareable memory. Note how the longer wave helix of braid locks in step to the shorter. In the “rush of compassion,” when this ratio becomes Phi or Golden, then the inertia of the “carrier wave” shorter helix, can cascade constructively directly into the inertia of the longer wave or “envelope.” When this is repeated, envelope in envelope, then DNA’s fractal embedding is completed, and genetic leverage on ecosystem magnetics becomes “massively bio-resonant.” Quite literally, this grail in blood swept by the feeling we call magnetism, connecting to in-PHI-knit context, becomes the physics of large scale quantum creation. This becomes The Holy Grail. It never runs over, and it has no inside or outside, so it solves the problem of separateness by being a cup within a cup. It is fractal, you can zoom in forever and always see the same thing: It is called the grail, because in this shape, the magnetism in the blood can embed TWINKLING EYES LIFESTYLE





everything. This is the way genetic magnetism can bend stars. Fractality gives you a way to grab all donuts by their throat at the same time. Here waves agree. In order to have a fractal and immortal heart beat, you must relax and embed your heart’s feeling magnetics so completely, that you must FEEL for everyone and everything. This means that your EKG becomes in-PHI-knitly harmonically inclusive, eating all of the spin in it’s ecosystem. This is called turning inside out. Which is what you do when you choose to feel someone’s feeling (magnetism) outside you, inside you. Try thinking a really shareable thought or feeling a very shareable feeling; notice that you feel a tingle of added charge. Eventually this produces enough spin density in your DNA to make it sustainable as a perfectly embedded wave function. This is called getting a soul. Without compassion, DNA does not rush and tingle and implode, and the whoosh of magnetism up it’s core can make no implosion or soul. So where are we in our mystery? Apparently there is some inherently “implosive” relationship among the stellar geometrics of Orion in its position to Sirius/Pleiades and Earth. Numerous independent but somewhat ET sources confirm that Orion is a major local star-gate. What we need to understand is the meaning of all this to the possible evolution of the genepool on Earth. In other words, just who is in charge of the Bardo Bridge out of Here? So first, we propose an addendum to our understanding of the local galactic politics: This may be an appropriate time to point out how parochial we have been in regarding only the shape of the human body as a possible container for awareness. It is now clear that any standing wave (“biological oscillator”) which becomes recursive or self-embedded enough, becomes, by definition, self-aware. The human body was only able to self-organize the breath of charge to become self-aware to the extent the body was geometrically self-embedded. (As DaVinci showed in the Phi geometry of the human form.) Gold may give us an important clue. The advanced civilization on this planet 13,000 years, whatever its extra-terrestrial origins, was almost obsessively concerned with mining and refining gold. Gold is by atomic geometry the most geometrically recursive or fractal of the elements. (The outer d/f electron sub-shell 5/7 symmetry pairs are dodeca-icosa.) Because of this quantum recursion optimized in gold’s electron valence, when gold is made soluble in the blood it has the function of creating wormhole magnetic implosion in the blood. (Implosion is the ultimate connectivity device, and sort by shareability function, among waves.) It is true that gold precipitates best in a planet’s grid mineral vein TWINKLING EYES LIFESTYLE





structure where the magnetic lines cross into fractality. This is because atomic precipitation is embedded in the imploding geometry of magnetic precipitation. It is also true that gold arranged geometrically in long waves will repair and stabilize atmosphere on planets. This is because recursion creates and stabilizes gravity. The real story may be that the ET cultures, possibly in Draco, ate the gold powders for artificial, technologic, (and unsouled) immortality. You could live forever because implosion in the blood sorted magnetics, creating sustainable immunity. Doing this from the outside in, technologically, instead of from the inside-out, with emotion, had its drawbacks. The minor detail was that in forgetting how to die, you forget how to maintain magnetic squirt of DNA memory through implosion into time. This became the survival issue for genepools wishing to inhabit time. It also meant that genepools having lost the DNA implosion which makes soul, would get scrambled eggs instead of DNA when traveling time lines. Gold was merely an external waveguide to such perfected embedding. The storal to the mory is that if you can make your heart’s electricity perfectly fractal, you will indeed live forever, from a strictly medical perspective. The number of ordered harmonics which can exist in any oscillator of which the heart is an example, goes to in-PHI-knit only when the ratio is a power of Phi. So more than 3 “dimensional” coherence is not possible without recursion. The heart “ascends” in harmonics when you feel. According to many ancient calendars, time is imploding locally. The sun is about to burp in response. The bad news is that local planetoids, like Earth, become toast. The good news is the DNA soul enabled (lucid dreaming, Bardo navigable) genepools get to squirt their magnetics through the imploding sun, into time. So the baby chicks get to peck their way out of the egg shell called the speed of light, into time. Genepools that can get the chutzpah into their DNA, get a chance at being time lords, for the rest, it’s curtains. Last time the Draco’s tried to resist a solar burp, Mars lost her atmosphere. This time their Haarp will do the same for Earth. This has created great pressure on the crotchety Draco, to cook up soul force into their DNA, otherwise their genepool is history. This means that they are suckers for a plan from the poor bird tribe humanoid remnants on Pleiades and Sirius. Everyone knew that galactic-resonant DNA, able to have star-bending emotion, was the only hope for the galactic sector. Well, the Borg (the Greys, hive-mind genetic stooges of the Draco empire) are stuck in their externally imposed embeddedness, which produces perfect telepathy and zero compassion. It has been fun for TWINKLING EYES LIFESTYLE





them to cut down DNA genepools, like we do forests, as a “natural resource.” Abducting mostly indigenous DNA looking for soul (implosion) from the outside in, it seems, has not worked. They need to use their glands like lenses for magnetism becoming embedded to great bendability. They needed to learn to feel. This was the only creator of sustainability (recursion) in DNA (or soul). Sarah’s kids, Joseph (braid of many colors) and Benjamin, spawned Jesus and Magda and the grail story. The “Song in the Blood,” was the magnetic fields of up to galactic-size, embedded directly and psychokinetically in DNA braiding recursively and implosively. Good, if you want to bend star births directly from fractal morphic resonance within genepools: bad, if you have no compassion to induce the implosion necessary to braid DNA recursively enough so that it’s magnetism would survive time travel. Unfortunately for the un-shareable, this required “feeling” for everyone (compassion). Simple genepoo-wide telepathy (hearing all your ancestors’ incomplete desires singing from your DNA to ring in your ears) only results in hive-mind (Borg). Genepool wide compassion requires arriving at implosion in DNA from inside out (compassion braids DNA by EKG coherence/recursion). Genepool-wide telepathy results from DNA implosion from outside-in (technologically eating alchemical gold). Gold as a valence atomic fractal makes field effect sorting by implosion happen in the blood, artificially making immune systems sustainable (immortal). Only genepools empowered by compassion get sufficient braid recursion to penetrate the time lines. This is why Ophanim, Valnapa, Adawi, Bird Tribe are also called Lords of Time, or Keepers of Time. They inhabit time by sewing recursion as awareness into the wormhole songlines connecting through light into time. This adding of recentering force by recursion embedding into black hole songlines, also creates the awareness glue which holds stars together. This skill to make a being-body having inter-stellar, and trans-temporal leverage, is considered a great galactic privilege. It is a kind of ticket to an exclusive flight of the navigator club, and genepools not making the grade, like the lower Draco, feel snubbed. Actually, getting your glandular magnetism sewn into the time lines, requires a great compassionate awareness of all the being-bodies which will be affected. So Time Lord status is not a club you could buy your way into technologically. Braiding pieces of your own genetics into black holes through time, requires a little steerage cookbook alphabet which has a feeling quality. The bodies of magnetic arc-angles sewn recursive (pressure breathable and therefore inhabitable) are indexed by the sequence of turns contained in the superset language of the hypercubic symmetry set of TWINKLING EYES LIFESTYLE





magnetic tilts called Ophanic or Enochian Keys or Calls. No coincidence these resemble the symbols on the stargate, in the movie Stargate. These are the playdough cookie cutters necessary to thread magnetism non-destructively through implosion (time and death). They are useful for organizing the magnetism of glands and optical cortex hologram to enable shamanic star penetrance. This would be how Ophanim angels, as magnetic clouds recursive enough to be self aware through black holes, glue star births together. Imagine how this more implosive braiding algorithm, when applied to gene splicing, would create the superluminal soul force in DNA. But only feeling compassion as a rush in your blood would enable this psycho-kinesis. Thus a grail DNA was the angelic solution to premature star deaths. The Ophanim plot to cross the bird braid DNA (Jesus) with the reptile brain DNA (Magda) was implosive and dangerous, but necessary, if Orion’s pregnant star births were to be made sustainable by the recursive magnetic inertia of collective Bardo. The San Graal, song in the blood, would permit piezoelectric and fractal embedding in DNA. The overall flavor of these geometric insights on the galactic scale is that we can begin to feel for the awareness possible on the scale of stars. This nudges us toward our destiny to inhabit them, and weave their pattern into bodies.










rom traveling the galaxy and transcending death, Dan Winter returns to earth, with suggestions for a lifestyle guaranteed to make your eyes twinkle with health. The first chapter, “Braiding DNA,” explores in depth how emotion weaves immune identity into the cell membrane and programs DNA. You are what you feel. “Nourished by Spin,” chapter two, focuses on increasing awareness by seeing the sacred geometry of everyday life. “Sweet Ecstasy,” chapter three, looks at the natural biological usefulness of the ecstatic process and offers some suggestions on how to achieve it. Chapter four, “Twinkling Eyes Lifestyle,” lays out a practical plan for glowing health that can help heal the earth as it touches heaven. “The Healing Potential of the Harmonic Module,” the fifth chapter, describes the theory and technology of an emotion informed healing module. “Floforms of Living Water,” chapter six, presents the floform constant, based on Golden Mean ratios, which increases the “aliveness” of water. “In an Atmosphere of Feeling,” chapter seven, looks at ozone and orgone economies and how to keep an atmosphere nestled around a planet. Chapter eight, “Simple Exercises for a Shareable Psyche,” offers some very practical steps to help sort your psyche for unshareable memories. “How to Touch with the Pressure Wave of Love,” the last chapter, looks the Sentics literature and what it tells us about the Phi ratio of compassion. Containing some of Dan’s most valuable ideas, presented in a practical, experiential manner, this section is definitely for those readers who want to embed more spin in their lives.








BRAIDING DNA: IS EMOTION THE WEAVER? f we correctly interpret the physiology by which human feeling penetrates the cell, we may unlock other important linkages nesting us in our bursting biosphere. We had the opportunity to gather data from the sonic signatures of the heart, which confirmed other literature underscoring the importance of “coherence” or resonant ordering of the “ringing” body. The overall picture emerging suggests that the glands learn specific resonance patterns (you could think of them literally as musical chords, known by ratio) which may be an individualized instruction set, or alphabet, programming metabolism. Think of it as emotion programming immunity. The layers of folded emotional tapestry may be like the discipline of a high level computer language, nesting in each turn, in some cases thousands of the machine code (or codon) instructions in the cells. Braided waves when coherent are membrane, and they are DNA. This could be the context of braid upon braid which sets the morphic resonant key code sites on or off in the DNA ladder, which is not a single twist, but a helix on a helix on a helix…


Two representations of DNA. On the left is an architectonic view. The outer winding helix is formed of sugars and phosphates while the inner core, represented by hydrogen-bonded spheres, is where all the genes are stored. On the right is a "flattened" view of DNA showing the helixes uncoiled with no bonds broken.

Diagramatic illustration of a string vibrating in sections and as a whole. The longest vibration determines the pitch. The small vibrations produce harmonics.


THE BACKGROUND: SIMPLE AGREEABLE PHYSICS. It is important that we do not conceive of the forces in the cell as being made of multiple substances. Essentially, the unified field concept, whatever its vintage, suggests that geometry (geometro-dynamics) connects the fields: all of them. The idea of a universal (or zero point, background) substance which flows into all of form, is not only championed by Einstein, but also by every religion that ever stood the test of time. Zero Point physics also underlies important new energy technologies. The “particles” newly named in atom smashers, are known as resonances. They are the nodes which stand for a moment on a guitar string, strung on the background of something very continuous. (“String theory” need not be altogether esoteric.) In order to grow comfortable with the power of emotion to shape the cell, we need to take this concept of Oneness quite literally. You might ask yourself, how could light, electromagnetism, sound, and gravity be differentiated only by wavelength? Of course light and sound swap ideas daily: have you ever watched a sonic hologram (orderly sound waves) modulate or change an optical hologram? It is 303




instructive to consider how it is that short waves of light are made to share hats with the long waves of sound, in an orderly nest. Consider the helical coil spring like axis of quartz which makes it piezoelectric (coupling phonon/sonic waves to electrical waves). When you pull on the ends of a spring (think of a “Slinky”) your larger motion pulling out the ends of the spring, create a much shorter but quite powerful motion pulling in just slightly on the sides of the spring. (Your “Slinky” gets just a bit skinnier as it gets longer.) This means that in general a helix is a universal way of coupling long waves to short waves. It is biology’s lever, to couple little worlds to big ones. Geometry has linked one nest of pressure, with another, across the spectrum.



It is useful to take our understanding of the rather intimate connectedness of all fundamental forces to a logical conclusion, which we may summarize here: Our universe is ONE substance, it is a geometry of pressure of one continuous, uninterrupted, wave surface. So how was it that we ever became confused enough to think that we could name the substance of a thing, when all we were really doing was naming its shape? An answer is suggested by the problem of gravity. At first encounter we might be confused and think: “since it is unlike other forces in that it only attracts mass, and does not repel, it must(?) be a “fundamentally” different substance?” However… Suppose we encountered the forces near the center of a tornado and noticed everything here is drawn up. Then we encountered a vortex down into the ocean, and notice everything here is drawn down. Do we say: Ah, these are obviously fundamentally different forces? No, we agree they are both standing wave flow forms made of the same “stuff,” that is water and air. So, just because gravity appears to flow in one direction, we should not conclude it’s substance is somehow “separate” and unattached. This will become increasingly important as we begin to notice how many of our conscious ways of conceiving of emotion, deal with their “gravity.” Just as in the geometric relationship of gravity to electromagnetism, to understand emotion we need to describe an information path down the ladder of wave lengths from the long sound waves the glands appear to make when they “emote,” to the shorter electromagnetic “pressure” waves which fold to make cell membrane and gene. As we look closer we will find the electrical and resonance characteristics of emotional activity largely identified in terms of frequency signature. Therefore, we need to extend our physics background just a bit in that direction. We have suggested that geometry, as the arbiter of wavelength is the meeting ground between the “forces of nature.” It turns out that wavelength is also the only description we need to get all of biology. 304




(Later we will add phase “angle” as a quality of wavelength.) This is very conventional physics: it is called the “Fourier” principle. This law states that every shape no matter how complex can be assembled or woven from a simple sum of pure sine waves.

Relationship of dodecahedron to DNA.

Ten interpenetrating dodecahedra


Another example is the complex sound of a violin string. It is an additive mixture of numerous harmonic pure tones. Now visualize these sine waves again rotating around to 3D. While a sphere or donut is a relative pure tone (as a kind of vibrating bubble), you could still produce the very folded surface of a living cell membrane –– if you wove together enough pure tones. This idea is used extensively in mathematical biology, which describes why biology’s shapes are so elegant and wave-like. It is as if pure math had concluded that biology is nested and orderly in the way that a sounds good because it has learned how to sing well together. Clearly however, electrophysiology would on the surface suggest that the singers choreographing biology in the body are dozens of octaves above our best soprano, or above the sounds of the heart for that matter. We will develop more on the notion of how geometry in biology builds bridges between frequencies, (like choirs of angels, if you will) but first let us see if we have sufficiently simplified, hopefully unto elegance, our physics. We have said that since the universe is possessed of only one substance, the only thing which the naming of things differentiates is shape. Now we have said that the only thing which differentiates shape is frequency as signature. And the Fourier idea tells us that there is really only one shape: the sine wave. Now this “8”-like shape in 2D, depending on which way you spin it about its center, makes a donut (torus) in 3D. This donut-like shape with a significantly small center is comprised of a pair of vortex or tornado like shapes. Interestingly the donut or smoke-ring-like shape turns out to be the only shape which hydrodynamic physics says can stand or exist in a universe made of only one substance. An easy way to understand this issue is to ask yourself: “is there anything smoke can make which will last, besides smoke rings?” Or ask yourself how to make something if all you have to work with is One substance everywhere, a kind of universal cosmic Jello, fluid and compressible quantum foam? You need a flow form that will “hang” together. The pair of vortex-like motions which make these toroids are stable because, you could cut the flow form on the x, y, or z axis, and find rotation around all of them. (Cut your donut 3 ways, making 2 figure eights at right angles, and one big outer circle with a center hole). This is essentially a way for three gyroscopes to spin on one center. Since our compressible substance has momentum, when it spins, it stores inertia. 305




Rotation stored inertia is our only definition and measure of mass. This is why matter can be viewed as light going in circles. Next time you have a gyroscope in your hand, note how it resists change of position, on the one axis it spins on. If you nested three gyroscopes, your flow form is imperturbable on all three axes. And therefore is the primal stable standing wave, a “multiply connected topology. Thus “centering” creates gravity, a well-known principle in Tai Chi. Rotation is the only way to store inertia, and therefore create mass. Further, rotation is also the only way to create periodicity, and thus our only definition and measure of time. Further since focus is the way the flow is made to converge and spin, it is the only way to create in this “universal cosmic Jello.” This is the mechanism by which the prism creates the orderly sequencing of harmonics called a rainbow. The universal One wave image of the interference beat nodes origin of the atomic table, also could well image the way converging a wave to a point of focus segregates the harmonics, thus creating “rainbows”. Focus is a principle we will also come to understand as powerful in the realm of the geometry of pressure of human emotion, as emotion also creates orderly harmonics. The relation of emotion to gravity needs plumbing. When you pull the plug in a round sink, a round drain hole creates a point of focus for a flow form, and there is much to be learned about gravity. The water forms a vortex. The direction the vortex flows will probably tell you what hemisphere you’re in(corriolis forces). In many sinks, if you stir the water for a minute in a circular vortex before you pull the plug, the vortex will form in the direction you stirred even if you wait a year before pulling the plug. Alternating counter-rotating stirring, is a method used powerfully to charge agricultural liquids, in the Anthroposophic tradition. The vortex is a flow form that remembers; it may be the only memory the universe needs. Notice in the sink that on the periphery the wave shape is a long wave. And see the wave shape or length nearer the drain hole is much shorter. This way of connecting short waves to long waves in one watery vortex, was used by Victor Schauberger to generate electricity in an egg shaped vortex of water. Flow-form technology uses the braiding technique in water. It is described extensively in Schauberger’s book Living Water. By using deflectors to create a braid in rivers and streams he increased their ability to float logs, nourish plants, and resist flooding. Also pictured is the information regarding the egg shaped water flow form for electricity generation. The caduceus like braid in water is being developed for agriculture and sewage treatment commercially by Waterform Inc. Think of little slip knot bubbles in the quantum foam or zero point background universal flux. When they move in a line we call them enerTWINKLING EYES LIFESTYLE





gy. When they converge to a circle we call them mass. The difference is the inertia stored by rotation. As they converge from a line, to a circle, notice the changing shape of the wave path. The arc, or sharpness of the bend, is gradually transformed from the trace of a long wave, to that of a short one. In hydrodynamic terms this is called “translation of vorticity.” So in direct terms, energy is momentum in a line; mass is momentum in a circle. Think of what happens in any atom of mass. The momentum is first guided centripetally to the larger wave envelope of electron shell, then converged down into the shorter wave called nucleus. Geometry, or symmetry, has created a vortex, whose stability is the net wave guide motion toward center. Momentum leaves through the center in shorter wave lengths than it arrived in, creating gravity. Gravity is the net momentum moving between long waves to short ones. It is geometry tempting the inertia stored in longer waves to collapse into shorter ones. Shorter waves, have smaller envelopes, and thus gravity moves toward further segregation of momentum: separateness. Gravity is a universal bloodstream whose equilibrium requires something to translate the vorticity back up the ladder of wave lengths, toward oneness. Here we have a context for developing an understanding of how conscious emotion, using recursiveness, selfawareness, or feedback, (focus) creates coherence, and unfolds the horizon of identity or mindfulness. In Gurdjieff’s terms, coherent emotion pays the debt of gravity. Levity in emotion, is levitation in the yoga siddhi. Jose Arguelles advises us to “ride the long wave” of emotion by learning a specific alpha-bet woven sequence of phase shifts, or turns of mind, braids the serpentine focus of feedback, like a charmed snake, back up the ladder of wave lengths. We shall consider below what this coherence generating activity does for the membranous self/not-self envelope of immune identity. We should also study the evolution of the gravity coherence body of the planet, whose biomass membrane is woven by conscious emotion. As Gurdjieff said, conscious emotion is food for the body of the planet. The disorder in a cryogenic metallic “liquid” is massaged to order by coherent sound. Thus phonon (or sonic) long wave coherence orchestrates superconductivity. This sonic ordering chides the childish water molecules from liquid, toward (super ordered) crystal, permitting cell metabolism to take place. (Specifically, Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, in Electronic Biology and Cancer describes the mechanism of the highly distributed –– long wave –– electron triplet state, as carried on the highly woven backs of the highly ordered cellular waters.) At the planetary level, the watery thin film surface is sonically choreographed to crystalline membrane/mind, by the long waves of Joy, such as whale songs. TWINKLING EYES LIFESTYLE





We can look closer at the relation of coherent emotion, to the unfolding of cellular and planetary identity, once we have articulated a few more details about an archetype of how all wave ratio or phase alphabets are generated: atomic, cellular, or planetary. What makes sine waves nestable into the bubbles we call cells is not only frequency, but also something called phase. The easiest way to see this is to visualize the way the peaks and troughs of light waves must all line up in columns to make laser light. Izack Bentov discovered the brain sonics become in phase with the heart, during intentional relaxation. Meditation literature documents that the two halves of the brain become in phase, as the health benefits of meditation unfold. Phase-locking is also what happens when two computers use a common crystal beat, to talk very fast to each other. Visually, if you play two sine waves, one on each axis of an oscilloscope, their phase angle is the tilting of the pattern they make. If you display an octave (the signals are at the ratio 2 to 1), and it is phase-locked, the picture will be a figure eight which stands still. By phase-locking, we refer to the accuracy and stability of how the frequency ratios stand with respect to each other. Thus in a very specific sense, the tilt angle of the donut is the phase angle, a refinement of ratio. So to store and reproduce slip knots of light into matter, you must have an elegant system for storing tilt or phase angle. Interestingly there is a simple way to do this using the torus/donut. On a plane, only six regions (or colors) can all touch one another; but in 3D the surface of a torus is defined by a strip where seven colored regions can all touch each other. We have related this to the geometric origins of color, and the seven layers of the toroidal heart muscle. By taking only one strip of this spiral sampled off the surface of the torus, containing all seven colors, we really have the information of the whole thing. (We could spin this around itself recreating the entire surface.) Interestingly, the little spiral strip off the torus donut, the universe’s only possible shape, looks different from every angle. So by tilting it, you create shadows which accurately record phase angle. And if you tilt it at the angles required to put the faces of the platonic solids together (out of toroids) the shadows turn out to be the Hebrew alphabet. The atomic table, according to Crooks, records electron shell geometry (valence as symmetry) as platonic nests of toroids (or vortex pairs). Storing information, on the angle to tie the donut knots. Pure platonic symmetry, quantified as the tilt or phase angle of the donut, the atomic table. Thus a word in a sacred (or timeless) alphabet like Hebrew, can be a phase, or ratio sequence, virtually a cookbook for weaving matter out of light. A ritual for turning and turning till we come round right (a Sufi dance). TWINKLING EYES LIFESTYLE





The shapes created by revolving a golden mean spiral.

Top View


Side View


Clearly, when the body carefully creates coherent sonic phase relationships to “emote”, it reflects the weaving of a creative alphabet. The bond of any marriage depends on how you tie the knot. The archetype of the maze is also a memory of turns, or phase angles: visibly light’s way in and out of matter. All this is context from which to view emotional systems, as a very simple set of ratios, whose alphabet can articulate biological shapes. Consider that ratio is the only carrier of identity for a vowel sound, a word, or the name of a musical chord (A major seventh chord for example is the name of a simple set of ratios of “pure” tones.) Appropriately, we should ask ourselves, if the ear can recognize an envelope of ratio anywhere in the spectrum, why should not the cell do likewise. We identify the “aaah” tone whether it is sung soprano or bass. We know the word “mother” whether chirped by an infant, or spoken deeply by a grandfather. What carries the in-form-ation of meaning, is the “envelope” of ratio. (Envelope, in the sense of a packet of waves, describes the curve of a long wave which fits over, or touches the tips of a bunch of shorter ones. Vocal chords are the carrier wave, the tongue massages the envelope.) Questions we need yet consider include: What are some other examples of coherent sonic ratios related to emotion in the body? And what specific geometry best allows ratio to travel as an envelope or bubble between frequencies? Let’s focus on the sonic frequency events in the brain, as an “alphabeta” of ratios. The literature on cross hemispheric coherence correlated with relaxation and meditation is very extensive. Clearly, the two hemispheres of the brain develop low frequency sonic ordering for significant biological reasons. In The Awakened Brain by Cade, the pattern or ratio, as envelope, of these frequency peaks of EEG resonance coherence, is related to a specific morphic alphabet of healing function in brain activity. Again we have an archetypal alphabet of learned ratios which act as a template, through which the self/not-self of information flow is switched. The frequency window (approx. 0-20 Hz) found significant is the same we noted as significant in our spectrum analyses of the EKG at peak emotion. Bentov, in Stalking the Wild Pendulum measured the sonic phase entrainment from the heart to brain cavities as liquid resonators. The liquidity of the brain’s nervous tissue crackles toward crystalline, as the psychoactive ductless glands are massaged by the sonic implosion centered there. The result is a situation where gland and nervous tissue become equally resonant sonically, nervous tissue moving toward crystal, gland moving toward liquid. Massive phonon superconductivity occurs as their wave propagation velocities equalize. This ecstasy onset, can be






learned by feedback We will eventually develop the concept of coherence onset as a specific nutrient to immune function. The next puzzle piece is the Sentics literature by Manfred Clynes. As a concert violinist, he noticed that the shape of the pressure he exerted on the strings of his instrument, bore a direct relationship to whether people cried during his performances. Ingeniously, building a pressure sensor recording device he began testing the shape of the pressure wave people use to touch, in order to express each emotion. Think of the way you touch a lover as you say something endearing, versus the sharpness of a touch that expresses anger. What he found, dramatically, was not only were the pressure envelopes of touch, archetypal, but also quite cross cultural (Music, Mind, & Brain, also by Clynes.) One characteristic of these waves-of-touch is the envelope of ratio of the event duration/ versus the moment of maximum pressure. The envelopes are an alphabet of ratio, recognized around the world even more than “words;” they are pure touch. Observe, that the moment of pressure establishes a ratio which can start a cascade of wave beat notes down the Jacob’s ladder of frequencies. It does not concern biology that the scale of emotion’s ratio is in orders of magnitude longer than cellular resonances. Getting the “words” right is recognition of ratio. Notice particularly the ratio fixed by the shape of the touch, for love, appears to near the point of the golden mean, or Phi (.618033989). This leads us to the research project we did at Millard Fillmore Hospital, “Relaxation by Coherence.” In my graduate work at the University of Detroit’s psychophysiology lab, with Dr Al Ax, we differentiated fear vs anger on the polygraph. With the wonderful encouragement of Dr. Bruce Middendorf at Millard, we undertook to look further at the nature of emotion and relaxation. This time, utilizing fingerprinting, which has become a passion with me –– frequency signature –– I used a “MacAdios” 8-channel, programmable spectrum analyzer interface for my handy Macintosh. First we should ask, why is the spectral signature of the heart, a most profound first place to look? I was aware of Bentov’s work showing the heart’s sonic phase locking of the brain during deep relaxation. Also consider Arthur Winfree’s When Time Breaks Down, in which he illustrates the geometrical origins of the electro/chemical wave of the heart beat as specifically a seven-color torus/donut!. In deriving the sacred alphabet of forms from the sevencolor torus, we derive the letter forms from the seven possible ways you could spin a tetrahedron (4 point/face axis, 3 edge center pair axis). This seven-color/seven-spin is why the tetrahedron co-defines the torus. So, getting back to the heart of the matter, consider the seven spiral nest angles which make up the (liquid/crystal piezoelectric) separate layers making up the heart muscle In “Fields of Form,” where I first saw TWINKLING EYES LIFESTYLE





the seven-layer map of the heart muscle, the shape is derived again from the seven-spins of the tetrahedron! In fact, the heart is laid out as a recursion of the form of the Anu/primal donut particle, and Babbitt’s primal particle. Thus it seemed that the geometry of the heart as a flow form, was designed to be the initiator of a harmonic dance, nested enough to choreograph biology. (The bios of logos, the body of the word.) The structure and resonance of the heart, are apparently the key into conscious and emotional programming of biology. Therefore we chose to connect the output of the EKG at Millard’s sleep research lab to the input of our spectrum analyzer. We invited an experienced yogi, Foster Perry from Sante Fe, to relax. Over a period of more than an hour, we kept getting spectral tracings at the very low end which looked like a caduceus. The particular tracing shown here was one of the more clear events. During the moment shown here, a filmmaker was in our lab documenting the work for groups in China. Later, Foster told us that at this time he was “sending love to the people in China”. The far right channel here is EKG spectra in the 0-20 Hz window. Notice that a kind of peak experience occurs at the 2nd and 3rd traces moving downward. Each succeeding trace downward is a few seconds later. In fact it appears a kind of wave of activity swept through the EEG activity in the 2 left channels, seconds later. This kind of pattern happened numerous times over the 2-hour study session. Well, being of musical training, I immediately got out my calculator to see what musical chord was represented by this, the frequency map of the heart during love. What I found was nothing based on octaves, or square root of two (what I call: “in-cube-ation”). In fact the 15 recurrent frequency nodes in these heart traces turned out to be 1.28 Hz apart, consistently. Having spent the better part of my life investigating the profound significance of the Golden Mean, I immediately recognized that the square of 1.28 is 1.618… This is a primal representation of the Golden Mean (in the series: .618033989…, 1.00, 1.618033989…, 2.618033989…, ) This means that the wave node multiple heterodyne or beat note of adjacent peaks would generate the golden mean nest. Since that time, I have romantically considered the word love to be an etymological shortening of the term “low-ph(i).” What does it really mean, in simple human terms, that the heart, and the touch both etch this particular ratio, at the moment of love? Remember that all wave ratio, is length ratio. Somehow, cymatically, or macrodynamically, the heart sounds have woven the nest which fits the braid angle of DNA. In Grammatical Man: Information, Entropy, Language, & Life by Jeremy Cambell, there is a stimulating grammatical analysis of why genetic material has such a high signal-to-noise ratio, TWINKLING EYES LIFESTYLE





as an information conduit. His answer is basically that the braided alignment of active sites (morphically) is a sophisticated key site switching mechanism. He calls this “context dependency.” Much like thousands of machines codes can be switched modally by a high level language like BASIC or DBASE, the long wave (of braided context) does the high level switching in genetic material. (One key code active site alignment switches on or of the replication of thousands of codons, down the ladder of braid or symbol hierarchy.) Intuitively it is implied that the coherent long wave of emotion, may be the massage of touch, braiding DNA. I often tell this story in a general interest way to groups: Suppose you wished to braid your lover’s pony tail. You would first divide the long hair in even halves. Then holding the ends you would move your hands back and forth, alternately one over, one under. Your hands would be making shorter lengths side to side, and would move closer to your lover as the braid formed. Now imagine you had put a pen in each hand instead of hair. You would have drawn a caduceus like shape, exactly like the trace from the spectrum analysis of the heart, at the moment of love. The heart creates the sonic elements to weave the nest of dodecahedra at the moment of love. Classically, the blossomed heart is said to have “twelve lotus petals.” Note that not only does the hex view of concentric dodecahedron represent a shadow of the heart in love, it also may be a clue as to why Blavatsky’s Isis Unveiled suggests the twelve cones we view as a planar zodiac are, “in the next dimension,” (3D) a dodecahedron. Other useful clues to the information transport across scale mechanism of the dodecahedron include: John Michel’s dodecahedral models of the City of Revelation/New Jerusalem; Ezekiel’s Wheel, the Merkabbah; the craft in Carl Sagan’s Contact was dodedahedral. In order to lift the shadow of shape off a circle to a line, off a line to a plane, off a plane to 3D, off 3D into… the Golden Mean is the necessary path. The 3-spin symmetry cube spins to make the dodeca in 4D, the dodeca spins/ratchets and makes DNA 5D, DNA braids upon braid, to 6D and 7D and so on. Each time a new symmetry relation is discovered a harmonic or beat note (or dimension, or level of recursion/awareness/consciousness) can be added to the frequency signature without interference. Because length, area, and volume, can all be conserved in the same ratio, the genetic wave guide can flow everything about shape (which is everything the universe has to remember) along “memory’s lane” between dimensions/scales. The implications for learning about emotional behavior are deep.






Manfred Clynes, while writing Sentics, learned that even the process of having people eidetically go through the “motions” of all the emotions, was profoundly therapeutic. Much like the “Range of Motion” (ROM) dance for the elderly. Using feedback, and conscious choice, coherent emotion can be learned. Our Harmonic Module project uses this concept. We have stethoscope mikes, linked to geometrically-arranged speakers, and laser light patterns. We believe that training in deep, coherent, emotion, particularly in a group context, will be powerful nutrition for the immune system. Dr. Bruce Lipton has provided us with two important pieces here. His papers are: ”Liquid Crystal Consciousness and the Cell,” and “Membrane Mediated Behavior.” In summary it is suggested that the way the sonic information is switched into and out of the cell is specifically the resonance susceptibility of the cell membrane. Her real self/not-self decisions are made this way. The spectrum analysis of the shape of the folded membrane surface, is in one literal sense the summation of all of its memory of touch. Since the membrane is literally a standing wave, it’s surface contains the geometry of pressure, a kind of history of every emotion which was integrated (brought to focus/center/stand). Cell surface is a moire switching grid, a tapestry of woven memory. How have your cells been touched? Consider: contact inhibition describes loves flow between cells, and measures cancer resistance. Consider the use of surfactant lecithin in homeopathic EpsteinBarr & AIDS therapy: membrane softening promotes contact/touch. Note how the spectral morphology of shape translates literally into a key-in-the-lock picture of how a cell membrane tests the admissibility of a virus. Holes in the spectral signature of the cell membrane, represent unswitched/unlocked gates, and part of the emotional spectral alphabet unintegrated (feared). This notion of key in lock, may lead us to better understanding of our planet, whose membrane is biology. The latest models of the geometry of the gravitational grid of Earth/Gaia, are dodecahedral. Thus the symbiosis of biology, onto our collective mem(ory)brane, may be coherent emotion. Food for thought. The longest waves we can ride in our highest emotion, are those whose information context, embeds our hologram into the next larger body. Phase-locking ecstatically with the Earth’s Schuman resonance heartbeat may be an umbilical cord to collective mind. Urban concrete canyons, filled electromagnetic low frequency chaos, may be a bleeding shock to a grounded emotional context/well connected mind.










he world and memory is made of simple pressure waves which by learning to dance in symmetry, learn to stay alive. We’ve learned that symbols and the alphabet as symmetry itself were simple lessons, in how to catch spinning donut fields by their throats in such a way as to eat their spin. People are like tai chi water wheels who, by catching spin in their wave envelopes, can either eventually bend galaxies of light into their wishes, or be completely washed away to death by lack of symmetry/spin and shareability in their wave forms. The choice is as simple as at each moment knowing how to “be nourished by spin” in any situation. So, let’s look at how to locate the spin which feeds the soul at every turn of the eyeball. Since spin is only supported by the mirrorlike symmetry which geometry teaches, then these lessons could be called “sacred” geometry and also home-building, eating, traveling, loving, dancing and so on. Pure principle shared at the center of all spins, like ever-present lightning, will animate your thoughts and your body if you know where the spin donut throats are centered at every turn of your road. First, get to know what it is that both you and the collective mind want. You and the ONE mind both want to consume awareness, which is what happens when enough donut-shaped pressure waves converge at one point to become recursive and self-embedded. The electrical structure of the heart and brain were precisely designed to accomplish the process of locking pressure fields symmetrically enough to get spin centers reaching out to farther and farther horizons of “feed back loops” called awareness. Elements of the pressure spinning around farther and farther allows “far pavilions to be pulsed into you. So your field can then begin to collect data, or “sample” the pulses, about what is spinning even beyond your fingertips. Awareness happens when recursive nesting happens. Recursive nesting happens when fields become “self-contained”. Just because we have named the wave-suction-like attractive phenomenon we feel when this fractal attraction occurs “consciousness,” and “gravity,” does not mean that they are inherently mysterious. TWINKLING EYES LIFESTYLE





A demonstration of the adding and multiplying of waves and wave fronts.


It is as easy as noticing those twinkling eyes you cannot help but look toward. We caught you, they say, and then you are falling in love with awareness again. The higher frequency content in the spin membrane of eyeballs that do indeed twinkle, is there because the spin could nest. Eyes cannot hold spin if the rest of the body cannot electrically hold spin. The rest of the body, cannot electrically hold spin if the micro-climate cannot hold spin and so on. The point is that only spin systems which can nest one inside the other “self-contained” perfectly, like a fractal, can hold awareness. It is not enough for the eyeball unto itself to be in symmetr, with the structure of its own scale. It only works if there is a whole nest of larger and smaller spin systems which can pass their spin (memory) unimpeded up and down between big spin circles and little spin circles (these are technical terms here). The connection between big and little is only kept spinning when waves discover how to get from here to there, big to little. This little secret was discovered by waves who did not wish to die, many turns ago. We as people would do well to hear their whisper. These clever waves said: Oops, continuity of memory/ pattern/ and spin is better than interference and death. We will do the little trick required to live forever. We will enter the very “particle”-ar kind of symmetry which makes nesting possible. We will enter the fractal. So the waves figured out that the pattern of the nucleus in an atom had to be the same but smaller than (fractal to) the pattern in the electron shells. This fractal recursion between electron and nucleus created the wave suction we call gravity, by making sharing possible with no conflict between the waves on the outside of the atom, and those on the inside. This principle of embedded-pattern geometry is also helpful, for example, if you happen to be a landscape elemental who just fell in love with a people. People tend to be smaller than landscape elementals who routinely envelope bioregion-wide lightning storms in their wave bodies. So, the vast landscape angel uses fractality, recursion, to sweep little people into their love. Suppose you made whole mile long stretches of hillside into something which was the SHAPE of people, only bigger. (Like the body shapes in the hills around Glastonbury, England for example). Then you, as the landscape angel, could get your magnetic spin nested down into a people, with whom you might happen to be in love. Indigenous people used this quality of foldedness on the land’s gauge –– “el-land-gauge” –– to initiate their shaman into the dream time. Magnetic flux concrescing or converging from faces on the land into the glands of people, fractal to the land’s magnetic fold shape, is an ideal way to get memories the scale of continents into people’s bodies. Thus begins a physics for aboriginal use of large stone formations as 315




libraries to be accessed at will. This quality of land’s shape getting to be anthropomorphic or people-shaped, was called “Simulacra” in John Michell’s book of the same name. If you want to feel the memory of a whole tectonic plate, visit the center of the Eagle’s brain in the map of central Pennsylvania. Be nourished by the spin. The concept of information and energy traveling between structures by virtue of the resonance created between related shapes, is called “morphic resonance.” While tested in principle, this spin energy, which may include many spectra, has been considered somewhat magical in physics and information theory. However, when the elements of complex spectral harmonics are linked by phase (which pure shape is), we can much better begin to understand how information may travel great distances when complex shapes send spin messages from place to place. These messages are like e-mail destined for mailboxes which match its shape codes. Viruses which affect each other at a distance are an example, they are identified by the infinite series coherent frequency signatures which biological structures or shapes epitomize. Since coherent magnetic fields moving between frequency signatures turn out to be gravity, perhaps we should now begin to think of astrology as the science of knowing how to best eat spin. What does it mean to consult your astro-cartography before making any move? We should know how the fractal cascade of gravity’s scalar magnetic wind between frequencies will massage our glands before we set sail in that wind. We used to say, astrology was not the science of cheating the wind of gravity, it was merely knowing which way the wind was blowing before you choose the angle of your sail. This metaphor takes on a nice deeper richness, if we look at Hilarion’s phrase: “magnetism is the wind on which love travels.” Magnetism is indeed the stuff which carries love, if our studies on the harmonics in the heart electricity at love’s moment are correct. When the heart’s harmonic nesting works, then abracadabra –– the tree hears the wind. Note what happens when the tree’s charge-envelope is braided into the harmony of human love. A wave-mechanic geometry carried the magnetic wind of electricity from the fractal heart to the listening tree. The donut fields gathered to nest by one-pointedness, found that high leverage still place from which to share life giving spin. The fun is knowing that this nice little braid cascade recursion of wave donuts getting their pressures nested to fold all inside out through one slip knot to elsewhere is exactly what we have casually and irreverently been calling gravity. How else could we perceive gravity as going only one way, in but not out? In order for the spin to go somewhere, (obviously those gravity waves were not going to their deaths) they must be traveling into the fractal. They know that inside the inside-out, inside the self-contained TWINKLING EYES LIFESTYLE





recursion nest, they will find a place to unpack their spin memories into even finer detail. Gravity draws the threads of memory through the wormhole vortex, where all fields are unified. Thus the information/mind of pressure can nest to where it (and the feedback of spin it contains called distributed awareness) could not otherwise travel. They go to other scales, ushered there only by fractal ratio. This trip to other scales requires an “air”-line ticket of fractality and recursion neatly danced. Planets perceive the cascading magnetic lines moving between scales, which is the increased information density gravity braids, as an erotic bloodstream which biology only serves if people emote coherently and undertake conscious grid engineering. This is a deep and abiding clue to the nature of human/planetary symbiosis, with both focused on evolving awareness/recursion. Now, back to tracking the stars. We can now predict where the stars are crossing in the sky by graphing the change in charge between the plates of a capacitor (Greg Hodowanec and Bill Ramsey). Those stars apparently are busily at work braiding spin into our envelopes. Light massages of charge are just how we tracked the heart getting into the trees. When Bentov tracked the phase lock of the heart’s beat to the brain’s liquids, he used this same charge amplification and called it a “capacitive accelerometer.” Now, just such “charge amplification” tracks the stars, sending messages to our capacitors. Funny thing, the stars sending hand signals to our capacitors all these years, and us not even knowing. It is not just the capacitors among our radios, which have been gathering star signals for information about stellar navigating. Subtly and unbeknownst to us, each muscle cell and nerve synapse have been doing the same thing all along. Of course, a little wiggle in one envelope of charge in one brain synapse is not going to inform your head how to navigate star systems. But when a long-term pattern of little wiggles is gathered, in ritual like a rhythmic sampling dance, then your body can get the messages the stars are sending. This is not unlike the Polynesian collecting the pressure waves on his canoe. Subtle patterns on the buttocks, and suddenly he “knows” in what direction is Hawaii, even though his canoe is 2000 miles away. Now we might ask, why is it so important for the evolution of awareness for us to catch the messages of the star’s geometry? We once noticed that vast landscapes on sacred ground in southern England around Glastonbury, and southern France around Rennes Le Chateau, are exquisite natural formations in the shapes of star systems frozen on the land. SomeONE went to a lot of trouble to make a map, which we literally tripped over. Again there was fractal building going on. The storal to this mory is that stars make recursive and self-aware wave nest bodies “in their image and likeness,” too. They wove a nest TWINKLING EYES LIFESTYLE





out of gravity’s eddies, in which life could blossom like spontaneous combustion. Out of a nest of pressures comes nascent self awareness on a whole ‘nother scale: people — human awareness — the bios of logos. This is not just pleasant abstraction; it is cosmic instruction about how to inhabit the face of Earth as a sequence of magnetic folds in order to inhabit spin in general. Inhabiting spin means to distribute recursively the looping feedback called self-awareness/mindfulness among a phase-locked geometry of pressures. This distributed awareness is breathed into a space when symmetry Christ-all-izes.










NESS OF THE ECSTATIC PROCESS AND HOW TO ACHIEVE IT would like to share with you some thoughts on how energy metabolism in the body produces sweetness, and how munching on sweets smokes up that fire. Habitual/addictive kind of behavior to things like dairy and sugar will actually shorten the nervous system’s evolving connection to the ethers. For example, I consider that a fire in the blood (also called song in the blood) is particularly at issue in the Jewish and many indigenous blood lines, the lightning from genes to Moses and starseeds, etc. So it seems that personal habits which seek the “permission to taste the sweetness” inappropriately can actually deflect the evolution of the soul, and even the group soul or egregor. This may sound overly serious but look at the urge for the ecstatic as it manifests in drug use. This is often the life issue for the soul. There is a deep knowing in the cells that participating in ecstasy is a life or death matter. This is because without ecstasy the field effect wiring which connects the cell to its “central computer” has no high frequency “baud rate” carrier wave on which to envelope or modulate a “call home.” In other words, no ecstasy means no information umbilical cord to the home office. Which translates to the death of the platoon. You don’t get a sharp tone, ringing ears, bright room tapping resonance in the nervous system when there is smoke in the biological blue fire... So while the urge to ecstasy is correct and necessary for cells and people, how it gets done is survival related. In order to understand the chemistry of ecstatic process, and how diet steers it awry, let’s consider “normal” ecstasy first. You have evolved from metabolizing reassembled mother’s proteins (dairy) to building your own long wave identity (called weaning). (The mucous response is the digestive wall lining confused about self vs not-self, so it tries to avoid digesting itself with a lining of mucous. There is no such confusion with simple foods like grains and veggies, only dairy, meat and sugar). In a state of good health, short chain building blocks, whole grains and the right mineral-rich veggies from the soil’s chi, serve metabolism. The cell is like a snake charmer taking in food/raw material. The energy of food is massaged as envelope to very short wave high quality ultraviolet light. Biophysically speaking, the UV light literally drives







metabolism. It is none other than “blue fire.” The UV burst which accompanies cell replication is evidence of this. This is the blue fire which Reich called orgone. High quality attention (very focused and resolved) is the only charmer capable of moving the snaking blue fire. Only this touch on the still points cups the moving wave of biology’s fire. Remember, fire is a name for pressure which converges because of pattern. This is a very precise description of matter and mind and memory. So that the maintenance of quality in the inner fires is the only access to in-formation which the mind truly has! (In electrical terminology this is called impedance matching.) Now, suppose you had a good nights sleep, you had fresh fruit in the morning. You drank only hi-energy spring water which you supplemented with blue green algae and minerals. The protein complexion of your mixed whole grain breakfast was exquisite, lunch was lentils, quinoa, fresh-juiced carrots, broiled salmon: dinner was miso, seaweed, brown rice, fresh lightly-steamed veggies. You breathed only pine forest real air all day, you had a rest in the woods, you were feeling loved, you had some good real water hydrotherapy, the stars were crossed, and you began to meditate (with good pelvic tilt) before sunset. Now in this scenario, there is a high probability that the pumping action of the coherent heart sonics on the clear fluids of the spine would drive some very sweet wonderful nectar to the very top of the brain crown. This can be tasted on the back roof of the tongue. After years of this experience the flavor of the nectar which drips will be consciously related to the diet hours earlier. The gates which pump ecstatic orgone-blue up the spine are particularly open if tantric or erotic, but org*sm-conserving sexuality has the lower glands open and stimulated, but not drained. The process of the sweet, nutritive, dripping blue-fire ecstatic juices to the brain top causes growth explosion to the super cortex, increasing conductivity and baud rate to the phase lock of the optical hologram with matter, thus driving up dream weaving power and psychokinesis (among other evolutionary desirables). The rising kundalini force also becomes noted by the earth grid as a rose bush would notice it’s own flower. The new rooting of geomantic flow through the ecstatic human can produce impact on weather, clouds, and the cleansing of undigested emotion in the gravity bloodstream of the geographic region. This can be enhanced by group ecstatic ritual process, as tribal, or sacred dance or movement weaves membrane. There is a natural drive to reach ecstatic moment in humans because it is a required path to the next evolutionary directive of the human nervous system. The onset coherence in the brain cavity’s TWINKLING EYES LIFESTYLE





superconductive fractal attractor eventually reaches the light focusing stage which creates galaxies. The desire for sweet food is a deliberate attempt by the nervous system to artificially create the outcome of ecstasy. Unfortunately, if the long waves of carbohydrate we call sugars are poured into the upper brain, while the taste is there for the short run, the glop puts the fire out. Eyes stop twinkling and dullness reigns. It is like the dog salivating for the picture of the food instead of the food itself. Unconsciously we know that joy and love are sweet, but lacking the real thing we clog up the bodies plumbing with stickly junk which can permanently extinguish the flame of consciousness. In information theory, long waves are context-rich shapes touching bigger worlds. The long waves of sugar, out of context, are poison to a mind needing to touch larger worlds. Only the long waves of true joy writhing passionately up the body can reach out actively and touch whole planets and galaxies. The person experienced in true ecstasy declines sweets not out of some abstract concept of bad food, but out of a genuine personal experience that better-tasting sweetness will happen if real chi food is eaten instead. Ecstatic sweetness makes ice cream’s sweetness taste lousy by comparison. The problem arises when the habit of seeking sweet artificially, instead of building your own long waves (self/not-self), becomes so engrained, and the body so mucous clogged, that no hope remains to light the real fires. Imagine the sadness of your spiritual Guardian Angel watching the joy potential in twinkling eyes turn into “The Sugar Blues.” Making the choice to change to a pattern of discipline is as much surrounding yourself with the “right stuff” as it is resolving what not to eat. When the hungers for joy start burning, don’t smother them with sticky ersatz, feed them with real ecstatic sweetness.








TWINKLING EYES LIFESTYLE: GLOWING HEALTH HEALS THE EARTH AND TOUCHES HEAVEN irst it is important to realize just how critical regular ecstatic and joy-intense activity is to the maintenance of the immune system. If you give your four billion cell body the honor to accept it’s wisdom, it will tell you of its need to periodically act in such a way as to bring all your attention to the present. And, by doing so, periodically conduct a “bringing to a point” or critical digestive assembly of separate memories into one sense of overall meaning. Many human bodies will continue to gain weight, if nothing is done to bring memories to focus, and thus to “consume perspective” and harvest memory or spin for the oneness. This sense of digestion also extends to the emotional digestion of memory. Think of this as bringing spin to the flame to see what fits oneness, thus enabling you to sort out a filing cabinet which might otherwise become cluttered. The purpose of human activity is to increase the amount of spin which can be folded into the body. This relates to choice of water, oil, and mineral to make electro-lites hold dense electrical foldedness. Without great symmetry/ purity/charge in what we consume nutritionally and emotionally, information density or awareness cannot grow. Think of your cell waters as a medium for charge, which at maximum self-contained-ness is called love. Serve this recursion/nestedness of spin in yourself, as it is connected to everything that is shareable. You will find that the horizon of who you can feel with compassion, growing like a flower petal.


To put this into practice you must make a powerful life-changing decision that you are going to put top priority on being really healthy. Your face will start to glow and all your friends will fall in love with you. You will stop sniveling and coughing and your thoughts will have the kind of high frequency crackle staying power that penetrates the cosmos. Survival is a wave (you) that is so charged and balanced in symmetry that it envelopes in coherence everything around it. Building electrical charge or fire is exactly what building body/mind is. The vast majority of ill-health will immediately respond to this kind of regime. Eat your heart out AMA, real health and drug stores are practically mutually incompatible! Whatever the form of your health issue, be grateful your body offered you the feedback, so you could discover the wisdom to make healthy choices. And you will turn into a golden glow! TWINKLING EYES LIFESTYLE





New Habits to Grow: At first some of this may sound radical to you, and you will think I cannot live like this. But I assure you, that you literally cannot live any other way. Plus, I absolutely assure you if you just drop everything except for being healthy for a few weeks, your soul will smile at your rich and wonderful reward. Charge needs a conductive matrix, therefore: •Drink only real spring water in which you can consciously taste the ring or clarity. I like Evian and Volvic. Drink no other water in any form but REAL water. No coffee, only very gentle occasional herb tea. Your body wants far less water, and less food than you think, it only needs more when there is no essence to distill from what you do consume. This is what clogs you up into a mucous/fat ball. The electrical tentacles of mind do not reach out from undigested food/emotion. Digestion in the sense of “the raw and the cooked,” means encounter and transformation into oneness (of the phase-lock that is you) by flame! Your inner fire must consume perspective, many into one. If you do not build inner charge/fire, you will not have identity, immune system, or memory! •Eliminate all dairy, all red meat, all drugs and all stimulants (caffeine) and sugar in every form. Sour cream on your potato can mucous clog and poison you for weeks! Aspirin turns pain into diffusion/death instead of focus. For a cold, instead of medicines which weaken the immune systems natural resonance, add vitamin C and quality, liquid aloe vera, subtract dairy and oil, add warm baths and warm bed. Notice that your cold began with depression combined with poor diet. •Take 2 blue green algae capsules 1 to 3 times a day. Start when you wake up, not before bed. In the morning, take 2 chelated calcium tablets with mineral, take 1 B-complex with C, 2 alfalfa tablets. Drink this with your spring water/frozen OJ mix. •Instead of dairy/oil/sugar death by breakfast, I undercook fresh coarse ground quinoa in Almond Milk with Almond Amazake. Always add uncooked real whole oats which you have soaked in spring water 1/2 to 1 day, to your breakfast They add the most wonderful nutty life tossed into the warm whole grain cereal after cooking. If your grains are all cooked, the enzymes will be dead, and so will you. Some of your raw grains should be soaked, some should be sprouted (slightly immature sprouts are best). Always let your fruit juice digest for a while BEFORE you take your whole grains in the morning. •Take real avocado guacamole during the day. Try a garnish with a little excellent salty miso, raw. Eat a cosmic whole fruit/nut salad often. Never eat when you are not hungry, never snack randomly. Spend your life finding ones to put love into the food you prepare for each other. TWINKLING EYES LIFESTYLE





•Take nothing really hot or really cold. Never use a microwave for heating. Occasionally mix in quality, frozen, pure fruit juice in that water. Never drink anything sweetened, carbonated, or alcoholic. Teas, even chamomile etc., can be too powerful; be sparing and subtle. Take only one new food at a time, gently, and absolutely ask your body how it liked that food during the next hours. •Regard your body as wise, visualize the cells as a large committee to be consulted with, quite gently, before doing anything that affects your body. Treat your cellular committee as your favorite doll from your childhood, upon which you shower love and attention. If you do something which damages your cells, relax, breathe, let pain turn into focus, turn to fire, turn inside out, and become greater awareness. Eliminate everything in your life which diffuses your attention. Start with all pain killers, including aspirin and cold “remedies.” Everything you used to call entertainment which does not directly serve your life purpose diffuses your focus, and weakens your aura. Avoid friends and situations without focus and direction. Seek charge in everything you do. •With your inner voice explain gently to your cells why damage was done to them, and then listen very quietly for suggestions in return. This is critical. Treat your body as a magic factory, capable of galactic world creation and light bending, if you will only but get in loving gently cooperation with it. Try to give your body time to complete its dreams in the morning. Very important: go to bed with an empty stomach. Take very large, but gentle, deep breaths in through your nose, out through your mouth, EVERY time you suspect your body may want more oxygen. Cellular asphyxiation (starving for air) afflicts almost all humans. Forgetting to breath is forgetting to feed the fire of mind. Relaxing into oneness is as light as air. O-xy-gene –– oxygenation is the essence of fire or waves of pressure/mind which stand in attention. O is circle, xy, is cross then branch or braid: the gene. Program your DNA with coherence: Co-here-andsee. Be here together with the golden pieces of eight, parts of the symmetry of toroid fields, become ONE. •The geometry of pressure which breathes fire into mind starts with the ratio “cascade” programmed by the ratio of the breathing in to the breathing out. This is called round breathing. It programs cells. Breath and mind and body are nothing except an orderly geometry of pressure. •Do gentle, thorough stretching every day. Do complete water therapy everyday. This means a warm bath in the best water you have access to, best is a bath then a shower. A shower only is second best. Your cells were born in water, they must touch in. Use gentle natural Aloe type soaps and shampoos. Avoid all harsh chemicals. •Use subtle MILD spices sparingly only, and check with your intuTWINKLING EYES LIFESTYLE





ition about everything you put inside you. •Undercook everything. Raw or slightly steamed is the way to collect the elan vitale, life force in food. A gas stove produces slightly more coherent heat energy than electric, but only if you can totally blow away the burned out air from the flame with good oxygenated air for your breathing. If the pine trees around you are sick then so are your lungs. Cook in glass or safe ceramic where possible, second best is stainless. Rigorously remove everything made from aluminum from at least your kitchen. Remember, heat is only a measure of random motion. Memory is not random motion. •Take no sugar. Avoid sweetness in general, except possibly that contained in occasional raw fruit. Your ecstatic process will soon drip a sweetness thousands of times better onto the back of your tongue. •Regarding grains and oils. First eliminate all white and bleached flour. If you want to reduce life-charge-choking mucous, you will eliminate all ground up flours. Eat your grains like you would your waves: whole. White pasta with cheese & cooked dead bad oil, will kill anyone! •Eliminate wheat, use oats, quinoa, buckwheat, brown rice, occasional millet, amaranth, etc. Undercooked nutty buckwheat, ready in 5 minutes with ginger, garlic, and soy sauce, puts invented fast foods to absolute shame in the taste department alone. Do not overcook. •Ginger and garlic are exceptions to the spice rule. Use them liberally. Try your next pizza with a fresh, lightly-ground whole oat crust, a little fresh made tomato sauce, artichoke hearts, red peppers, veggies and spices. No dairy; careful oils. •If you must grind your grains for your morning, grind them coarsely from whole and fresh, then refrigerate. It is particularly important that grains eaten later in the day be whole. What is the difference between the tingle in your jaw when you bite into a fresh apple, versus eating apple sauc?. With the lost tingle went the memory you really wanted to consume. The memory circulates in the wholeness, and bleeds to death in the fractionation, the cutting up. Do not eat fractionated air, water or food. •Store virtually nothing ground up, store ONLY whole. •Eliminate all prepared food that contains any oil that is not raw and expeller pressed. This is essential. Your store bought muffins can leave that dead oil refinery taste in your mouth, and slime up your cells, for weeks! Any oil that is really alive really needs refrigerating. Oils that are not perishable, are a total clog up for your cells. Virtually every oil you see in your supermarket, except the really expensive stuff, has essentially been gotten out of the life stream by using gasoline derivatives to dissolve it. The result is absolute total deathly shortTWINKLING EYES LIFESTYLE





out for your inner-wiring. No enzyme life means no electrical life. Fortunately your body wants only a little bit of oil. But it absolutely needs that little bit. And that little bit better be a little raw and expeller pressed correct vegetable oil uncooked. When you absolutely must use a little oil in food preparation that is not raw, use expeller-pressed pure sunflower, safflower, sesame oil etc. Corn and corn oil is a bit oversweet. Most corns available today, except possibly the true old blue corns that you must sing to in order for them to grow, are a bit oversweet, and very poor protein complexion. •Move out of the city, for a thousand reasons, if you wish to survive. You will not see any healthy faces in your cities. They are dying. THE life is close to the land. EL-land-gauge is the turns, the ELs, of the land. This is the only memory earth can save. The air is not pure enough in cities to support the blue flame. The magnetic flux lines, life blood of Earth mind, cannot penetrate cities, so they will die along with you and your memories if you stay there. •Your blue flame is your blue fire of communion with ONENESS. In order for your cells to phone home to get instructions, you must lie still on the energy line of earth, until you feel tingling charge. Then you must act on the instructions you get from your cells as they tingle and ring. •If you cannot consume, exquisite air, and water, and absolute quiet, and the fresh magnetism of Earth, you may as well be dead already. Turn off everything electric except for survival-related.. Quiet is always better than radio or noise except occasional charge-building wholey music. The reason most insanity is around you is because people think they must have noise to hide their inner voice. They must learn that only that is sane. •Electric blankets are fatal. Turn electric heat elements in water beds OFF when you are in them! Remember 60-cycle electric death fields are in proportion to the current flow. Any energy grid you are in, which is not the Earth’s grid-bloodstream to the stars is, by that description, a dying one. •You must know where you can go among the paramagnetic stones and flowing water to recharge your batteries. (As in dolmen, and druidic geomantic field-tuning. The magnetic geometry of mineral tunes the field which choreographs the plant cells and the Earth grids growth. In a word: geomancy.) •Dream about living water, and air that sparkles from pine trees, and stones that breathe charge. THEN GO FIND THEM! •Look for high ground, good water, availability of charged fresh food. Walk barefoot on Earth whenever you can. The dew is the precipitate crystallization of star memories in the vaporous gravity bubble of the morning. •Be far from the madding crowd. Find your extended spiritual family TWINKLING EYES LIFESTYLE





and community. Earth’s waters are rising to purify with wet making the hard and separate making, apart-meants of the Adamic race. •You must have ecstatic process to survive. Sufi dance, Tai Chi, Eurhythmy, tribal rituals that include movement, but with discipline, are examples. Always use the inertia of this outer ritual of movement into pattern, to then build strength to relax into inner. •You can tell when you are gaining or losing charge. If you cannot, then you will die soon. Death is a minor discontinuity in the harvest of memory. Do not store any unshareable memories, because these are the only cause for death, in people or cells. This way there will be no discontinuity in memory. Never store pain for later. Instead focus on its center, until it burns through, turning recursively inside out into the fractal selfknowing feedback loop among waves we call attention /awareness. There is always plenty of time/attention/awareness. These are nothing more than the feeding of spin by the relaxing into symmetry/sharing. •If you are thinking about another, that there is a lesson they need to learn, relax and know the universe will prepare the schoolroom, you needn’t trouble. Heal yourself, and radiate that. •Go back to every stored pain/undigested memory, and unpack it until it relaxes in the gentle warmth of attention. Otherwise your memory/mind will be schizophrenic or “spaced out.” Any memory that is only yours, and not ours, is in the process of dying. •Remember symmetry and matter making among waves, is only an experiment in sharing, as is the ecstatic dance. Success in this is the galactic core’s harvest of memory and real long wave sweetness, which is eternal life. •Emote orderly compassion and a seamless flashlight of learning into all situations. This will program your glands and your DNA with purpose and life stream. Permit your intuition to tell you where the thread to magic is in every choice/point/situation. Expect your answer in the now to be relaxed and even instant. Never ask your inner voice about then, only about now. •Treat your long term life urges, especially spontaneous love, to be wise, and follow them happily. Don’t worry about simple logic, if your intuition says to be spend time/awareness with someone/someplace. Just do it. Expect miracles and treat the miracles with simple happiness and with no surprise. Practice the energy-conserving “adiabatic” tantric love. Be touch permissive with those of charge. Do not dwell among those of no charge. Eyes twinkle when spin/charge stores sharp memory on the mem-brane. Look for it.










he Christian religion has known for centuries that the great envelope massage called cathedral and “Mass,” were a great context nest to weave long waves of Communion together. Religion, in general, has been a high-data-leverage healer for centuries; no license required from the AMA. Today, the psychophysiology of emotion shows us the essential need for the context of the long wave. It is biology’s designed mechanism for nesting to body, community, planet, and galaxy. The longest wave is low frequency, Phi (Golden Mean) related, abbreviated LO-Phi –– LO-VE. Only in the information meme, or memory packet envelope called higher emotion, is the information of great galactic and planetary feeling physically massaged into biology and our glands. The coherent experience of emotion is our only hope for weaving ourselves into the oneness which can envelope our planet and give us a mind to heal our collective body. If physics were to inform the ancient quest for “the highest level of healing,” emotion would clearly win over chemistry. The reason is that the longest wave envelope has leverage over more of the body’s metabolism. Using conscious control of emotion vs aspirin, is like having a handle on a whole airplane of suitcases, instead of one set of packages. The long wave (ELF, extra low frequency –– LO-PHi… love) coherence which unfolds and envelopes in the higher emotions, nests time and orders biology better than any pill. Chemistry is a good wave guide to order things, just like machine code-binary, and assembler language programming are necessary for micro-level detail computer intervention. But when you need a processing language which will juggle vast databases like whole bodies, communities, and planets, you use higher level language. Emotion is a higher level computer language (like DBase or Lotus), where each instruction –– joy, awe –– embraces whole nests of detail code actions; such as stimulating the psychoactive hormones in the brain and the sonic phase alignment of the glands for optimization of metabolism. Emotional control is to chemistry what the musical phrase or theme is to the individual note. If you had to make a conscious decision about all the chemical synchrony that produces ecstasy, you would never experience it. That is why you leave the machine code in your computer all in the hands of the high (symbolic) level language. You steer the long TWINKLING EYES LIFESTYLE





waves, and the short waves will find their nest. The harmonic module concept, as a multi-sensory feedback/focusing/enveloping technology, represents our highest attempt to heal unto wholeness, at this highest leverage level: ecstatic emotion. We take the best elements of our resonance feedback technology, coupled with our most wholely geometric and essential models of the galaxy/earth/gene dodeca nest, to entirely embrace and envelope ourselves into a groupmind welding experience of oneness. The TECHNO-LOGOS of the Module Spiritual leadership has known throughout history that great group inspiration requires great attraction to one focus for all the senses. Our evolving design for the harmonic module must be a triumph of technology’s adaptation to inform, embrace, heal, and weave into one. Our philosophy has learned that the calculus of forms which underlies alphabet, emotion, planet grid, and zodiac, are one. They each evolve to a transformational point in the form of the dodeca-icosa platonic solid. We shall utilize the visual, sonic and magnetic form of this nest in which all is made one, exactly in the sense of the Merkabbah, in the technology of our module design. Ideally the meeting place for our healing event/module is spherical or structured along geodesic lines, or at least the natural lines of an embracing geodesic are symbolically laid upon the outer forms of the meeting space, whether planetarium, cathedral, or stadium. The arrangement of the audio speakers and laser beams and the people themselves especially near the central model/focus should be decagonally geometric. The ritual of centering for the opening should be a taichi of movement which further envelopes the harmony of the lines of form in the those present (bodies of form), toward ONE presence of mind. The visually tempting central model is a set of visual screens arranged as a dodecahedron. Projected on these screens from simultaneous multiple views are three concentric transparent spheres, nested and turning on three axes. The spheres are to be detailed renderings of the zodiacal dodeca galaxy (Isis Unveiled ), the planetary grid dodeca, and the genetic dodeca respectively. The respective alignment of the three grids are rotationally switched and phased, so that moments of alignment occur with visual drama. The lighting focal diameter moves the collective vision and attention from the inner genetic dodeca sphere (on a DNA helix axis) out to the planetary grid dodeca sphere, and then visually out to the galactic context (12 cone) dodeca sphere. It will become visually and emotionally apparent that phase alignment of the membranes produces the possibility of a (laser) lightning linking all of them into ONE information bubble. The sequence of points lit by alignTWINKLING EYES LIFESTYLE





ment will teach how the planet body is woven to completeness by its dance in galactic geomancy; even as the genetic body is lit and switched by its moire-lit grid position within the planet body. The origin of language from the simple geometric perspectives of the strip off the donut, is easy to convey as the 3D image ratchets around the 3D screens. Ultimately the gene/planet/galaxy spheres will come to light, specifically timed by the lissajous of lasers, whose mirror angle is feedback from the coherence of heart-sound transducers placed on chosen meditators in the group. Essentially, a laser pattern only stands still when there is a coherent phase relationship between the signal steering the x versus y axis. If one oscillator is a harmonic of the planet’s Schuman heartbeat, and the other axis oscillator is the locked heartbeats (also made audible) of those present, then the pattern of the lasers on the spheres will STAND. Our collective envelope will become a “widening gyre whose center CAN hold”. And as our center dodeca spinning a gene helix shows, lightning can’t spin a Grail-cup helix (DNA) unless it finds a center of gravity: the heart of the matter. The activity of the group mind process/dynamic will consist of a carefully timed sequence of experiments designed to emotionally light the group’s attention and compassion on wider and wider horizons. The feeling for proteins making a slinky called DNA will be spun and timed with DNA music and the story of lightning in the primal soup. The feeling for a planet being born of a gravitational flow-form feeling body, will be played with her points being lit to sounds and stories from the tectonic and biological birth of Gaia as a body now known to be quite capable of intention. Ultimately in ecstatic communion, the group will see-hear-feel the seeding Cryst-all role biology is to play in her Galactic dodeca egg context. The compression of galactic sounds to the audible spectrum will accompany the group sonic, emotional, and laser lit, embrace of our much larger body of ONENESS. Technologically, the discrete components of the module experience are quite graspable and logistic. Their assembly seems to lie well within the capabilities of those talented scientists who have expressed interest. With the right support, the prototype construction might be complete soon enough to prove the principle of teaching coherence, and to attract support for the more ambitious stadium version.










he principle of the floform is the same translation of vorticity optimized in the Golden Mean, which permits fractal DNA dodeca to nest. The 60-degree light cones which links infinite concentric golden ratio dodecahedra are connected by a Golden Mean spiral which, when revolved 90 degrees to one side, produce these images –– the serpent, caduceus, and grail cup fractal. This process into shape folds in water the long wave or line into the short wave or tight circle of molecular spin. Having thus stored the inertia of each floform beating heart golden ratio dish, the macro waves in the water are melded like kneaded bread into the spin energy of the very molecules of the water. Thus this archetype of wave guide flow-shape changes the molecular coherence, the surface tension, the ability to germinate seeds and float logs, and segregate by mass solid pollutants in the water. It is as powerful in commercial sewage treatment as it is irresistibly negativeion-joyful as the centerpiece of healing temple. It is the perfect metaphor for healing the waters of our planet by conditioning to coherence the memory of shape. This shape informs us as we absorb it: the path from circle or mass to line or energy which our glands braid into the coherent sonics and electricities of ecstatic emotion. A floform group in Norway measured the actual frequencies of oscillating water compared in adjacent dishes of the seven-fold floform. They measured this form because it seemed to be the most physically active in increasing seed germination, specific gravity, and I believe, effecting surface tension. I believe the effects could also be measured via Marcel Vogels’ technique of correlating molecular coherence in water to infrared absorption at critical frequencies related the H2O bond geometry. I calculated the ratios among the frequencies of actual oscillation measured by the Norway group, and came to a number within 1-2% of 1.618 the Golden Mean. (This was not surprising in that the dish sizes were golden-mean-related.) I believe the Wilkes’ intention was not originally explicitly to select this ratio in their design, but rather actually simply discovered by trial and error the ratio of the wave fronts when they were folded into each other, which best produced increased life (recursion) in the water’s spin. TWINKLING EYES LIFESTYLE





I strongly believe all this confirms that: 1.) Water’s ability to self-sort out impurity is simply a question of the molecular symmetry’s ability to support spin density. 2.) Molecular spin density requires symmetry which supports macro and micro wave front spin coherence. The optimization of the geometrical support for maximum spin is recursion perfected. The wave length geometry of this form in three dimensions is necessarily the Golden Mean, specifically embodied in the nested spiral dodeca form. 3. Water molecules spit out what does not fit this nest; pollutants are sorted in sequence by mass if the spin vortex is focused under pressure in exactly this 3D array. Global pollution is simply a problem of knowing how to sort. Water learns to sort by the same principles of spin focus, which permits white light to sort into wave length rainbow, only when focus destructively interferes out any spin that is not shareable. 4. In order to implement this form under pressure, we have designed the 3D, co-ordinated mapped form of this idealized spin recursion. Four different angle-engineered viewpoints of this spin vortex path for water jets are pictured here. The result would be a cone with spirals traced in this 3D form, which would focus water accurately to a vortex where spin coherence would be braid enhanced by wave front path fractality. 5. We should easily be able to measure molecular spin coherence gains in water so treated. (With all the attendant benefits in: a.) seed germination b.) sorting solids out more rapidly and in sequence c.) increased ability to dissolve materials normally of more difficult water solubility. Solubility varies with access to surface area, which varies with spin density which varies with molecular spin coherence. d.) increased presence of life in general, which is a name for increased recursion. 6. The vortex form pictured for water spiral paths would be optimized if a strong magnetic field were induced around the vortex in the same spiralic form. The direction of the DC induced field would use conventional north pole flux converging lines in the direction of the converging vortex. This should very dramatically optimize spin density gains. As water emerges in this form under pressure, it’s hydrodynamic laminar spin coherence increased dramatically. Ozone impregnated/UV treated, and magnetically molecularly cohered, the treated water combines the best of four separate, powerful water-enhancing principles.






The scalar spin cascade optimizes translation of vorticity, increasing spin density and coherence at laminar and molecular levels. Water will show dramatic and measurable increased seed germination rate, increased sedimentation segregation out of solids by mass for pollution treatment, and increased buoyancy (specific gravity). This is a much more powerful water treatment, taking the best of the principles of the proven flow form and empowering them by permitting the idealized water interference transform to be put under the necessary hydrodynamic pressure. This water will be biologically more healing for bathing, etc. Not only will this have planetary significance for water vivification (life means el turn into the eye of phi/recursion which is what this does, literally), but it will pave the way for this idealized transformation magnetically –– the efficient translation of gravity to electromagnetism, weaning the planet off fossil fuel and on to metabolizing starlight directly.








IN AN ATMOSPHERE OF FEELING: BACK IN THE OZONE AGAIN s I finished reading the entire text of the peacenet computer conference on the environment I realized that “On the Surface” it looks like the poor countries can blackmail the rich to technoaid their growth lest they poison their environment as bad as we (the rich) already have. And then there’s the latest on the OZONE economy, the macro-economics of who does what to save the ozone. The comparison to Wilhelm Reich’s ORGONE economy is the objective of this article. James DiMeo’s Orgone Institute is building rainmaking, cloudbusting gear for continent-wide weather control. It could be life threatening if we don’t have a good planetary kind of perspective on what the real function of biology (for Earth right now that means mostly the production of human biological mass) is for the long term survival of planetary metabolism. Ozone is the study of the O or circle of added spin given to O-X/Ygene (oxygen) when impregnated with lightning. I can’t forget my mother’s anxious face when she got home too soon during our childhood ozone-producing, Tesla coil spark experiments. The atmosphere in the home was explosive in more ways than one. To be “Back in the O-Zone Again” is to be back where the circle or wet making or mass making or symmetry making or memory making power of spin survives. Circle making power for waves is only possible when symmetry is known. Hence, only that which makes a mass (ritually) of light makes membrane store memory. (The Earth grid and the cell membrane both use symmetry to store fold, touch onto surface — ”stand and wave darling.”) That’s why symmetry is the only alphabet which we could use to store memory. (It’s also why the current ratio of long wave to short is the definition of E-motion, as in Sentics; only that packs feeling for storage.) So, as God said, it was more than my desire that lightning should perform the same good turn of ritual on O-xy-gene as it does on primal soup to make living proteins. Add spin to anything (dynamic balance entirely), and you initiate an experiment in sharing on a longer wave. Either the oxygen in the first case, or the primal proteins auditioning for biology in the second case, find new center and new symmetry, adding another axis of spin, (the definition of entering a new







dimension) or the stuff flies apart. Catching lightning is tricky business as any double Scorpio, kundalini aficionado will tell you. So spin-making power is right up there with grid-making power in the clue to what biology should teach planets in order to be part of what lives. Li-ph… Lo-ph… El-eye-ph(i), El-O-ph(i) is a calculus of forms based only on what is inside versus what is outside membrane brackets ( ( () ) ). If biology teaches light to do its thing right, then rocks (planets) turn green. Mineral gets metabolized and becomes recursive in the form called biology/consciousness, truly a merry go-round. You see this is the stuff which Earth could export to gaia’s lactic (galactic) spaces. The memory of how to metabolize starlight (temporarily masquerading as mineral) directly into biology is truly epic filmmaking. However if we don’t perfect that trick here on terra, then we would be bad seed for her gaia’s lactic core. (This film is X rated). So as our (p)lot thickens: The move Total Recall was about mineral mining for memory to get an atmosphere on Mars. Zacharia Sitchens Genesis Revisited is about the Annuki starseeds starting Earth’s genepool while mining to restore atmosphere to their home planet. They needed gold (perfect electron symmetry), to seed atmosphere. Sitchen, and Woods in GenIsis, and Hoagland in his “Face On Mars” Cydonia work all agree that the loss of the atmosphere on Mars was an error in grid engineering. (According to many, Mars was a staging area for mining on Earth.) The reason the face on Mars and it’s pyramids are a perfect reflection of the Sphinx pyramid Giza complex here, is because they were built by the same culture, experimenting with the same issue –– making symmetry in the grid to keep atmosphere and breathe easier. Now here come the little parochial Earth scientists scratching their Ozone hole wondering if this is the first/last time our genepool will come up against the question: “What keeps an atmosphere nestled about a planet?” What makes a stone green: At-moss-sphere! Seems like knowing what makes sphere circle out of line-light is a clue to atmossphere. Actually, Sitchen, and many others say that what happened was that the grid engineers on Mars miscalculated the impending effect of an incoming asteroid in knocking the atmosphere off Mars. Barbara Clow says Chiron and Marduk periodically whammy the Earth, spinning up the doorway between ages. Few would deny that a good upcoming grid wiggle is going to affect wet making power on Earth. (If you haven’t gotten a dream of moving away from most coasts yet, I think your intuition ain’t working.) The “I Am America” Earth changes map, on the Earth Changes seminar video from Global Family is very specific TWINKLING EYES LIFESTYLE





about the meteor hit in the southwest helping to tilt the new coastline in to near Phoenix (rising). You get the flavor –– rising wet making power. So what makes wet-making power (The transliteration of the word Ieve, as in Adam and…), and what ought we to do/know about it? The Orgone technique for cloud busting, metal columnar pipes stuck in a river pointed at cumulo-nimbus, while effective, pales in overall flavor to inviting even the most mildly psychokinetic pubescent young folk (the twinkling eye sort) to focus a burn hole into a distant cloud with their minds. It is of course important that the exercise is presaged by a discussion of what it means to “ask permission.” In this context, the percentage of those who can do this mental cloud busting is exquisitely high. “Precipitation” is defined as molecules which gather to order. The order to gather is the seed. Water vapor becomes water drop when a fractal path is provided to call them to order. Certainly this could be visualized as a cascade from short separate molecular bond waves, to longer molecular chain/waves called “a drop.” Focus in human nervous tissue makes coherent long waves. This is touch making power, literally the nesting of a grid.








SIMPLE EXCERCISES FOR A SHAREABLE PSYCHE (with thanks to Gregg Braden) he question of inserting your body through stargates or time portals is quite a simple and practical one. If you think of the images we have shared of a compression algorithm which allows spin to converge continuously toward a common center, a good visualization can be had for this “spin path to zero point”. In biofeedback terms, this was the heart of the incunabula approach to time travel. The visual biofeedback was fractal spiralembedded images generated from your own internal EEG and micromotion. You might think of it as a way to take the wave path of all of your body’s biology and squeeze it infinitely by self-reference into a time tunnel. This pentagonal and recursive electrical geometry was the core also of the pent/deca antennae geometry of the Montauk experiments. However, what we would like to focus on here, are the psychological correlates of this experience of electrical compression. It is important that we don’t view this uncovering of the phi-based recursion symmetry of infinite compression as a sterile solution to the problems of gravity, time bending, etc. While it is all of that, it is much more important psychologically and emotionally. Try to think of the spin pattern survival dynamic of what happens to the magnetism (and therefore the memory) of flow lines converging at center. The sharing of path space at the convergence implosion moment is a psychological as well as a physical test for what is shareable. This essentially means, that if the genepool’s collective wave core is not in agreement with what you feel/think at the moment of implosion, (death or shamanic penetration) then your memories will wavecancel instead of propagate. The cancellation of waves by non-shareable (non-symmetric) interference feels like heat, the definition of resistance to spin. The same symmetry operations toward centering which when encountered non-resistively (fractally embeddable) feel super-cool (super conductive/nonlinear). This difference between lack of perfect embedding in a spin field, and perfect implosive nesting is the physics of fear (resistance to spin), versus love (Sufi fractal heart magnetic wings which embrace all of spin).







Another useful metaphor might be the idea of a central modulator of the universal radio station. In order to get voices through the squeeze play of the transmitter, a certain discipline around what could be modulated or enveloped onto the common carrier wave is necessary. The common carrier wave geometry for universally transmissible information patterns is the wave envelope of perfect embedding, or nestedness. Only fractality is infinitely compressible and therefore infinitely shareable. This is well depicted in Dr. Irving Dardik’s article in Cycles magazine on the direct relationship between onset fractality in heart rate variability and health in general. Basically, the wave envelope of what constitutes the perfect changes in heart rate looks like a perfect fern tree folded fractal. The more fractality or embedding allowed into the heart in the still point (zero place) between beats, the more the infinite spin context of the universal song can waltz with the electricity invited into the body by the perfect embedded beating heart. (“Heart Waves” in Cycles Magazine, December, 1996.) The overall quality of this psychology of where spin lives, has the feeling of the heart surgeon who cannot but bear to reach in and touch lightning because it is so exciting. In the lightning the spin is so dense that awareness or self-embedding exists on a new level. Therefore it is quite the perfect place to talk to god -- or, if you prefer, the collected electrical voice of all the DNA. Just one minor detail to contend with here, touch lightning all at once and you get quite burnt. (You might call it the “Powder” phenomenon.) You need to be very distributable to survive in memory. So what follows here are some magnetic exercises to learn the shareable among spins, emotionally. 1. Decide for yourself today that you will only think thoughts, feel feelings, you’d be pleased to share infinitely. 2. As you do this, try breathing in the perfectly shareable fractal: This spin path to zero point is a nesting path for breath to still nest; the path light sees on it’s way in to DNA when braided in perfected embedding love (the grail). Here the breath moves in and out in the geometry of perfect damping, or the perfect way to approach the icy stillness of oneness. The depth and the duration of each adjacent breath get smaller by Phi ratio (golden mean). When you reach the stillness, (preferably in a magic place) stay there in your body until the tingle tells you have finished your communion. 3. Do an experiment whereby you change an otherwise difficult situation by breathing in the Phi pattern of the perfect wave form for love’s embedding. Often when we find something messy has snuck up TWINKLING EYES LIFESTYLE





on us, we breath in the perfect “jerk” of fear. This is a sharp in breath followed by no out breath. This is the breath of fear, it’s a halt of the flow of o-x-y-gene or phi-re, says: “Stop the world, I wanna git off,” which literally asks all spin to stop. It is the mind-killer because it is the recursion killer. So the breath of love, which invites ALL of spin, is one where the point of maximum inrush is reached at the .618 point in the duration of the gentling breath. This is then the distance between fear and love, in a breath. 4. Do the above two experiments in learning to embed compassion, except instead of moving your breathing in and out, in the two depicted patterns, instead use these two road maps to embedding to change the pressure in a hug or squeeze over time, to express feeling intentionally. (Clues to tantra here also.) 5. Try arranging your: a.) magnetic stones b.) closest meditating friends c.) back yard or church d.) favorite memories e.) Sufi dance or tai chi or flame in to go in the following perfect pentagonal fractal patterns, and feel the rush of “cryst-all-eyeszing” awareness when waves agree. 6) Pretend you are arranging the cathedrals in Rennes Les Chateaux, Grail Country, as a Pent Nest Fractal for Star Habitation: Climbing the ladder of symmetry is the tree of el-eye-phi, life. Next, close your eyes, and create a container for your passion in this more than mental vortex attractor and lucid dream machine.








HOW TO TOUCH WITH THE PRESSURE WAVE OF LOVE et’s suppose you were a scholarly, academic sort of person and you were lying in bed one night with your lover who said, “Oh you just don’t touch me like you used to,” or “You don’t touch me like my other lover does.” And well by golly this was not going to get you down. You were going to solve this problem like any good academic might. You would calmly and without undue “emotion,” consult the scientific body of literature on the question, hoping that you too would become a highly-skilled “touch” person. Heavens save us if ever an academic colleague were to find out you weren’t the best in your field. And if the field of endeavor were how to touch better, then there certainly ought to be a solution right there in the scientific literature... So off you went to the college academic library because your lover said you ought to learn how to “touch.” So right there under “Geometry of Pressure” in the “touching” literature on music you found it. Yes, thank goodness, some academic had researched the question, so that you would not have to start from scratch and learn how to “touch” without academic training.


The academic who investigated geometrically how to properly touch is Manfred Clynes. His first book on the subject is called Sentics, another is called Music, Mind and Brain. His work on the known wave forms to express emotion, as a concert violinist, was featured on the Nova series, “What is Music.” Currently, users are advised to consult his web site for music custom designed to contain perfected wave forms of sonic pressure envelopes to optimize the feeling of the emotion intended. The issue, of course, is how to actually apply this information to learn how to touch better. Manfred developed a set of Sentic Cycles, in which people were given sequences of touch and visualization exercises to express emotion. Here we will braid to and add our thoughts this work. By way of introduction, in Sentics, Manfred simply has you change the pressure in the way you touch over time, and thereby express feeling. So in the chart above, the way you would change your touching pressure as you touched a spring, was mapped. (Visualize the “sentometer” as a simple button on a spring; put a pen on the button and run a chart recorder behind it, and you get a map of the change in TWINKLING EYES LIFESTYLE





Measuring the Onset & Duration of the Pressure of Emotion JOY 1/6


HATE 1/3

LOVE .618 = Phi Waveforms are adapted from Manfred Klyne's "Sentics." 0

.5 .618


Pressure vs Time Documenting the Moment of Average Touch

pressure over time on the button.) We need to understand this simply, in a way that permits us to use this information to be better touchers. Imagine that you are walking up to someone very important to you. And you are about to give them a big squeeze hug. And it was very important for you to know that your squeeze definitely conveyed the emotion you intended. This is where this chart comes in handy. In order to understand how to squeeze better, it is helpful to begin to think of your squeezing skills, as a “geometry of pressure.” At first this seems painfully analytical. But consider it this way: A squeeze, ( or hug, or touch) consists of basically three events which we may chart, as above. The first event is: the beginning of the squeeze. The last event is: the end of the squeeze. Now, somewhere in the middle area above there occurs the middle or second event: the point of maximum squeeze. Now this may all seem a bit strange, to begin to think of your squeezing time, during hugging as: begin event.. peak event.. end event.. but actually this is going to help you be a better hugger, so bare with me. If you begin to notice how soon the maximum pressure occurs in your hugs, you can begin to conceive of a RATIO. Was the maximum pressure in my hug 1/6, 1/3, 1/7, or 1/Phi into the duration of my hugging. This may at first seem to collapse the intentional rich spontaneity of hugging, but I suggest to you that the skill to hug properly, while instinctual (as Sentics proved), may also be optimized and learned, and then become instinctual at a higher level. In the chart above, I have added to the waveforms something not in Manfred Clynes’ Sentics. I have made note where the point of maximum pressure occurs in each squeeze play. And it is from these original additions that I have suggested the ratios implied by these emotions. Simply put, if you want to send joy, then the point of maximum pressure in your squeeze (hug), should be about 1/6 into the duration of the hug or squeeze. One sixth makes a wave hex whose edge length equals it’s radius, planer and space filling, but not inherently lifting off the plane in which it finds itself. Good for fixing an emotion, not good for sending. The witch’s hex fixes. Now, on the other hand if you want to send anger, your point of maximum pressure will be sooner during your squeezing practice: about 1/7 into the duration of the hug or squeeze. The seventh creates destructive harmonic interference among waves, which may be useful if you are chasing money changers out of a temple.






Now, here comes the fun part of learning to hug better. If you want your hug or squeeze to explicitly indicate LOVE, then the Sentics wave forms for emotion, tested to be a universal language for cultures the world over, have some specific instruction for you. The hug that says love, is one where the point of maximum pressure is approximately .618, or 1/Phi, into the duration of the hug or squeeze. What this says is that the love hug is explicitly more restrained initially, it is almost tantric. Specifically, you don’t go for the rush right away, you let it build awhile. And you can test to see if your love hug, according to academic standards, did in fact succeed. You wait for a little while, afterward, in gentle but specific stillness, for the love hug you just gave to settle in. (Mother said: “He’s not talking while the flavor lasts”.) Then you simply ask your experimental huggee: “Did you feel a tingle in your DNA?” Let me explain why this is the correct Electric Kool Aid Acid Test for proper academic rating of love hugs. You see, by creating a squeeze geometry of pressure, at a ratio close to the Golden Mean, you have solved the “bifurcation puzzle” (the problem of separateness for waves) and you have sent a wave cascading down the kite string, or cracked whip, from long to short. You divide a wave in this way. (The Phi-lo tactic perfect branching all-gorhythm.). The big part to the little part as ratio, equals the big part to the whole. This starts a wave interfering with itself non-destructively. And what happens when your hug wave does this? Your hug pressures add and multiply all the way down the PHI wave (Jacob’s best) ladder. And the spin of pressure cascades right down into the huggee’s DNA. So you need to know if they felt the TINGLE! This tells you if their DNA implode braided just a little more toward perfect embedding, in response to the perfect embedding of the (piezoelectric muscular) geometry of your hug. If so, then the spin density of the wave in their DNA became a bit more sustainable (recursive). And that then moved your huggee appropriately just a bit more toward immortality. (William Pensinger: “Superconductivity in DNA: Function of Braiding.”) If this moves you to practice... Try choosing three emotions and conveying them in three separate squeezes you administer to your friend. See how accurately your friend can pick up which feeling you send in which order, all with a wordless series of careful squeezes.








TRANSFORMATIONAL POLITICS AND PROPOSALS he last section of this book deals with how to make changes on a global scale. Think of it as suggestions for a twinkling-eyes planet and civilization. “Heart Beat Earth” presents a plan for a global harmonic module, linked in real time through the internet. This ambitious project is our best shot at achieving a kind of global consciousness. Using biofeedback of heart and brain waves, along with Callahan probes to measure the ELF resonance, this project could chart and facilitate a kind of planetwide simultaneous awakening. The year 2000 approaches; can we greet it with the onset of planetary sentience? Chapter two, “Understanding the Projection of the Faces of the Stars on the Faces of Earth,” looks at a proposal for a zodiac theme park where children of all ages can play with landscape angels and the embedded faces of the stars on the land. “Project Treelight,” chapter three, is a joint proposal, with Ananda of Norway, to measure the resonance of the magnetic envelopes which create microclimates around groves of trees, and record the changes produced by intentional ritual activity. The last chapter is the “Planet HeArt Works Political Platform.” This paper from the original Planet HeArt Works group, sketches twinkling-eye political changes in fields such as energy, medicine, the military, agriculture and the treatment of children. Ending with an upbeat note, this section presents four attainable proposals for real global change. How quickly we implement them may soon be a question of survival. (If you are interested in helping with any of these projects, please write or E-mail to: Sacred Earth Geometry, PO Box 877, Mt. Gilead, NC, 27306; E-mail at [emailprotected].)









HEART BEAT EARTH: project Overview A Heartfelt Entrance to the new Millennium


he changing of the millennium begs for a major event to bring humanity together into a new promise for a new sense of global compassion, peace and oneness. What if, for the year 2000, we could harmonize all the hearts on the planet into one heart resonance, and step into a higher consciousness and purity of love. Imagine: New Year’s Eve.–– the year 2000 is approaching within minutes. Over 60 million people in 120 countries are waiting to align their hearts to the natural love frequency of the planet. There is a special music composed exactly in the harmonics of Phi, the love frequency signature, which is part of a new musical scale, forming the audible embeddedness for more spin nesting, the key to the higher dimension. If enough hearts align in the same moment around the planet to this frequency we can shift the whole planet into a higher dimension or, to put it more simply, higher spin nest for a frequency fractal. What would be a better time than the year 2000’s New Year’s Eve. What a way to start the new millennium! Some of us have been involved for over ten years with projects designed to facilitate this rather global coherent emotion, trying to connect the magnetic feeling ring of human glands (love) with the very magnetic fabric of the Earth’s body. The first of these projects we called the Harmonic Module. A group of us flew to one of the world’s most advanced laboratory/laserium, Laser Fantasy in Seattle. There, with the help of Robert Mueller, we connected EKG electrodes from friends feeling resonance with each other, directly to the gimble mirror laser projectors. At the moments of phase lock in resonance entrainment between heartbeats, the laser display would momentarily go into a pattern akin to an oscilloscope lissajous. The geometry of the shape of the wave form’s momentary stability would indicate the musical harmonics of the two heartbeats, making a visible musical chord. We were always aware, that the learned and perhaps teachable ability of groups to align their breath and heartbeats, and even the Earth’s Schuman magnetic resonance heartbeat, would facilitate consensus process. This is the quantum underpinnings of collective or shared-mind experiences. Our group came to be known as the Planet HeArt- works team at the time.






Since then, technology has grown, and our understanding of the coherent relationship of emotion to the Earth’s magnetic resonances has developed as well. We have sponsored numerous replications and publications of my original work on the EKG and love. We have shown that human moments of perceived compassion are generally accompanied by a dramatic onset of harmonic ordering or coherence in the power spectra of the EKG. At our suggestion, the research was done and published, that the braid angles of DNA’s wrapping factor were increased replicably in the presence of coherence in the heartbeat. (Heart Math Institute, Glen Rein, ISSEM; see also chapter 5.) Subsequently, we were able to extend the idea that emotion can be a conscious choice to fabricate electrical ecosystems in general. We measured the onset of the heartbeat as a sonic or phonon kind of laser, entraining plants and trees hundreds of feet away. The moments when the relaxing, settling breath created a “spin path to the zero point” corresponded with a caduceus-shaped signature of the heart’s harmonics. This corresponded with frequency measures of a magnetic and capacitive spin path to zero or stillness in the tree. We have documented this using both the magnetic ELF coil technology and the Callahan biological capacitance probe. The harmonics present themselves in the low power/low end magnetic field, and in the capacitive charge envelope. Both were shown beginning to ring with the exact harmonics present in the heartbeat, at moments when groups have consciously chosen to send love to a tree! We have watched the Lexicor, brain wave 3D harmonic analyzer color map the surface of the brain according to the zones where EEG coherence, or ordered-ness, were lighting up. Phi audio harmonics in the headphones produced coherence at the brain center’s crown, which became Dr. Ed Wilson’s definition of transcendence. This same technology may now be powerfully applied to the Earth resonant grid as one living body. We place a neat package of low frequency magnetic field and Callahan biological capacitance probe sensors at sites around the planet, chosen specifically as Earth Grid key node facets. Synchronized large group experiences of the EKG PHI harmonics of love can light the Earth Grid as we watch! We provide telemetric and internet feedback from these sites to our media center where a global heads-up feedback display is prepared. We have, in the prototype phase, a simple preamp for your PC, inexpensive when produced in quantity, which will display harmonic landscape frequency signatures over time from 4 inputs. 2 brain wave, 1 heart, and 1 ELF Earth Grid coil. The software also will allow distribution of your data over internet.






Magnetic resonance harmonic analysis from three different probe technologies at each site is converted to a 3-dimensional rotating map of the earth grid. One shows Earth magnetic ELF localized coherence, one shows heart, one shows brain coherence regions among sampled sites. A computer-animated revolving map of the Earth’s sphere lights up to show which bio-regions ring more true in response to global prayer. The image of the earth will be displayed close to real time showing which sites on the planet have lit up with stronger Schumann Resonance long wave coherence. By focusing millions of people imaging the healing of a particular site, it should be possible to teach a laser-like focus to global consensus, thereby creating magnetic coherence at a chosen earth grid site. For example, the underground water veins that disappeared at Vukovar in Yugoslavia during the war, could be rebraided, reappear and be measured during global meditation. During the global-link simulcasts, we provide guided earth-healing meditation, sacred dance synchronized at multiple sites, and use visual cues of the site being healed, and biofeedback of heart sonics, breath, and also the Schuman resonance electrostatics fed back from that site. As the power of millions of people visualizing and breathing together and praying, effects the magnetic harmonics of key earth grid sites, the planet can watch our collected mind heal our Earth, in real time. When a critical mass of people synchronizes heartbeats around the globe, in lock step with a simple PC feedback interface and internet data collection, we have the potential to cohere the Earth grid itself, and create a global centering force. Massive Coherence is always Recursive/Fractal/ THE Centering Attractor. This is the simple essence of planetary consciousness. By the year 2000, millions of people will have been practicing individually and in groups, and over the internet, to phas- entrain, or lockstep their heart harmonics to their brain waves, to each other, and to the natural Schuman ringing of the Earth and her trees. In each country, groups of people will gather together to do their group meditation and group biofeedback and hear the collective heart harmonics phase-lock to the special Phi of Lo frequency Phi or Lo-Phi harmonic music. Our immediate planetary dilemma of fractionating fractality (loss of embeddedness) to hold atmosphere, ecosystem and gravity grid together, may in fact be most powerfully resolved by the most powerful magnetic centering device on the Earth, collective human love.








UNDERSTANDING THE PROJECTION OF FACES OF THE STARS ON FACES OF EARTH: A ZODIAC THEME PARK PROPOSAL f we were to ask the child in each of us why we visit a theme park, the answer behind the answer we get would likely have to do with a sense of “fun.” Translating “fun” into emotional terms, it is the presence of mind that comes with being brought-into-the present by all the braided attention it takes to “be there.” For example, on the classic roller coaster the thrill has something to do with all the awareness it takes to feel the sensation of all the waves of moving /up/down/over/back. It’s a multi-dimensional motion, a braid held together by structure and bolts into a long wave. The challenge of keeping your lunch in your stomach has to do with always knowing where the horizon of level is, in your guts, in the context of motion. We might call this sense which is tested by the “fun ride:” center of gravity, that is remembering you as you turn about. Center of gravity is a rather pervasive requirement for survival. If the windmill shakes, it won’t grind grain for long. The essence of heart rhythm is the still point between beats; finding the center. Finding the center, or symmetry point, is like looking around to know whether you are up or down on the Ferris wheel. Only your relationship to center, prepares you for the next wave in the ride. How else would you brace yourself for up instead of down, or back or… As my earthy philosopher says: Not to worry about the washing of the waves, it’s the motion of the ocean! The longer the wave shape which shapes our impression of where we are, the more solid, or context dependent, is our center, our self-knowledge. In the Orient, mythic history for where we are doesn’t stop with little Earth: it’s in the woven starry origin of our planet itself. Whether we look at “Sensitive Crystallization Processes” in Anthroposophy, or Simulacra by John Michell, we are literally covered with data on the effect of the stars faces on biology. The ice film quickly freezing on your windshield actually will change when major heavy heavenly bodies align. Biology is like ONE giant liquid crystal seeking to embed the pattern of gravity’s bloodstream with the mind of Earth. Since the shape of the light bubble we call an electron bond is homunculus and non-hom*ogenous, it’s holographic heterogeny is a spectral photograph of the position of the stars woven into the gravity bloodstream, recorded in the moment of the birth of the bond. This is more than just a trite physics apology for astrology. We dis-







cover that the higher power programming, key site aligning, braid of long wave on DNA was the gland sonics we call emotion. Then we are forced to ask: If the music of the waves we touch into each other is the “long wave” for the cell, (a kind of buck stops here, ring pass not, electric kool aid acid test for who is whom in the really important world of feeling) then who is doing the “long waving “ for Earth? God may be a good answer, but all bodies are identified by shape. (As the good book says, and if Einstein was right about the unified field, then nothing is ever identified by substance. It’s all the same to me.) Simulacra is a book about the hundreds of places around Earth where topology of the land has the shape qualities of biological forms. From faces on the sea critter shell, to “serpent mounds,” to a face of the Indian chief in the Pennsylvania rock, anthropomorphism wraps round us at every turn. To get the biggest picture, we find ourselves needing to look for bigger and bigger pictures on the face of Earth. We have been looking into very old and very new data about star scapes on the land. For many years, it has been known that a zodiac existed in the land shapes around Glastonbury. More recently much has been written about the zodiac “temple in the landscape” around Rennes Le Chateau in southern France. Studying geomantic, dowsing, and topographic data, with help from some pretty angelic sources, we find that these are among many evidences of a fractal flowering of a gridceded Earth. The thin-film semiconductor “biomass” on the film surface of Earth, appears to be “zone refined” by Zodiac herself! “Zone refined” means conductive and non conductive zone regions in the micro-architecture, are segregated magically by an applied field. This is how cathedrals in paramagnetic stone inside computer chips are carved. The macro shapes on the living Earth are being long woven into life, like a snake by a charmer, by the weft and woof of the star’s gravity suction boots on the eddies of our own soft clay called tectonics. We will know when Earth is “of a mind,” when she finishes preparing her face to meet. She becomes a chip off the old block. So when we ask, “where shall our children play?” God says build them a model of a star castle, where they shall learn to create galaxies by focusing bodies of light. Biology now peeks at what holds bodies larger than people together. Our galactic body contains a metabolism which is both educational and ecstatic. It is a good metaphor for sculpting in the language of light. The angel/angle-ic logoi-sculpted Earth of a grid projected on film from the galactic hologram, a nest for “fallen” angels, a field for dreams. The plan made a grid for subtle bodies to be raised up inside of. Now that the flash point is reached, biology launches that flame, the memory of how star stuff makes bios into logos and back, to return the memory and reinhabit the galactic spaces whose star cedes. TRANSFORMATIONAL POLITICS & PROPOSALS





Not to be poetic, it’s simply a question of using the film made from the coherent light in time to project back the shape of the memory it contains. Object makes film, then film recreates object. What’s nice about roses, is that each time you grow them out, something is added to the genepool. The Earth grid is a projection of zodiac maps, 12 zodiac houses onto 12 Earth grid dodeca faces. Fractal upon fractal. Much is to be learned here. The logistics are not complicated. We know how to find these places on the landscape. There are many. We know how to locate the site archetypes by their feeling quality, and to enhance the sacred space by stone and pool and column. Add music and color and a message on the wall about that site and initiation. Add a play on the stage, for that stage in life’s drama, and “phiat lux” (poof) a living body of tingling presence (“fun”) is born.–– like a crystal from a seed in a liquid — upon the land. We could bring much to the table for developing land properly for living body sacred space, based on the largest body we know: the zodiac. The Earth is rolling and coasting in the theme park of the stars. Our motion sickness will subside into digested memories, if we can but keep our view focused on the widest horizon. Thank you for inviting us to share some how-to, on the life space of the star-bodies, for your projected “theme-park” on the universal school of life. We are ready to ply layers of research like skin upon those who come to see that the solemn bone-chilling cathedral (w)ring of feeling, and a dance around the hills of the “fun” park feed the same hunger to touch by “presence” of long wave, the body of ONE.








PROJECT TREELIGHT: MAGNETIC FEEDBACK KEEPS TREES ALIVE, AS WELL AS ALL OF LIFE The Health of the Whole Biosphere Depends Directly on the Health of the Magnetic Domain A Project, Using Scientific Bio-Feedback, to Measure the Resonance Magnetic Envelopes Which Create Micro Climates Over Trees, Which Will Show the Effect of Human Power Grids and Human Emotion on the Survival of Earth’s Forests. “Not only is stable gravity the wind of magnetism permitted by-fractal sym metry to go between frequencies in a cascade, but magnetism is also actually the wind on which love travels.”


he purpose of electrically measuring critical factors affecting tree health is to increase the rate of feedback helping us to become more “self-aware” of success in our magnetic and spiritual work to heal a network of critical forest areas. In so doing we will establish a precedent for friends willing to take action to help forests succeed in energetically ringing the spin information they need from their environment. In the work of Callahan and others, it is increasingly clear that the trees need to couple with the Schuman and natural magnetic ringing of the Earth in order to be healthy. In a sense they succeed in swapping (capacitive) “charge” energy with their ecosystems by being themselves literally a structural fractal. We are now beginning to measure the charge envelope power spectra around trees. Trees are a ringing Earth-grid capacitor antenna, specifically entrained when the glandular electricities of human emotion become harmonically fractal or recursive. (The frequency signature makes a pretty cascade-like fourier series, all lined up and dancing in phase.) The trees more ordered ringing begins with what is called the Schuman resonance, then sets up a harmonic series in the very same range of ELF harmonics that we are finding in the heart power spectra that accompanies human compassion. It is profoundly important that the same information bandwidth is used by the heart, the brain, and forest to set up the conditions for coherent and efficient information transfer. They are all speaking to each other in the 0 to 20 Hz frequency spectrum! It is probable that the information itself is not in these long wave lengths, but rather that TRANSFORMATIONAL POLITICS & PROPOSALS





The Native American Medicine Wheel is an example of a stone circle template. This version was originally envisioned by Sun Bear, a Chippewan Medicine Man, who spent the later years of his life (as if anticipating our present need) teaching people how to build medicine wheels, how to do ceremony to honor the spirits of the land, and how to serve the greater community of humankind.


the handshaking protocol which establishes discipline to begin data transfer requires this low frequency phase lock. And the trees are all using capacitive charge or “ringing” as the information template upon which later the magnetic flow system will follow the hints of what is at first simply a light series of pressures or voltages. The point is again, as Celestine Prophecies has indicated, that all life’s interactions are about becoming charged o,r as we say simply, about “spin.” So in the case of our human spin relation with forests, some very simple measurement techniques will help us realize when our magnetic and spiritual techniques to heal our trees are succeeding. If we make 4 or 5 specific assay measures of forest magnetic health, before and after a powerful series of spiritually sophisticated interventions, then we can accurately measure the effect. In general the interventions combine geomancy, feng shui, grid engineering, and heart-centered prayer or focusing of emotion. We dowse and/or map dowse the principle geometry of magnetic bloodlines inhabiting the subject landscape. This is very much like a doctor learning where there are blockages in the arteries. We construct a paramagnetic stone circle and labyrinth at carefully prescribed geomantic and dowsed water dome or magnetic line-crossing sites associated with the tree stand. Like the vertices of any platonic solid, water/magnetic crossing sites in the Earth grid always have an odd number lines crossing at a node. We reflect this in the symmetry of paramagnetic stones we place around the water dome or ley cross. A stone circle gives the magnetic donut domains of the bioregion a chance to enter vorticity and inversion to self-sort non-symmetric (non-shareable) magnetic spin memories out of the flow geometry in the Earth. It is like providing a drain for wetlands, over tangled with too much pressure, and not enough symmetry or fractality to blossom. The land will be homeopathically and radionically remineralized. A specific and clear attempt is made in the process to contact and set up a long term working relationship with the elementals of the forest. As part of the magnetic measures, a formal attempt will be made in writing to notify the apparent producers of whatever magnetic ELF poison is obviously inhabiting the land, if any. For example, even if the power transformers or lines are many hundreds of yards away, if 60 or 50 cycle magnetic pollution is measurably bleeding the area, the noise producer will be formally informed, and an attempt will be made using the local media to make the poisoning of the forest by ELF known to the community responsible for paying the bills of that power generation. More spiritual forms of ritual designed to connect the magnetic fractal of the forest, with it’s broader ecosystem, will be included. After setting up a carefully dowsed stone circle with a palpable mag351




netic bubble, they would encircle it in human ritual, consciously setting the spin direction going in Sagittarius Aquarius visualization. A very clear statement of intention Cosmic requesting the trees be given the spin they need Emotional Spirit Social to remain healthy in their information link to a (Above) Scorpio Pisces much larger and also very self-aware biosphere. Air Child Water (Back) (Left) The data informs us that the thoughts in our Conceptual Sensory Boaz Jochim heart set the electrical pattern for our surroundAries Libra ings; our test is now to use that skill to serve our (East) (West) immediate ecosystems and micro climates. After Mother Father Fire Physical Chapel this ritual the tree and stone circles would Earth (Fr ont) Perilous (Right) become sites where plants, animals, and people Taurus Matter V irgo (Below) could all come to be healed by charge. Psychic Mythic The alignment of intention, a spin-centering Leo Gemini with the Christ principle wave body of the Earth, Cancer is described by Ananda. In principle this idea of (South) entering the stillness or “zero point” for infinite Another example of a stone circle template is the Zodiacal potential information density is not difficult to Earth Temple (ZET), the first in recent years to be integrated geomantically into the earth grid. This was understand, even for a physicist. We have long accomplished on the winter solstice of 1991, at the exact moment when the full moon was eclipsed. Composed of known that an ordered (Golden Mean –– idealized concentric circles of different numbers and types of rock, lo-phi centered) harmonic series produces an the above diagram labels the meaning of each of the specially-charged rocks. information cascade to zero point energy. This magnetic monopole or scalar wave produces coupling to gravity in conventional physics (Einstein on the magnetic monopole). At the zero point, scientists have long believed we will find an infinite energy source. What we now must only add to that not-so-revolutionary notion is that the infinite energy source at the zero point is necessarily at the same time by virtue of being “infinitely multiply connected,” an infinite information source. Specifically, that is to say that here only total consensus or shareability rules. Symmetry par excellence. Home for memory. Heaven for spin. Christ’s body is the principle of perfected crystallization, perfected coherence, perfected fractal recursion. Because the zero point harmonic series can be accessed only where spin density, or symmetry density is maximum, the human body’s best shot at it is the total symmetry density in the heart’s electrical geometry. Once magnetic resonance entrained to many axis of spin (or mind) at once, is established in the heart, then the brain/body system can be phonon entrained to this master oscillator. This establishes the information path into biology from the collective mind. Heart to brain to body, this is indeed a trialogue of agreement, a divine trinity of resonance. Capricorn (North)

The magnetic biological assay measurement techniques to compare before and after effect, and provide biofeedback for these forest saving activities include: TRANSFORMATIONAL POLITICS & PROPOSALS





1. Measuring the magnetic flux permeability of several key soil samples near the center of the chosen forest. The techniques described by Professor Phil Callahan would be used. Specifically, how much work it takes for Mother Nature to push magnetism through the soils is an indication of how easy it is for Earth to feed the trees with the contextual magnetic information they need in order to blossom. Large scale stone dolmenic type alignments, and remineralization, and human-elemental cooperation by installing more symmetry on the land, should definitely improve magnetic flux conductivity. These are the same measures which can in a sense predict if the people living on that soil are likely to fractionate and go to war. 2. Similarly we measure comparative soil compacting. Gary Skillen and others have repeatedly suggested soil compacting is badly aggravated by magnetic ELF pollution. Less magnetic recursion available in soil, means less life is fed, and less tilth, and less air and moisture braided in the Earth like a sponge. Magnetism acts like the fabric of weft and woof which suspends the sponge from going flat. Air in the soil is one of it’s chief sources of paramagnetism. Without braid-like suspensions of air and water, soil loses its ability to make the pretty lotus petal, magnetic domain pictures which feed plants by informing them which way to turn as they unfold. When we lose the magnetism fed micro-organisms, we loose lightness in the soil in every sense. 3. We make several key site graphs of the background magnetic resonance near big old trees. This we do before and after intervention. Is the site polluted by 60 and 50-cycle noise? Is the weak but information bloodstream of the Schuman resonance able to reach the tree? We make this measure by using the simple output of a 100-thousand turn coil HiMu inductor into the same 3D chart spectrum analyzer, we use for EKG and Brain wave analysis. The color landscape formed by the harmonic content or power spectral plot over time, makes a dramatic before and after picture for the lobby at our Geomancy school. If there is a long orderly “valley” in the plot near the Schuman approx. 8 Hz harmonic series, we see health possibility. If there is only nasty harmonics of the power grids 60 or 50 Hz, we see real likelihood of tree death. 4. In exactly the same way we plot the ever so much more subtle and responsive charge envelope around the tree. We have much more easily been able to see the effect of a circle of friends hugging a tree. We do this by using a sensitive “biological” capacitor probe into the same IBVA computer “brain wave” spectrum analyzer. A simple scope probe is wound with a biological dielectric, hemp twine, and dipped in sea water. The results are dramatic. We can also do these plots during the interventions. 5. We photograph the trees and their energy aura, using revolutionary photo-development techniques pioneered in France. We should TRANSFORMATIONAL POLITICS & PROPOSALS





actually be able to see improvements in the blue magnetic web and gridworks in the “aura” magnetic envelope about the area. We should not underestimate the power of ritual/stone and the focused magnetism of emotion. If we would like less catastrophic weather and tectonic upheavals, this is specifically the engineering we must learn. These planet-wide magnetic upheavals, are literally and specifically, collective emotions. Only if we can emote collectively and braid our ecosystems with coherent emotion can we save our planet. This is no arbitrary test for survival of our genepool. It is the perfect test. If we can learn to braid electrical space with the harmonics which love weaves, then we have passed the ring pass (k)not gate to the privilege of doing that same activity for the braid creation of star systems and galaxies with our similar but much unpacked and blossomed electrical bodies. Connection with zero point between Universe and tree occurs through a moment of folded compassion. That timeless feeling, when one’s focus is completely in the present, encompassing the folded space of the past and futures. As an ice skater who brings in her arms to speed up and have more spin, the thought tentacles that are brought from past and future to present and centered, concentrate intense spin and awareness. Here in the center of the lightning of spirit lies the infinite information hook-up which living cells require to survive. This electric fractal information concentricity whispers the meaning and direction of a “long-wave” context. The long wave connection to all that is. What is useful in the rhythm of the breath to accomplish this connection? The depth of each succeeding breath moves toward stillness in a perfect, damped sine wave as the thoughts approach the stillness of pure principle by the same path. When you feel the connection you, find your breath at zero, till you have folded as much spin into yourself as you can hold. The tentacles of the distributed awareness of spirit in the still mind as they reach to the heart of the Earth tree fractal.

OPERATION TREE LIGHT part 2, by Ananda, in Norway in association with Dan Winter & Friends This project uses the living antenna systems of Earth: trees. We are in an unconscious symbiotic relationship with them through the equal exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide. This relationship of the breath, tunes whole bio-regions, weaving the breath and life of tress to the people who consume their fire-oxygene. Since the heart brain system dance to the drummer of the breath, this entrains the heart waves of love and super conscious states of mind into greater harmonic attunements, to instill the harmonic resonance which distills pollution TRANSFORMATIONAL POLITICS & PROPOSALS





and illness in trees, and through which creates a harmonic gravity bubble domed to the trees, to feed the land. All conscious, aware life forms dance to the greater harmonics which stabilize or tune the musical string intensities of the electromagnetic grid field of the planet in the chosen bio-region. This project was initially inspired by a cosmic consciousness experience with domains of individuality who call themselves Emmanuel, initially in Switzerland in August 1986. Then together with, so called, extraterrestrial intelligences, which did physically manifest in the process, including witnesses. This project was carried out on the hills in the Avalon area of England, namely the Cerne Abbas areas, where grid engineering was initiated. Operation Tree Light establishes a task force, now in Europe, and shortly globally, which will be dedicated to the grid engineering tuning of the musical instrument of planet Earth in resonance with the solar system changes. Oversoul Bioradionics, or How to Properly Hug a Tree! When the Superconscious or psychokinetic-capable person hugs the tree, breathing with the heart and the mind, with love, the tree is tuned to the unified zero point that is in all points. We breathe to expand and connect with all of the trees, as our lungs braid all of the air by their rhythm. Through this feeling imprint burned in by breath, we psychically scan the mineral horizon, or ELF horizon of magnetic flow, and ELF envelope of capacitive charge. We visually make a frequency signature imprint, a light image holographic plate — an image which can be accurately translated into memory, including riding along the individual diversified highways of all 5 sense modalities. This light image frequency signature of love emotion is made in the brains complete 8 Hz susceptible bi-lobe synchronization, as a holographic plate. Then the soil undergoes mineral analysis, and/or testing magnetic flux permeability, and/or checking the amount of Hz charge content maintained in the trees, and the major missing mineral(s) uncovered. A living sample of that mineral (or minerals) is given to the bioradionics superconscious capable generating person, who breathes through love coherence and makes a frequency signature of that mineral as a light image holographic plate recorded in hemi-sync. Essentially it is simpler to broadcast the missing mineral puzzle of symmetry radionically, rather than to wait for rocks to be ground up. The food for the soil and trees was the pattern itself, which we can create and broadcast inside of ourselves if we flex our focus and “gravity muscles”. Then the person undergoes the shift into superconsciousness by allowing the infinite harmonic unity of the Oversoul to broadcast the TRANSFORMATIONAL POLITICS & PROPOSALS





higher love light signals through both living image plates so that they are wed and the field has been harmonically tuned by love, by at least 10 persons. This can also be done while hugging the tree in equal distribution throughout the cluster of trees, until the resonant harmony has been established, felt and measured between all trees aligned to the central tree(s). Thus the tree as a magnetic temple instrument has been harmonically tuned, so that the forest can receive its Oversoul awareness which inhabits harmonic resonance as clothing.

OPERATION STONE LIGHT Utilizing the ancient knowledge of the druids, shamans and American Indians, as well as superconscious guidance systems, and grid-mapping, dowsing, body sensitive biofeedback and Dr. Phil Callahan’s device to measure the gravity bubble and magnetic field in a given area, orchestrate this energy flow into a harmonic synthesis in which sacred proportions feed the land, harmonizing the electromagnetic fields, and ELF (Extremely Low Frequency) cycles of the given are. This creates a balanced north-pole south-pole relationship interchange, that allows a living vortex of greater overtone harmonics to create the attraction for the higher energy safety net grids and light grid networks of cosmic intelligence, to be anchored into these zones. They then become the living intercommunication links between all unity or still points of equalized harmonics of activation. This creates another link in the riverbed through which the greater energy streams from Operation Mountain Light may flow. These stones, made of a balance of different paramagnetic, or stationary paramagnetic rock/crystal materials, are required to hold and translate greater N-space energies into Earth life wave synthesis. These living light mandalas, generating the harmonics for life, would be aligned to local lakes, and the forests in the surrounding domain. OPERATION MOUNTAIN LIGHT The ancient mountains of this planet have acted as natural pyramid transducers of the energy frequencies of the Earth grid, and if their proximity was closer to the north pole, such as the Jotunheimen mountains in Norway, they also conduct the greater interplanetary energy streams that are being attracted and disseminated by the affect of the pole. Many of the grid rivers will flow and have their river beds of energy harmonics prepared, with alignment to these mountains or magnets of charge.






OPERATION WATER LIGHT Operation Water Light is where the liquid crystal conducting capacity of water is utilized in the activation of the unity grid. Where, using the radionics principle, the superconscious capable person, charges with the harmonics of love a series of samples of the water of a given lake, per example, and then reintroduces the water into the lake, at numerous sites in harmonic proportions, around the lake. If the temperature permits, this project could include whole groups of superconscious generating persons, immersing their bodies in the lake and breathing with the water,who extend their heart harmonic love waves throughout the charge of the lake, so that this long wave of resonance is carried throughout the charge of the crystalline water molecules. These Operation Water Light swimmers, should be distributed in harmonic proportions throughout the lake. Vorticular movements and dances should also be induced with the dance movements in ecstasy, or the arm movements of harmonic, vortex-producing spirals which are experiences in the harmonic field affect of love. Operation Water Light may also work with the alignment of streams in geometric proportions, and through very small canals to give the life base attraction needed to a given area in need of such conduction capabilities in its musical instrumental tuning. Dan Winter explains the geometry in these principles and other Water Light Projects: Flow in water is ordered by the same principles of coherence as magnetism in general. Therefore we can intelligently increase the coherence and therefore the life in the water by means of geometry in braid of flow. The concept of the floform is the embodiment of coherent braidedness. By adding wave structures which permit larger and smaller wave front spin systems to be superposed without resistance, coherence, even in molecular spin density becomes possible. It is this increase in the spin density down to molecular levels, which overall macro and micro symmetry-patterning make possible, which “heals” water in the floform. The essence of this principle is simple. When water is able to encompass more molecular spin in neater packed geometry, it is also “eating`’ or consuming more magnetic flux lines. Water is naturally piezoelectric because it is usually doped or tuned to electrical activity by dissolved mineral. The presence of more and more nests of magnetic flow lines in water, makes it informational more responsive to its electrical environment. since this kind of feedback loop, as it folds in to greater recursion produces greater responsiveness, it should be thought of simply as increased “self awareness” in the very electrical water on the land. By building flow forms in critical magnetic areas in the forest, operation waterlight increases the life in the waters ability to be inhabTRANSFORMATIONAL POLITICS & PROPOSALS





ited by ‘”mind.” Operation Water Light may also require that highly active and alive and charged mountainous water is added to more static water source points to encode and excite the sleeping electromagnetic consciousness of the given water body to the frequency charge of life which has been reintroduced into its waters. This memory exchange would thus transmit, partly through proto-communication, the greater spin complexes of life, and thus the lake or given water body, in general would be more receptive to the human projects of love wave attunements in the water body, which can act as a realistic catalyst for at least some of the potential inserted into its experience from the living mountain water, to come into potentialization. OPERATION EARTH SYNCHRONIZATION & The New Jerusalem Task Force (OPERATION GRID CITY OF LIGHT) by Ananda in Norway With the electromagnetic B-field decay of the planet • the reported increase in the base resonant frequency of the planet • the increased rate of global Earthquakes • increased cosmic ray bombardment • the sun contraction by 16 KM a century since the 1600’s • 15 planetary alignments on one side of the solar system from 1978-86 for the first time in 20,000 years • intense sunspot activity possibly leading to one intense giant series of side-by-side solar flares or mini nova calculated at around 2013 based on present sunspot cycles • the increase in photon (particle of light) emission from the body’s of test subjects from diverse backgrounds selected from all walks of life • The solar system emergence into a possible neutrino-like sun • an increased wobble in the Earth’s magnetic pole and axial tilt • the planets slowing spin rate • the ancient highly accurate ancient astronomer codex the Mayan calendar placing the ending of time at 2012 • Timewave zero as a wave graph that runs through time, constructed from all possible combinations of the 64 hexagrams of the most ancient King Wen I-Ching sequence (correlated by science to the 64 DNA codons) — a graph which ends 2012 • with the reported increase in the brain of psychoactive neurotransmitters able to carry more electron spin resonance information, being released from the pineal gland through various incubation and O-methyl enzymatic processes, as an alchemical stairway to superconsciousness; and the reported acceleration of time, with the atomic clocks having been changed two times in 1992: It is about time that we as the living biotransducers of focused consciousness, utilizing the liquid love carriers — our blood crystals, act as the wedding ring to marry the greater sky grid long waves of stability into the key grid points on the planet, as attuned safety nets TRANSFORMATIONAL POLITICS & PROPOSALS





which align the holographic electromagnetic grid system of our planet into attunement through the frequency shift and Earth changes. Our global step is to inaugurate the wisdom of the ancients together with direct cosmic conscious guidance, to meet the greater cosmic conscious intelligence half-way, at the gravity well doorways, “flavor sinks” which lead into greater atomic density and gravity modulation. (more spin: more mind.) By knocking on these gates with the hands of the harmonics of love, we open the doors of the New Jerusalem. Higher grid harmonics, a foundation of light, stabilizes these areas, and harmonizes and phase locks natures codes into the interplanetary gravity overlap grids of stability. This makes the planets transition through change-over as smooth as possible. We must ensure the survival and adjustment of our biosystems to new musical arrangements of phase locked modulation through the ecstasy of love as the harmonic stairway to planetary superconsciousness. Gravity herself is stabilized and braided alive, self-aware, and recursive, when Earth’s magnetic spins and processes are tuned fractal to solar and stellar rotation times.








PLANET HEARTWORKS POLITICAL PLATFORMS lanet HeArtWorks would like to announce how we shall pay our debt to our Dear Mother Gaia. In our collective adolescence we have decided at last we shall never really love unless we are remothered. We would establish a bond of power with Earth, “in touch” with her wavelength. It is good for us to study how to sweep up the house after an untidy childhood. But like all mothers what she really needs from her child’s Crystallizing bio-membrane, is that we be all that we can be. Only this will repay her. If the powerful woman Galaxy (Isis/Nuit) Milky Way takes the genetic memory envelope “child of Earth” (Osiris/Geb) as a lover, for a seed immunized against fear, then this mother Earth will be satisfied. Earth now is zygote seed about to replicate. The dimpling of the zygote into torus donut before division has begun. You have seen the “Northern Lights” move south. You have seen “El Nino,” the Little (Christed) One, pulse and phase shift to new slip knots on the surface of mem-ory-brane. The egg-like magnetic domain of Earth is reaching out to an erotic solar throb from her toroidal vortex burning heart, making the necessary flying buttress arcs to create space in the all faces consumed. Cathedral within.


We have been studying the transmission baud rate between the genetic material of biomass, and the Earthgrid, and the codons of the solar/galactic calendric. They are all based on the trigrams of the I Ching mapped onto the dodecahedron. The mechanism which completes the tie between them is the simplest phase/face coherence of the laser or the healing heart or the EEG at the moment of “miracle.” Nothing could be so simple to learn... The fetus learned that love was the waltz because the third beat after the mother’s heart “lub-dub” was the gentler sound of the reflection of the heart wave off the aortic crotch cradling the fetus. The same heart sonic reflection which Bentov showed phase locked the liquid brain. We have succeeded in displaying a laser lissajous pattern, where the space opening between the vertical and horizontal was the phase lock between a Mother’s heart and that of her fetus. The phase-ratio alphabet is not only the universal alphabet of the heart programming the immune identity, it is the architecture of the TRANSFORMATIONAL POLITICS & PROPOSALS





long wave we ride to the stars. Biology is the carrier wave, and listening is the tuner. Using biofeedback to tune up the listening chord between heart and breath and EARTH, from small self to larger identity, is as easy as letting your skin warm to a lover. The “Order of the Red Hand” were those who learned to vasodilate, warm the hand, to enter the antennae-listening mode. There is a kind of donut turning inside out between the constricted urban fight/flight and the wet feet in Earth other listening silent electric long wave subtlety of group mind. We create a soft spot to enact the dimpling into donut, an ozone membrane melting-cup runneth over with love.–– now ready to touch other.–– kind of moment. So much loving Eros is ready to flow out that burning fountain. Recognizing the need for really fresh ideas for our country’s material and spiritual health, the Planet HeArtWorks friends wish to offer these ideas for our national “experiment in sharing”. We wish to give voice to these concerns for our collective body, knowing the need for our collective mind to have voice in order to have identity, as in self-knowing. If you choose to support these ideas, may we be of One United State of Mind. ENERGY: Instead of having the CIA and the patent bureau harass developers of non-linear and gravity coupling energy devices, which will quickly end our fossil fuel wet-nursing on Mother Earth, we shall endeavor to openly support them. The unified field absolutely insists on the coupling between gravitational and magnetic forces. Faraday disk, and non-linear capacitive devices which tap the universal field for electrical energy are potentially wonderful, yet when Tesla rung the planet for energy transmission he caused Earthquakes. The universal energy field’s coherence is not free; biology helped put it there. When we are responsible to the symbiosis of biology to Earth’s part in the Solar bubble, a whole new class of energy devices will be quickly developed. MEDICINE: The malpractice crisis will end quickly when we acknowledge that pain and disease are not a mistake by the creative universe, to be fought against. They are an exquisite feedback system designed to teach how to eat and feel and think, in order to glow in health. Health practitioners can never take responsibility for someone’s health; that “fights” against the purpose for which biology invented pain: to teach healthy living. Once medicine only provides advice on how to heal ourselves, healers won’t need insurance. It was absurd for government to legislate who could be a healer, since everyone is. There are as many healing modalities as there are ways to build houses or teach reading. Government should provide advice on healing modalities, TRANSFORMATIONAL POLITICS & PROPOSALS





but we must be as free to choose our healer as we are to choose our spiritual counselor, or our plumber. The AIDS crisis will disappear as soon as legitimate rites to ecstatic process are offered. (And this does not mean chemically-induced.) Ecstasy and the love bond are the legitimate right of everyone, and are what the promiscuous and the druguser seek. True contextual love and the possibility of the remembrance sweet ecstatic process serve that deep biological urge to touch and share memory. The proper use of architecture and dance and music and nutrition provide a platform wherein biology through our nervous system does reach an ecstatic communion. We all have been seeking that. Alcohol, sexual abuse, drugs, and were just temporary cul-de-sacs on our path to satisfy that appropriate need for total communion. Medical literature, in saliva studies on the affect of Mother Theresa films, already shows the presence of love improves immune function. We can now understand why: coherence is the membrane, and the emotion. We can have the honor of this dance together. MILITARY & THE ENVIRONMENT: It’s simple, our military technology needs employment, and our service to the Earth need’s discipline. Perfect match. We combine the Peace Corps and GreenPeace, then have them swap budgets, resources, personnel etc., with the pentagon. While at first this idea may seem a bit extreme, if we look at the need for a team to address eco-catastrophe and socio-structure collapse, just the kind of major resources we have budgeted for military could be very gainfully employed cleaning up environmental messes, building housing for the homeless, and meeting emergency medical and nutritional needs of displaced persons around the globe. There certainly could be no better peacekeeping role for what was once a military force. At the same time this mobilization of personal and resources would give a saving outlet for our productivity focused economy. AGRICULTURE: Instead of intentionally legislating the end of family farming for decades, we encourage it as a healthy lifestyle. Sustainable agriculture, remineralization, minimum ground-breaking, organic farming, are our only hope to complete the feedback loop between what we take from the Earth, and what we give. Only vibrant foodstuffs can serve joy in people. THE CITIES: Cities can survive only if real community is born in them. And we must provide places even in the inner city, for living close to the Earth. The Schuman electrical information resonance umbilicus is what informs us daily of the feelings of Earth. In concrete canyons, we live in electromagnetic shock, ripped off from the resonance bloodstream of our collective self. We must not live ApartMeant. As we develop away from fossil fuel, noise and bad air, we shall TRANSFORMATIONAL POLITICS & PROPOSALS





again be able to feel the embracing ring and call of the longer wave which envelops us. In the meantime we may need to each go back to the land in our own way. We must each ask ourselves if this daily bread we struggle for really serves. You can measure the success of your daily service by how much improvement there is the twinkle of the eyes of those whom you serve. THE MEDIA: America never exported anything so successfully as our media. The eyes and the nervous system of a global body, may deserve the best nutrients. But this is only when they perform the highest level of service to that body. The age of the computer is a lesson in the gathering and ordering of memories. The test of eternity is the test of what can forever be shared. As the horizon of vision grows, so does the horizon of compassion. Our Planet Heart that Works is a completion of the extending of family. ELECTRONIC DEMOCRACY: When the inexpensive economics of real time feedback/voting (like the two way cable TV) is uncovered, we shall know the real meaning of hooked up feedback producing consensus process/collective mind. The government should actively work with the cable and satellite and other media top quickly turn the small scale experiments in electronic democracy, into a need real time feedback/ voting/voice/fun involved government. CHILDREN AND GOVERNMENT. As Spencer said, if the President traveled with a committee selected of the most compassionate children, seldom could the feedback of the young be denied. Even as children’s singing cleanses the air, national children’s model UN could take real voices of the young and give them direct involvement in government, and be a boon to meaning in education. OTHER IDEAS: Give policemen quotas for how many friends they help out of difficulty, instead of how many tickets they give out. Offer universal government swapouts for lawnmowers traded in for gardening and tree planting materials. Offer regular government tax increases on sugar, alcohol, tobacco and other health destructives, to directly fund holistic health education for young people.






Earth Heart - PDFCOFFEE.COM (2024)
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Name: Margart Wisoky

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Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.